Hi Leute! (means 'Hi folks!' in German ;) ) This is my very first fic and I hope it isn't that bad. I hope you will enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I never thought that I will ever say this! I DO NOT OWN ESCAFLOWNE!! *sniff* Unfortunately not! It's more painful than I expected.

8th May 2003

IMPORTANT: I've now an editor! YAY! Her name is Sharlee and she'll edit all my chapters which are full of mistakes. Thanks, woman!!!!! *hugs Sharlee* Let's start with the edited chapter one!


CHAPTER 1 A simple bidding

The bright sunlight sparkled through the dense foliage of the forest. It created funny pattern on a person sleeping peacefully under a huge tree. It was a slim girl with light honey- brown hair, which reached her hip. It was tamed by a black ribbon. Some strands covered her delicate face. She wore a pair of brown leather boots which reached her knees, green trousers, a tight fitting, sleeveless green shirt and some kind of chest armour. Her head rested on her forearms, covered by protection bandages. Beside her laid a quiver and a large wooden bow. She seemed deep in her dreams.

Suddenly a little girl of almost six years sneaked through the undergrowth. She stopped in front of the sleeping figure and kneeled down before her. She watched intensely at her closed eyes. With a sudden "Boo!" the sleeping girl opened her eyes. They were breathtaking. They sparkled an incredible green, just as green as the forest at noon. Terrified, the little girl jerked back. "HITOMI, how dare you scaring me like this!" she said annoyed. Hitomi laughed out loud. Her laughter echoed through the forest, pure like the ringing of bells. She rose from the soft ground.

"I'm really sorry," Hitomi said and bowed deeply. "But you're so lovely when you're scared, Gabriella." She gave the girl an evil grin.

"Sometimes you're odiously nasty!" Gabriella shot back. "I thought you were sleeping," she said, then turned around and pouted.

"Hey, c'mon," Hitomi pleaded and walked around Gabriella to face her. "I'm sorry. Honestly," she whispered. "Okay?"

Gabriella glanced at her, but then her features softened. She nodded slowly and smiled. Her smile grew even larger. "What?" Hitomi asked wondering.

"This means revenge!" she said while turning around. Before Hitomi could react, the girl stormed away from her.

"No!" Hitomi screamed and started chasing after Gabriella. "Please, don't! Not my new arrows. I just carved them!" She heard the girl giggle.

She was close behind Gabriella. She stretched out her hand to grab the girl. But suddenly Gabriella came to a dead stop. Hitomi wasn't able to stop in time and bumped into her. Both of them fell to the ground. "What the...," Hitomi complained, but was interupted by the girl.

"It's your fault. Because you scared me, I forgot why I was looking for you!" Gabriella said seriously to Hitomi, who was rubbing her buttock. "She wants to see you. I think it's something very important." Hitomi looked up.

"Oh. Well then, lets go!" she said while getting up and walked back to her tree. She stooped to pick up her bow and quiver. Hitomi then walked over to Gabriella. She took her hand and together they walked into the shadows of the forest.


"WATCH OUT!" someone screamed. Hitomi grasped Gabriella waist and jumped back. A split second later, a giant tree thundered onto the leaf-covered ground. Hitomi bent protectively over Gabriella. For a brief moment a thick cloud of dust blurred her view. When it subsided she looked up. A tall woman with an ax waved her hand. "Everything alright?" she asked. "I'm sorry, 'Tomi. I haven't seen you."

"Nevermind," Hitomi replied. "We're alive." Hitomi looked down at Gabriella. The little girl smiled. "Thank you," she said.

They stood in the center of a large clearing. The clearing was encircled by several trees with little huts in their tops. The huts' roofs were made of reed. They were connected by lots of suspension bridges. Innumerable lianas and rope ladders hung from thick branches. Dozens of women of every age worked busily all over the place. They hammered, haggled, sparred or just relaxed in the shadow of a tree. Women. Everywhere they looked were women. But neither Hitomi nor Gabriella were surprised at that. They didn't need to. They didn't need to, because they were in Pergamon, capital of Skythia, kingdom of the Amazones. The legendary Amazons. They were an old tribe of warlike women existing for a long time. Nobody really remembered when they appeared on the face of Gaea. Some people guessed that they were as old as Gaea itself. Nobody knew them properly, but everyone feared them including their allies. Pergamon wasn't a real capital. It was just the biggest Amazon community in Skythia. The most important meetings were held here and their queen lived here.

Hitomi and Gabriella walked calmly along a shady path, both enjoying the peaceful moment. Suddenly a women softly landed beside them. She was an imposing person, almost a head taller than Hitomi, although Hitomi wasn't small. Her hair was short and black like a lake at night. It even reflected the sunlight like a lake reflected the stars. She wore a skirt and some kind of bra. The outlines of several muscles could be seen on her upper arms and her flat stomach. But the most conspicuous mark was the missing right breast. It had been cauterized some years ago. It was the usual method. Every woman who's breast hinders her in using any kind of weapon, especially an arrow, cauterizes her right breast. Hitomi was glad that her breast wasn't that big that she had to carry this procedure out. It was a really painful procedure. " 'Lo 'Tomi.", the other woman said and her deep- blue eyes sparkled.

"What about our little competition?" she asked mischievously.

Hitomi smirked. "Maybe later," she responded.

"Chicken! Chicken! Hitomi is a chicken! She gets out of a challenge!" the woman chanted jumping around the two girls.

"No, I won't!" Hitomi replied. "I never get out of a challenge! You know that, Cassandra."

"Yeah, of course the best archer in whole Gaea can't afford that," Cassandra said and grinned widely.

"I haven't the time, now. Penthesilea wants to see me. So please, excuse me," Hitomi said then turned at Gabriella. "See you later, Gabriella" And with that she walked off.

Cassandra shook her head smiling.


Hitomi had walked for nearly 10 minutes when she reached a fork. The right path led to Penthesilea's residence. This one she must go. But the left one. 'Yeah, the left one.', she thought. The Forbidden Path. Only the queen herself was allowed to go that way. No other Amazon had ever been at the end of that path. Hitomi wondered why. She couldn't imagine what would be at the end. But it must be something very powerful. The whole path was ominously dismal. Not a single sunbeam reached the ground. Even the trees seemed threatening. It was weird. There were no guards. There was no need to post them, because nobody ever tried to walk on that path. Besides, no Amazon with common sense would like to be posted there. But there was something about this place Hitomi couldn't put into words, even not into thoughts. And it seemed that this "something" attracted her. It called her. Everytime she stood at this fork she felt the sudden urge to walk along the left path. Now, this time too. She shook her head. No! She'll resist. She fought the urge and turned reluctantly to the right. Without looking back she walked away.

At last round a bend she saw Penthesilea's tree. It was a quite beautiful tree. Every time Hitomi saw it she was stunned like the first time she had seen it. The tree seemed thousands of years old. It looked like an old man, very wise and very expert. He must have seen the coming and going of generations of kings and emperors, the rise and decline of hundreds of kingdoms. Beside him Hitomi felt always small and unimportant. She knew that she would never reach his knowledge. Nobody could. She smiled and closed her eyes, inhaling the special scent of this unique moment. When she reopened her eyes Hitomi noticed a figure to the right of the giant trunk. She stepped ahead, shading her eyes and inspected it closer. Penthesilea! What was she doing? Her outstretched hand touched the old tree's trunk. She smiled and seemed deep in thoughts. Could it be? Was she...Was she talking to him? Before Hitomi could think farther Penthesilea noticed her.

"Ah 'Tomi, you're finally here," she said waving her hand.

Hitomi approached and bowed. "Well, it's a fair way. Neither am I a magician nor have I wings. Unfortunately not. Forgive me, Lea," she said smiling and bowed again.

"Same Hitomi as usual," Lea replied.

The queen was a beautiful woman. Her hair was black but sparkled an intense purple. Her face was timeless with eyes of a mysterious grey. Whenever Hitomi looked at them she thought she was drifting into another world. Hitomi was the only one who called the queen "Lea". Hitomi's mother died a long time ago during a battle. Her last wish was that her sister should care for her little daughter. And Penthesilea fulfilled her sister's wish. Although she was her aunt, Lea became more and more a mother for Hitomi. She was the daughter Lea never had and never would have. Hitomi was Lea's only family. Sure, every Amazon was her sister, but this was not the same. Now, Lea was Hitomi's only family too. She didn't know her father. Hitomi hadn't spoken with him or hadn't even seen him. It was unimportant who he was. He was just a man like the million other men on this planet, too. Maybe he was already dead. It didn't matter. Men were insignificant. Their only purpose was producing descendants. Female descendants, of course.

"So, what do you want to discuss?" Hitomi asked after a long silence.

"You have grown tall," Lea said and smiled, remembering.

Hitomi glanced distrustful at her substitute mother. "Yeah, I'm 17 years old and I should be tall. If not there would be something wrong with me," she said slowly.

Lea ignored her sarcastic statement. "I remember like it was yesterday that you had run through this place laughing and dancing around," she continued.

Hitomi said nothing. Instead she watched the woman, strained. What was going on?

"I have something for you," Lea then said mysteriously and disappeared behind the trunk of her tree. Moments later she appeared again with a piece of cloth in her hands. She handed it to Hitomi. It was a dark green cloak. "It was your mother's cloak. I think she would like that you wear it," she said smiling.

Hitomi could only stare at the cloak. Her mother had worn it. Suddenly Lea hugged Hitomi. "Please be careful and watch out," she whispered into Hitomi's ear. And with that she left her alone, dumbstruck. Something was definitely wrong!


That night, no matter what she did, counting deers, drinking some milk or reading an ancient scroll, Hitomi couldn't fell asleep. Not that her nightmares had come back. No! For heaven's sake not! It was as if something kept her awake. Something powerful. With a thought coming to her mind she quickly sat up in her bed. It was calling her! But this time there was no need to resist. The urge was too strong. Besides, Hitomi didn't want to resist anymore. She leaped out of her bed, grabbed her mother's cloak and her equipment (you never know) and climbed down the rope in front of her door. She lived alone, so she didn't run the risk of waking someone.

Without making any noise Hitomi sneaked through the darkness, one with the shadows. She wasn't afraid. Neither of the night, she was used to it, nor of what was waiting for her. There was no need to be afraid, she knew it. After a while she reached her goal- the Forbidden Path. Although it was night and dark everywhere, the forest around the path seemed even darker than the other forest. 'I'm not afraid!', she thought and stepped onto forbidden ground. Hitomi gasped. What is this place? She couldn't hear or smell anything! She stepped back and the voices of the night and the unique scent of the forest appeared again. She stepped ahead and they were gone. 'That's weird.', the young Amazone thought but didn't kept caring. It's right enough.

She had walked for some minutes, but still wasn't used to that strange feeling of not smelling and hearing anything. It seemed as if there was no air to breathe. But there was air, proved by her still being alive. In some strange ways she felt like being under water, not exactly, because under water you can still hear. Then she looked up into the night sky. Nothing. No stars, no moon, no mystic moon. She should have known. She couldn't say if it was because of the foliage hiding the stars or if there really wasn't a thing at the skies. But after all she thought that the second thought is more likely.

She stopped. Without noticing she had reached a clearing. Hitomi looked up again. Yup, she was right. No stars. Where was she anyway? Her wondering was interrupted by the sudden appearing of a glowing figure. It stood in the middle of the clearing. Hitomi watched in amazement as the glow disappeared. It left a fragile looking woman. She was about Hitomi's height and the most beautiful being Hitomi had ever seen. Her hair had the colour of a light shining blue and her eyes were as blue and deep as the ocean on a sunny day in summer. She wore a white dress and it seemed that the dress merged into it's surroundings. Her face was pale.

"I've been waiting for you, Hitomi," she said with a voice soft like a feather. Hitomi couldn't reply. She wanted to. She had so many questions to ask but she couldn't.

"My name is Thetis," she said and bowed. "I think you know who I am."

'Thetis,' Hitomi thought. Yeah, Hitomi knew exactly who she was. She was the patron saint of the Amazons. Every Amazon knew the legends.

"I have a little favour to ask you," Thetis said smiling. "Help the dragon."

Hitomi looked at her wondering. What the hell was going on here?

"Please, help the dragon. He might not look like he needs your help or maybe he just refuses it." She laughed lightly. "This is more likely, I think," she added still laughing.

Hitomi had never seen a goddess laugh before. She was enchanted.

"But believe me, he needs your help," Thetis continued.

Finally Hitomi found her breath again. "B-But why me?" she asked, stuttering.

"Because I believe in you," Thetis answered. "I watched you for a long time. I know you will make it."

Hitomi looked at her, doubtful. "Supposing that I will do what you asked for, how should I do it?"

The goddess stretched out her right hand. A small pink glowing thing appeared. She passed it to Hitomi. "Maybe this will be useful," Thetis said.

Hitomi looked at the glowing pendant in her hand. "This is my mother's one!" she said shocked. "I thought she lost it! Where did you get that from?"

Thetis watched her. "You should go now," she said quietly.

The Amazon looked up. "No," she contradicted. "I've so many questions. Please, I need some answers."

The goddess shook her head. "The time hasn't come, yet," she said. "You should go now."

"But-But where should I go? How should I find this dragon?" Hitomi asked.

Thetis touched her heart. "It'll lead you. Trust me-"

"But I haven't even said goodbye!" Hitomi interrupted her.

"A lot of buts," Thetis said smiling. "Hitomi, the Amazons will know. Now go."

Hitomi opened her to mouth again to contradict. Thetis sighed. "You're really stubborn, you know?" She waved her hand. "Goodbye, Hitomi. Be careful and watch out."

"Wait-" she started to say, but suddenly her surroundings changed. The dark trees vanished and were replaced by...the stables! Oh well, this was unambiguous! She shrugged. She has no alternative, has she?

She walked into the stable. "Dust?" she called in a whisper. "Dust where- hey! She thought ahead, you must admit," Hitomi said, impressed to find her horse already saddled and a backpack lying beside him. "Now go." She heard a soft whisper floating past her.

"Okay, okay!" Hitomi said annoyed. "I said it one time and I say it again."-

"You're not a magician," Thetis' voice completed her statement. "I know."

"Am I that predictable?" Hitomi asked. "That's terrible." She grabbed the reins and the backpack and walked out of the stable. Soon she reached the end of the city in the forests. She sighed and mounted. Without looking back she said "goodbye" and rode away.

Two grey eyes appeared in the shadows. "Fare well and good luck, Hitomi."


I DID IT!!!!!!!! I can't believe it. All of five pages! I know some of you wrote more than 15 pages. Hat off! But it was just my first chappy. I hope it wasn't too boring. I tried to write it a bit exciting but I think I failed, didn't I? If you want to I'll continue. You would like to see!!

That's almost all for today. Only one thing: PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!! There's a little German line - "Ich warte auf Post, wie ein Eisbär auf Frost." - It describes exactly my longing for reviews. *implores* Pleeeeease

Well then, I think it's enough. See ya (I hope!)
