A/N: Hey, everyone. This is a repost. I deleted the original story because of how much hate it got. But I found it on my laptop and I really like it. It was my first story and I find it hilarious. Sorry, you guys won't bully me into deleting my stories again

Don't like, don't read, and definitely don't review. ~ LilacBlossom

For this story, disregard the Pein Arc and everything after that. Let's just say things have been peaceful for a more extended period of time. Thank you!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. Even the plot to this story is pretty overused and not original.


Among the buzzing streets of Konoha, Ino Yamanaka slowly trekked towards her best friend's apartment. The slender, 18 year old blonde had a downcast look about her but still tried hopelessly to keep her lips slightly curved into a less than half-hearted smile.

'Stupid, stupid, stupid….how could this be happening to me?' The blonde halted in her step for a few seconds before looking up towards her friend's apartment. "Well, I guess it's now or never" Ino confidently whispered to herself.

You, Me, Her, and It

Chapter One: Stop Lying, Ino-Pig!


Sakura never got days off from the hospital, ever. So when she heard someone knocking on her front door, quietly at first before turning into an obnoxious booming, she was livid. The pinkette rose from her sofa, confused at first as to why she was laying there but then remembering she hadn't made it to her bed last night. With a load groan, Sakura swung her door open and then…

"WHAT THE HELL DO Y-" the pinkette blinked twice in confusion before suddenly resuming her angry outburst. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!? This is your shift right now, isn't it? Actually, I know it is! So why are you-"

Ino sheepishly grinned at her friend, trying hard to keep a happy façade, "Yes, yes, it is but-"

"-here? If you're here to ask me to cover your shift, just-"

"I'm actually here beca-"

"go away now!" Sakura fumed for about thirty more seconds before resigning to an overbearing glare. "Well, what is it?"

Ino opened her mouth to speak but then shut it immediately and gave her friend an incredulous look. "So you're just not going to invite me in?" Ino stared at her superior for another thirty seconds or so before smiling as Sakura turned her back to walk away, leaving her front door open. 'Okay, Ino. This is it!'

Ino took approximately three steps forward before closing the door behind her then four more steps into Sakura's sitting room before calling out to the girl in the small kitchen.

"Sakura, I'm pregnant." Clack, ting, boom, "ack!" was heard from inside the kitchen before Sakura rushed out with a disbelieving look on her face.

"Um," an unidentified emotion passed across Sakura's profile before the green-eyed girl began clutching her stomach and…laughing? "Ino-Pig, you're a virgin," a look of disdain creeped onto Ino's face at the amazing emphasis put on the word 'virgin', "I know because you would have rushed to tell me about it if you did lie on your back for someone!" An even deeper look of disdain appeared on Ino's face at her best friend's choice of words.

Ino quickly shook her head to clear her thoughts of wanting to argue with the rude girl, who, by the way, was now leaning against the kitchen doorframe to support herself as her bout of laughter continued.

"Sakura, stop." Sakura briefly made eye contact with the girl before pressing her hand against her lips to stifle her giggles, though Ino believed she purposely wasn't trying very hard to give her the respect she was obviously requesting. "If you don't believe me, check it out yourself. Maybe I was wrong, even though a traditional pregnancy test also confirmed my self-examination."

Sakura incoherently mumbled something about pee sticks and her stove being on before bringing her hands to Ino's abdomen and concentrating her chakra. "You worry too mu-" A gasp escaped Sakura's lips as she slowly lowered her hands and gaped at her blonde friend. "Ino…you're pregnant."

Ino brought her clenched fist up in front of her as she slightly raised her voice, "Okay, Sakura, now that you've so kindly decided to listen up, do you think maybe you can offer me some friendly support?" Ino's voice cracked towards the end of her question, her big blue eyes leaving Sakura's face to stare at floor. 'Wow, does Sakura even sweep around here?'

The blonde's attempt at distracting her own mind was interrupted as her friend perked up, "You already know I'm here for you!" a small smile graced Sakura's lips. "Wow, a baby huh?" that small smile dropped in favor of a more pensive look. "So, who's the father?"


Rock Lee flew through the air before slamming face first into an inconveniently placed training post. "Neji, my rival! I am so ashamed of my quick defeat that I did not even bother to catch my fall! It was my punishment for allowing the beautiful Tenten to distract me from our battle with her feminine woes!" the young man proclaimed.

"Uh…Lee, all I did was walk over to pick up my pack," the chocolate haired, 19 year old girl calmly mentioned to her teammate, "So unless you were staring at my ass when I bent over, I don't see how-"

"That's enough!" the third member of Team Gai suddenly interjected, his pale eyes shut in obvious annoyance, "I don't care what caused your distraction, just don't speak of my girlfriend's feminine woes in front of me." The male finally opened his eyes, revealing a menacing glare.

Lee suddenly turned his back to his teammates as he stood stiffly with what suspiciously looked like tears in his eyes. "Forgive me! It is my own fault I am like this. I must respect my teammates' relationship which is way I must tell you!"

The boy quickly jerked his body around to reveal his deepest darkest secret, only to see the retreating forms of his teammates a good thirty feet away. "….I must tell you…." Rock Lee's voice was lost among the inconvenient breeze that blew past.

Konoha's self-proclaimed weapons mistress cocked her head towards her boyfriend to see his face still held agitation. Tenten then blushed and giggled to herself, 'He's so cute when he gets into his little moods.' The girl quietly snuck another look at him before her face flushed once again. 'I wonder where he's taking me…or am I taking him somewhere? Damn it, I can't figure out which one of us is leading this walk!'

Neji, ever the observant Byakugan user, noticed Tenten's body language shift into a more submissive behavior pattern. This made him stop his stride and turned towards his girlfriend. "Are you waiting for me to walk you home?" he then asked.

Tenten's face immediately changed to one of slight confusion, "What? Um, no. I don't want to go home," a brief pause, "Besides, I'm too independent for that! I don't need you to walk me home," another brief pause and then a cough that sounded noticeably forced, "But I would like you to walk me to your home." The girl finally finished up.

The Hyuuga immediately caught on to the many other messages present in her words. "Are you trying to get rid of me?" "I obviously don't want to go home, Neji!" "Do you want to spend some private time with me?" The prodigy stared at the humble girl before tilting his head to the left and smirking at her.

"Why can't we ever go to your house, Tenten?" Her teammate was teasing her because he obviously already knew the answer; she still lived with her overbearing and hovering father.

"Because, my dear Neji, don't you think it's a little more….fun at the Hyuuga compound? The walls literally have eyes so things are a lot more exciting than they ever could be at my house." Tenten decided to entertain his playful banter and even used a few hand motions for dramatic effect.

Neji's face immediately returned to its emotionless expression as he plainly declared, "I'm busy today….and tonight," the latter part of his statement having been added as an afterthought.

"Neji, really?" Tenten's eyebrow twitched, "I'm trying to actually be romantic here."

The girl's eyes slightly dulled when she received no reply. However, she then immediately picked back up her cheerful face, not wanting to be subjected to his creepily accurate body readings.

"Well, okay then. It's only noon and since I really didn't do much at our morning training I'm going to head back over there. You know where to find me." With one last smile, Tenten was on her way.

Neji waited a few moments before taking his leave and heading into town, his destination being a certain flower shop. 'What could Yamanaka possibly want? I can't believe she actually left a message for me with the Hyuuga guards. This has gone too far, which is ridiculous seeing how I severed any possible connections with her.'

A long sigh escaped the Hyuuga's lips as he let his thoughts drift to his on-off girlfriend of two years. True, he was very happy with Tenten, that is when they are actually on good terms. Her desire to be a 'strong-willed independent woman' and his perpetually cold personality didn't make for a very good combination. And on top of all this, sometimes she got…boring. Neji mentally scolded himself for his thoughts. 'I'm still trying to find a way to blame her for my actions,' he realized as he continued his walk at a much faster pace.

Back with our heroine

Sakura sipped her heavily caffeinated tea as she stared at the blonde sprawled across her sofa. Sakura herself was sitting in her favorite arm chair close to said sofa, giving the whole situation a therapist type feel.

Forehead girl cleared her throat, "Okay, Ino. Let's start from the beginning. Tell me everything."

10 Months Ago

December 27th. It was a cold winter's night in Konohagakure. It was also Hinata Hyuuga's 17th birthday. Hinata had always been the youngest out of the group of friends. So within a couple months, some of her peers will turn 18, and even 19 in the case of Team Guy, while she is still unfortunately, 17.

Kiba Inuzuka swung his arm around his comrade's shoulder, "Oi, Hinata, why are you looking so down? You're supposed to be the life of this party! I know, how bout I fill in for you then, eh?" Kiba then promptly broke out into a loud rendition of 'Who Let the Dogs Out' while the goofier members of the Konoha 11 provided the adequate barking to go along.

"K-Kiba-kun! Please! The rest of the compound can hear you!" Hinata pleaded with her friend. Whose big idea was it to have this shindig in the home of Konoha's stiffest clan anyway? "Kiba-kun!"

Hinata reached out to grab her friend's shoulder right as Naruto decided dog piling him would make the song much more dramatic, effectively crashing into Hinata who in turn crashed into the bowl of punch on the table.

Time had stopped as everyone in the room gazed at the scene, half-expecting the girl to break out in hysterics and need the rest of the night to calm down. However, Hinata simply stood up, hair soaked with red punch (and whatever else it had been spiked with, not that Kiba would let her in on that little detail), and walked out of the room.

A few more moments passed before Ino walked to follow her friend to her room. 'Poor Hinata, this would happen on her birthday. If I can just get her looking presentable again, maybe the night can be saved,' the blonde thought to herself as she called out to the pale-eyed beauty to wait for her.

Ino sat leaning against Hinata's bedroom wall, waiting for the girl to shower and change clothes before she fixed her hair up. Lost in thought about how the punch had a bitter taste anyway, Ino hadn't noticed Hinata's cousin, Neji, step into the room.

The young man cleared his throat to get the blonde's attention, "I've come to take care of Hinata-sama," the Hyuuga began, "you may go ahead and rejoin the rest of the guests. They are in the courtyard watching Naruto and the Inuzuka play a crude game of rock-paper-scissors, in which the loser must suffer a punch from Haruno-san."

Ino couldn't help but giggle evilly at his last statement, "Serves them right, the idiots. But um, I think I'd rather wait for Hinata," the girl concluded.

Neji let out a low grunt as he sat on the floor next to Yamanaka. 'Girls can be so stubborn. No wonder Nara constantly calls her troublesome, it isn't a term of endearment.' The boy's thoughts continued to wander, 'Why couldn't it have been Tenten who followed her? Maybe then this wait wouldn't have been so bad.' Neji smirked to himself at the thought of his girlfriend of little over a year. They had gone through a rough patch recently, something about he hurt her pride by catching her bridal style on a mission when she would rather have slammed into the ground like a 'true shinobi' or some crap. However, after some making up, their relationship was now as passionate as it was in the first few months.

Seeing the somewhat perverted look on Neji's face, Ino decided to have some fun with the boy to pass time. "Just what are you thinking about over there, hm, mister?" Neji turned to face Ino as she continued, "Do you always get this turned on sitting outside your cousin's bathroom while she showers?" Neji's eyes darkened, "Or is it…me?" the Hyuuga's eyes widened for a fraction of a second before narrowing.

"Yamanaka-san, is this some pathetic way of hitting on me?" it was Ino's turn to narrow her eyes, "You of all people should know I love my current partner, seeing as you're constantly concerned with the lives of others more than your own." Ino blushed to herself as she wondered if Tenten had told the boy about her constant prying into the couple's sex life, "But in case you truly do not know, then I have no problem telling you", Neji leaned slightly closer as he finished off his statement, "I have no interest in you or any other female on this planet besides Tenten".

Ino faced forward with her arms crossed, eyes shut and forehead wrinkled, 'Man, can't this guy take a joke? Who cares about Tenten anyway? If I had gotten to him first, I bet there would be no Tenten.' Ino's eyes snapped open with a mischievous glint in them as she turned her head to face the jounin once again, "Is that a challenge maybe?"

Don't get her wrong, Tenten was a friend of hers, albeit not as close as Sakura…or Hinata…or that chick she ate lunch with on her breaks…or even the girl who regularly came into the flower shop to gossip with the blonde…but a friend nonetheless. So Ino couldn't help but feel a little bad the moment the words left her mouth.

Neji, on the other hand, was completely shocked but managed to control his composure as he answered his younger peer's question, "If you like to take on impossible challenges, then take my words as you must."

Ino's eyes immediately widened but before she could continue the conversation, which felt like borderline sexual harassment, the door to the bathroom slid open as the other Hyuuga stepped out wearing a bath robe.

Hinata's eyes looked down to meet both of the shinobi on the floor before she quickly averted her gaze and blushed, "Ano…did I keep both of you waiting long?" The girl's eyes came back to them with a slightly fearful look in them.

The blonde jumped up and spoke as she opened up the bureau, "Of course not, Hinata, but let's focus on finding you something cute to wear, okay?"

At the mention of cute clothes, Neji also stood up then bowed before excusing himself. Yamanaka had everything under control here.

Present Day

"No offense, Ino, but what the hell does that have to do with you being pregnant now?" Doctor Sakura, psychologist extraordinaire, looked at her 'patient' through half-lidded eyes.

Said patient then sprung up from her relaxed position before verbally attacking her best friend, "Well you're the one who asked to hear everything so I decided I should tell you about the conversation that started it all!" Ino huffed then laid back down on her back with her head on the armrest of the sofa, "Now, do you want to hear the rest, or do you want me to just skip to the part where we had sex a month and a half ago?"

Sakura looked up at the pink clock on her wall and sighed, "Well I have all day, don't I?" the pinkette picked up her teacup and took a sip, "Go ahead."

8 Months Ago

It had been two months since the initial conversation between Neji and Ino. It was now mid-February in Konoha and it also happened to be Valentine's Day. Love was in the air as every couple in the village spent their day in the company of their….


Tenten blew her nose on what could've been the three-hundredth tissue she used that day. Eyes watering from the irritation, the chuunin had caught a cold from one of her clients about three days ago. The man had sneezed in her face after she delivered him medicine he requested from some shop on the outskirts of town, since apparently, Konoha's medical facilities aren't good enough for him.

"That's the last time I do a mission like that! A genin team could have easily taken that job," the girl complained to her boyfriend before blowing her nose once again, wondering why the desk even assigned her that pathetic excuse for a C-rank mission.

Ever the cleanly adult he is, Neji discreetly scooted a little farther along the bed from Tenten. "Are you sure you don't want me to bring you some soup? I can find a way to make it…romantic," Neji hesitantly looked towards the girl, observing as she rolled her eyes then feverishly shook her head and started babbling about him needing to go.

"You shouldn't even be here. You know how my dad gets," the brunette girl scoffed, "I bet he's on his way here now with some dumb tramp he picked up at a sleazy bar."

Neji chose to remain silent while the kunoichi expressed her displeasure. Fathers was never a topic he enjoyed getting into. Tenten complained about hers to no end, understandably, but Neji didn't have a mother nor a father to complain about.

After some silence, Neji promptly stood from his position on the bed, gave Tenten a quick kiss on the forehead and took his leave. 'Well, I can't really say I'm disappointed. This holiday is ridiculous anyway.'

Sakura's Apartment

Ino sat in her best friend's bed, watching the girl iron her clothes and become increasingly frustrated.

"Why won't this damn thing stay hot!" Sakura gave the item in her hand a death glare before leaving to place it back on the stove. It was three o'clock on a Saturday afternoon and Ino was watching her friend get ready for a date.

Ino suddenly jumped up to follow the pinkette into the kitchen.

"Sakura," Ino began, the pleading look in her eye already noticeable, "You don't have to go. I'm sure Lee will understand. I mean, it's not even a date date, right?"

Sakura looked at her friend, then the pink clock on her wall, then back at her friend and sighed. "Why do you always make me feel bad? It's not my fault you don't have a date!" Sakura then put a smug look on her face as she leaned forward with her hands on her hips, "Poor little Ino couldn't get a date now she wants to ruin mine. Not gonna happen!"

Ino looked on as the medic-nin broke out into an obnoxious laugh of self-victory. Yes, her and Sakura weren't nearly as competitive anymore, but sometimes the former rivals-in-love still enjoyed tearing each other down.

The blonde decided to jab right back at her friend, "Don't be so proud, forehead. You practically cheated this year because you said yes to the guy who's had a crush on you for years! Not much of an accomplishment." Ino smirked as Sakura's eyebrow twitched.

Sakura hurriedly grabbed her iron off the stove, briefly contemplating throwing it at the blue-eyed broad in front of her, and stomped back to her room, slamming the door shut behind her.

"I love you too, Sakura!"

Laughing to herself, Ino stole an apple off of the table and left the apartment. What should she do now? Go keep her dad company? No, he's probably harboring Shikaku like a fugitive to wait out the storm that was Yoshino on Valentine's Day.

'Speaking of those two, I wonder where their bum of a son is,' the thought immediately cleared itself up as Ino remembered Shikamaru would be keeping Chouji company as he did every year. She decided not to invite herself to their man date. 'If Temari was in town, then I could be the one keeping Chouji company since I have NOTHING else to do!'

Groaning in frustration, Ino quickly ran through all of her friends in her head before finally figuring out a plan.

"I can go help Hinata get ready for her date with Naruto!" the blonde proclaimed to absolutely no one before heading in the direction of the Hyuuga compound. That's right, Hinata had finally bagged the famous jinchuriki. After the incident at her birthday party, Naruto decided to make it up to the girl and the two ended up becoming inseparable.

Thinking of Hinata's luck in romance caused Ino to neglect her surroundings just long enough for a giant cart to head straight for her. By the time she looked up after hearing someone shout a warning, she had already been pulled out of the way by someone else.

"Th-Thank you, I have no idea wh-" the girl suddenly stopped as she looked up at her savior. It was Hyuuga Neji.

His cold eyes bore into hers, "Hn," was all he said as he continued on his way. Two minutes later, with the blonde still behind him, he turned to look at her, "Are you following me, Yamanaka-san?"

"Oh, I don't know, Hyuuga-san," Ino made sure to put extra emphasis on his surname, why was he so formal with her anyway? "Do pretty girls follow you all the time?"

Neji didn't look the least bit perturbed by her statement and instead smirked, "Yamanaka, it's been what, about six or seven weeks since we last spoke? And you are still horrible at flirting."

The girl looked away from him and continued to walk forward. After about five steps, she glanced back at him, "Who says I'm flirting? You wouldn't know flirting even if I read pick-up lines to you straight out of Icha Icha." Ino knew she shouldn't continue baiting the boy, but he made it so damn easy.

Neji caught back up with the still walking girl and was silent for a moment, 'I guess it wouldn't hurt to engage in conversation with her until I reach the compound. I wonder where she's heading anyway.' After another silent minute or two, Neji decided to continue their rather inappropriate conversation.

"It's sad that you know you need Icha Icha to have any hope of properly hitting on me," he gave her another blunt smirk upon seeing her face, "Why are you looking at me like that, Yamanaka?"

"Because that's not what I said," Ino crossed her arms and tried her hardest to look stern, though on the inside she was secretly happy that he dropped the –san from her name, "I'm perfectly capable of flirting, but you, on the other hand, don't know a thing about it." Unbeknownst to Ino, she had just provoked a conversation that would change everything between them.

"You know, Yamanaka, your eyes are probably the most beautiful shade of blue I've ever seen."

Ino snorted, "Corny."

"Your eyelashes really accentuate them well."

"Um…no," Did he just compliment her…eyelashes?

"Remember that time in the Forest of Death during our first Chuunin Exam and yo-"

Ino suddenly halted and turned bright red, "Are you really going to go there?" she still remembers that moment clear as day, he was the first boy to ever resist her advances, "I was like 12, okay?" The blonde found herself getting redder as he turned his gaze to her.

"I was going to say that I actually did find you attractive that day," Neji bluntly told her before continuing down the road.

As Ino watched him walk away, her face was still red. However, it was no longer red out of embarrassment, but because of the timid blush he had left on her face. With a smile, she caught back up with him, 'I wonder if he really thought that.'

Contrary to popular belief, Yamanaka Ino did not have every boy in the village eating out of the palm of her hand. She had some admirers, but none she actually took seriously. So now, hearing the shinobi onside of her say such things about her, it made Ino feel….good. She wanted more of it.

"Okay, Hyuuga. I'll give you some credit. However, that's still beginners' work," Ino hoped that he would continue to entertain her, "I hope Tenten didn't fall for such cheap lines."

After taking a second to think, Neji decided there was no harm in continuing their still inappropriate conversation.

"Your body has changed a lot since then. You are curvier than most girls in the village."

A small giggle was the only response he got from that line.

"Yamanaka, you work with flowers, correct?" a small nod prompted him to continue, "I'm sure no flower I have ever seen can compare to your beauty." Neji held his head a little higher, impressed by his own ability to spew sweet nothings.

The pair stopped a few feet away from the entrance to the Hyuuga Compound. When Neji noticed she also made a move towards the entrance, he spared her a confused look.

"Have I really won you over so easily that now you wish to follow me home?" Neji couldn't help but smirk when the girl noticeably struggled to fight down a blush.

Ino regained her composure and began to explain herself, "I'm actually here to see your cousin off for her date," after a moment Ino turned to him inquisitively, "Why aren't you with Tenten anyway?"

Neji turned and began leading them both into his home. After clearing earshot of the nosey branch members on guard duty, he spoke to her, "She is ill. Valentine's Day isn't a big deal anyway. Even if she wasn't sick, I would've expected her to insist on training instead of going on a date."

"Not the romantic type?" Ino inquired.

"Neither of us are."

The two walked in silence for a while longer before Neji began to change his direction towards the branch residence. He was stopped, however, by a familiar loud voice.

"Yo, Neji! Where ya going, 'ttebayo?" Uzumaki Naruto appeared from the other side of a sliding door with a blushing Hinata behind him. Hinata was quietly saying something about waking other clan members from their early evening nap.

Neji carefully walked towards the noisy blond, his cousin, and the other blonde who…

"Ino-chan! Hey, what are you doing here?" Naruto looked at the girl in front of him with genuine curiosity, "Did you come here to take a nap? A lot of people do that I think".

As if on cue, a middle aged Hyuuga grumpily opened one of the doors and turned to walk to another area of the living space. He briefly stopped in front Hinata and bowed "Hinata-sama," causing the young heiress to flinch. His emphasis on her suffix clearing saying 'You are the future clan head, control your guests.'

The foursome awkwardly looked at the retreating man before making an unspoken agreement to leave the compound.

"Geez, what was that guy's problem?" Naruto questioned with his arms folded behind his head as the group walked down the street.

Said group each gave him an answer using only their eyes, 'Gee, I don't know?' 'Naruto-kun, please don't worry about it,' 'I could've gotten my seal activated if you were my guest, you dumbass.'

Choosing to end the silent conversation there, Naruto took Hinata's hand and looked at the other two, "Well guys, we have reservations at that real fancy restaurant on the other side of town, so we really gotta go."The blond waved as him and his date (girlfriend?) began to walk away, "See ya!"

A half-awkward, half-annoyed silence passed over Ino and Neji before Neji finally decided to break it.

"Well, Yamanaka, what will you do now?"

Ino looked at him then looked down with saddened eyes, "I have nothing to do," she spoke slowly. She hadn't expected Hinata to leave so early so now she had no one left to help prepare for any plans they may have.

Neji spared her an almost pitiful look before he suddenly grabbed her hand, "Well, I'm definitely not going back there for awhile," He began to pull her with him in the opposite direction the other two had just went, "so how about you and I take a walk or something."

Present Day

"Oh! It all makes sense now!" Sakura suddenly leaned forward in her chair, "Me and Lee did see you two walk by together from the dango shop that day!"

"….Dango shop? I thought you said Lee brought you to the five star restaurant close to the market before you guys headed to the firework show?" Ino gave her friend an incredulous look as she realized the girl fibbed a bit about her magical first date with Lee.

Sakura coughed twice then quickly looked away from the blonde before pushing up her glasses and fumbling with papers in her lap. Wait, since when did Sakura wear glasses? And was she….taking notes?

Ino chose to ignore these details, instead silently thanking the girl for taking time out of her day for this therapeutic 'session,' "Well anyway, we spent the rest of the day just hanging out. We got a bite to eat at that café not far from here, then we watched about half of the firework show before he surprised me with a box of chocolates he bought from one of the vendors out there.

"Then, we went to training ground eight since it was the closest and the chocolates ended up being used for aerial target practice," Ino let out a genuine laugh at the memory. "He ended up teasing me about not having a good aim like Tenten so I told him I can do a lot of other things better than Tenten. And then…." Ino trailed off.

Sakura was looking at Ino with a dreamy smile on her face, as if this was the most romantic story she'd ever heard. Noticing the girl didn't plan on finishing her sentence, Sakura snapped at her, "Well?" the other girl still didn't speak, "Ino! Don't leave me hanging like this! I have to know everything so I can…properly gauge the situation, ya know?" Sakura was giving her a weird look now, hoping the blond would buy her excuse and finish giving her the juicy details.

Ino decided to cut right to the chase, "We ended up kissing," a small, excited squeal was heard from Sakura. Shouldn't she be scolding her for kissing another kunoichi's man? Wow, Tenten should really work on finding more loyal female friends.

"The first kiss wasn't very long, I don't even remember who kissed who first. But afterwards, I kept giving him little pecks on the lips and he didn't seem to mind so I started making out with him." Ino felt a little strange saying what she did out loud, "We didn't see each other for a long time after that."

Sakura closed her eyes in deep thought for a few minutes before looking at her best friend with a big smile on her face, "You pig, I can't believe you didn't tell me!" Sakura playfully balled up one of her pieces of paper before throwing it at Ino.

Ino, grateful for the change of mood, threw the paper ball back at her, "You don't have to know everything, forehead girl!"

The green-eyed girl laughed a bit more before looking back at Ino, "So, when did things turn…um," Sakura hesitated on how to ask her question.

"When did we have sex?"

"Y-yea…that," Sakura blushed a bit at the new topic. Should a virgin really hear such things?

"In early July, the night of his birthday," Ino paused a bit before continuing, "Tenten was away on a mission and Kiba was teasing Neji about not being able to get what he really wants on his birthday. After a while, I thought about it and was like 'what the hell' and I went ahead and whispered to him that I could replace Tenten for the night. And I did"

Sakura did some math in her head before opening her mouth the speak, "But you're only about a month or so along, so were you two doing this….frequently?" she asked her friend.

"Not really. Well, we randomly spent time together every now and then. Flirting and just doing simple things together whenever we were both free…not much sex though." Ino looked at her friend's face which had a look that said 'Yea, sure' before continuing, "The last time was on my birthday, in September, and that was actually after we broke it off. We stopped hanging out, even as friends. Him and Tenten were on-and-off a lot during that time but suddenly they were like super lovebirds. We only did it then because he wanted to…return that first favor I guess."

"Birthdays really are something special around here, ne, Ino-pig?" Sakura was still giving her friend a look through half-lidded eyes.

"Yes, Sakura. Yes they are." Ino briefly contemplated telling her best friend the worst part of all but she decided against it. It didn't mean anything now. It's just…

She had actually began falling for the Hyuuga as more than just a friend with benefits.


Neji walked out of the Yamanaka Flower Shop, Inoichi had to inform the male that his daughter was out at the moment. 'Why isn't she here? That girl enjoys playing games with me, doesn't she?' The Hyuuga's thoughts wandered into how he even ended up in this situation of looking for the blonde.

Yes he and the Yamanaka spent some days and even nights together. Her company wasn't all that bad, truthfully. Tenten's fiery personality pushed him a way many times but Yamanaka was always rather sweet and playful. It was almost as if…

'No, that's not possible.' The male shook his head of all thoughts regarding that.

Neji hadn't meant to spend Valentine's Day with another female while his girlfriend was sick, it had just happened that way. He may not believe strongly in destiny anymore, but damn was fate on his side that day.


It'sss backkkk! But seriously, guys, if you don't like the story then you really don't have to read it. Feel free to share WHY you don't like it but don't flame me like "OMG THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN THOSE TWO NEVER TALK IN CANON THIS IS STUPID NEJITEN 4EVAH"

But anyways, as the story goes on more will be revealed concerning all the characters and past interactions. Stick around.

Patiently waiting for everyone's reviews ~ LilacBlossom