"You'll be okay, won't you?" Kyle Boome asked me, smiling uncertainly. He was my mentor for the past four years, versing me in everything he knew about Volcanology. I wouldn't trade those four years for anything.

"Don't worry about me," I laughed. Kyle was the nervous, forgetful type. I found it funny how he looked like the big, tough guy that bullied the nerds, when he was really one of the most sensitive and sweet people I knew.

"Well… Gotham is a pretty dangerous place…. It's fairly famous worldwide."

"I know. I survived high school there. I can handle it. Father made sure we knew how to be safe," I said, shaking my head. Kyle and I had become best friends over time. Still, he worried far too much. I wasn't scared of the criminals, so long as I didn't meet them face to face.

"Are you going to come back?" Kyle asked after a long, awkward silence. I hated goodbyes.

"Probably not for a while. Right now, Clarity and Glen need me."

Clarity and Glen were my younger siblings. Clarity was just out of highschool, and Glen was just a year younger than me. Our father had just passed away because of lung cancer, and our mother had died when I was really little. I doubt that they even remember her.

"Best of luck, Sable," Kyle said, giving me a bear hug. I hugged him back, grinning from ear to ear.

"You too, Boome." I smiled at him before running to the security line. Gotham awaited.

After a two-and-a-half hour flight, the smog covered city came into focus. I sighed as I looked over the dismal buildings, already missing the Galapagos Islands.

If home is where the heart is, this isn't it. I thought as the plane landed.

"Sable!" I heard a familiar voice shout over the crowd. I smiled and turned to face my sister, Clarity.

"You've grown," I commented, standing next to her.

"Taller than you now," she said, jutting out her chin.

"By a quarter inch, maybe." I said, ruffling her curly hair. She was beautiful, really. Round faced, big eyes, with thick black hair and smooth tanned skin.

"Doesn't matter," She said, ducking her head away. "Glen is waiting in the Jeep, so we'd better get your luggage and hurry out to see him."

"Is he doing alright?" I asked.

Two years ago, he was attacked by an upstart criminal trying to get a name in Gotham. He'd been cut up pretty viciously, but survived. However, one of his eyes went blind and an infection took his left leg. He had wanted to be a firefighter, but because of that day, he now worked as a cook in the Cafe that he and Clarity started up. Bright Skies Cafe.

"He's losing vision in his other eye. The doctors don't know why, but they gave him some medication to help. We're just hoping that it works." Clarity's tone fell from her normal bright and cheery standpoint down to a quiet and scared one. I gripped her hand tightly, and smiled a little.

"He'll be fine," I said, not believing my own words. Clarity picked up my suitcase and nodded.

"He'll want to ask you all about your trip, so let's hurry up and go see him," She said, pulling me through the crowded airport.

We arrived at an old green jeep after a minute. Clarity climbed into the drivers side, and I climbed in back.

"Long time, no see, Sis." Glen said from the front. I grinned at him, and hugged him. It was a little shocking, seeing him with an eye patch and the crutch balanced beneath his arm. I'd seen pictures, but in person it was all the more jarring.

"Heya Glen. How have you been?" I asked, patting his arm.

"Meh. I've grown to actually really love cooking, so I'm pretty happy with how things turned out. Everything has a purpose, eh?" he said, glancing back my way with a grin. I was glad he could be so positive. In his position, angst would be understandable.

"Yeah. I probably will find something perfect for me here in Gotham. Chances are that I'll stay for a while."

"That's good. We missed having a big sister," I heard Clarity say, biting her lip in concentration as she tried to park straight. She didn't really like driving much. Then again, neither did I.

"Here we are. Greene's Apartments," Clarity said, getting out and assisting Glen. I smiled at them as she did. They trusted each other so much, just like siblings should.

"Clarity and I'll handle dinner. I know you can't cook," Glen teased as he climbed into the elevator.

"I may not be able to cook, but I can hike further than both of you combined," I said. I was extremely competitive.

The fact was true. I had gained a fair amount of stamina and muscle from my experience in the Galapagos. You hiked everywhere.

"Okay you two," Clarity sighed, pushing us apart. "We get it."

"Fine mom," Glen said, rustling her hair. Clarity glared at him.

Wow. We really are siblings, aren't we? I thought shaking my head as Clarity unlocked apartment 314.

Author's Note:

Hey Guys! I'm an admitted newbie to this fandom, and if any of you have any suggestions at all, just tell me! I'm really worried about writing some of the characters wrong, so If I do please tell me so I can fix it. Thanks again!
