Thank you, Sherry (Banshee69) for all your help. I don't own Twilight, SM does. The subject matter of 9-11 is what gives it an M rating, so if you're triggered by that then please do not read.








I make it to the hospital in record time.

I'm racing through the corridors like a madwoman with a sense of deja vu, looking for someone- anyone to help me; when I spot the information desk. Skidding to a stop in front of it, the lady sitting there looks at me like I've lost my mind, and I feel like I'm about to. "I'm looking for someone, I need to find him." I blurt out, breathlessly.

She looks at me sympathetically. "What's his name?" She questions me.

I inhale deeply, trying to calm my breathing. "Cullen, Edward Cullen."

She looks at the computer in front of her. "He's in ICU room 2. That's down this hall." she points, "then to the right. The rooms will be numbered, but you'll have to check in at the nurse's station first." She informs me.

"Thanks." I call over my shoulder after I take off down the hall. I usually have better manners than that, but I need to get to Edward, as quickly as I can.

I bypass the nurses. I have to see him with my own eyes, touch him. I need reassurance he's okay. I can't bear the thought of losing him.

Being back here in this hospital, it makes me sick to my stomach, but I don't have time to dwell on it.

I ease into his room, taking in the beeping noise coming from the machine next to his bed. Relief floods my veins like a tsunami. He's alive, that's all that matters. Whatever injuries he has- we can get through those, together.

I approach his bed slowly, examining him from head to toe. He has some cuts and bruises, and his head is wrapped in a bandage.

I lower myself in the chair beside the bed, tentatively reaching for his hand. "Oh, my sweet, sweet man." Tears start to trickle out of the corners of my eyes.

"He's a tough one." Someone speaks behind me.

I turn to see who spoke, and stand upon seeing a man standing there.

He steps forward. "Hello, I'm Sergeant Murphy." He extends his hand as he introduces himself.

I shake his hand. "Bella Black." I tell him my name.

I look back towards Edward's prone body. "What happened? Is he going to be okay?" I question him.

The Sergeant steps around to Edward's other side. "He was one of the first responders. He went back into the house to try to get an elderly man out. The ceiling collapsed on him..." He trails off, shaking his head.

My mind goes into overtime. "How bad is he? And, what about the elderly man?"

He offers me a warm smile. "He got out. He's doing okay, just some smoke inhalation."

I look from him back to Edward.

"Edward took a hard blow to his head when the ceiling collapsed on him. He has some superficial cuts and bruises, those will heal pretty quickly."

I try to swallow around the lump in my throat. "What are you not telling me?" I don't mean to snap at him, but I have to know.

He rubs his face. "Edward, he's in a coma. The doctors, they don't know if he'll ever regain consciousness." He informs me dejectedly.

I hold Edward's hand as I listen to Sergeant Murphy. "He'll wake up, I know he will." I tell him with confidence.

He looks at me sadly. "I hope you're right." He mumbles, patting me on the arm before he walks out the door.

"I have to be right, I just have to."




AN: Keep in mind these chapters that I have been posting the last few times have been prewritten for several months, and I've been desperately clinging to them. If I post them within a few days/weeks, there might not be anymore, at least for awhile. I do have a new story I am working on, so my muse isn't completely silent. It just happens to be silent for Changes. If/when Bella/Edward decide to speak to me, I'll grab my iPad or phone & open a document ASAP. Thanks for being so patient & understanding with me on this matter. It's extremely frustrating for me to have a block on this fic. I want to be able to hit the complete button on it so badly.