Author's Notes: Hello. Did I ever tell you guys that Hermione's brother was the one that saved her from the truck when she was younger, resulting in her nightmare? I forgot if I did or not….Please tell me so I can add if I didn't. But that was why she raised him out of the dead. Anywayz…Enjoy:)

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to the wonderful JK Rowling


"Malfoy sat dumbfounded, his knuckles turning white. Please not him..just not him.. Flying pass the nonsense that was written by Rita Skeeter, he arrived at the list of prisoners that had escaped.

Rabastan Lestrange

Rodolphus Lestrange

Evan Rosier

Lucius Malfoy

Fuck. He escaped."

Chapter 23

"They were shocked." That would be an understatement on the reactions of Harry, Ginny and Ron. They just sat there dumbfounded as Hermione twiddled her thumbs nervously. "Wow, that's intense." Harry finally broke the silence with a low whistle. "That's brilliant!" Ginny cried, rushing over to hug her friend. "With these awesome looks, you are going to bag every guy." Pulling Hermione from the couch, Ginny, rushed her outside to have some girl time. As soon as they were out of earshot, Ginny spun Hermione around, giving her the puppy eyes.

"Can you do me a favor, Hermione?" Ginny asked.

Hermione frowned.


"Fine, okay." Hermione sighed. "What do you want me to do?"

""I love you Hermione. You are the best." She flung herself at the Head Girl. " Um, you see you know about Ron. He is still, you know, down about Fred's death."

"Yeah." Hermione said sadly. "I can't do anything about it. Ron's been like that for the last month. It's not like I can do anything. He dumped me."

"I have a way to make Ron back to normal." Ginny said, her eyes twinkling.

"What is it?"

"You can to bring back Fred." Ginny stated simply.

Hermione looked at her in horror. "But…isn't that dangerous?" She asked, remembering the angry rant of the annoying bouncing ferret.

"You did it before to raise your brother. Nothing happened."

"Well, I guess I might need to think about it."

"Please, just do it, Hermione. If you do, I get my brother back and you get Ron."

Hermione sighed, remembering the days of bliss with Ron. He was so gentle, so kind, so…loving. Hermione sighed once more and made her decision.

That evening…

Hermione opened the letter given to her on Halloween. It was already nearly the end of the year. One more month then she will only have six more to find a way to stay in the wizarding world. Rereading the poem, she pondered on what she was supposed to look for.

You, Hermione, princess

Of underworld, must

Find an equal in this world, to

Live with the living. White

And clean his blood must be, who you

Must marry by the solstice.

Of all the spells he may have

Cast, none shall be of joyce

And last of all, he must pass and

Rise again from


Okay, I know that I need to marry by the summer Solstice, she thought, which is in June. There are many clues in this small poem. Why was this poem so distorted? It had no rhythm, no rhymes. She pulled out another piece of parchment and rewrote the whole poem.

You, Hermione, Princess of underworld,

Must find an equal in this world to live with the living.

White and clean his blood must be, who you must marry by the solstice.

Of all the spells he may have cast, none shall be of joyce

And last of all, he must pass and rise again from Death

Biting the end of her quill, she stared at the poem. Good, now this seems easier to understand. Next step, I need to translate the poem so that it would be easier to remember. Dipping her quill in the ink, she continued to write.

A few minutes later…

Hermione looked proud at her handy work. Now, I just need to find that bloody person. Putting down a small piece of parchment on her bedside table, she snuggled under the warm comforters of her bed.


Have never cast a Patronus

Resurrected from the Dead?

The next morning…

Her brother was leaving her again. Hermione hugged him one last time at the gate of Hogwarts. McGonagall has determined that he should go back home to greet his parents. Hermione sniffled. She was going to miss him. With another wave, his brother smiled as he touched the Portkey and disappeared. She smiled sadly; At least he was going home. She headed back to the Common room. Now it was time to pack. Harry, Ginny and Ron went back to the Burrow yesterday evening. After she had revived Fred, they were so happy and overjoyed. Even Ron seemed to be back to normal. She was of course invited back to the Burrow to celebrate the return of Fred Weasley but she told them that she was going to arrive this morning to see his brother off. She opened the portrait door, and saw Blaise was pacing up and down the common room. Clearing her throat to announce her presence, she noticed that he was in his boxers. Walking briskly towards him, she was about to tell him off when a worried Blaise turned to look at her. Forgetting her rant, she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Blaise, you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." He snapped. "Of course not."

"What happened, mate?" Draco drawled as he appeared in the common room, again in boxers. Normally, Blaise was not a person so easily ruffled. Usually, it was Malfoy who was busy being grumpy and cold.

"Skia has disappeared. What do you think happened?" he spat, still angrily pacing up and down. "I was about to bring her breakfast but there was nothing in her room."

Draco raised an eyebrow at this, but did not mention that Blaise might be going soft.

Hermione gasped and ran upstairs to Skia's room to confirm his worries.

"She's gone." She murmured, looking around the empty room. She was about to run downstairs to get McGonagall, but at the corner of her eye, she saw a tiny note peeking out under the desk.

It read:

Dear Hermy, Blaisy and Mr Ferret,

I need to go. Hermy's daddy told me to leave. I didn't want to leave but he did not let me stay here. I will be back. I promise. Anyway it is my birthday soon, so send me some presents.


P.S. to Blaisy, don't worry about me. I can take care of myself.

Hermione gripped the note and flew downstairs to tell Blaise not to worry. Skia is going to be fine. Right?

Draco and Blaise were waiting for Hermione to come back down. A sharp tap announcing the morning owl for the Daily Prophet, drew their attention. Draco hurriedly opened the window to get the paper. He was waiting for any news about his father recapture. Feeding an owl treat to the owl, he unraveled the paper and his eyes widened in horror.

Daily Prophet

Dark Mark seen in Foxhaven

Yesterday night, the Dark Mark had appeared over Foxhaven. After the escape from Azkaban last week, this seemed to be another raid. Hasn't the second Wizarding War ended all evil? No. A group of muggles had been found dead in a pile of burning carcasses. Many would know that the Great Heroine, Hermione Granger, used to live there. Is it a direct attack to provoke our hero? Aurors had been dispatched to locate these Death Eaters. A small child had been found crying in a closet. This was the only survivor in the attack of the Death Eaters. Letters for interrogation had been dispatched to individuals that are closely related to the Death Eaters. Will our world be safe? The minister, Kingsley Shacklebolt, assured the general public that this will be kept under control and the Death Eaters will be found quickly. For more information go to page 2.

Their heads flew up as a bumbling Hermione ran down the stairs, holding a note in her hand.

"Blaise, she is quite safe." Hermione concluded. "She was just summoned back to the underworld by my father."

Blaise let out a sigh of relief. Stuffing the Daily Prophet in his robes, Draco pretended that nothing had happened.

"Let's go get some breakfast." She said and walked out the portrait door. Both of the Slytherin, who have read the prophet, looked at each other, both making a silent promise not to tell Hermione.

Author's Notes: The plot thickens. Sorry guys, short chapter but this seems a good place to end this chapter. YAY to updates in a row. :D less then 24 hours.

For the thankyous:

winxgirl1997 - you are AWESOME. keep reading :D

I need to a bit more Dramione action mhmm? Until next time :)