Chapter 20

Nephrite had Makoto in stitches recalling every humorous anecdote he could about Tokyo's elite. A very similar scene could be seen at the drinks table with Kunzite and Rei and, a little further on at the edge of the dance floor with Jadeite and Mina. Rei was surprised to see the usually stoic man giving half smiles as he recalled these humorous events – it made the stories even more entertaining. He and Nephrite gave more PG versions of the stories while Jadeite was giving Mina the X-Rated ones (how else was he supposed to describe the mayor or Tokyo's lustful tryst with the pool boy being found out by his wife in the most scandalous way?). Mina kept stopping to breathe but Jadeite had her giggling all over again. Zoicite and Ami, the ever mature couple, were accosted by Zoicite's headmaster at his highly prestigious high-school. They were now stuck in a boring conversation about how the school's finances were going. Mamoru and Usagi were at the buffet table talking about Usagi's latest essay – Usagi was doing most of the talking and Mamoru was just listening. He was thinking about how much the girl he once knew grew up and she became this beautiful woman in front of him. He longed to touch her long blonde hair to see if it still felt like silk. His mind, his body and his soul were screaming in unison for her – a touch, a kiss…anything that would make him feel one more time.

"Mamo-chan?" Usagi waved a hand in front of his blank expression. Mamoru immediately snapped out of it.

"I am so sorry Usako, I was thinking that I have a lot of essays to read through when I go home."

"I thought as a PhD student you just had to work for the hospital?" Mamoru nodded.

"Yes, but my supervisor really thinks that I have the makings of an academic so he asked me to help out with his first years when I can. I teach a few times a semester and I help him with the marking."

"Was he right?" Usagi's smile was dazzling. He stole a mini vol-au-vent with brie and bacon and stuffed it in his mouth before replying.

"I still don't know. You remember Dr Fukihama?" Usagi nodded. "Well, he agrees that I should explore both options, especially if I am that good as my supervisor says, but ultimately he wants me to end up as a surgeon."

"Yes… but what do you want?" Usagi stole another vol-au-vent and looked back at Mamoru, trying to chew her food in the most lady-like manner she could muster.

"I want…" Mamoru sighed. He knew what he wanted but he always doubted his choices.

"You want to be a surgeon." Mamoru nodded.

"But then I keep thinking that if I am as good at academia like my supervisor says, then shouldn't I become an academic? What do you think?" Usagi grinned at him.

"It took so many years of dating, and so many years apart for you to finally ask for my opinion." Mamoru gave her a sad smile.

"Usako, I always valued your opinion."

"But you never asked for it."

"I'm asking for it now, would you please give it to me?" Usagi faked thinking for a while before laughing.

"My opinion will cost you something dearly."

"Name your price." Mamoru laughed.

"You're a rich man so money won't mean anything. I'll have to cash in on this later on." The boy just laughed at her again. Her tone became serious again. "I think you're doing the right thing right now – playing both fields and testing out the waters. You've wanted to become a surgeon for so long that you've disregarded other options. However, my opinion, payment on which I will cash in later, is that you would be…you are actually, an excellent surgeon. You have an inquisitive nature that goes beyond just books. Remember you took apart your motorcycle and put it back together again just because you wanted to see how it works? Every time we cooked at your house, you would never follow the recipe completely because it was different in practice than it was on paper. What you could potentially do is be a full time surgeon and go to the University to lecture as a guest lecturer."

"That doesn't happen. All lecturers are academics."

"But you're doing a PhD. Why would a doctor do a PhD if they won't utilise their skills? Isn't it rare for a doctor to be doing one?"


"Kunzite is doing a PhD because, well he is being funded by the government and I'm pretty sure he already has a job set up for him in his field. It's natural for him to be getting a PhD because of the nature of his field."

"Jadeite and Nephrite are also thinking of doing PhDs, as is Zoicite."

"Zoicite would do well to realise what he wants to focus on before thinking that far ahead. That boy has changed majors way too many times."

"I do see him having like 3 PhDs just because he can't decide."

"Ami would kill him." They both laughed at the image of the petite girl killing the much taller and muscular boy.

"So, you really think I would make an excellent surgeon?"

"Ok, so after dinner with Mr Fukihama, Mina and I were really upset with their daughter's death and we told the other girls. We researched Renon and her family and, turns out, Mr Fukihama is actually a world renowned doctor who has actually been paid to go abroad and train new doctors and do surgeries on really rich and famous people."

"He is brilliant at what he does!"

"My point is, so are you. You are so young, yet you have all these amazing experiences." Mamoru smiled at her.

"I had a lot of opportunities."

"Which you took advantage of. Think of it this way – there are a lot of people who get through life because they have a lot of connections. But it doesn't matter who your connection is, it matters how you use that connection once you've made it."

"That's actually…quite wise." Usagi smirked.

"My dad always said that. He would always get passed over for a promotion at work because of younger, unexperienced reporters having really high connections. He would work himself to the bone for his stories and he poured his heart and soul into his writing. When his boss changed, he asked him into his office and he asked him whether it bothered him that so many people were getting promoted over him. You know my dad, he was super easy-going and said that as long as he worked hard and continued working at the newspaper which he so loved, he wasn't going to complain. His boss must have loved that because three weeks later he got promoted.

In his position, he was asked a lot of times to push through promotions for unworthy people from higher up management, which he obviously did because what can you do in these situations but this. He noted how after having a talk with all of those people he promoted, there were a few who actually listened to him and really took his words to heart when he said that they were very lucky to get this opportunity – he had never seen them working that hard before."

"I knew Mr. Tsukino was a very wise man. Congratulations on his promotion by the way!" Usaki beamed.

"Thanks! He wanted a promotion for so long so he could help pay for university."

"I thought you were self-funded."

"Partially. I mean, I do try to spend as little as possible, but my parents help out a bit. I'd rather they saved up for Sammy."

"Where does he want to go." Usagi grinned.

"Little Sammy is not so little any more. He is perhaps a head shorter than you and quite buff and makes all the females in his class swoon around him. He is amazing at tennis though and a scout from America noticed him and they want to send him to a school over there."

"Wow! Little Sammy in America."

"He actually wanted to ask you for some help actually."

"Anything he needs, I am there for him."

Mina was too busy laughing at what Jadeite was telling her to notice the stares she was getting from, both, single and married men (not that marital status ever mattered to Mina). She had been nursing a glass of champagne for the better part of an hour, meaning that the fizz had started to fade.

"Ok so, check this out. That woman there is married to the Senator. She is carrying on an affair with his assistant, who by the way is scandalously 20 years her junior, while her husband is carrying on an affair with her best friend who is actually married to a High Court Judge. Now, bear with me, the High Court judge, is actually faithful to his wife because…well if you look at him, you'll see why… and thinks she is faithful to him. One evening, he comes home from a business trip and finds his wife in a very revealing position on their bed. Her poor lover was stuck in the cupboard for three hours (the judge is also quite old) before the maid found him and screamed bloody murder."

"How, and why, is it so common for people to just cheat on their spouses?" Jadeite shrugged.

"This is Tokyo's elite, they have nothing better to do." Mina huffed. "Come on Mina, it's not like you have ever let a wedding ring get in your way."

"How did you know?!" She looked at him shocked.

"Well, you were bragging a few weeks ago about that bartender – the one who got us in that club for free."

"It was not bragging! I was merely giving background information to our free tickets.

"Hm." Jadeite grinned at her. "Whatever happened with him anyway?"

"Phew! It's a long story. But let's just say I am so glad I am with Zach, who is single." Mina missed the quick glance he gave toward her raven-haired best friend as she was too busy choosing a mini quiche.

"Yeah… what's with that? You and our upstairs neighbour still going strong?" Mina had chosen a quiche and was chewing it way too slowly for Jadeite's taste – he wanted as much gossip as he could gather.

"Things are getting more serious, but we aren't as serious as Rei and Jack." Mina picked another quiche and acted nonchalantly as she popped it in her mouth when in fact, she was looking at Jadeite and studying his reaction. She had started to suspect for some time that her new friend was falling head over heels with her best friend.

"Oh?" Mina wanted to laugh at him trying to be discreet.

"Oh yeah! I mean, you would know about serious relationships. You and Kai have been going strong for a while now…no?"

Before Jadeite could reply, Zoicite and Ami came over. Ami was laughing at something Zoicite had said.

"Hi Mina! Hi Jadeite!" Mina couldn't help but smile at her best friend who looked the happiest she had seen her in a very long time.

"Ami, are you… are you drunk?" Jadeite peered straight into her eyes, a cocky grin on his face.

"I er…I gave her some liquid courage but she…uh…she didn't know just how potent the drink was." Zoicite looked at Mina embarrassed as if she would scold him for her friend's slight tipsiness.

"Oh Zoicite, here is a trick we learned a long time ago to sober Ami up completely." The two boys waited for her to go on, but the blonde girl was too busy picking out another appetizer. She finally noticed them. "What? I don't want to sober her up now. It's too soon. Plus, she's not drunk and she kinda needs to forget about her stress." Jadeite and Zoicite laughed while Ami picked two mini quiches and ate them quickly in succession.

"This is so awesome! I am never gonna make her forget about this." Jadaite grinned as he watched Ami being mesmerised by the cheese pull on her lobster arancini ball.

"Jadeite, don't forget what I did for you last time you came home drunk." Ami scolded him. Jadeite blushed. Intrigued, Mina turned to her friend.

"What did you do Ames?" Ami swallowed half her arancini ball and leaned in closer to her friend as if she was telling her a well-guarded secret.

"He came home drunk after a night out with his classmates and was super upset because, while another girl was coming over that night, he wanted another girl. Now, it doesn't take a super genius to figure out whom he meant – given that I am a super genius, I knew exactly what who he wanted and…" By then Jadeite had turned so red Mina was scared that he was going to burst a blood vessel. He quickly put a hand over Ami's mouth to shut her up.

"Come on Ami, time to stop telling stories about me and start soaking up all that alcohol." He gave her another arancini ball which Ami happily accepted.

"It's ok Jadeite, we all know you're absolutely smitten with…" Before Ami could finish, Jadeite shoved the arancini ball she was holding into her mouth. Mina laughed, while Zoicite looked at his brother horrified.

"You could have choked her!"

"Well next time you want to give her liquid courage, whip up a batch of felix felicis!" He hissed. Zoicite sighed.

"I honestly do not get yours and Kunzite's obsession with that childish series."

"Hey! Nephrite likes it too and it's NOT childish!" Mina turned from brother to brother.

"You mean, broody, stoic Kunzite likes Harry Potter?" Zoicite looked at his brother guiltily.

"Maybe we shouldn't have said anything."

"They also have the whole series of Xena the Warrior Princess and the whole set of Fruits Basket, both manga and anime." Mina slapped her hand against her thigh and squealed with delight.

"Oh…my…god… Fruits Basket?" Ami nodded as she tore a little piece from her arancini ball and stuffed it in her mouth.

"Ok listen, my brother and I enjoy shojo manga and popular western culture." Jadeite turned to Mina to defend himself. She continued laughing as he continued to defend himself and Kunzite. "It's completely normal." Mina just continued laughing while Jadeite tried to explain some of the, according to him, manlier things he enjoyed doing like gaming and watching Tarantino films.

Meanwhile, Kunzite was busy staring at a laughing Mina and got confused even more the second as he saw his brother gesticulating wildly with his hands while red in the face. Ami had two bright spots on her cheek, which could be from blush he wasn't sure, but given that Zoicite was coercing her into drinking coffee, he was sure Ami was a little drunk.

Rei came back with two martinis, hers was garnished with three olives while his was garnished with a lemon zest.

"I just saw the head of acquisitions at Nezu museum and I nearly fan girled. You have to hold me back." Kunzite gave a half smiled – he doubted Rei could ever express enough emotion to fan girl over anything.

"I can introduce you if you want?" Rei paled.

"Oh no! I can't talk to the head of acquisitions at the Nezu museum. It's…it's… blasphemy! I know nothing compared to him." Kunzite gently took her by the arm and steered her in the direction of her apparent idol.

"Sadao is not as smart as you would think." Rei looked up at him as if he had just blasphemed. She was about to say something but they had arrived in Sadao's vicinity.

"Sadao, how are you my man?" Kunzite clapped the man on his back and Rei looked on in horror as they exchanged the manly handshake of grasping each other's hands with as much strength as each could muster – she saw a visible wince on Sadao's pretty features as Kunzite shook his hand a little too hard.

"Kunzite!" He laughed at his old acquaintance. "Who is this lovely girl next to you?" Rei bowed her head to hide her blushing.

"Sadao, this is Hino, Rei. She is my neighbour and a very good friend back in Tokyo." Sadao raised an eyebrow at such a formal greeting, but he bowed back.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Iwasaki." Sadao scoffed.

"Please, Mr. Iwasaki is my father, call me Sadao." Rei just smiled and nodded her head. "So Kunzite, how is University?"

"Oh you know, same old same old."

"I bet you are having a lot of fun with university students!" Rei narrowed her eyes at him, but he didn't notice.

"Sadao…" Kunzite warned.

"Oh comeon Kunzite. I can't imagine why you would put yourself through school again if not for university babes." Kunzite couldn't help but smile at Rei's disgusted and shocked look. "I mean, it was the only way I could get through six years at university." Kunzite noted Rei's expression had changed – it went from shocked disgust to impressed. Realising what she had thought of, Kunzite grinned at Sadao.

"Well Sadao, it doesn't take all of us six years to finish a three-year undergraduate degree." Instead of looking embarrassed, Sadao just bellowed.

"Come on Kunzite, I studied Art History, it's not like I studied anything brainy! Thank God father got me this gig and I can just relax." Kunzite's expression turned sour – Rei could see his eyes clouding over with anger. Sadao was listing the things he did in the day and didn't notice his acquaintance clenching his fists.

It was Rei's calming touch that calmed him down. She just smiled and mouthed a thank you. Kunzite unclenched his fists and listened to the man opposite babble on and on.

"And the best part is that I get to travel! Father does let me have the private jet on occasion, not that his jet compares to your father's, and I go to Europe and America often."

"Which is your favourite country?" Rei politely asked. Sadao beamed at her.

"Oh, Paris. Definitely!" Kunzite snorted but it went unnoticed by his old acquaintance. "The nightlife there is amazing."

"So is the art." Kunzite pointed out slyly. Sadao grinned at him.

"Oh boy, those art history majors would do anything to have dinner with me, and they were even more enthusiastic about it after they found out I was the head of acquisitions at Nezu." His lecherous look as he though about his many conquests caused Rei to shiver. Thankfully, an older gentleman came up to Sadao and greeted him.

"Hello Sadao! How are you" The man smiled politely at Rei and Kunzite, not caring that he was interrupting their conversation. "I just acquired this new painting and I think you'll be awfully jealous of me." He turned on his phone and showed a picture of his new painting to the boy. "It cost me millions, but it was worth it." Sadao looked a little confused but he was expected to answer.

"Of course! An original Degas. How wonderful. Congratulations!" The man beamed with pride as he turned the phone for Kunzite and Rei.

"It is going in my permanent collection." Rei furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh my dear girl, it's ok if you're not an art connoisseur, not many people have that certain something needed to truly appreciate art." Rei looked up at him and smiled.

"Actually I was admiring this painting – I love it when classic mythology is immortalised in art. This piece by Claude is an example of a historic, literary artistic fusion and he manages to portray so much in just one scene. He depicts the island Delos, sacred to the sun god Apollo and his twin sister Diana yet there is an absence of light and clouds looming overhead signifying dark undertones in the scene. The protagonist of the scene, Aeneas, is the hero in Virgil's Aeneid, notice here how Claude uses a Latin epic instead of a Greek one, who visits the island and is shown around by the King of the island, priest of Apollo.

Not one of my favourite pieces – Degas, whom you mentioned, is more to my liking but I prefer French impressionism. Also, I would really check out the authenticity of this painting as soon as possible, because I believe you were ripped off by a few million. This painting is worth… well a lot less than what you paid for." All three boys stared at her in shock. The older man took his phone and enlarged the photo as if he would suddenly notice how his piece was a forgery.

"My dear! How did…what…" he sputtered. Rei smiled at him.

"While the forgery is excellent, truly down the last detail, the current painting is on exhibit in the National Gallery in London. Also, while a good forgery, the columns are drawn in a neo-classic style rather than the Doric style which would have been a better representation of that time-period. Also, the wood used in Claude's time was more commonly oak, considering he was not a very famous painter, that would have been his likeliest choice. Whatever the case, he would definitely not have used maple which is what your painting currently has – it has been under a lot of stress to show age but it is clearly man-made stress." Kunzite grinned as Sadao looked at the girl in wonder – the older gentleman was still trying to see proof of the forgery for himself.

"Dear girl! Thank you! What is your name?" Completely forgetting how rude he had been at the beginning, he extended a handshake. Rei smiled and gave a small bow.

"Hino Rei sir." The man looked impressed. He fumbled in his jacket pocket and produced a card.

"I don't care what you are studying, you my girl are a true art prodigy. I have a friend, Arakawa, who works for a modest museum in Tokyo. Lately, he has been putting on these amazing exhibits – those parties are to die for! I am sure he will need extra help in the coming days." Kunzite laughed.

"Rei already works with Mr. Arakawa. She's his assistant." The man sucked in a deep breath and clutched his chest.

"You are the rising star of the museum? My girl! Your talent is on everybody's lips! Arakawa is very tight-lipped about you though and refuses to give us your details. I know of many people who would love to benefit from your expertise." The older man left still trying to find proof on his phone and sighing every now and then when he failed. Kunzite laughed while Rei just took a sip of her drink. While she enjoyed the accolades, she knew they didn't mean anything unless she was achieving everything she wanted. Becoming to attached to people's opinion of her, could make her weak in the long-run with an over-inflated head. Sadao though, as if none of that just happened, continued his own little story.

"I can't believe he came and interrupted our conversation. As I was saying…" Kunzite interrupted him.

"Sadao, while I am sure you have many more riveting anecdotes about jet-setting off to various tourist destinations, Rei and I have to get back to our friends." Without even a goodbye, Kunzite took Rei by the arm and led her straight to his brother and his girlfriend leaving a very shocked Sadao behind. Rei giggled and clutched on to Kunzite.

"Can't believe you just did that."

"Well Rei, when someone is a blithering idiot like Sadao over there, I can't seem to have find to talk to them." Rei laughed again and walked toward a waving Makoto.

"Rei, Kunzite!" She waved them over eagerly.

"Hey guys." Nephrite was a little too overenthusiastic. Kunzite shook his head.

"How much had you had to drink?" Makoto looked at Nephrite and giggled.

"Not much, just a couple of drinks." Kunzite raised his eyes brow austerely at them.

"Mako, perhaps you should sober up a little just in case…" Minako's eyes, shining with the amount of alcohol she had just consumed, plead her to stop talking. The raven haired girl clumsily stopped talking and looked at Makoto and Nephrite confused. Only her fellow senshi seemed a little out of sorts, Nephrite looked genuinely happy just being near his girlfriend. "Well, I may need a drink too. Some idiot over there called a Claude, a Degas." Rei visibly shuddered and took a small sip of her drink.

"But then she blew away everyone with her talent and left them speechless. Dear Lord, if this all the elite of Tokyo have to offer, I shudder to think of the future of our city." Makoto laughed, Rei was happy to note that it was a genuine laugh.

"Kunzite, could you sound any more blue blooded?" Kunzite gave her a half grin.

"While I am not one to turn my nose up at the masses, I shudder to think at what our future holds considering the Tokyo elite do account for most of the positions of power in our city. I am not agreeing, or disagreeing with it, I am just stating facts." Rei couldn't help but laugh with her other two friends.

"So tell us, Kunzite oh so mighty one. Once your PhD is done, what's next for you?" Rei chose a mini cucumber sandwich from the tray behind him and started eating it. The stoic boy remained tight lipped – he would never talk about his future with anyone except maybe Mamoru.

"He is going to end up as one of Tokyo's elite but working for the masses. Be super rich, despite his job paying peanuts, through investing. Have a beautiful, perhaps blonde, trophy wife who will be at his beck and call all day. No kids, because it would ruin said trophy wife's figure. Live in a high rise in the heart of Tokyo that is almost as big as this mansion and host stuffy cocktail parties like these for the rest of his life." Kunzite narrowed his eyes at his brother who just laughed.

"Hm…" Rei had polished off her sandwich and had picked up another one, salmon this time. "I see it more like him being super rich, through prudent investing not because of his job though. Living in a high rise in Tokyo, but a modest house, beautifully decorated by him and his wife. His wife, a beautiful blonde yes, but who loves him back and is his equal in every way. Three kids at least, because he and his wife will have a lot of love to give them. And instead of stuffy cocktail parties, he'll be entertaining his kids at their exotic summer home in Kyoto along with their 8 best friends." Kunzite blushed and turned his narrowed eyes at Rei.

"I totally agree with Rei. I will also add that I see him giving all his kids, nieces and nephews piggy backs till his back finally gives out, trying to, and ultimately failing, to barbeque and ordering enough take-out to feed an army."

"And of course his never ending guest lists at his house – his brothers, his wife's best friends… the list goes on because all of us will ultimately fail in life compare to him." Nephrite added grinning. Kunzite just glared at all of them.

"How about we stop discussing my future and start discussing about what we're going to do tomorrow?"

"No, no, I like this more!" Makoto grinned at him. Nephrite excused the group as he went to speak to an acquaintance of his. Makoto spied him walking away and as soon as she saw he had struck up a conversation with his acquaintance, she quickly turned to Rei.

"You have to help me." She whispered. Rei choked as she was startled just as she was swallowing the remains of her sandwich.

"To sober up? Just eat a lot of bread. But honestly, I don't think you're that drunk." Rei finally noticed the urgency in her friend's eyes.

"Makoto, what's wrong?" Kunzite got in before Rei could.

"A friend of your mum's came up to speak to Nephrite and he introduced me. Everything was going fine until she said that using my business degree would one day help me open my own restaurant."

"What business degree?" Kunzite looked at her confused.

"And how old does she think you are to think that you already have a degree?" Kunzite looked at her and shook his head.

"That's what you're thinking?"

"No, no! She's right!" Makoto looked at Kunzite. "I mean, that's not the main issue, but I was also pissed at that."

"Ok, so she was just misinformed." Kunzite continued.

"Nephrite didn't undo this misinformation."

"Oh." Both of her friends looked at each other and then at her.

"I am sure he has a perfectly good explanation." Makoto nodded at Kunzite as he was talking and then started shaking her head.

"I thought that to. One woman, one stupid woman, made a mistake. But five?!"

"Five?" Rei looked at her.

"Yes Rei, five! One, two, three, four, FIVE." She enunciated the last number by showing up five fingers."

"Ok, ok calm down. And Nephrite didn't stop to correct any of these five women?"

"No… what do I do?" Makoto spied Kunzite's drink and snatched it from him. Before he even realised what was happening, she had drunk his drink in a matter of seconds.

"Maybe you should stop doing….that?" Kunzite looked at Rei as if telling her to wrangle her best friend up.

"I need my brain to be numb. Does Nephrite think I'm dumb? Does he…" She didn't get to finish because Rei hugged her.

"No… stop these silly thoughts. Nephrite couldn't care less if you had some fancy schmancy degree… he knows that you are intelligent, resourceful and so talented at what you do. Out of all of us, you are the one with the most talent. You are the one with the most vision. You are so dedicated to what you do. Nephrite sees beyond that though – he sees your beautiful soul and everything good in you. You are the best one out of all of us." Makoto laughed at the last thing Rei said.

"We're all good." She said through her giggles. She looked up to see Kunzite giving her a concerned look.

"Makoto, you have to know that Nephrite loves you, I mean really loves you. He is absolutely head over heels for you. To him, you are the perfect woman."

"Makoto smiled at Kunzite but it didn't really reach her eyes." Kunzite sighed.

"Believe me Makoto, you could so smart, you could also be getting a degree, but you chose not to because obviously your passions lay elsewhere. Nephrite sees that and he adores you. If the bon ton of Tokyo want you to have a business degree, to hell with them." Rei added. Makoto sniffled and hugged her friend closer.

"Thanks guys. I just don't know why people are so hell bent on me having a degree in order to be equal to Nephrite." Kunzite narrowed her eyes at her.

"Society has conditioned people to believe that their worth is only measured by their achievements and, unfortunately, a piece of paper has become the norm by which intelligence is measured by. Anyone can get that piece of paper if a, they know where to go and or b, they pay for it." Rei laughed at him.

"That was very well put." She turned to her friend. "Remember how angry my dad got when I decided to become an Art History major instead of a lawyer?" Her friend nodded. "How many threats did I receive that I would be written out of his will and that he wouldn't send me any money? This just goes to show that even if you are doing a respectable degree, people will still not be wholly satisfied. Also, how many times has Mina told us that as soon as she gets her big break, she's quitting university? The only reason she is doing her psychology degree is so that she can have a fall-back. You didn't need a fall-back because you got amazing opportunities as soon as we came back."

Makoto smiled at her friends and wordlessly let the matter drop. It angered her that people thought she wasn't her boyfriend's equal just because she was doing a vocational course instead of a degree, but unfortunately her usually ways of beating sense into them would not work. She had really wanted to impress Nephrite's parents and it was so sad that this what their friend's thought. But in the back of her mind she could feel a little resentment from Nephrite for not taking the initiative and setting things straight. She shook her head and stuffed a mini sandwich in her mouth. Tonight was supposed to be all about the guys and showing everyone that their partners were respectable. Her mind finally put to rest, she turned back to her friends for a normal conversation. Nephrite joined them a few minutes later, none the wiser about the whole conversation that had just transpired in his absence.

The evening went by swimmingly. Ami had sobered up finally and Zoicite had enjoyed showing her off to many of his acquaintances. His parents' friends were delighted with her – she could converse on so many topics with so much ease that Zoicite felt his love for her growing with every passing minute. Unbeknownst to both of them, she had made a lot of connections that could help her a lot in her future – a lot of important people were taking note of her intelligence and her amazing personality. At times they were joined by Nephrite and Makoto who had also made a great impression on people.

One couple in particular was enamoured with the boys' respective girlfriends.

"My dear, you are certainly a breath of fresh air." Mr. Akagi laughed as Makoto looked through his wife's phone with her, helping her pick out a chair for the dining room. When his wife, and girls, looked him perplexed, the man blushed. "It is not often that you see such a young, lovely woman as yourself indulge an older woman in her interior decorating."

"Kaito!" His wife hissed but a humorous twinkle in her eyes showed that she was not angry. Her husband laughed at her.

"My dear, you know I love you to the moon and back, but if only I could tell these youngsters just how many sleepless night I have had because of that chair…" Everyone laughed.

"Mr. Akagi, you should do what I do." Nephrite winked at Makoto before turning to the older gentleman. "When Makoto asks me for some advice, advice that I know ultimately I will have no say in it, I just tell her that she should do whatever she wants because, and this is true, I trust her implicitly." Mr. Akagi and his wife laughed.

"Oh my sweet, sweet boy, you do not know the power you just gave me." She smiled sweetly at him and winked. Zoicite and Ami were laughing so hard that they had to hold on to each other.

"What about you Zoicite, does Ami make you run circles around her." Ami blushed as Zoicite squeezed her hand.

"Mr. Akagi, I think all of us men know here that we are just slaves to our women." The girls laughed. "I mean, I am sure I have just the same benefits as you – I am allowed to do whatever I want…as long as she approves."

"Too right my boy!"

"Well boys, if we left decisions up to you it would be… to be quite frank…disastrous. I mean, when my husband and I got engaged and we were looking for a modest house to live in, he kept choosing these mansions because that is what he was accustomed to growing up. I grew up in a shrine in Kyoto so I was used to a very modest living. We finally decided on a beautiful penthouse in the middle of Tokyo – a joint decision that we both could afford. Then came the decorating. Girls… what I went through to decorate my beautiful beautiful apartment! You know men, they want things done quickly. I knew that I wanted all of my furniture and paintings to be carefully selected. Kaito wanted everything bought from one place and oh! the furniture he chose! I asked him, very sweetly at first, to reconsider all of his choices." Here her husband interjected.

"Not so sweetly, remember that clock I wanted?"

"It had antlers… antlers. I don't know what else I can say." The girls giggled as they saw Mr. Akagi giving his wife a forlorn look.

"Amplify her current expression by a million and you will get the reaction she had to my beautiful beautiful clock." His wife humorously grimaced at him.

"Honey, you have that clock in your study and you look at it every day."

"But no one can admire it!" He sounded like a child.

"It's ok." Nephrite slipped his hand into Makotos and squeezed. She looked up at him, confused, but he just smiled and kissed the top of her head affectionately. Mrs. Akagi smiled at them.

"I must say Nephrite, I have known you since you were a little boy. If only I knew that you would one day bring such a gorgeous, intelligent, lovely woman to your mother's party…" She trailed off and looked at Zoicite. "And you Zoicite darling. I remember you used to hide books in your coat pocket and it would drive Mika mad because it created an unsightly bulge. How times have changed."

The young couples looked at each other and grinned.

"I see that you have come with friends. And, you are friends with each other?" Mr Akagi looked at Makoto and Ami.

"Oh yes sir! Ami and I have been best friends since we were fourteen. Our other best friends, Rei, Usagi and Minako are mingling as we speak."

"You give girls are very pretty. You must make a formidable group when you go out." Nephrite laughed.

"Mr Akagi, Zoicite and I have to keep men away with sticks." Ami blushed and turned to the older man.

"That was one time." The older couple looked at each other and laughed.

"I am intrigued by this one time." Mrs. Akagi said raising an eyebrow at the boys.

"As am I." Zoicite and Nephrite looked at the floor.

"We're not supposed to talk about it." Nephrite's voice sounded small.

"They were being… over-protective for no reason." Makoto inserted.

"As they should. Girls like you don't come every dynasty." Mr. Akagi winked at them. The younger boys pulled the girls closer to them.

"No they don't sir, you are completely right." Zoicite said grinning at a blushing Ami as he spoke.

"Since you girls seem to be so accomplished, would any of you know about art?" Mrs. Akagi looked at both of them expectantly. Ami and Makoto looked at each other perplexed and then back at the woman.

"Er…no. But our friend Rei does. She works a museum curator's assistant." Mr. Akagi looked at Makoto through narrowed eyes.

"Not… surely not… Arakawa's assistant is rumoured to be called Rei. Is this the girl you speak of?" Ami and Makoto simultaneously grinned. Their friend's fame had reached the elite of Tokyo.

"Yes… Rei Hino is one of our friends." Ami smiled.

"She is the girl in the black dress talking with Kunzite and Mr. Watanabe." Mr, Akagi scoffed.

"If he gets his hands on that girl, he will become insufferable. His extensive art collections is always expanding, much to our chagrin." His wife put a hand on his shoulder.

"Darling, come one, you know he just likes showing off so you can see how much money he has. Not for any other reason."

"I still want an introduction. We are on a hunt for vases and I know that girl will know exactly what we are looking for." Makoto laughed.

"I am more than happy to introduce to her. Rei can be a bit… eccentric at times when talking about art." She turned to Mrs. Akagi. "She was raised as a Hikawa Shrine Priestess, so you two will have a lot in common." The woman was beaming by now while her husband chuckled.

"I think this has been the best party your parents have ever thrown boys." Mr. Akagi grinned at the boys and followed Makoto to Rei.

Conversation flowed, as did the wine, the food and good mood. Come evening, the girls had made such an impression on the bon ton of Tokyo that the boys' parents were impressed and taking the credit for the introduction themselves. The boys wanted to interject, but the girls just let them talk – after all, it was a compliment to them and they would have done anything to keep the parents happy.

As Minako took off her evening apparel, put it away tidily, and donned on a purple tank top and pink shorts as pyjamas, her mind would not let the image of Kunzite smiling at her go. She snuggled under the covers, found the perfect position, finally started getting comfortable and yet…the image would not leave her. She tried to close her eyes and will herself to sleep – but failed. She counted sheep – but failed. She tried to think of Zach back home and his wonderful kiss – but failed (Kunzite was a better kisser anyway). She tried to think of her hot psychology teacher – but failed. Nothing could make her fall asleep.

Two hours later, after exhausting all possible options – she had even had a mental future argument with her parents detailing her abandonment issues, an option which always mentally exhausted her – she threw the bedcovers off of her and stalked over the one person who could put her poor mind at rest. The one whose gaze hadn't left her all evening. The one who, when she spoke to him, made her feel like she was the only woman worth speaking to. The one whose touch still lingered on her bare skin. The one whose damn image she could not shake out of her mind.


Thankfully, she remembered where his bedroom was from 'orientation' and from one other time when they all piled into his room to conserve heat one afternoon when the power went out – apparently it was the only one fit to be seen (aside from Mamoru's). She contemplated knocking, but at five in the morning she couldn't really see him being awake. She softly turned the doorknob, entered, and, just as quietly, she shut the door. Her senshi senses were heightened – she could hear an owl hooting not too far away and the wind howling outside making the trees rustle and create moving shadows with the moonlight through the thin curtains of his balcony door. She could hear the soft breathing of the sleeping boy and walked toward it. The closer she got, the more her heart pounded. Every step increased her regret. She was right next to his bed, she could see him sleeping so peacefully. How she longed to just touch him once more. But the regret had started to sink in so she turned to make her way back to the door.

Just as she turned, a hand quickly reached out to grab her wrist. She cursed – of course she should have realised something was amiss when she couldn't hear him snoring – he snored a lot.

Minako turned around to face the music but was surprised to see his confused expression.

"Minako?" His voice was so deep.

"Who did you expect? Yui Aragaki?" Damn it, Rei must have been rubbing off of her with her stupid, asinine, sarcastic comments. Kunzite smiled at her.

"No… I wasn't expecting anyone in my room at five in the morning? Couldn't sleep?"

"Oh no…I'm sleeping right now. This is me sleepwalking." Damn it, there was Rei's influence again. Why couldn't she keep calm? Kunzite just chuckled. "Well, since I'm sleepwalking, it's only prudent of you to let me go and I'll just sleepwalk back to my room." Kunzite immediately let her wrist go and she instantly felt cold, not just at the absence of his warm hands, but she felt cold all over.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" Minako cursed once more and turned to look at him. He raised an eyebrow at her, expecting an answer.

"Would you believe it if I said that I ate too much?" Kunzite laughed again.

"I would have if you hadn't began with 'would you believe me…'. What's really on your mind?" Minako was silent. She couldn't tell him the answer, not really. He would have made… well, he wouldn't make fund of her… but he would reject her on the spot and then ignore her. She couldn't bear that.

"The question is, why aren't you asleep?" the moon changed positions and ray of moonlight illuminated his brown eyes.

"Because of you."

"I literally just came." She glared at him for making fun of her.

"I couldn't sleep because for the past three hours, since leaving the dance, I was anticipating seeing you again. You see, you have found a way to rule my life without even being in it. Every single day, since realising you were my neighbour and seeing you wear my damn sweater, all I can think of is when will I see you again. Every time we fight together, my first instinct is to protect you but I don't because I know that, a, you don't need it, and b, you would kill me if you ever found out that I wanted to protect you. And this makes me want you even more. Yes… want. It's a primal instinct that I never knew I had in me and, quite frankly, I am both disgusted and alarmed at it because I can usually control my urges and feelings around everyone but you. This is the most I have ever said in a single, uninterrupted monologue, and that scares me too.

All I wanted was a quiet life, with my work, my work which I am damn good at, and yet here you come along and ruin every single one of my plans. And that scares me as well because I don't care. If it means having you disrupt me every time I want to study, or have to care for anyone else other than myself and my brothers and Dymi, I will do it… for you." His gaze never left hers. Her heart was pounding so much in her chest that she was sure it could be heard in the dead silence following his monologue. The owl hooted again. The wind had stopped howling so loudly. The moon had shifted positions again and Kunzite was once more shrouded in darkness – the spotlight had left the protagonist.

Neither of them spoke, Minako couldn't move, she was rooted to the one spot. Kunzite's arm was starting to get numb from his position, but he daren't move in case it frightened her away. What possessed him to say so much. He had put all his cards on the table, something he swore he would never do after seeing his parents' marriage fall apart. He was eight years older than her and would never have the same interests as her, hell he never had the same interests as her when he was younger. But she stirred up feelings inside him that he never knew he had.

Neither of them knew how much time had passed. But Minako slowly inched toward him.

"So why did I have to come to your room? Why didn't you try to find me?" Kunzite stared at her.

"Because that's totally normal. Having me creep into your bedroom at five in the morning…for what…?"

"I did that."

"It's different."

"Still creepy."

"Then you can creep me out whenever you want." By now, she was standing right above him. Without any preamble, she leaned over and kissed him.

He leaned into the kiss immediately – his hands snaked around her waist pulling her closer to him. She deepened the kiss and, by now, she had either leg around his waist, keeping him close as her hands snaked up his back and into his hair.

Spent, the couple laid down beside each other.

"That was fun." Minako turned to smile at him. Kunzite gave her one of those endearing half smiles.

"It was."

"Goodnight Kunzite."

"Goodnight Minako."

And they slept well past until day break the next day.


SO LONG! I am the most horrible author ever. I am so sorry. It was also supposed to be just a small filler chapter.

I would love to hear your thoughts on my story ? Somewhere on FF a VERY VERY VERY mature version of what happened between Kunzite and Minako exists but it belongs to a different fandom. I just kept writing and writing and writing until I was like… er… no. I am not going to put this and a friend of mine posted it on her account on my behalf.

Next chapter will be a LOT MORE ACTION PACKED! I will thank people in the next chapter because I want this to go up ASAP.
