Disclaimer: I don't... want to even bother writing this right now.

AN: Yes, this is a super fast update. This is because a)I had it ready and b)It could have been part of the last one, but messed the mood, so now it's on its own.

Anyway, enjoy! Thanks for sticking 'till the end ^_^

Chapter 6: Happy Ending

[Dimsdale, Timmy's house. Sunday, November 1rst.]

Timmy was woken up in an unexpected, if not unwelcomed, way.

"Timmy, Timmy! They are about to tell who won the contest!" Aj enthusiastically declared as he and Chester busted into Timmy's room.

"Contest... what contest?" Timmy sleepily mumbled before everything rushed back in. "The contest!" He jumped out of the bed and the three kids practically teleported to the living room for the verdict. For the images shown on the TV the recording was made after the Turner's home got it's extreme makeover from hell, but way before the whole town was zombified.

Timmy's house looked awesome in all it's ghost-induced glory.

"We are sure going to win this, Timmy. The whole living couch thing was amazing!"

"Yeah, I don't know how you did it, Timmy, but even I got scared by the place, and we all know it was a handmade trick."

Timmy was supremely relieved that his best friends jumped to the conclusion that Timmy somehow managed to get superb decoration skills and probably even some high tech stuff from somewhere. He would probably would have to explain how he did it -him getting those things from the internet sounded believable enough in his head- but he decided to worry about the future latter. They were about to announce the winner.

Ched Ubetcha took out an envelope and ripped it open. "And the winner is..." Suspense was heavy in the room as the man purposely took a whole lot more than necessary to announce the winner. "Remy Buxaplenty!"

Timmy/Aj/Chester: "What!"

(Vicky, at her home: "What!")

"Well, of course I win," Remy snotily declared as the TV screen shows the outside of the Buxaplenty manor. "After all, my parents spent so much money on those specialized decorators."

Feeling both ticked off and irritated, Timmy pulled his own hair.

"Why would Remy Buxaplenty spend that much money on the contest? He could have spent all the money on the tickets to begin with!" Chester raised his hands in protest.

Aj nodded at Chester's words. The two of them wondered about it. Timmy didn't have to wonder, though: he knew Remy must have heard that he (Timmy) wanted those tickets and won them just so he wouldn't.

The snotty rich brat.

"Well, let's look at the bright side: at least Vicky didn't win those either," Timmy wisely declared.

"Yeah... that's good enough for me, I guess," AJ agreed, and the three kids smiled knowingly.

"We are home Timmy!" Timmy's parents made it into the house looking far tanned that they had when they left. Their clothes also screamed tourist with their sun glasses, funny hats, tropical clothing and suitcases.

"Mom, dad! You are back!" Timmy cheered.

"We are, Timmy," Dad hugged his only son. "Also, we have something to tell you. We felt pretty bad after leaving without you and leave you alone -it did say it was a condition in the prize not to leave your son in charge of Vicky while we were on the trip- so we want to give you this ticket's we won in the cruise for that silly show you wanted to see!"

Timmy's dad gave him a 'Crash Nebula vs Crimson Chin on ice' ticked and Timmy cheered.

"Mom, dad, you are the best parents any kid could have!" Cue family hug.

"Oh, Timmy that's so sweet of you!" Timmy's mom hugged him back. "Now, if you excuse we are going to the spa. We also won tickets for a free massage. Have fun Timmy!" And with that they walked out of the door.

[Don Dimadom's stadium, November 3 (where and when Crash Nebula vs Crimson Chin is taking place)]

"Timmy, you have the best parents ever!"

"Yeah! They are -hit him hard Crimson Chin!- awesome!"

"They have their moments," Timmy agreed happily watching the whole thing unfold. It was an unlikely development to have what you want in such a way after such a big mess but... God, as they say, loves kids, idiots and drunkards, and Timmy... well he is two out of three.

The end.


[Amity Park November 1st 00:24am]

With a pop, Danny was standing in his room. The whole magical trip, he decided, he would put in a mental drawer and forget for as long as it took for it to bite him in the ass.

He had enough supernatural troubles without the added burden of magic beings bending the laws of the universe to grant kid stupid wishes.

He himself wished he could forget the matter.

A familiar white rings turned him from Phantom to Fenton, and he was once more in his underwear in the middle of the room.

"Oh, bed, how I long for thee!" He jumped into the soft mattress eagerly, not minding in the slightest that he was almost naked. Yeah, sleep, o beautiful sleep...

"HAVE YOU SEEN THIS KID!" His mother's voice sounded from out the window in a the echoey, mechanical way only megaphones can manage. Danny only summoned enough energy to turn his head to see out of the window, easily seeing the RV flashing past as his crazy parents went about yelling about him being kidnapped by ghosts.

Weighing his options was very easy for the halfa. On one hand he could go out there and stop his parents from making fool of themselves (something they did almost every breathing second) or he get some very blissful sleep.

Not minding in the slightest about the punishment he might get latter (he would spun a lie about being kidnapped and making it back home because 'no ghost could ever defeat a Fenton' and weasel out of it) Danny buried his face in the pillow and slept.

*Bonus end*


AN: And we are over! This is officially the first multi-chapter fic I have ever finished. This practically wrote itself. Thanks a lot for all your support.

Ps. Originally I planned to say "Let me know if you want an epilogue with your fries", but honestly, I think there already is a fic about Vicky fangirling about Danny Phantom, then kidnapping him into an awkward spin-off of the one in which she did so to Chip.

So, I will bid you all good bye, and officially declare the fic done.

Please REVIEW!