Plot Idea: Introduction
Rating: E for everyone!

Tadashi sat in a stiff chair, identical to all the other chairs lined up next to him, inside of a white-walled and very bland hospital building. His legs couldn't reach the ground because of the chair's height, allowing him to swing them in front of himself as he waited patiently for his parents to return, hearing loud yells and concerned mutterings from inside the room before him. He only partially knew why he was there; having been told by their parents that they would be expected to go there soon, but not giving him anything in detail. Of course the child had been worried. Hospitals meant someone was sick, and when someone was sick he couldn't stop worrying over them until they were okay again.

The seven year old had been glad to hear that his mother wasn't sick at all, but to make sure that she didn't get sick they would have to go there when something special happened. And that special event happened to be him getting a little brother or sister. He'd already known something was up, he'd seen all the signs before in one of his teachers; they had gotten really fat, to the point one would think her belly was going to burst open - but it never did thankfully - and after missing school for about 2 and a half months, she had come back looking just like she had before with a new little human in her arms to show them.

And since he lived with his mother and father in a happy little home, he had seen the slow yet somehow quick progression of her gaining weight and taking on that 'watermelon-esque' figure, as the child had called it when talking to one of his friends during recess.

Now, after 9 months of his mother acting overly happy then going off at nearly everything and changing moods much faster than he was comfortable, there he sat in a hospital chair, waiting for his father to come back out and let him know mom's okay. It seemed like forever to him before the noises behind the door finally stopped and he looked up to see one of the swinging doors opening, revealing his father's happy expression. In the background he could hear a baby crying, and while it did sound louder than he expected and quite annoying, he was excited to see the source of it. "Is it a boy or a girl?" Tadashi asked quickly, hopping out of his chair and catching himself before running into the room, only slowing down when asked to by one of the nurses nearby.

He walked up to the side of his mother's hospital bed and got on with the help of his father, seeing a tiny blue blanket wrapped around a baby. The baby himself was still crying loudly, eyes shut tightly as it used it's lungs for the first time and hurt everyone's ears in the process.

Tadashi didn't mind, especially when those big, brown eyes opened for the first time and looked up at him, the crying getting quieter as the seven year old reached out his finger for his new baby brother to grab. "What's his name?" Tadashi asked once it was grabbed, looking between his parents before marveling at his sibling again. He's so small, but he's so loud... I wonder if he'll always be like that.

"His name is Hiro." His, no - their, mother announced, making Tadashi smile even more.

"He's a little small to be a hero, don't ya think?" Tadashi muttered, laughing lightly as the baby went back to crying, prompting Tadashi to try and hold him. He was denied and told he could hold him once they were back home, but he kept playing with his new little brother and making faces at him the whole time their parents chatted with the doctor, talking in dept about child-care and making Tadashi block it out from all the long words.

When Hiro finally got tired and closed his eyes, little body still curled up comfortably in the blue blanket, Tadashi watched him for a little while, being silent so their mother could fall asleep as well. Hiro, huh? Whatever your name is, I'll watch out for you, little brother. I promise.