Tyki075: Hello people! How's it going? It hasn't been TOO long, has it? I know I sort of ended with a cliffhanger, but who cares?


Tyki075: … Only a little.


Tyki075: Hey! To be fair, I'm giving you lots of time to get yourself fixed! I'm killing you piece by tiny piece.

Neah: But why?! What did I do to you?!

Tyki075: … Nothing, at the moment, but just wait a minute, you'll do something to me sooner or later.


Tyki075: Blame one of the reviewers! They suggested the idea!

Neah: No, they suggested you split me and Allen up, NOT THAT YOU SLOWLY MURDER ME!

Tyki075: True, but they opened the gate for the idea.


Tyki075: Okay, okay, calm down. I'm not really sorry, but you know, when am I ever? Reviews! Today I shall be making Neah answer the reviews because it shall be amusing for me!

Neah: Wait… What?

Tyki075: Go on!


Hidden leaf assassin: Now, that I think about it, what even happened in the last two chapters?... No clue. THANK YOU! SOMEONE DOESN'T WANT ME TO DISAPPEAR!... only because it would hurt Allen but STILL! You are excused. I will tell Tyki075 you like his work… Not really, because he deserves none of your praise.

Vetus199914: I hate you ALMOST as much as I hate Tyki075… Sort of. From what Tyki075 has told me, he is still unsure as to if he will be doing the… 'Brother Thing'. I am pretty sure the Earl has eyebrows, just not in his 'suit form'. SIMILAR?! SIMILAR?! WE ARE NOTHING ALIKE! I AM NOTHING LIKE THAT SWINE! AND THAT IS NOT HOW YOU SPELL MYKI! Yes, that extra chapter was quite good, it is so fun to see MYKI in pain.

ZyiareHellsing: You are quite welcome, even if this update was evil and I didn't actually do anything to make it exist.

MeltedWings: THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I must admit though, when my lack of finger was discovered, I had no idea this was coming. Really? I, for one, hate this story, Tyki075 just loves to torture us, though I'm sure he appreciates your kind words. I'm pretty sure Timcampy is mentioned in this chapter, though I don't know what Tyki075 had planned, he might bring him back, who knows.

Raicheda-Gives-Ya-An-Idea: I would thank you, but you only like me for my threats! *tear* I am worth so much more than that!... … … … Neah… x… Earl? What?... I just… What?... I can't even comprehend how you would get that idea… I hate… hate… hate… that fatass… I just… I don't… what?


MaskedPyro: I don't… I don't love it… You agree? *cries* Someone finally agrees that Tyki075 is abusive! Thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me… Oh… You love it? Never mind. I see how it is. Don't worry, I see. Yeah, 'Lavi' is pretty dead, he's not coming back. Ever. Right, I totally forgot BaKanda came to the Noah side! That just goes to show how much I personally care about him. I'm pretty sure Tyki075 just couldn't resist the Yullen temptation, even if it's just a sprinkle. Oh fret not, I will meet with Lenalee and I shall DESTROY HER! I SHALL BEAT HER DOWN UNTIL SHE PLEADS FOR DEATH, THEN I WILL LEAVE HER THERE FOR EIGHT DAYS, THEN, AND ONLY THEN, WILL I KILL HER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! I am nothing like Sheryl. NOTHING! He is all clingy and I'm not, he's all whiny and I'm not (Tyki075: *cough* Liar! *cough*). I will not die! I will prevail! Tyki075 is a slow updater, so I wouldn't count on it.

Nicki99W: How could anyone like Poker Pair? Myki is a disgusting swine that will never deserve my Alley-chan, my sweet nephew! I sure hope not, disappearing would suck. A lot.


Neah: -_-


Neah: I officially only like some of you.

Tyki075: Now Neah, be nice. Okay guys… THOSE NEW CHAPTERS THOUGH! I CAN'T DEAL! I JUST CANNOT! IT HURTS! AAAAHHHH! With that out of the way, this chapter will be a lot more… relaxed than the ones previously, I just feel there needs to be a small break from all the action and shit (AKA hurting Allen), so this chapter will be more of a fun chapter (though I do plan to still have SOME angst. MWAHAHAHAHA!)! Yay! Whelp, that's all! Let's to get to the chapter! I hope you like it! Let us set forth!

Chapter Eight:

"The art of pleasing consists of being pleased." – Unknown

"Ah, I must have heard you wrong, fatso. Do you mind repeating that?" Neah asked, chuckling nervously.

Tyki sighed, explaining the situation to the idiot before him, "You're fading away. Soon, you'll be nothing more than a memory, at the most."

"Are you saying people won't remember me?" Neah exclaimed.

"I'm saying they won't want to." Tyki deadpanned.

"Wow, Myki, wow. I am so injured right now, I don't think I can go on, I might as well fade away right now." Neah cried forlornly.

"NO!" Allen yelled, desperately latching himself around Neah's waist.

Neah was shocked, "A-Allen?"

"You're not allowed to fade away! I refuse to let you!" Allen declared, burying his face in Neah's chest.

Neah sighed, smiling fondly, running his hands through Allen's white hair, "I'm sorry Allen, I shouldn't joke about something like that. I won't leave you, not if I can help it."

Allen nodded, "You better not, you may be an idiot, but you're important to me."

Neah sweat-dropped, "Um… Thanks?"

Tyki turned to the Earl, "Is there something we can do to stop this?"

"Yes, but we would need a certain man." The Earl said, frowning (Is he in Adam/Mana form… YES!).

"Who?" Allen asked.

"Well… Um…" The Earl muttered nervously, "… Cross… We need Cross."

Allen stiffened, before letting out a depressed breath, "Cross is dead."

"WHAT?!" Tyki yelled, "WHO KILLED HIM?!"

"Innocence dude." Allen said.

"Innocence dude?" Tyki questioned.

"Apocryphos." Allen clarified.

"Ooooh!... The personified Innocence killed Cross?" Tyki frowned.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, not necessarily." Neah butted in.

Allen slowly turned to face his uncle, "Oh really? And what, pray tell, do you mean by that?"

"Well you see, Cross is a master of… we'll call it escape. I may, or may not, know for a fact that he is indeed, alive and breathing…" Neah murmured.

"Oh really?" Allen growled, "And you didn't think it was important to share this information at an earlier date?"

"It just… never came up." Neah attempted.

"Huh, anything else that never came up?" Allen's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Nope! Nothing else! I have no secrets! None at all!" Neah said quickly.

"DON'T LIE TO ME, CAMBELL!" Allen yelled.

"I'm not lying; I'm merely avoiding the truth!" Neah exclaimed.

"That's the same thing!" Tyki threw in.

"You shut up, Myki!" Neah yelled, turning to said man.

"Oh yeah? And if I don't?" Tyki asked smugly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I will chase you down and slowly strangle you, laughing as panic fills your eyes as I slowly tighten my hands around your neck, as your eyes then drain of all life and idiocy they once held." Neah threatened darkly, slowly approaching Tyki, who backed up slightly, "Then I will throw you to your butterflies and let them do what they will with your body. And, once you're dead, I will do everything in my power to make Yullen a thing. That is what I will do, Myki Tikk, if your mouth does not remain closed."

Tyki was completely and utterly horrified as his mouth snapped shut and he shrunk back against the wall.

"Neah, quit it." Allen ordered, his previous anger gone.

"Okay! I think I got my point across!" Neah smiled happily as he bounded back to his nephew, leaving a pathetic puddle of fear that was once the great Tyki Mikk.

Allen sighed, wondering how his uncle could change personalities so fast, "So, apparently Cross is alive, now where do we find him?"

"How the hell should I know?" Neah shrugged, "He's an elusive bastard."

"Earl," Allen said, turning to said man, "Where is the nearest whorehouse? We'll start there."


Tyki scoffed, having solidified again, "Allen is NOT innocent."

Allen turned to him, a look on his face that screamed 'What the fuck is wrong with you?! Do you WANT to be violently murdered by my uncle?'

After a moment of confusion, Tyki realized what he said, "Oh dear Jesus, Imma just gonna go die in a hole now."

"You best do that, Myki." Neah growled, his eyes narrowed.

Tyki nodded miserably and went into the corner to cultivate mushrooms.

"Back to the problem at hand," The Earl said, "Wouldn't Cross steer clear of all things like whorehouses and wineries and such, since he doesn't want to be found and that's where everyone would look first?"

"Not really. Everyone thinks he's dead, who would be looking for him?" Neah said, "He can do whatever the hell he wants."

Allen frowned, "There's no real way to find him. If we had Tim, then that would be a whole other story, but we don't."

"Where is he?" Tyki asked, returning from his corner.

"Probably still at the Order," Allen said sadly.

"You left him behind?" Tyki said, shocked.

"It's not like I myself left the Order, of course, I would have, but I had been passed out. You came to get me, so technically, you left him behind." Allen glowered.

Tyki winced, "Yes, right, I remember that now."

"Why is it always your fault, Myki?" Neah wondered aloud.

Tyki glared at the man, "It's not like I'm the one who was possessing my nephew, thus causing him to be isolated and abandoned."

"Hey! That was not my fault! I didn't put myself there!" Neah protested.

"Sure, Neah, sure." Tyki agreed.

"Can't you two get along for ONE SECOND?!" Allen exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

"It's possible, yet not probable." The Earl threw in.

Allen sighed, "We need to find Cross."

"Can't we just wander around town for the moment?" Tyki asked.

"Myki Tikk, I am DYING! We can't just wander around, hoping we come across him!" Neah exclaimed.

"Why not? We could get lucky!" Tyki smiled.

"Pwsh, luck doesn't exist when Allen's around." Neah scoffed.

Allen looked affronted, a hand placed over his heart, "Wow Neah, wow."

"Sorry Alley-chan, but we all know it's the truth." Neah shrugged.

"Can we just go? We can look around town for now." Allen said.

Neah sighed, "Fine, why not?"

Tyki gaped, "Oh, I see! When I say it, it's a stupid plan, but when Shounen says it, he's the next fucking Darwin!"

Neah blinked, "I'm sincerely surprised you know who Darwin is."

Tyki just pouted.

"Come on Tyki, you know Neah, he's an asshole." Allen comforted the man, patting his arm.

"But it's not fair!" Tyki whined.

"Dude, how old are you?" Neah muttered, shutting his mouth at Allen's death glare.

"Just ignore him, he's an idiot." Allen said.

"You guys should head out." The Earl said.

"You're right!" Tyki yelled suddenly, "LET US SET FORTH!"

Allen quickly hummed the tune to the Ark, a bright gate appearing.

"Should we bring Kanda?" Allen asked suddenly.

"No." Tyki growled, muttering under his breath, "Yullen shall never prevail."

Allen gave Tyki a look before shrugging and just going with his boyfriend's jealousy then walking out the Ark door, the others following behind him.


The group found themselves in the middle of an empty street.

"Where are we?" Tyki asked.

"London, if I'm not mistaken." Neah said.

"You probably are." Tyki commented.

"No, I can smell it in the air." Neah nodded.

"You can smell London in the air?" Tyki asked.

"Of course, I'm extremely skilled at both tracking and identifying my location." Neah said seriously.

Allen let out a chuckle, making the two turn to him.

"What?" Neah asked.

"We're in Manchester." Allen said, trying to hide his smile behind his hand.

Tyki barked out a laugh, "Behold, Neah Cambell, the most skilled tracker and locator in the world!"

Neah glowered, crossing his arms over his chest, "I was close."

"Not really." Tyki muttered.

"Come on guys, let's start our search." Allen said happily, still grinning.

"Yes! Good idea!" Tyki exclaimed, marching down the street, turning a corner.

The other two followed behind, Allen still chuckling a little bit. The group walked for a while, finding nothing of immediate interest before Tyki suddenly stopped, making Allen run into him.

"Tyki! What the hell!?" Allen grumbled, rubbing his nose from where it had rammed into his boyfriend's spine, cursing his height.

"Guys… Guys, look." Tyki whispered.

Allen peered around Tyki, frowning when he saw a circus, "So? It's a circus."

"We have to go!" Tyki yelled.

"To the circus?" Allen questioned.

"Of course! It'll be fun!" Tyki smiled.

"We're not here for fun," Allen sighed, "We're here to save Neah. Right Neah?"

He turned to his uncle, only to find him smiling happily, bouncing on the balls of his feet, a twinkle in his eye.

"Oh come on." Allen groaned.

"Come on, Alley-chan! We have a good amount of time! Please?!" Neah begged.

Allen sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Fine, fine. Whatever."

"YAY!" The two older men squealed before they dashed off to the circus, Allen trailing behind like a stressed out parent muttering about how 'he's the youngest one there. How the hell is he also the most mature?'


As soon as Allen entered the circus, he knew it was a bad idea. Children were shrieking loudly, announcers tried to scream over each other to get people into their tent, people shoved others out of the way, the smell of cheap food permeated the air. Overall, it was chaos. Not to mention, Allen had some… bad history with circuses.

"What should we do first?" Tyki asked excitedly.

"If anything, the first thing we should do is go home." Allen grumbled under his breath.

"Come on Alley-chan, can't you feel the crankiness in the air as parents spend their money on parlor tricks, can't you smell the most likely expired corndogs, can't you hear the children crying as they don't get the prize they wanted, didn't you see that clown fall off his huge ball thing. Doesn't it make you happy? Did you smell that? It was the smell of happiness. Oh well, it was happiness giving off that scent… as well as the almost certainly expired corndogs I mentioned." Neah said, throwing an arm over Allen's shoulder as he gestured around them.

"Neah, come on, this is ridiculous." Allen sighed, "You know I have… bad memories of the circus."

"Exactly!" Neah exclaimed, patting Allen's face awkwardly, "Now is the perfect time to replace those memories with moments of joy, the joy of spending a day with your uncle!"

"An uncle who's about to be missing another finger if he doesn't get his hand out of my face." Allen snarled.

Neah quickly snatched his hand away, tucking it protectively in his pocket, "Yes, well, that wasn't the point. A day with Uncle Neah. Who could pass that up?"

"I could!" Tyki called, raising his hand, "I would totally pass that up."

"Then you can leave, actually it would be greatly appreciated if you did." Neah glared.

"No, I don't think I will," Tyki smiled brightly, "Spending a day with Shounen is completely worth dealing with the annoying parasite that follows him around."

"You were doing so well!" Allen cried, "You guys hadn't so much as glared at each other in two minutes, a new record for you, if I might add! I will agree to stay and at least try to enjoy it if – and only if – you two stop fighting! Just for the duration of the time that we're here! That's all I ask for!"

Neah and Tyki looked uncertainly at each other, before the former Noah of Destruction turned to the current one, "Can we at least get all our insults out now? Please? It'll make it easier."

Allen sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day, "Fine, get your insults out, then I better hear absolutely nothing negative come out of your mouths that is aimed at the other person, got it?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" Neah and Tyki chorused, standing to attention and saluting.

Then the hurricane of insults began. It began simple enough…

"You dumbass!"


"Bad-boy wannabe!"

"Clingy son of a bitch!"

And so on, but then it got a little more… creative…

"You uninformed slime ball!"

"Squeaky voiced emotionally illiterate tosser!"

"You human equivalent of the common cold!"

"If you were twice as smart, you would still be stupid!"

"Shhhhhhhhh… that's the sound of no one caring what you think."

After that they just stopped making sense all together.

"Incredible batshit apeshit bananas!"

"Batshitting disdainful fuckup!"

"Imbecilic shit-spewing idiot!"

"Insane dickmongering barfpuppet!"

They were about to open their mouths to say more, when Allen interrupted.

"STOP! What the fuck guys?! What is wrong with you?! Barfpuppet?! Really Tyki? What even is that?!"

Tyki blushed, rubbing the back of his head.

"You said we could get all our insults out!" Neah protested.

"I didn't expect that!" Allen exclaimed.

"Well, what did you expect? This is us we're talking about here." Neah frowned.

"I don't know! Just not that!" Allen huffed, "Let's just go."

As they walked towards a circus tent, Neah smiled, his hand behind his head, "You know, I actually feel much better."

"Of course you do." Came the exasperated sigh.


The group was sitting in the audience outside of a stripped tent, waiting for the performer to come out. Due to Neah and Tyki's glares, Allen was sitting between the two, his arms crossed over his chest, a grumpy look on his face.

"Come on Allen, lighten up. If you tell yourself that it will be awful, then it will be." Tyki urged, nudging the boy slightly.

"Circuses bring up bad memories." Allen mumbled.

Tyki frowned, then threw an arm around Allen's shoulders, pulling him close to his chest. "Just don't think about them."

Allen nodded and snuggled into Tyki's chest.

Neah reluctantly left the pair alone, knowing that Allen needed it. He looked up as a man came out of the tent, dressed in a clown suit, followed by a man in a tailcoat.

"Welcome everyone!" announced the man in the tailcoat, his arms raised, "May I introduce, the best clown you'll find for miles around… Cosimo!"

As Neah and Tyki clapped Allen went rigid, the name invoking memories of beatings and abuse, times where he was just left to starve, abandonment, and just plain hell.

Tyki looked over worriedly, having felt Allen's sudden pole-like posture, "What's wrong?"

Allen blinked, tearing his eyes aware from the familiar clown's figure, "Huh? Oh, I'm fine."

Neah frowned, having overheard the conversation, "Are you sure?"

The Noah of Destruction nodded, "I'm all right."

The two hesitantly returned their eyes to the performance, watching as the clown juggled some pins while balancing on a large ball.

Allen was also watching the show, though he did so through narrowed eyes, his silver orbs like steel. He wondered what it would be like to use his new-found Noah abilities to explode something, maybe an organ or two, perhaps a limb. The boy flinched as he had to reign in his bloodlust when faced with his old tormentor.

Slowly, after what seemed like forever, the show came to a close and the clown took a bow and receded back into the tent, the audience's applause following him. As the rest of the audience stood up to continue on with the circus, the three men did as well, strolling through the crowd.

"Hey, Allen, do you mind if I talk to Myki alone for a second?" Neah asked, noticing how Allen raised an eyebrow suspiciously and Tyki stiffened in terror.

"Why?" Allen questioned slowly.

"Nothing much!" Neah assured, "I promise I won't hurt him."

Allen stared at his uncle for a couple moments, before nodded resignedly, "Fine, go ahead."

"Thank you!" Neah said happily, grabbing Tyki's wrist, who looked like he wanted nothing more than to run away, "We'll be right over there! Back in a minute!"

Neah pranced away, dragging Tyki along with him. Once they reached a good enough spot, one out of earshot from Allen, Neah stopped and let Tyki go.

"I swear I didn't do it! Well, I probably did, but it was an accident! Probably! Maybe! Unless you're talking about that one time when I totally took your chair apart so that when you would sit down it would break, that was completely on purpose! But other than that, I haven't done anything… recently." Tyki babbled desperately, waving his hands around and shifting restlessly.

"No, shut up Myki, that's not what I wante- Wait, you took my chair apart?! Whatever! That doesn't matter at the moment! I wanted to talk about Allen," Neah said, a serious look on his face, gaining Tyki's attention, "There's obviously something wrong with him. Throughout the entire clown act, he was all tense and I could feel the hatred rolling off him."

Tyki sighed, running his hands through his hair, "So could I, but I'm not sure what was causing it. It could just be being at the circus again, he probably hasn't been since Mana."

"Maybe, but why would he be so mad?" Neah asked. He couldn't understand his nephew's emotions. The circus was where he met Mana; shouldn't he have some happy memories regarding the place?

"I don't really know. We should just wait for him to tell us what's wrong." Tyki suggested.

Neah scoffed, "Do you actually expect that to ever happen? You know how he is."

"You've got a point." Tyki groaned, "I wish he would just trust us."

"It's not that he doesn't trust us, he just doesn't want to burden us." Neah said, glancing at said white-haired teen, who was currently standing off to the side, his hands in his coat pockets as he glanced around, waiting for his companions.

"He wouldn't be burdening us! That's why we're here, to help him with his problems!" Tyki protested.

"You don't have to tell me that. Allen just isn't used to having people there to help him, throughout the majority of his life he was completely rejected by everyone, he doesn't know how to ask for help." Neah explained sadly.

Tyki was about to open his mouth when the two heard a commotion coming from behind them. They spun around and saw Allen on the ground, a large man standing above him. Allen had his left arm clutched to his chest.

"What's wrong with your hand?!" The man was yelling, he was obviously drunk.

Neah and Tyki rushed over, getting stopped by the people beginning to crowd around the scene.

"Nothing!" Allen yelled defensively, his words filled with hatred.

The man yanked Allen up by his arm, revealing the black limb. Neah and Tyki gasped, knowing what was coming next, but wondering where Allen's glove had gone.

The man was frozen, his eyes wide, then he growled, "I know you. You're that demon brat!"

Allen scowled, "Cosimo, I see you haven't changed a bit; you're still a drunken oaf who can't tell up from down."

Cosimo's face turned purple with rage. He swiftly punched Allen in the stomach, letting him go as he gasped, smirking as the boy fell to the ground.

Neah and Tyki were shocked, then a murderous rage slowly filled the over-protective men. People are them to turned to give the pair odd looks, obviously feeling the bloodlust.

Before Cosimo could get a kick in a punch came out of nowhere, hitting him in the side of the head.

"I refuse to be helpless against you anymore! You cannot rule me! I do not fear you!" Allen roared, standing over the fallen clown, his foot on his chest, slowly putting his weight on it, making the man wheeze.

Tyki and Neah began shoving their way through the crowd, trying to get to Allen, ignoring the irritated cries of the people they pushed to the side.

"You tormented me for so long! You killed the first friend I had!" Allen snarled.

"What, that stupid mutt?" Cosimo sneered, "Where's that dumbass clown, huh? The only person stupid to take in a monster like you? Did you kill him, freak?"

Allen's vision went red and he yanked Cosimo up by his neck, his hand slowly tightening, crushing his windpipe. "Don't you dare speak of Mana. Filth like you doesn't even deserve to say his name."

Cosimo choked out a pathetic laugh, "Filth like me? Like you're one to talk Red."

Just as Allen had reached his limit and was about to snap the garbage in his grasp's neck, Tyki and Neah reached him.

Tyki quickly grabbed Allen by the waist and yanked him away while Neah took care of Cosimo, throwing him to the ground again and putting his foot on his throat.

"Who are you?" Cosimo wheezed, the smirk still on his face,

Neah leaned down and snarled, "Mana's brother."

Cosimo's eyes widened, finally grasping his situation; there was a low chance that he would get out of this alive.

"Tyki! Why did you stop me?!" Allen yelled, squirming against his boyfriend's hold.

"There are too many people here! I'm not against you killing slime like him, but you can't do it here." Tyki said, keeping his arms locked around Allen's middle.

"I don't care! He tortured me for so long!" Allen protested, still trying to pry Tyki's arms off him.

"Allen! Calm down! Think rationally about this!" Tyki demanded.

"I will not calm down! It's his fault Allen died!" Allen refused, tears gathering in his eyes.

"What?" Tyki frowned, dumbfounded.

"Let me go!" Allen said, not answering the question.

"We'll deal with him," Tyki waved to Cosimo, only to freeze when he saw Neah strangling the man, whose face was turning blue. The people around them had no idea what to do, shocked and scared, but not knowing what to do.

"Neah! No!" Tyki yelled, letting Allen go only to try to pull Neah away, failing miserably.

"Let me kill him! He deserves it! This prick doesn't deserve to walk the Earth!" Neah screamed as he tightened his hands.

"Neah!" Tyki yelled, not wanting the three of them to get arrested, they could get out, but he didn't want to sit through one of Sheryl's lectures.

"Oh, are you the slut's 'boyfriend'?" Cosimo smirked, somehow finding enough air to speak and enough dead brain cells to think it was a good idea to do so, "I bet he loves it when you pound him into the mattress."

Tyki froze, a blank expression on his face. He let go of Neah and said in a monotone, "Kill him."

A smirk spread across Neah's face as Tyki turned back to Allen, who was watching in shock.

Tyki wrapped his arms around his lover, pulling him into a warm embrace, "I'm sorry. You're right. He deserves to die, but you're hands are too good to do the deed."

Allen chuckled slightly, burying his face in Tyki's chest, "Whatever you say Myki."

Neah, meanwhile, was having the time of his life. He couldn't help but cackle madly as he tightened his hand, completely ignoring the horrified stares of all the people watching, whom were all too scared to intervene. These people were monsters!

"I hope you burn in hell." Neah growled.


The three men were walking happily down the street of the Ark.

Kanda emerged from a doorway, frowning at the sight of them, "Where were you idiots? Why do you look so happy?"

"Oh nothing. We just got rid of a problem, got run out of a city, and are probably never allowed in Manchester again." Neah laughed.

"What?" Kanda questioned.

"Don't question it." Tyki shrugged.

"What about Cross? Do you have any leads as to where he might be?" Kanda asked, choosing to ignore whatever Neah was talking about.

"Huh?" Tyki frowned, "Oh, no, we don't."

"You spent all day gone and you found nothing?!" Kanda questioned.

"Pretty much, yeah." Allen nodded.

"You're all idiots." Kanda groaned, striding away.

"Yep!" Neah cheered.


Extra Chapter: Sheryl's Awakening

Tyki hated this. The Millennium Earl was forcing him to watch over his brother as he Awakened. Luckily, he was allowed to leave for the screaming bit, but now he had to wait for him to wake up and make sure nothing happened.

Suddenly Tyki couldn't move. His arms were locked where the rested on the arms of the chair, his legs trapped in place, he couldn't even turn his head. He couldn't move a muscle. He tried and tried to struggle, but he couldn't.

"What the hell?!" He yelled. Then an idea came to him. He smirked and attempted to faze through the chair. He only ended up on his back on the floor, in the same position, partly through the chair.

"What the fuck is happening?!" He screamed.


For at least a day Tyki stayed like that, no one thinking to come and check on him. He was hungry and frustrated. Then he heard groaning coming from the bed. He wanted to check on his brother, but he still couldn't move.

"Tyki?" Said man heard, he did his best to look up with only his eyes and saw his brother leaning over the bed, an obvious question in his eyes.

"Sheryl! I need help!" Tyki cried.

Luckily, the Noah situation had already been explained to Sheryl right after Tyki himself had Awakened, so Tyki didn't have to explain anything.

Sheryl let out a choked laugh before clambering out of the bed, he kneeled down and tried to heave Tyki up. The problem was, Tyki couldn't become solid enough for his older brother to get a hold on him, since part of him was still in the chair.

"Well, sorry brother, it seems I can't help." Sheryl smirked, standing up and brushing his pants off. He then headed towards the door, throwing his brother a wave just before it closed behind him.


It was only later that the Noah of Pleasure figured out what his brother's power was. To say he was pissed off was an understatement.


Tyki075: Oh my god, I finally finished! That took forever! FOREVER!

Neah: And yet, it was still awful.

Tyki075: Come on! You got to kill someone! Yeah, Cosimo totally died. Just… murder. But, to be fair, we all know he deserved it and more.

Neah: That I can agree with. For once you speak some sense.

Tyki075: Okay guys, next chapter will be more serious and plot-based, but at the moment I just needed to write something that didn't REALLY hurt anyone… sort of.

Neah: That's a first.

Tyki075: Neah, I don't remember asking for your opinion.

Neah: You didn't have to. It was implied that you wanted it.

Tyki075: There are just these moments when I hate you.

Neah: Like I care.

Tyki075: Whatever. All right guys, that's it for now! Please review, fav, and follow, I would really appreciate it! Thank you! Bye! Squadala!