AN: Sorry for the wait... I had writers block and needed a break from this story. But I'M BACK. Please hold your applause. I won't be able to hear it anyways. lol I hope you enjoy the chapter and hopefully I can continue soon.

Haley spent most of the next few days with Sirius. Finn's mom and Kurt's dad got along very well with him but after a couple days a letter came for him from Minerva.

"What's it say?" Haley questioned.

"Turns out the new defense professor were kidnapped and a death eater was impersonating him to try to get close to you. He was sent to Azkaban but now they need a new professor."

"And she wants you?" Haley asked in surprise.

Sirius shrugged, "I guess so. She doesn't know what else to do."

"She must be desperate," Haley teased earning a slap on the shoulder.

"I think I'll take the job though. I can't live with my goddaughter for the rest of my life," he stated seriously. "You will be alright on your own?"

Haley smiled at his concern, "Sirius, I was alone before you got here. Plus you, Remus, and the Weasley's will just be a floo call away."

Later that night Sirius left and Haley found herself alone again so she spent the rest of the night practicing her song for glee club.

School had been going well. She hadn't been slushied again and she was doing a good job at avoiding the cheerleaders that where out for her but she realized that if she stuck close to Finn no one wanted to mess with her.

Apparently after he won some big sports game he became like the king if the school. Haley really enjoyed having him around. She was getting closer to the other glee members as well. They wanted her to feel welcome in their club. She was excited for the next day. It was her next glee club meeting and everyone was performing their songs in the auditorium.


Haley walked with Rachel to the auditorium. "My dads bought a camera to watch the car. All we have to do is wait now."

"Good! Maybe you can catch the guy who keeps doing it."

"Yeah! Hey do you want to… I don't know… maybe hang out sometime?"

Haley smiled at her, "Rachel consider yourself always welcome in my home."

Rachel smiled. She had never had much for friends but Haley was changing everything for the better.

When they entered Mr. Schuester was the only one that had arrived. "Hello girls."

"Hi Mr. S," Haley smiled.

"So I heard that Sirius left already," Will stated.

Haley shrugged, "Yeah, there was an incident to a Professor at my old school and Minerva, the new headmistress, needed a new professor to fill in for him."

"Oh? What happened to him?" Rachel asked.

"He was kidnapped and locked in a trunk for a month," Haley stated as if it was a normal excuse.

The rest of the club finally filed in and they started their solos.

Finn went first. He sang More Than a Feeling by Boston. Rachel sang The Climb by Miley Cyrus. Kurt – Not The Boy Next Door from The Boy From Oz. Santana – Can't Be Tamed by Miley Cyrus. Brittany – I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry. Puck – Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen. Tina and Mike – L.O.V.E by Frank Sinatra. Sam – Billionaire by Bruno Mars. Mercedes – Hate On Me by Jill Scott. Artie – I'm Still Standing by Elton John. Quinn – Mine by Taylor Swift (while starring at Finn).

Finally it was Haley's turn. She had decided on I Will Not Bow by Breaking Benjamin.

"Now the dark begins to rise

Save your breath, it's far from over

Leave the lost and dead behind

Now's your chance to run for cover

I don't want to change the world

I just wanna leave it colder

Light the fuse and burn it up

Take the path that leads to nowhere

All is lost again

But I'm not giving in

I will not bow

I will not break

I will shut the world away

I will not fall

I will not fade

I will take your breath away


Watch the end through dying eyes

Now the dark is taking over

Show me where forever dies

Take the fall and run to Heaven

All is lost again

But I'm not giving in

I will not bow

I will not break

I will shut the world away

I will not fall

I will not fade

I will take your breath away

And I'll survive, paranoid

I have lost the will to change

And I am not proud, cold-blooded fake

I will shut the world away

Open your eyes!

I will not bow

I will not break

I will shut the world away

I will not fall

I will not fade

I will take your breath away

And I'll survive; paranoid

I have lost the will to change

And I am not proud, cold-blooded fake

I will shut the world away


After they had finished their performances they stayed in the auditorium they began discussing sectional ideas. The topic of Haley getting a solo was floating around (and being thoroughly argued against by Quinn and Santana) when Haley's phone rang. She excused herself when she saw it was Sirius calling.


"Haley! Where are you? I thought you had Glee!"

"I am in Glee."

"The choir rooms empty!"

"Wait! Why are you in the choir room?"

"Haley! Where are you?"

"Glee is in the auditorium today."

"We'll be right there!"

"Wait! We?"

But Sirius had already hung up.

"Is everything alright, Haley?" Will asked.

"Um… I'm not sure. I don't think Sirius left the country yet. He said, 'We'll be right there.' He was kinda freaking out."

Just then the door burst open and Sirius, Remus, Molly, Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Madam Bones, and two Aurors Haley recognized from Dumbledore's arrest as Kingsley Shacklebolt and Nymphadora Tonks flooded into the Auditorium.

"What is going on?!" Will shouted.

"It's okay, Mr. Schuester. I know them. What are you doing here?"

"Dumbledore escaped!" Sirius shouted.

The club watched as Haley skin lost all color.

"So did Snape," Bill growled.


"They had help from an Auror. They broke out sometime last night and no one figured it out until Tonks went to relieve him. We found Auror Banks no long ago trying to escape on a muggle train thinking no one would check there. Snape and Dumbledore are still missing. We think Dumbledore confounded Fawkes into helping them," Amelia explained glaring at the betrayal.

"What's a Dumbledore?" Brittany asked.

"Your stalker guy escaped!" Finn stated.

"Does this mean Haley's in danger again?" Will asked.

Sirius nodded numbly.

"Auror Tonks and Auror Shacklebolt have been given orders to protect you until Dumbledore is found," Amelia stated.

"Wait! Little Miss I-Can-Do-Anything needs a bodyguard because of a guy in England. Just give his picture to Airlines so he can't leave the county," Santana rolled her eyes.

"Um, Mr. Fawkes has a private jet," Haley lied quickly, "Dumbledore most likely convinced him to help get out of the country. It's unlikely that he's still in Europe let alone England."

"Well what are you going to do now?" Kurt asked concerned.

"Live like I had been except ordering enough takeout for three."