Disclaimer: I don't own FOP or DP... duh.

Summary: Hearing the reason he was brought to Dimsdale, Danny couldn't help to draw parallels. Who would have thought someone other than himself would unleash the mighty Fright Knight to win a stupid Halloween contest?

AU. This fics happens BEFORE Puff came to be. I have long since stopped seeing the FOP, so I don't plan to include anything of the seasons he is in. In addition, in this fic, Reign Storm never happened; meaning, Fright Knight is still trapped into the pumpkin in which his sword was stabbed.

Chapter 1: Haunted house

[Timmy Turner's living room. Date: oct 31, 9:00am.]

"Wow, Timmy, how did you convince your parents to let us turn your house into a hunted house?" AJ asked Timmy, from a stair, where he was tying a plastic skeleton from the ceiling.

"Yeah, Timmy," Chester shared the confusion, "Parent's don't usually let their kids do anything when they are not home."

"Erm, Internet!" Timmy replied in reflex. Seeing AJ's eyebrow rose at his lie he amended. "I read an article of 'how to convince your parents to turn your house into a hunted house while they go to a cruise' article in the internet."

"Yeah. You are so lucky your parent's won those tickets." Chester commented as he put a Crimson Chin action figure (Halloween's edition) on a chair.

"Hehehe, yeah. Very lucky." Timmy answered while he took a bunch of fake eyeballs and put it into a cobweb patterned ball on top of the table.

"Yeah, specially since they didn't even enter." A voice came from a 'green plastic spider' next to a pink one, between black colored plastic ones.

"Didn't enter what?" AJ asked, and Timmy laughed.

"They didn't enter the bathroom before they went?" Timmy tried. Thankfully, the attention of his peers was instantly adverted when the TV of the living room mysteriously turning on.

"Good Morning Dimsdale! This is Chet Ubetcha reporting from Vicky's house. Hi Vicky,"

"High, Mr. Chet, sir, your hair looks very nice today," Vicky replied sweetly battling her eyelashes innocently.

"Thank you, Vicky. And so does your incredible haunted house!" He gestured to the horrific-looking house. Despite of the sunny weather, the house seemed to own it's own personal cloud, and thunders kept on showing themselves in the background. "You sure have put on a lot of effort into this contest."

"Oh no! Look at Vicky's house!" AJ exclaimed dejectedly.

"We can't possible beat that!" Chester dejectedly added.

"Come on, guys. Our hunted house looks great too. We can beat her!"

"There is no way any kid in the town can beat you now, Vicky!"

"I know! And when I win I will sell the tickets to 'Crimson Chin vs Crash Nebula on Ice' on the internet to buy girl's stuff... I mean, use it on charity!"

A click of a button latter the TV was off. The damage to their morale was already done though.

The three of them look at their pathetic attempt of a haunted house, remembering the one on the TV.


"Com' on, Timmy. You saw it too. We can't possibly do anything to beat that in a day. Vicky must have been working on it for weeks!"

"Yeah. I guess we won't be seeing 'Crimson Chin vs Crash Nebula on Ice' after all."

Timmy's two best friends left the house with their faces full of defeat, leaving the boy alone in the half-decorated room. The two oddly colored spiders instantly morphed back into Cosmo and Wanda, and Timmy trailed. "They are right. We can't beat her... unless... Cosmo, Wanda, I wish my haunted house was much better than Vicky's!"

Twin star-tipped wands were raised, shone a bright yellow for a moment, before the shine died and the wands tilted sideways like wilted flowers.

"Sorry, Timmy, we can't help you. Magic cannot be used to help you win a contest," Wanda informed sadly.

"WHAT! But I have to see 'Crimson Chin vs Crash Nebula on Ice'! It said on the TV that is going to be the event of the year!"

"Well, why don't you just wish for the ticket's for that?" Cosmo asked huge grin on his face.

"Cosmo, you are a genius! I wish to have three tickets to the show!"

"We can't do that, Timmy," Wanda glared at Cosmo. "It says in the rules we can't give you tickets if they are completely sold already, since we would be taking them away from people who already have them. The ones to 'Crimson Chin vs Crash Nebula on Ice' have been sold out for weeks."

"Oh, bummer..." Timmy slumped on the ground. I guess I should go... find something else to do."

Cosmo and Wanda followed Timmy's form as he heart-brokenly walked back to his room. "Oh, look Cosmo. He looks so sad."

"Yeah, and he is reading. He never reads."

Timmy looked to the book in his hand, his heart filled with failure. He had planned to make his house look like the mansion of the fright night, the scariest, and most frightening personification of Halloween. "It looks nothing like it," Timmy mumbled.

"Nothing like what, sweety?" Wanda asked kindly.

"Like the Fright Knight house! It is said that the Fright Night is the personification of Halloween, and his sword can make anyone it cuts live their worst nightmares..." Timmy's words dies as the gears in his brain started spinning. "THAT'S IT!" Timmy shouted, starting his godparents. "I will get this scarily wicked ghost and ask him to make my house the scariest haunted house of all Dimsdale!"

"Timmy, no!" Wanda warned. "The fright knight is not someone who should ever get into our world! Promise you won't wish for him to be here!"

"I... fine."

A small pop had Jorgen Von Strangle unexpectedly appear in Timmy's room.

"Jorgen Von Strangle!" The the three much shorten beings in the room said at the same time.

"What are you doing here?!" Timmy asked.

"Surprise inspection," he grabbed Wanda easily in his huge fist, "We are leaving now." And with a pop they were gone.

Alone with Cosmo in the room Timmy let out a 'hmm' sound. "Well, I might not be able to call for the Knight... but she said nothing about the sword. Cosmo, I wish I could have the Fright Knight's sword!" Timmy wished loudly.

"Roger that, Timmy!" Cosmo waved his wand and Timmy's eye's widened as he saw the mighty sword burried in a pumpkin.

"A pumpkin?" Timmy asked, confused, looking at the clearly plastic pumpkin with a smiley face on it.

"Oh, no. That is not cool at all. This sword shouldn't be in a pumpkin," Timmy decided upon sight and removed the sword swiftly. A flash of white light had the big-toothed kid being ricocheted towards a wall.


The light was soon followed by a ominous purple mist, from which an imposing figure could be seen. The being had skin tight-black armor, on top of which he wore grey boots, flaming grey gauntlets, grey pads over his shoulders and a protective fauld that circled him from the waist to several inches above the knee. His head was covered by a metal helmet that shadowed his face, but couldn't quite hide his menacing green eyes. To make the whole thing more terrifying, he seemed to be covered in otherworldly purple flames, that were as creepy as fire is supposed to be hot.

"I'M FREE!" The knight roared in delight, his voice oddly echoey and his body glowing with dangerous power that could make goosebumps run up and down in anyone's back. The figure clenched and un-clenched a gloved hand and let out a very disturbing (albeit not maniacal) laugh.

Anyone with half a brain would be running for dear life about now.

"Hey, Timmy, is it just me or he is wearing a skirt?" Cosmo pointed at the knight's fauld, stupidly drew attention to himself (and Timmy) giving a twitchy smile. Timmy, on on the other hand, let out a panicked *meep*, and tried to make himself small.

"Who is this!" The fright night looked at the green eyed, floating figure and grabbed him the same was Jorgen had Wanda not long ago. The fact that the man's Knight's hand was smaller than Jorgen's only made it worse since he was half-squeezing to death the stupid fairy.

"I-'m C-os-mo," Cosmo replied blue-faced.

"Where you the one who freed me, The Great Fright Knight?"

Cosmo only managed to shake his head, now looking purple. The kight's eyes were drawn then to the kid in the floor, and the Knight simply tossed the now unconscious Cosmo like he were no more than a used napkin.

"Cosmo!" Timmy yelled, but didn't move forwards, but backwards as the being closed in. "What are you going to do to me?" Timmy blanched, looking wide-eyed to the sword in the knight's hand.

"I will personally thank you for setting me free. And then, I will unleash a storm that will take over the world and turn it into a land of nightmares!" He raised his sword mid-speech and Timmy yelled.

As the sword came down, though, Cosmo got in the way and pushed his godson out of the way, then, the sword buried into his winged back, Cosmo flashed out of existence.

"Annoying fool," Fright Knight spoke then looked to the helpless child, fully planing to stab him as well. He would not risk being defeated again by a simple whelp.

Never. Again.

To Be Continued...


[Cosmo's worst fears dimension]

"Timmy, Wanda. Where are you?" Cosmo called into the empy space and floated forwards. Soon, in front of him was a sight that made him pale. "The Super Toilet!" Cosmo yelled high-pitchedly enough to be confused with a girl. It didn't take long for his back to hit something as he walked backwards to put some distance between himself and the frightening object. Fearfully the green-haired fairy turned around, the familiar smell of oil and sugar making his heart know the horrors behind him before his eyes could see it.

"C-ch-CHURROS! NoooooOOOO!

The pile of churros soon wobbled and burried him. Alone with the Super Toiled in a world full of churros. It was his worst nightmare come true.

*Bonus end*.

AN: Hi there everyone. I welcome to my only first FOP xover. I know I should not be writing nothing new, but this plotbunny has tortured be for such a long time...

Unlike my other fics, this one is pretty much finished, so I should be able to go with a steady release. Once per week, maybe? Don't know. What I can promise you is that the more love I get, the higher the chance for an epilogue (and a sequel if this gets decidedly popular).

I bid you goodbye for now and, quoting "The Struggling Warrior" (one of my favorite fanfic writers ever):

"Thank you all for reading and please don't forget to...