A/N: Okay, it's the final chapter. Hopefully all loose ends have been tied up to everyone's satisfaction. I just want to say thank you to all of my readers. Even the flamer. If enough people request it, I might add an epilogue. I do have a few ideas.

Thank you, everyone

Sabaku no Temari wasn't a very compassionate woman. However, she wasn't cruel either. Far from it actually. She just didn't understand how shinobi could let their emotions get in the way of being productive. Honestly.

"Shikamaru," the Sand kunoichi tried to get the attention of the male next to her. "We have a lot of work to do. The Hokage chose you as an ambassador for a reason."

Shikamaru didn't respond to her. The only indication he even heard her was the way his eyes narrowed slightly. Temari was getting annoyed now.

"Staring at her won't make her wake up," she said bluntly. This finally made him speak.

"Flapping your mouth incessantly won't do much either," he said flatly before returning his attention to the unconscious girl in the hospital bed. A soft-hearted female would've gotten offended or had her feelings hurt but Temari wasn't most girls. She was a kunoichi.

Silence passed between the two jounin.

Ino has been unconscious for 3 days.


The news came by raven. Neji would be returning! Not as a corpse, but actually returning. Hiashi, while inwardly overjoyed by the news, still managed to keep his composure. Truth be told, the Clan Head was having a bad week. Rumors about his two daughters were all around the village.

Konoha loves its gossip.

"Hiashi-sama," the Hyuuga messenger was kneeling in front of the man. "To whom should I deliver this news?"

Hiashi tapped a finger on his desk. "You may alert the entire clan, I suppose. Send out an announcement actually. To his companions as well. And send one to the hospital and also the Yamanaka household."

"Hai," Tokuma stood and took his leave. Great, he had at least ninety memos to write by hand and deliver.

Hiashi's white eyes closed as he rubbed his temples. Should he throw a celebration? Should he hold a special dinner? Should he prepare himself for the explosion that will no doubt occur once Neji returns and learns of Ino's condition?



Light was shining on her eyes, inhibiting her from getting anymore sleep. She was so tired.

"Lee, close the curtains or I'll kill you…" Ino muttered out.


The blonde immediately opened her eyes and sat up. She was in the hospital, again. Nurse Kaori was standing over her bed replacing an IV bag.

Ino took a deep breath. "How long was I out?"

"F-Four days, Ino-san," Kaori looked oddly nervous.

"Holy shit," Ino touched her stomach instinctively. She then turned to the fetal monitor next to her bed. Yep, her little angel was still there.

"Uh," the nurse began, "Sakura-san was going to perform a c-section this afternoon."

The Yamanaka immediately looked alarmed before settling down. "Really, I'm surprised she hasn't by now."

"Well, you're only 34 weeks now. The baby is viable but every day counts." Her teammate Shikamaru also played a role by pleading a good case for Ino but that wasn't all that important to mention.

"Let me guess," Ino was looking straight forward, "strict bed rest, lots of fluids, and absolutely no use of chakra."

Kaori nodded. "And you're not to leave the hospital, Ino-san."

"…What?" Ino looked annoyed.

"Our head medical staff has decided you will be an admit here until the baby is born," she explained.

"You mean Sakura said?" Ino's eyebrow was twitching.

"It's for your own good, Ino-san. Call if you need me." The nurse shut the door.

Within 30 seconds of being alone, Ino felt a deep depression and loneliness. Where is everyone? Doesn't anyone care?

She already knew the answer to that. The girl stared blankly at the ceiling.

Life in Konoha goes on.


Neji was only a few hours away from his home now. A trip that should've taken at least a week was cut down to around four days. The Hyuuga barely rested. Perhaps he should stop somewhere and clean himself up before he goes to find Ino.


The white-eyed male instinctually threw a kunai at the offending stranger. Said stranger easily evaded it. How could he let someone sneak up on him like that? Actually, upon closer inspection, it wasn't a stranger at all.

"Temari-san," Neji began, "it's a pleasure to see you." Not really.

Silence passed between them as Neji began to show signs of his anxious need to continue his path. What was the point of this hold up?

"I suppose I should give you some sort of condolences," Temari looked unsure. "I will keep Ino-san in my prayers." She bowed to him and made a motion to leave before the Hyuuga was suddenly in front of her.

"What does that mean?"

"It means I'm sorry for your situation," Temari looked confused. "Aren't you and Ino a thing or something?" The woman had no idea how to word it. Seriously, in Suna emotions were never something to impede your life.

"No…" He said. "Well, yes. But, no. No. Not yet," he fumbled out. "Yet" completely depended upon whether or not Ino would still take him.

Temari stared and blinked at him uninterestedly.

"Are you saying Ino isn't doing well?"

"Well, last I heard they were about to cut the baby out of her and there was a big chance of hemorrhage and seizures or something," the jounin put a finger on her chin. "Shikamaru was really worked up about it. The baby too premature…"

The Sand kunoichi looked towards the Hyuuga only to realize he was gone.

"Shit…" she mumbled. "Was it something I said?"


Hinata was currently stuffing a hospital bag with any and all items she could possibly find in the Compound. Why were they not more prepared for this? She packed clothes for Ino, even pulling from her own Hyuuga wardrobe. It was a hectic day.

The lavender-eyed girl made her way down the hall carrying the luggage. It was enough to last a good three weeks or however long Ino's hospital stay was expected to be. She stopped after seeing Hitomi, the romanticist elder, and Laundry Chick standing outside of a room in the West Wing. She immediately knew what it was.

Putting down the bags, Hinata walked towards her kin. Silence endured as Hitomi finally sighed before speaking.

"Neji was going to show her this on the last day of their week together," the Hyuuga elder said sadly.

"Nii-san could still do so, Hitomi-sama," Hinata pointed out.

The Hyuuga seamstress/laundress spoke next. "With Neji's absence, documents have already been made to place the baby in the care of two of our branch members."

"….But this baby is Neji's heir," Hinata said slowly.

"It's nothing if it's born in illegitimacy," Hitomi practically spat out. "That stupid council. They had no faith whatsoever Neji would return.

"Perhaps this is for the best," the seamstress said. "Ino is only 19 and Neji 20."

The trio of women took one final look into the desolate room before sliding the door shut. The once bright room was now never to be seen. Nearly the entire household was involved in the making, furnishing, and decorating but now it meant nothing.


Ino felt a contraction. Then another. And then another. They were about twenty minutes apart but the blonde definitely knew what it meant. She knew there were medications to stop or slow down labor but since she was so eclampsic, the girl knew no doctor would dare give her any tocolytics.

The girl's body could hold out no longer. The baby was ready to come. Her water will probably break the moment she steps out of bed. Pre-term. As predicted.

The girl fantasized about this day many times. She imagined it being a romantic experience with Neji. Tokuma gave her the good news that Neji was on his way home but he obviously wouldn't make it in time. How could she bring a child into this world with no father beside her?


"Kaori-san," Ino called out.

"Yes?" The nurse came after a brief period.

"Can you…send for Rock Lee?"


"Naruto-kun, be careful with that!" Hinata called out

"Hinataaa," Naruto moaned. "It's so heavy." He was currently toting Ino's hospital bag on his back.

Hanabi was growing impatient. "Konohamaru, why don't you carry some of it?" The boy trembled in fear under his acquaintance's glare.

"Y-Yeah!" Konohamaru ran over to help the orange shinobi. The group of four made steady pace towards the hospital. Hinata suggested using one of the Hyuuga wagons but Naruto simply insisted he could carry it all.

Hinata knew she could do more to help Ino but for now, this was her duty. The girl will probably be hospitalized for weeks. She just couldn't imagine.

She also couldn't help but wonder if Ino would object to the Hyuuga tradition of sharing and eating chocolate placenta truffles.


The news of Ino's labor made it to the Nara household quickly. Shikamaru had no idea how to deal with something like this. Shinobi take lives every single day, how could he possibly fathom bringing life into this world. It seemed foreign.

Shikamaru stared at the photo of Team Ten as genin. Asuma-sensei was dead. Ino was having a child. Asuma once told him the future is the most precious thing to be protected in this cruel world.

He lifted the framed photo from his bedside and left his house. It was the only item he carried with him.


Kiba and Shino were doing their usual bonding activities when the news reached them. This wasn't just Ino's pregnancy. This affected the entire Konoha 11. No one could really explain why. Perhaps it's because Ino and Neji are the first to become parents out of the bunch.

"I think the best support we could give, is to just stay away," Shino decided.

"Where's Neji, man?" Kiba shook his head. "He must be near Konoha by now. Maybe we could meet him or something. Let him know what's up before he gets to the hospital," Kiba explained.

Surprisingly, Shino nodded in agreement.


Kurenai decided to visit Asuma's grave. She placed fresh flowers over his slate.

"Mama, mama," Mirai pulled on her mother's kimono.

"Give me one minute, sweetheart," Kurenai said kindly. The toddler quieted down.

Kurenai sat down and looked at the grave.

"Ino is having her baby today. I thought someone should come tell you." The retired kunoichi had tears in her eyes. "I'm sure she'll tell him or her all about you, my love."

Mirai looked up at her mama. She still didn't quite understand why mama liked sitting here so much.

She wished she wouldn't cry.


Tenten was at training ground 12, doing meaningless target practice. Of course she'll hit every single mark. There was no point. Did anything she did have a point? Well, there is one thing she was proud of. She finally left her drunken father in the past and officially moved in with Lee.

"Lee," the girl said, throwing another kunai at a practice post.

"I do not believe he is here," a manly voice said. It was Gai-sensei.

Tenten faltered momentarily. "Well, yeah, obviously. He's with Ino." She threw a shuriken this time.

"Then why are you here," Gai asked.

"Because I don't need to be there," Tenten said bluntly.

"And yet you're still jealous." The words made Tenten freeze and turn to him.

"I'm not," she put it bluntly. "I just…" Her voice began to crack.

Gai said nothing else. There was nothing he could say. He couldn't even pretend to understand what she was going through.

"It was supposed to be mine," she said out of the blue. "I may have fallen out of love with Neji but I still loved that baby." Her fists tightened.

"Well…" The man wasn't expecting that.

"I'll go," she said. "Eventually." Everyone knows labor could last up to 24 hours. She'll have a lot of time to vent.

It was the end of the conversation. Gai wasn't exactly what just happened but he hoped it was something good.


Chouza tried for the fourth time to coax his son into leaving his bedroom. He knew he was depressed but he couldn't possibly actually want to miss this.

"Father…" Choji began. "It's partly my fault she deteriorated so much. I should've stopped that crazy idea she had."

"What is done is done," Chouza said with a firm voice, he didn't even want to know about whatever his son was referring to. "What's happening now, is happening now."

Choji knew his father was right. He shouldn't have provided Ino with those pills but what could he do? He couldn't stop her. No one could. Even if him and Shikamaru didn't help, she still would've done it.



Ino was having a baby.

"Why the hell am I still sitting here?"

Chouza smiled slightly at the way his son finally raced out of the house. Maybe he should do this whole 'motivational speaker' thing for a living.


Neji finally saw the gates of Konoha approaching. Instinctively, he picked up the pace. He really had no idea what to expect. Temari made it seem as if Ino was in immediate danger. As if she were on her deathbed. He prayed that wasn't true. He knew it wasn't true.

Ino is not a weak woman.

"Neji!" A voice called out to him. "Yo, Neji!"

The Hyuuga could easily discern the figures. It was Kiba and Shino. He didn't have time for their games right now. He tried to walk past them but a persistent Kiba blocked his path.

"Ino is in labor," he said, crossing his arms. "Right now." Neji stared at him blankly.

"Ahem," Shino cleared his throat, "this is the part where you rush to her side. Because you are the father."

"So she isn't in any immediate danger?" Neji asked for clarification.

Kiba frowned. "I guess not but, her pregnancy is super high risk so there could be serious complications." The Inuzuka heard that from Hinata on many occasions and was able to recite it word for word.

"Then I am not needed," the Hyuuga began to walk forward. "I have other matters to attend to."

Kiba gave him a look of disgust while even Shino was taken aback. This guy truly was an asshole. What could possibly be more important?

"I won't let you do that to Ino," Kiba grabbed hold of the Hyuuga. "Go, now!"

"Labor can last for an entire day. I already missed part of it. I just…need time to think," Neji proclaimed.

"Think about what?"

Neji furrowed his brows. "I wasn't there for her. What right do I have to be there now?"

Shino spoke. "The right of being the father." Kiba made hand motions to emphasize Shino's statement.

Growing impatient, Neji simply decided he would take the two shinobi with him to help ponder life. Whatever.


Ino was being very quiet. She would moan during contractions but that was it. The labor still wasn't far along.

"You're about 4 centimeters dilated," Sakura said, fingers jammed into Ino's private parts. Totally not awkward at all.

Lee picked up a cup of ice chips and fed about four to Ino. She sucked on them before lying back down.

"How much longer?" Ino felt she had the right to complain.

"It's all up to your body," Sakura said. "If it were up to me I'd tell your body to keep holding it in for at least six more weeks."

"Well," Ino said while sucking on ice, "Hyuugas are pretty stubborn."

Once Sakura left the room, it was only Ino and Lee. Ino's father had stopped by briefly but couldn't stay because it was a busy day at the office. Hinata had dropped off a lot of essentials for both her and the baby.

"Are you okay?" Lee asked with concern. The blonde's facial expressions were constantly changing.

"I'm fine," she turned away from him, instead laying eyes on the old photo of Team Ten that Shikamaru dropped by and gave her. Everyone came and everyone left.

Except Lee.

"Where's Tenten?" Ino asked. She wasn't the slightest bit curious but she needed some conversation.

Lee frowned. "I do not believe she likes when I spend large amounts of time with you."

"Is that why you never stop by the Hyuuga Compound anymore?" Ino asked. It was a petty attempt to make him feel bad. It almost worked but Lee knew her enough to spot her games.

"I try not to upset my beautiful Tenten but sometimes it takes a lot," Lee confessed.

"Welcome to the life of a being a boyfriend," Ino said sarcastically.

Lee almost laughed. "Tenten just…needs time, I think."

"Hm?" This intrigued Ino. "Time for what exactly?"

"Accepting that the baby she dreamed of for months is coming and it isn't hers," he said sadly. Ino remained silent. She didn't feel remorse for the failed engagement of Tenten and Neji. "So, Ino…whose baby is this then?"

Ino looked at him blankly before looking down. "Some Hyuuga couple is gonna adopt it, I guess. Neji doesn't seem interested in being a parent and I still have too much to accomplish in my career before I settle down and become a family woman."

"Even after carrying this child for so long, you still put your career over it?"

"I never planned to keep it," Ino almost sounded like she convincing herself. "Everyone knows that." She began to think about the time Neji talked to her belly, calling himself its father. But that was nice Neji. There's no telling what Neji would return to Konoha.

Asshole Neji, probably.


Neji had led his two semi-companions to a random training ground. They passed Konohamaru on the way who looked shocked to see them. It was a strange encounter.

The Hyuuga was leaning against a tree in intense contemplation. He had no idea what to do or how to fix anything.

"So let me get this straight," Kiba said, sitting on the ground. "You do love Ino, right?" A nod. "But you think Ino deserves better?" Another nod. "And you don't think you can be better?"

"Every time I try and fix anything it just makes it worse," Neji explained. "Ino is in labor and here I am, avoiding it. Like an asshole."

Shino inwardly sighed. "Can't this be solved by you just going to her?"

"She'll probably scream and kick me out," Neji was getting worked up now. "I left for that mission without even telling her goodbye. After I promised her I would spend an entire week with her and fix things."

"Okay, I get that." Kiba said. "Now, explain the clan stuff again?" The Inuzuka was still confused on all of that.

"I'm Hiashi-sama's heir but it would bring dishonor to our clan if I have a child out of wedlock."

"So you want to marry Ino to preserve your title as heir?" Shino observed.

Neji shot him a death glare. "No. I would reject being heir if that's what it took to be with…her." He finished unsurely.

Growing impatient, Kiba stood up. "Okay, man. You love Ino. You shouldn't throw that love away."

"What would either of you know about love?" Neji challenged. The two men exchanged looks.

"Shino and I…we have very bad luck with ladies," Kiba explained. "Shino, do you want to start?" Neji raised as eyebrow.

"Well, there was Haruka. We spent Valentine's Day together before one of my insects leapt on her ice cream. She never spoke to me again," Shino recalled. "Kiba?"

"There was Talisa. She had the biggest butt in Konoha. It was amazing. Then she saw little Kiba and…was less than impressed. She never spoke to me again."

"Then there was Sekai. She talked so much it gave me headaches. I told her this once. She never spoke to me again."

Kiba laughed. "I'll always remember Aiko. She had a twin sister named Aika. I confused the two one night and kissed Aika instead of Aiko. Neither of them spoke to me again."

"I can't forget to mention Misa. She was from Iwakagure. The distance never would've worked. I never spoke to her again."

"But she was so damn fine she almost made your ass move," Kiba added with a wink. Surprisingly, Shino nodded. Neji just stared at them in disbelief. Was dating really this difficult?

Kiba spoke again. "Then there was Kairi. A few years older but I really liked her." He shrugged. "Hinata found out and got upset kind of so…I never spoke to her again. Now I heard she's getting married." The dog-nin looked legit upset as he recalled that one.

Neji was silent for a long time.

"The point," Shino said, "is that love is hard to come by in the shinobi world."

"And you love Ino," Kiba continued.

"Therefore, you should be with Ino."

Neji looked between the two of them before taking in a deep breath. The idiots…

"Let's go get your woman!"


Lee continued to keep Ino company as she waited for the arrival of the it or ittete. It was rather peaceful. Lee always imagined a woman giving birth to be more chaotic. But perhaps this peace was a good thing.

"Neji's in the village!"

So much for peace.

"I saw him! Walking around!" It was Konohamaru. The entire room was quiet. Quiet enough that Konohamaru began to feel awkward and slowly closed the door. He should leave stuff like this up to the Hyuuga messenger.

More silence filled the room until Lee heard a sniff.

'Oh, no,' he thought.

Another sniff.

'Oh, please, no!'

Ino began to cry. Normally she would blame it on hormones but this time she didn't even care to. Her pulse and blood pressure shot up, causing the fetal monitor to alarm.

It was in distress.

Lee panicked. He had no idea what to do. He grabbed the oxygen mask above her head and brought it to her face. By this time, Kaori entered the room.

"Good job, Lee-san," she hurriedly said before adjusting the monitors on Ino's belly. "Breathe, Ino-san, breathe."

Ino was practically having a panic attack.

"That jerk. I was worried about him all this time and he doesn't even stop by." Ino ignored her pain and was flailing. "He doesn't even know what I had to go through!"

Lee unconsciously clenched his fist. His teammate had a nice beating coming his way. Lee was sick of all the emotional and mental abuse he put Ino through.

"I'm gonna go give him a piece of my mind!" Ino declared, swinging her legs to the side of the bed and attempting to get up. She didn't realize just how weak her body was. Her legs immediately gave out and sent her to the floor, landing on her stomach.

Lee quickly moved to help the blonde back into the bed. It didn't take long for him to notice the gush of blood now on the floor. Oh yes, Neji was getting beat the hell down.

"AHHHHHHHH" Lee's thoughts were interrupted by Ino's scream. She was clutching her stomach. Kaori ran out of the room to find someone more qualified. She told Lee to keep a close eye on her until she returned.

"I-Ino," Lee didn't know what to do. He felt bad because he and Ino prepared for this day many times at one point. They'd make up stories of how it would go down.

But now, Lee knew nothing.


Haruno Sakura was ready. She had her best team with her in case things went even further south. They're prepared for a sick baby and a sick mother.

"Ino-pig," Sakura was moving quickly, throwing stuffed animals out of the way. "This is it!" Sakura grinned slightly behind her mask.

"No," Ino sadly said, squeezing her legs together. "No."

Lee took hold of Ino's hand and squeezed it. "It's okay. He isn't here but everyone else is. I guarantee you within only a short while that waiting room will be full of everyone you know!"

Looking up at him with a tearful smile, Ino gave the final push. There was a brief pause of any noise before a cry was suddenly heard. She didn't see it but she definitely heard it.

Standing up and holding the crying newborn, Sakura looked at Lee, "You're up."

Lee happily grabbed a pair of sterile scissors and cut the umbilical cord with an unprecedented amount of enthusiasm.

Ino weakly held out her arms. "Let…me…" The young woman lost consciousness. Sakura expected that so it didn't cause much alarm.

"Get the baby to our intensive care unit right away," she commanded. "I can already see it needs some resuscitation."

Sakura spent another few minutes delivering the placenta and having it put on ice. Hinata requested it for some reason or another.


Tenten finally gave in and went to the hospital to visit with Ino. Most of their mutual friends were already in the waiting room and someone suggested she go check out Ino's status. She expected to stay for around five minutes then give some excuse for having to leave.

What she did not expect, however, was to see a baby in an isolette being rushed out of the room by two workers running.

The girl unconsciously took a few steps forward, as if following the men. But she didn't. She didn't do anything, actually. She had no idea what was going on in Ino's room right now. No one did.

"Did you see it?" Hinata asked once Tenten made it back to the waiting room. The young woman was in the middle of embroidering a white baby blanket.

"Yeah, but," Tenten tried to find the words. "It's premature so I guess they're working extra hard on it."

"Boy or girl?" Choji asked happily, despite the situation. He knew she would pull through.

Tenten blinked at him. "I…have no idea, honestly." Lots of people groaned in frustration. Lots of people meaning Hinata, Naruto, Hanabi, Choji, Shikamaru, and Tokuma.

"You're so [BEEP]ing useless," Hanabi said. "We shoulda sent that that guy, kore." She pointed a thumb at the Hyuuga messenger.

"Hanabi is right," Naruto said, ignoring the angry look from Tenten. "You could've at least found that out."

Hanabi looked pleased the shinobi agreed with her. "Dattebayo."


Kiba peered anxiously around a corner to see who was currently occupying the maternity ward waiting room. It was pretty much all of the Konoha Eleven plus some others. They were chatting and Kiba perfectly heard their words, courtesy of his dog trained ears, of course.

"I think Ino is doing bad, Sakura hasn't come out of the room yet," Kiba explained. "But she's definitely alive."

Neji, never one to show emotion, continued to looked forward. "I don't know which one I want to see more, her or our child."

Shino spoke up. "If you do decide to see the child then perhaps we should find a different route. Because…" The male had a keen intuition for drama. He knew there would drama if the people in the waiting room saw the Hyuuga.

Shino knew everything.

"Hn," Neji turned around. "I'm leaving then."

The other two men let out a synchronized sigh.


Ino's eyes fluttered opened. Once her vision cleared, all she could see were emerald eyes and bushy brows. She smiled at the sight.

"Not to brag or anything," Sakura placed her hands on her hips, "but I saved your life."

"Yeah, yeah," Ino sat up, "any doctor could've, forehead girl."

Lee grinned. "It truly was amazing. You were bleeding and bleeding so Sakura-chan put her whole arm into your vag—"

"Okay," Ino cut him off. "Thank you, Sakura." The girl felt emotional now.

"It was a boy," Sakura said.

"Oh," Ino replied.

"He'll probably stay in the hospital a few days for observation. He's surprisingly well developed. I can bring him in for you to hol—".

Lee lightly hit Sakura on the thigh, trying to convey the message of 'Stop talking'.

"I have no idea which Hyuuga couple is adopting him," Ino said steadily. Sakura frowned while Lee gave her an apologetic look. "I'm tired. I don't want visitors…except my father if he stops by."

Sakura took her vital signs one more time before leaving the room. Lee stood to follow suit.

"No," Ino reached out an arm. "Please stay." The male nodded. He wouldn't dare refuse. He feared he may have to watch her cry herself to sleep but the blonde looked surprisingly serene.

He could recall a distinct moment just a few months ago where Yamanaka Ino had insisted she did not want to sleep in a hospital bed while Rock Lee watched her.

So much has happened since then.


Neji, Kiba, and Shino were staring into the window of the hospital nursery. There were only three visible infants and one nurse currently sitting at a desk doing paperwork.

"Man," Kiba started, "is that your kid, Neji? He has huuuuge eyebrows." The newborn in question did, in fact, have very large and bushy eyebrows. This made Neji's eye twitch.

"No," he said.

Shino whispered, "It could be." The Aburame was staring straight forward. "Because, there are only three babies in sight. This means there is a one in three chance that this baby is yours."

"My child does not have bushy eyebrows," the Hyuuga was getting mad now. "I know what you're insinuating." Kiba shrunk a little under the man's white-eyed glare but Shino didn't even flinch.

As if on cue, the nurse stood from the desk and walked out to meet the men.

"I know who you are," the brown haired woman looked at Neji. "Are you here to claim baby boy Yamanaka? I could draw up the pap—"

"It's a boy?" Neji's eyes widened slightly.

The woman nodded. "He's breathing on his own so he is stable. The poor boy didn't look so good when he first came in, though. So blue."

Silence overtook the hallway. Kiba and Shino looked at Neji expectedly. Why wasn't he saying or doing anything?

"The mother," Neji spoke in a low voice, "she is okay?"

"She's doing remarkably well," the nurse said. "The only cure for eclampsia is delivery so she'll make a full recovery in no time."

Neji looked pensive before speaking again. "Well, thank you," he looked at her name badge, "Kaori-san. I'll take my leave now." The nurse looked shocked to say the least. Didn't he want to see the baby?

Maybe he really is an asshole like everyone says.

Kiba walked alongside Neji with an almost angry face. "So you're not doing it?"

"There's one thing I have to do before I can see her. And to be honest, I think I should wait until the morning. I imagine a woman who just gave birth needs rest," Neji confessed. "Will you two help me?" The two men nodded.

Surprisingly, Shino didn't get any bad vibes.


Lee was still watching Ino as she slept. The poor girl had been through so much. He didn't want to pity her, he knew she would hate him if he ever did. The delivery was already three hours ago and still no sign of Neji. The door creaking open caught the jounin's attention.

"Lee?" It was Tenten.

"My love," Lee straightened up, "how long have you been here?"

She walked in and closed the door. "Sometime now." She played with her fingers anxiously.

"Is something wrong?" Lee asked.

"N-No, I just…" The girl didn't know what to say. "She's fine, right?"

"Yes, but I'm staying the night."

Tenten didn't look surprised. "Well, I'll head off then." She gave him a smile, which he returned.

It was going to be a long night.


The Next Morning

Ino was woken up by her annoying best friend. It was still so early! Why couldn't she just sleep?

"I want you up and walking and I'm bringing baby boy Yamanaka in so you can meet him," Sakura told the blonde.

Lee, still somewhat sleepy, mumbled, "Sakura-chan, let her rest…"

"No!" Sakura insisted. She moved closer to the bed until a ruckus outside of the door caused her to turn around. "What the hell?" It also caught Lee's attention.

"Let me in, dammit!" a voice yelled outside of the door.

"Ino is not taking visitors!" a voice yelled back.

"Okay, that's it." A feminine yell was then heard and what sounded like a body hitting the floor. Holy shit.

The door swung open to reveal…

Kiba? And…


Ino was now sitting up, sleep long forgotten. "What the hell is going on?" Iruka looked apologetic while Kiba looked around the room.

"Uh," Kiba looked confused. "Are we too early?"

Sakura's mouth was gaping as she stared at the intruding men. Lee was just confused.

Iruka put up his hands and began to back up. "I'll just come back later…"

"No," another person came into the room. It was Shino with the Hyuuga maid beside him. "I think we're right on time." The woman was holding a box in her hand. She and Kiba exchanged a strange look but no one noticed it.

Finally, the door opened a third time. It was…



"Dude, you made it!"


"N-N-N-Neji?" Ino looked at him unbelievingly before she suddenly turned angry. "Get the hell out!"

Sakura immediately put herself between Ino's bed and the Hyuuga. "You heard her! How could you even dare to come here? I could kill you right now!" She unconsciously began concentrating chakra in her fists.

Lee's face was neutral. He didn't know what his rival's intentions were so he didn't want to judge. But at the same time, he wouldn't mind landing a fist to his face. And he definitely wouldn't mind if Sakura landed one.

"Ino," Neji's smooth voice made everyone else go quiet. Only the sounds of hospital equipment filled the air. The Hyuuga bumped past the Haruno forcefully ("Asshole!") and held a hand out to the girl, who reluctantly took it. He helped her to a sitting position before kneeling in front of her.

The entire mood in the room changed. Sakura looked furious but somehow began to simmer down. Lee slowly rose from his chair to get a better look at the Hyuuga now on one knee. It was something he'd never thought he'd live to see.

"Ino," Neji said again. "I know you hate me. I know I should have come here yesterday. I know I should have been beside you. However, I'm an idiot." Mumbles were heard in the room as everyone agreed. The male ignored them.

"Ino, I don't know how many times I've ever uttered these words. I don't know if I've ever. But, I'll say them now." He paused briefly. "Ino, I love you."

The Yamanaka immediately threw one hand over her mouth and yanked her other away from him. "Why are you such a liar?" She was almost crying. Actually, she was crying.

"It's not a lie," Neji reached for her hand again. "I do love you. That night you were attacked, it was one of the most frightful moments of my life. I remember the night I realized I loved you. I should have told you then but I'm an idiot." More mumbles and shrugs as everyone in the room agreed. Sakura had finally calmed down fully and was now almost in tears herself.

"Neji," Ino looked at him. "I loved you for so long."

"I know," the Hyuuga said. "Do you still love me?"

The girl remained silent. Everyone in the room was holding their breath.

"No," she said solemnly.

A loud noise made everyone flinch. The box the Hyuuga maid was holding was now on the ground.

Lee took a few steps towards Sakura and whispered in her ear, "Do you want him out?" Sakura looked at him, emerald eyes brimming with tears. The look caught the male off guard.

Neji took a deep breath before standing up and beginning to turn away with an emotionless look.

"No!" Kiba blocked his path. "Your stupid pride isn't ruining this. Tell her what you told me and Shino!" Neji looked stunned before turning back to the blonde.

Ino had pulled both of her legs back on the bed and was now looking down, waiting for him to leave. He always left.

Except this time, he didn't.

With more force than last time, Neji got back on the ground in front of her.

"Yamanaka Ino, I love you. I've loved you for a long time now. I love you, so I went to Konoha's Intelligence building and asked your father for permission to marry you. I love you, so I told Hiashi-sama that if renouncing my status as heir would prove to you that I love you, I'd do it in a heartbeat."

"Neji," Ino began.

"I love you, so I sent Inuzuka to find the nearest person who could officiate a wedding and drag them here this morning. I love you, so I told Shino to go to the Compound and ask Kairi-san to come here this morning with that." He pointed to the box on the ground. The maid then promptly picked it up and opened it.

It was the traditional Hyuuga wedding headpiece.

"Ino," Neji still wasn't finished. "You've already made me a father. Now make me the happiest and luckiest man in the world. I know I don't deserve you but it doesn't stop the fact that I want this more than anything." He looked at her pleadingly.

"….What?" Ino was playing dumb.

"Will you marry me?"

The room was silent. The entire audience had their own thoughts on what would happen next. Ino would scream and slap him. Ino would kiss him and say yes. Lee would jump in and kick Neji's ass. Neji would change his mind and go propose to Tenten.

Frankly, it was Ino herself who thought of that last possibility.

Ino bit her lip and looked away. Then she looked back at him and frowned. Then she slowly moved her other hand to be in his. And then…she smiled.

"I would love to marry you, Neji Hyuuga." The girl was caught off guard as her new fiancé jumped up to press his lips against hers. Naturally, she put her arms around his neck.

Lee put an arm around Sakura who looked at him and smiled. Kiba backed up and nudged Shino saying, "Our work here is done." The duo slipped out of the room.

"Ahem," Iruka cleared his throat. "The bride and groom." He held his hands up, presenting the pair to the rest of the room.

The Hyuuga maid maneuvered her way around Neji and placed the headpiece on Ino's crown. The blonde looked confused.

"Wait, right now?" She asked anxiously.

"Right now," Neji confirmed.


"Do you, Neji Hyuuga, take this woman to be your wife, in sickness and in health?" Iruka had a serene smile on his face.

"I do," Neji said calmly. Lee, his impromptu best man, gave him a pat on the back.

"And do you, Yama—"

"I do!" Ino practically yelled. Her hospital gown was wrapped tightly around her, held in place by Sakura, her impromptu maid of honor.

"If anyone objects to this union," Iruka began.

"Just do it!" Lee and Sakura both yelled in synchrony.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the man said hurriedly.

Wasting no time, Neji put a hand on Ino's cheek and kissed her. The force caused Ino to step back some, almost knocking over her IV pump. A hospital wasn't a very ideal place for a wedding.

"You really talked to my dad?" Ino sweetly asked him, gazing into his eyes.

"Mhm," Neji replied. "Your father can be a strange man. First he said we were already engaged then he asked the secret behind my hair growth." The Hyuuga looked at his bride in a confused manner.

Freezing slightly, Ino laughed. "That's a long story."

"We have all the time in the world now," he assured her with a kiss.

"Neji-nii-san, Ino-chan," Hinata appeared in the doorway with something in her arms. Kiba and Shino naturally filled her and everyone else in on the deets of what occurred in here a few moments ago.

Sakura grinned. "Let me help you back into bed, Ino-pig. I don't want you fainting." Ino looked slightly frightened as she followed the pinkette's direction. Neji looked equally as nervous.

Sensing the couple's hesitation to take the child, Hinata knew exactly what to do. She hugged the infant close to her face and began speaking. "The Hyuuga Clan is the strongest in all of the Leaf Village. Our ancestors have bles—"

"Hinata!" Ino looked annoyed. She was ready for him now.

Hinata smiled and walked forward, placing baby boy Yamanaka into Ino's arms. He had light brown hair and, of course, the Byakugan.

"He looks nothing like me," Ino mused with a smile.

Neji watched the newborn intently, doing nothing more. Ino wasn't surprised.

Neji reached over and ran his fingers over the embroidery on the white baby blanket. Seeing his confusion, Hinata spoke up.

"Oh, I, uh…" She began. "I didn't know what you guys were going to name him so I just combined the kanji from both of your names."


"Nejino?" Ino almost laughed. "You named our son Nejino?" Hinata looked bashful.

"I think it fits," Lee said enthusiastically. Sakura nodded in agreement. Iruka mumbled a farewell before leaving the room. He had enough for one day.

Ino cradled Nejino in her arms while Neji sat on the edge of the bed looking over them. Lee was standing but then returned to his bedside chair. Naturally, he had a huge grin on his face.

Sakura tilted her head to the side slightly before turning to Hinata. "I think something is missing." Hinata looked confused before turning to look at the three shinobi and the baby. She immediately knew what Sakura meant.


"He definitely isn't fussy," Ino commented, watching Lee bottle-feed the child. She chose not to breastfeed for obvious reasons.

Lee turned to reply to her but stopped at the sound of the door opening. All three occupants of the room turned to see who it was.

It was Tenten.

The girl nervously stood in the doorway for a moment before sighing and walking forward. Neji stood and offered her a place to sit on Ino's bed. Tenten gazed at the infant in Lee's arms and smiled.

"I thought for sure he would have blonde hair," she commented. The foursome shared a small laugh before going silent again.

Lee suddenly perked up. "Guys, this is really happening." He placed the child back into Ino's arms and stood.

"What?" Neji asked.

"You," Lee pointed at Neji. "You," he looked at Ino next. "Me," he proudly puffed his chest out. "Her," he looked lovingly at Tenten. "And it!"

"'It' is a boy," Ino reminded him, smiling.

"You, me, her, him, and Nejino," Neji said.

Tenten almost felt like crying. "He's going to be so loved."

"By all of us," Lee assured her.

Neji pushed Tenten over slightly so he could get into the bed. Not wanting to be left out, Lee also crawled into the bed.

"You guys are going to break it!" Ino said jokingly.

"Nothing can break us," Neji smirked, putting an arm around Tenten.

Ino smiled.

Lee grinned.

Tenten laughed.

Neji closed his eyes to pray.

'Father, please look after my new family and I,' he opened his eyes to look at Lee and Tenten before closing them again. 'All of us.'

You, Me, Her, and It
