This is my first Tsubasa Chronicle fic, hope all of you would enjoy it (^w^). I does not own Tsubasa Chronicle, I just own my OCs. Please read and reviews

Chapter 1: Prologue

In the Japanese's style room that had a blue queen size bed at the corner, a bookshelf, a wardrobe, a small table that had a small white vase and a small pink bouquet in it, and a big mirror, and the paper slide door that lead to the garden was opened slightly, enough to saw the trees and the bushes and the flowers and there was a little girl around 8 or 9 years old stood in the middle of the garden. The little girl was wore a simple white dress with long arm sleeves and high neck and a light blue dress shirt with short arm sleeves and it had violet edging and she also wore a skinny violet pants with a pair of blue shoes, the little girl had shoulder length honey brown hair and she had lovely white skinned and her pink heart lips were smiling and her eyes were closed as she enjoyed the winds brushes her delicate face

"Harumi" A gentle feminine voiced called the little girl and she slowly opened her emerald eyes, she looked at the young female about 22, she had long black hair as she tied her hair into a low ponytail and she also had lovely white skinned. She wore a white kimono with red hakama as she was smiling at the little girl and the two of them has the same eyes color

"Hikari onee chan" Harumi smiled as she walked to her big sister

"It's almost time…are you ready?" Hikari smiled gently at her little sister as she knees down on the wooden floor as Harumi sat on the wooden floor…in front of her sister

"Un…" Harumi nodded "I want to do it" The little girl smiled as her big sister, Hikari took a simple wooden comb that had the pattern of the lotus on it and she brushed Harumi's honey brown hair

"You know…you still can change your mind" Hikari suggested as she took a hair tied that Harumi just gave her

"No!" Harumi replied immediately "Even you and onii chan are the guardians for Amaterasu sama and Tsukuyomi sama, I still want to break the seal that granny sealed my power and my age!"

"Well…we will miss you a lot…especially grandpa" Hikari smiled nervously at the thought of their grandfather crying over for one of his grandchildren leaving him behind

"Ahahaha…" Harumi smiled nervously

"Done" Hikari smiled as she looked Harumi's honey brown hair that tied back with a pink hair tie like butterfly

"Arigatou onee chan" Harumi smiled sweetly

"Keep this" Hikari placed the comb into the little girl small hand and before her sister could denied, she already said "I can't take care of you while you are gone so I want you to keep this comb…so I could feel that I'm take good care of you" Smiling warmly at her little sister, Hikari rubbed her head

"Onee chan…" Harumi looked at her big sister for a moment and she smiled cutely

"Come on…it's time"

In the big garden there were many trees but there was a special giant tree, a sacred tree that had the carved of the two statues on it, one male and one female as they were stood next each others. Under the sacred tree, an old man who had short gray hair and wore a simple dark blue kimono and he had a pair of wise brown eyes but his eyes were almost turned red because he had been crying quite a lot, next to him was his wife, an old lady who had long gray hair and tie into a bun with a simple silver hair pin to hold it, and she wearing a gray blue kimono with the gray pattern of smoke and the bamboos and she had a pair of emerald eyes that were holding the wisdom that she gained from life. Next to the old couple was the young man around 24, he had shoulder length black hair that tie into the high ponytail and he had a pair of brown eyes as he was wearing a dark purple kimono with dark blue hakama and next to him was Hikari and in front of the four was Harumi

"Are you ready?" The old lady, Aiko, her grandmother smiled

"Hai!" Harumi answered to her loud and cleared to showed her determination

"Don't worry about us" The young man, Akira, her big brother smiled at her "I'll make sure that we will be fine with Hikari's cook"

"What do you mean by that?" Hikari glared at him as Harumi giggles

"Don't worry Harumi…I will be fine…" Her grandfather, Kou, tries to smiled as tears started to appeared on his eyes

"Jii chan…I will be fine" Harumi smiled and her grandfather just nodded

"Alright Harumi, I will send you to her, do your best" Her grandmother smiled warmly "Oh, I'll send something else for you later, you will know what it would be soon enough…Akihiro" Aiko called as the white smoke appeared and from the white smoke, a gray tiger walked out and it bowed to Aiko "I need you to help me to send Harumi to another dimension" The tiger nodded and it stood behind the little girl as Aiko stood in front of her granddaughter. Both the old lady and the tiger glow into the white light as winds breezes and smoke surround Harumi slowly

"Good bye! I'll see you again" Harumi smiled at her family for the last time before the smokes completely surround her…The next thing they knew…their little member wasn't there anymore

"Granny…are you sure about this?" Hikari worriedly asked her grandmother

"Yes…She is the only one who can break the seal I put on her, little by little she will be stronger and the seal will be break until she is strong enough to control her power" Aiko smiled "Beside…Amaterasu sama had choose her to end a cycle…"


"But…why did you seal her age? I can understand the reason you sealed her power but…her age? …I don't understand" Akira wondered

"Well…that was your grandfather's idea" Aiko smiled mischievously as the two stares at their grandfather

"Because…she was so cute" Kou smiled in blessed as he was in his dreamy land while the two were frozen and stunned as they watched their grandfather with their jaws dropped

"Good luck…Harumi" Aiko smiled as she looked up to the clear blue sky…

From the sky, a blob fall down into garden of a shop relieved a little girl, Harumi looked around confusingly 'Um…where am I?'

"Welcome" Startled, she turned around to saw a beautiful woman, she wore a lovely red kimono with the black butterfly patterns and black obi, and she had a pair of red eyes and long black hair and she was sitting on the wooden floor of the shop and behind her were two girls, one had long curly blue hair and tie into two pigtails and she wore black dress, the other had short, straight pink hair and she wore white dress

"Welcome~Welcome~" They both sang and cheering happily

"Um…Excuse me, are you the Dimension Witch, Yuko san…the one who can grand wish with a price for it?" Harumi asked politely and shyly

"Yes, I am" Yuko smiled "You're here by fate, so you have a wish right? What's your name?"

"Nice to meet you, my name is Fukui Harumi" Harumi bowed

"How manner" Yuko smiled as the two girls were singing behind her as the background "Manner~ Manner~" "What's your wish?" Yuko asked then Harumi took a deep breath

"I wish to be stronger to break the seal" She said slowly and calmly and Yuko stared at her for a moment 'This is unexpected…'

"There is only one way for you to getting stronger…strong enough to break the seal…that you have to travel through the dimensions to gain your strength little by little…And the price for your wish is your most precious thing…Are you willing to pay the price for your wish?" Yuko said calmly and the little girl looked down at her feet and she looked back to Yuko with her determination eyes

"Hai, and what is the price for my wish?" Yuko stared at the little girl in front of her, this was something she wasn't expected. She had foreseen with Clow about the arrival of these children…but Clow had always been stronger than her, it could be possible if he foresaw Fukui Harumi came here before these children, knowing the girl's wish and without telling her…that bastard…Yuko surely right now had a tick mark on her forehead but she still hiding it, not showing her emotion in front of her unexpected small customer. While Harumi started to getting nervous with some thoughts in her mind 'She will accept my wish right? Granny did say she will grand wish as long as we pay the suitable price…what if she couldn't find a suitable price for my wish? But she will find a way to get a suitable price right? Right?'

"The price for your wish…" Harumi hold her breaths "Your most precious thing is your hair tie" Yuko said as she point the pink hair tie like butterfly on Harumi's head

"My hair tie?"

"Yes, your hair tie is the last gift from your mother right? It also held the love of your mother toward you, it also like a protecting charm for you and you are always tying your hair with it. So I'll take it as the price for your wish" Yuko explained as the little girl sighed lightly before she took her hair tie and gave it to Yuko. Yuko nodded and she looked at the two girls behind her "Maru chan, Moro chan take this to the treasure room" The two girl nodded and they took the hair tie as they sang "Yep~ Yep~" Then Yuko looked at Harumi "So Harumi chan"


"There will be a group of people and they want to travel through different worlds like you do but with different reasons, you won't mind if you travel with them?"

"I won't mind" Harumi shook her head "And you can foresee like granny?"

"Yes I can, you're surely a good girl Harumi chan~" Yuko smiled as Harumi started to blush "You are so cute just like your grandma when she was young" and the little girl blush harder

"I…I've hear from granny that she and grandpa are your old friends"

"Yes, your grandpa, Kou, he was such a sweet guy and also a talent onmyouji" Yuko smiled "You can stay here with me until the group come"

"Arigatou Yuko san" Harumi bowed as she followed Yuko into the shop, Yuko glanced at the little girl…If she couldn't foreseen this happened so does Fei Wong and that's mean his pawn that joined the journey did not know about this little interfered, Yuko smiled and she knew the endless cycle was starting to changed …



