Power of Keys

Summary: One day Lucy woke up with every key existing… including the Spirit King's. Once summoned, the Spirit King tells her how to merge with her spirits. Then she goes to the guild and the adventure begins…

Pairing: Undecided

Chapter One: Meeting with the Spirit King

Lucy sat up and yawned, stretching her arms lazily above her head. She rubbed her eyes as she climbed out of bed, shivering as the cold air hit her. She then stripped and headed to the bathroom, grabbing a towel as she went. She turned on the water to the highest temperature, rubbing in some shampoo as it flooded the tub. After she was done with her bath, she wrapped the towel securely around her. She opened the door, and locked the window and door, and put a box in front of the chimney in case of unwanted intruders. She put on a yellow sleeveless shirt with a white camisole underneath and a white leather jacket on top.

Then she grabbed some denim capris and grabbed her brown belt, feeling the abnormal amount of her keys jingle at her hip as she put it on. Wait. There were more than normal. She stared at them. Her loop was much, much bigger, and there were hundreds of keys that looked like Plue's, and the only way she could tell hers apart was a burn mark Natsu made. She considered the other types: diamond, obsidian, glass, bronze, iron, wood, and bone. She studied the tips and recognized most of them.

Then she saw one that was different, and she recognized it immediately. It was made of Lanthanum, and shone under the light from behind the pink curtains. It glowed slightly, as if responding and bidding her to summon. She studied it some more, and said the incantation: "I am linked to the path of celestial spirits. Open, gate of the Celestial King," here she paused, not knowing was it was, so she continued hesitantly, hoping he would still respond, "Mustache man!"

Note: I don't remember the incantation well, so it might be wrong, and I have no idea what the key actually looks like. Nor the rest.

A glow filled the room, and a magic circle appeared a few feet away from her. She felt the strain immediately as out from it came a miniature version of the King she had seen when she had saved Loke. She bowed slightly, and he chuckled.

"None of that nonsense," he reprimanded. "Sit down. I know you're struggling, and this won't take long." She nodded, to tired to speak. "Okay, Yukino, decided to learn a new magic after being reunited with her sister, Sorano, or Angel as you know her. She did this as otherwise Angel would be pained at her loss of her keys whenever she summoned. Sweet girl. And that Rave girl was murdered by an assassin, who knows why, so you're the last of your kind. As we didn't want anything to happen to you, we decided to give you every key, so if you were ever in danger, all of them could open their gates and fight with you. So, I need to tell you something. You are the strongest celestial mage ever known since the first, however, you can not support a wood key, much less a diamond key with the spirit having enough time to do much. I am using partially my own magic; one of the perks of being the King. Otherwise you would faint as soon as I came out. So, I need to show you how to partially open the gate, merging with one. Since you are already strained, summon Plue by saying: 'Crack open the gate of the dog, Nikola!' After you get used to it, you can just say: 'Lend me your power, Nikola!' Now, try! I trust you can do it, and I shall leave now, old friend. Goodbye, Lucy Heartfilia." He disappeared in a flash of light, and she steeled herself to stand, which she did weakly.

"Crack open the gate of the dog, Nikola!" she chanted, and she started to glow. She looks at her body in amazement as her skin turned white, her eyes turned completely black, and her nose was tinted orange. Her body (and clothes, luckily) shrunk till she was three feet tall, and she felt lighter than usual. She smiled and headed to the guild, where she slowly pulled the door open, she being weaker in this state.

She frowned as a chair was thrown at her, and yelled with a dark aura flooding from her before she could get squashed by the amount of missiles (sometimes people, sometimes not) being thrown around: "STOP IT~pun!" The brawl stopped as people turned to look at her. Most people were shocked at her form, and stood still. Suddenly, Natsu laughed at her form, "Ha ha! What happened to you?" He continued to guffaw, not noticing her stalking furiously towards him.

She grabbed a random key from her belt, while closing Plue's and, recognizing the obsidian form, shouted in rage: "Crack open the gate of the sea monster, Cephus!" Her hair darkened slightly, and her eyes turned green. She grew blue scales and brown claws, and turned as a spiky tail appeared behind her. Lastly, blue dragon-looking ears appeared on her head, and yellow wings sprouted from her back. She could feel power coursing through her, and, through a mental conversation with Cephus, understood his powers and quickly made a contract. She raised her hands to the sky, and Natsu finally looked up, and backed away in fear at the "demon" before him. Everyone else shuddered, and followed his example. Words filled Lucy's mind, giving her a spell, and she said the incantation. (It was only used the first time.)

"Water, Thunder and Lightning, come to my call! I bid thee, lend me your power. Whirlwind of Terror, activate!" A swirl of magic appeared between her hands, brown and gray, and lightning flashed dangerously. Natsu paled visibly. It rose into the air, growing in size and speed, and shot itself towards Natsu, who was thrown back into the back of the guild, toppling over guild members and skidding under tables and chairs. "Now, what did you say, Natsu?" Lucy said, her voice sickly sweet. The others shuddered again. "Close fully the gate of the sea monster, Cephus!" She turned to normal. "Now, Mira, where is Master Makarov?" Mira stuttered, visibly terrified of the woman before her.

"I-In his office, Lucy."

"Thanks," she said, smiling gratefully at Mira. Then she turned to the guild. "That was just my first test, so don't you dare do that again. Now, bye!" She ran upstairs, chuckling slightly at the flabbergasted guild members below her. She skipped down the hall, and knocked onto Master Makarov's door.


"May I come in?" she asked cautiously.

"Um, sure." Master Makarov put away his magazines, and hopped over to open the door. "What is it Lucy? Wait, come inside first." She nodded, and surveyed the room with the file cabinets, bookshelves and boxes, random papers strewn across the floor. There was a window overlooking the swimming pool, and in the center of the room sat a couch and a desk, with a swivel chair behind it. Master climbed onto the chair, and she sat down at the desk. Master downed some beer, and glanced over the mug at Lucy.

"So, I'm kinda the last celestial mage." He nodded, still gulping his beer, a little surprised. "And the Spirit King taught me how to merge with my spirits." He nodded again, a little more curious to the end of her sentence. "…and, I have, like, every single key that exists." Makarov spat out his drinking, and Lucy winced as it splattered some pages on his desk. He payed no mind to it, and started spouting questions to her.

"What happened? Why you? Can I see some? How many—" She explained and he rubbed his chin in thought.

"You may be the next S-class. Now show me one." She nodded.

"Crack open the gate of the sea monster, Cephus!" He stared at her new form, and suddenly started laughing.

"So that's what the commotion was downstairs. Well done, child. That even scares me a bit. Now, I think you should go ahead and train it in the training room. Maybe train with an S-class member. And, well, that's it!" Lucy sweatdropped at the lack of information, but nodded and left the office, shutting the door quietly behind her. When she left, Makarov let out a sigh. "Finally, I can relax. That form… is terrifying."


Ciao, QueenFandom~nya!