AN: This chapter turned out shorter than I thought it would be, but I think it wraps the two-shot up nicely. I may write a multi-chaptered story about this couple in the future, buuut I still need to finish my other one so yeah… It will probably be a while if I even do another multi-chap story.

Anyhoo, enjoy.

Disclaimer: The characters of Mai-Hime belong to Sunrise.

Natsuki Kuga had found yet another hiding spot behind the school.

"Oi, Kuga! Got a cig?"

Well, it had been her hiding spot. But, of course, Nao Yuuki had to ruin it. Again. Natsuki sighed and then blew a bubble out of her gum, resting her back fully against the wall. "I quit."

"Har har, very funny."

"I'm serious this time, Yuuki. Cigs are…" That day-old memory flashed through her head, and she shuddered, cheeks warming at the recollection. "I can't stand them anymore."

Nao stared at her a moment. "You're serious."

Natsuki nodded as she blew another bubble.

"So, what, you're chewing gum now?"

"Yeah. Cheaper. Tastes better too."

"Well, damn. This sucks."

The raven-haired beauty smirked. "Looks like you'll have to find someone else to extort."

Yuuki gave a nonchalant shrug. "I got plenty victims to choose from." A pause. "Got another piece of gum?"

"You're such a pain in the ass," Natsuki grumbled as she tossed a piece to the redhead.

Nao caught it and grinned. "And you're such a sweetheart, Kuga. Well… When you're not being a total bitch, that is."

Natsuki snorted, biting back her retort. She didn't feel like playing verbal volleyball with this brat today. "How the hell do you keep finding me?"

"You're not exactly low-key, Kuga. Black hair? Green eyes? Plus, that hoody you always throw on after school. Pretty easy to pick you out of a crowd."

"Are you like a stalker or something?"

"Me? Stalk you? Please, that's the Kaichou's job."

Natsuki blanched, porcelain skin taking on an almost death-like quality. "Was she… looking for me again?"

"Yep. Just passed her earlier." Lime-eyes glanced her way, and a devious grin spread across Yuuki's face. "Ooo, not looking too good there, Kuga. Something happen with her yesterday?"

"You stupid little…" Natsuki's fists balled in her pockets. "Just get the hell outta here, Yuuki."

"Sheesh, calm down. I will." Yuuki spun on her heel and took off towards the school gates. She cocked her head over her shoulder to call back, "Hope you have fun with the Kaichou again!"

Natsuki frowned. Had Nao really gone and told Shizuru where she was again? Her face flushed at the thought of that girl, and she shuddered for the umpteenth time that day. She had to get out of here before Shizuru found her.

"It appears I have found you yet again, Natsuki."

The raven-haired beauty jolted at the voice, gum sliding down her throat. Coughing, she whirled to face the intruder. "Would you stop doing that?!" Another cough. "Gah, dammit! You made me swallow my gum!"

Shizuru tilted her head. "No cigarettes today?"

Natsuki grit her teeth. This girl was acting as if nothing had ever happened yesterday! Idiot, it's your damn fault I can't smoke anymore! The raven-haired girl sighed, slumping against the wall. Past experience had already proved to her that arguing with Shizuru was pointless. The older girl always found a way to gain the upper hand. "I quit."

"Is that so?"

"What do you mean 'is that so'?! You're the one who ruined—"

"Ara, so you quit because of me?"

"Of course not, idiot! I quit because I wanted to!" Natsuki crossed her arms, scowling all the while at the playful-looking Kaichou. "So stop chasing me around. I'm not smoking anymore."

"Silly girl." Shizuru stepped forward, and Natsuki tensed when the Kaichou halted a few feet in front of her, her expression oddly gentle. "You believe that was my only reason for finding you?"

"Well, yeah…" The raven-haired beauty averted her gaze, cheeks heating up. "I mean… Why else would you—" She faltered as a hand cupped her chin, tilting her head up, and her breath caught in her throat when Shizuru's face inched closer to hers. "Shi-Shizuru…"


A familiar softness pressed against her mouth, and her heart lurched as Shizuru's tongue caressed her bottom lip. She instinctively parted her lips for the older girl, knees buckling as that smooth velvet entered and explored her. Natsuki groaned, eyes squeezing shut. She felt as if her whole body was being consumed by a raging inferno. Heat like wildfire coursed through her veins and shot straight to her core, invoking a feeling of euphoria that threatened to consume her.

Shizuru's lips moved against hers again, and the last bit of Natsuki's common sense fizzled. Her fingers curled around Shizuru's collar, and she pulled the older girl against her.

As soon as the kiss had begun, it had ended, and as Shizuru drew away, Natsuki found herself nearly chasing after those soft lips.

"The taste of cinnamon suits Natsuki much better than tobacco."

Natsuki blinked away the haze that had covered her mind. Her brain went into overdrive as she observed Shizuru's slightly swollen lips and the pink tinge that had risen in her cheeks. Not to mention those intense mahogany eyes that were now swirling with emotion. She flushed, turning her head to the side as she shakily withdrew her hands. "W-Why did you do that?"

"Did Natsuki not enjoy it?"

"No! Wait… I mean yes!" Natsuki let out a frustrated noise as she dragged a hand down her face. "Dammit, Shizuru! Do you always have to… to word your questions like that?"

"What ever do you mean?"

"Just forget it! I, uh, I really need to go."

Natsuki brushed past the upperclassman but froze when she felt a pair of arms gently encircle her from behind.

"Natsuki… I will see you again tomorrow, yes?"

The raven-haired girl blinked at the older girl's tentative tone. It was so unlike her to sound this uncertain, this self-conscious. As if she were asking for Natsuki's permission to continue seeking her out, yet feared what her response would be.

She relaxed into the lean arms that enfolded her, raising her hands to cover Shizuru's own, and smiled. "Yeah…"

You always find me anyways, Shizuru. And… I think I always wanted you to catch me.