Chapter One:


The Avatar was not a morning person in any capacity, in fact, her ability to rise from bed before 10 rivalled that of her ability to drive a car. But her stomach was protesting for food, which meant rising before the sky was awake to appease her body. However, if the Avatar was a morning person she would have definitely realised something was amiss when she awoke. Her first clue would have been that she did not wake up where she fell asleep; she was still in the same room, but in a different bed. The second clue would come in the form of the colour of the hand which brushed back the hair from her face and the sleep from her eyes. The third should have been that the top she threw on to cover her sleep shorts and tank finished a little too short. Her sleep addled brain simply chalked these idiosyncrasies up to her sporadic sleep walking, the poor lighting and was too unconcerned to even think of reasoning for the third oddity.

The heavy-eyed girl trudged to the kitchen to settle the rumbling in her stomach and vaguely took notice of the dark haired boy already in there. Korra could feel his eyes on her as she rummaged around looking for food, but paid no attention. She needed sustenance if she was to stay awake. It wasn't until she had already consumed a whole moon peach and was onto her second that she even heard him call a name. She is sure it was not her name. Her name started with a 'K', not whatever letter he was uttering at her. That should have been clue number four, no one else was around and Bolin was directing someone else's name at her. But she concluded it was just another trick of her weary mind.

Maybe he's hallucinating from lack of sleep too, she thought to herself.

He was back to just staring again, with his head cocked and a brow raised, which made Korra feel slightly uncomfortable as he usually didn't stop talking. That and the fact she knew that whenever she had just woken up, she looked like a platypus bear and had the temperament of one to boot. She needed to distract him from whatever it was he was looking at.

"Why are you awake so early? Sleeping privileges are wasted on you." Clue number five: her voice was different. Gravelly from sleep. Or I'm sick... Maybe puberty? Wait, I've already gone through puberty. Maybe it's... Food. Need more food, too much thinking, she concluded as she halted her train of thought and reached for another peach.

"Pabu was hungry," Korra finally took notice of the pregnant looking fire ferret, who she assumes swallowed a papaya whole "and so was I," Bolin finished through a burp.

Korra wrinkled her face in disgust at the noise, but mostly at the smell that was let forth. Oh Spirits, I'm going to vomit. It smells worse than a diaper full of soiled cabbage, she screamed internally, trying in earnest to not let any moon peaches make a reappearance. She desperately fanned the air near her face and took a large step away from the odour emitting creature.

Bolin, unperturbed by the girl's – or his – behaviour, simply went back to staring. To Korra it looked like he was trying add up parts of some puzzle and she seemed to be a major piece. After a few minutes of solid staring, the young Avatar decided it was too early for whatever game she was caught in.

"What are you gawking at, Turtleduck?" Korra growled, hoping to deter him and still a bit miffed about his putrid smells.

Bolin scrunched up his face and shook his head at the pet name his ex-girlfriend? Fiancé? Master? used to subject him to. "Why are you wearing that?" he replied.

"Wearing what? I'm too tired for this." Korra hissed, she knew her attire was not out of the ordinary, she always wore this top over her small clothes when she woke up. She thought he'd know this by now, seeing as they'd been living at Air Temple Island together for the past few weeks.

Bolin clicked. He started grinning manically at Korra, irking her even more. "It makes so much sense now. You look exhausted and you're wearing that. Though I don't understand why you're cranky, I'd have thought you'd be glowing," he finished with a wag of his eyebrows.

Korra could work out what he was trying to say. I'm pretty sure he just insulted me, she settled on.

Not one to be slighted, she launched a mango at his head, "I am not cranky!" she screeched. Pabu watched his master evade the flying fruit with ease and took the opportunity to scoot on his stomach after it. After all, there's no such thing as too much food.

"Whoa, calm down!" the earth bender protested, "Who lit the fuse on your tampon," he added under his breath. Unfortunately, Bolin has never been the best at talking in hushed whispers and realised his mistake as soon as the dark haired girl whirled on him and started advancing with her fist held high. How dare he!

"I am going to shit so much fury over you that you will drown in it! I swear I'm going to cut your fingers off and replace them with rat tails. Then I'm going to stick you into a pit of cats and watch the-" the words were snatched from her throat as a familiar brunette entered the kitchen, most probably up from all the yelling Korra was doing.

Bolin turned around to see what had stopped the homicidal girl from ending his life. When he took in the sight before him his grin returned full force. He looked between the two girls who stood stock still, gawping at each other. Maybe they were drunk last night... he internally suggested. It was a reasonable enough explanation considering their reactions to each other. He took their paralysis as an opportunity to escape any punishment the irked girl had previously sought to inflict.

Korra was stunned to say the least. She could not move, could not breath and could not think. Her reflection seemed to be having the same troubles, for it had not moved since she first looked upon it. She did not know how to react. Should she scream? Cry? Pinch herself to stop the dream? Ouch, definitely not a dream.

She discretely examined the hand, with which she pinched herself; pale skin, long, slender fingers, perfectly manicured nails... Oh shit.

Korra's mind fought valiantly to figure out what was going on. She thought back to when she first awoke and the heavy fog her brain was under then, lifted. She realised all of the signs she missed; the bed, the clothes, the hand, Bolin... The final thought brought together the link of her newfound identity. He called me Asami. She glanced at her hand again, Asami's hand, I'm in Asami's body, what the actual fu-

A high pitch scream tore through her inner monologue and knocked her back into her senses. Her... body? Seemed to wake up from its stupor and decided it was a perfect time to wake up the temple. Korra knew she had to stop the blaring, lest Tenzin find out that she had done something stupid, again. He'd somehow blame me for switching bodies. She raced over to the brunette and covered her mouth with her hand. It's far too early to be scolded.

"Shhh, you're going to wake everyone up-"

"Korra! Why are you screaming?" Tenzin burst through the door with Bumi hot on his tail.

"I'm not!"

"I said Korra, not you Asami," he replied whilst pulling a face at the two girls.

Oh yeah, I'm Asami now, Korra berated herself. "Erm, a spider rat ran across her foot and you know how much she hates them." Bumi noticeably paled and stared off into nothing, mumbling about how his regiment was once ambushed by mutant spider rats which could fire bend. Tenzin looked at his older brother incredulously and then sighed. After all, it wasn't the first time Bumi had fabricated a farfetched tale.

"That's nice... I think... Anyway, er, Korra and I have something to do, so we'll catch you later." Korra said as she grabbed the arm of the brunette and started to drag the body towards the door.

"Wait, Asami," Korra turned to face Bumi, "why are you wearing Korra's clothes?"

Before she could answer, Bolin scuttled passed the door and answered for her, "Why do you think? You owe me 20 yuan," finishing with a wink. Bumi glanced at the girls and laughed, although a little sad that he had lost the bet. Tenzin, on the other hand, looked more than uncomfortable. He refused to make eye contact with either of them and flushed a deep red. He knew all about Bumi and Bolin's wager.

Korra, not knowing what they were talking about, decided to escape the scene with the other girl and fled to the room she shared with Asami.

Once there, Korra sat the other girl down and just stared at her. This is weird. If I'm in Asami's body, does that mean she...

"Asami?" Korra asked softly, as to not cause the figure to test her vocal prowess again. The brunette looked up and nodded softly with tears in her eyes. "I think we've switched bodies..." Well duh, nice to point out the obvious, she berated herself, shit, she's crying! Say something! But what? Something comforting!

As she wiped away Asami's tears, she said the first thing that came to her head, "At least you look good."


When she first woke up, she knew something was off. She noticed all of the clues Korra had failed to miss, but she simply wrote it off as being a dream. She didn't know why she was dreaming about being Korra, but then again, when do dreams ever make much sense. When she heard her own voice yelling about rat tails and cats, she decided now was probably the time to investigate.

What she wasn't expecting to see was herself stalking towards a cowering Bolin and when she made eye contact all conscious thought flew out her body. She did not even notice Bolin exit the kitchen, along with Pabu. She couldn't comprehend what she was seeing before her. It looked too real to be just merely a dream. When she saw the other girl pinch herself and wince she knew that this wasn't a product of her brain whilst she slumbered. The smells, the sound, the scene, it was all real.

So she did what any smart, rational, level headed person would do in a situation like this.

She screamed.


Asami halted when a hand touched her lips, it was too surreal. It was her hand after all, being controlled by someone else. Korra, she knew it was her; no one else was that gentle with her.

She did not registered Tenzin and Bumi enter, did not react to what they were saying. How could she? She was looking at her physical form being controlled by someone else. There was no time to listen to mundane talk when she was desperately trying to figure how and why this was happening.

She snapped back to reality when her form directly addressed her. Yes, definitely Korra, and could only respond with a nod. She once again felt a hand brush her face, this time to rid her of tears. I don't understand...

Asami was not used to not having all the answers. It scared her. Whilst others could bend the elements, she was left with her intelligence to get her out of situations. Yes she could fight in hand to hand combat, but against benders, she was in very real danger of getting seriously hurt and she had a disadvantage. She could not throw up an earth shield to protect herself from explosions. She could not sweep out the feet of an enemy with a water blasts. No, she had to rely on her smarts to get her out of the more dangerous situations; avoid conflict at all costs. So when she was faced with something she could not out think, well, she feared for her life.

She heard Korra sigh and she knew Korra would speak at any moment, but she was not expecting what actually came out, "At least you look good."

Asami whipped her head up to stare at Korra, looking dumbfounded. She knew Korra was trying to comfort her, but in the action also managed to compliment herself. If her face was anything to go by, she knew Korra had not meant to say that. She couldn't help but laugh though. What started off as a slow, almost inaudible giggle, soon escalated into a deep, resonating laugh which resulted in more tears streaming down Asami's face.

After a good 5 minutes of solid laughing, Asami finally stopped and looked toward Korra. She needed to get that out of her system. It helped clear her mind, to get over the absurdity of it all. Korra seemed to understand this, so when they made eye contact, Korra took the initiative.

"Well, we should probably talk about this..."

AN: I apologise for any mistakes you had to suffer. I wrote this on a 10 hour flight and writing isn't one of my strong suits, nor is editing. Anyway, tell me what you think!