Happy New Year, everyone! So 2014 is over. Finally. Here's to better times ahead. :D

To start off 2015, I'm doing a little something different. This is a request from Invader Johnny for a… Danny / Desiree body swap fic. Aha, this fic makes sense, I swear.

It's taken me forever to pull this together (literally, well over a year… two years? wouldn't surprise me if it was longer than that now ugh) and I am so, so sorry about that but I think by now we've all realized that that's just how I work. XP Especially on chaptered things. But this is a chaptered thing, so there's that consolation at least! And it's all written out now (eight chapters and no cliffhanger at the end) so there will be no unreasonable delays in posting and you can just sit back and enjoy… :D

Invader Johnny, I hope you like this! Might not go exactly where you expected but I had a surprising amount of fun developing this premise even though it's a trope I never ever thought I'd attempt, haha.

You were one of the first people to review Tinker Bell and you've stuck with me through the years, always dropping reviews where they are most appreciated. Thank you. So much.


January 15, 2015

. for Invader Johnny .

At the loud scream that broke the silence of what had been a perfectly peaceful afternoon, Danny turned his head to see what the commotion was. And he was not at all surprised to see townsfolk running haphazardly in different directions with their arms outstretched as if the extra two foot reach would actually get them to shelter any faster.

Ghost problems, then, although he couldn't tell who the ghost of the day was quite yet.

"Cover me," he yelled to Sam and Tucker, needlessly, because they were already on their feet and moving to shield him from the gaze of anyone nearby who might be looking their way as two white rings turned Danny into his ghostly alter ego.

He rose up from between them and zoomed off down the street toward the noise, confidant that his two best friends would follow them as soon as they'd grabbed the ghost hunting equipment out of their backpacks.

Flying around the corner, Danny had to pull up short to avoid colliding into a human hurtling toward him.

"Whoa!" he yelled as he dodged to the side, watching a woman in a maroon business suit and designer glasses stop midair and suddenly turn left down the street as if she was being yanked around by an invisible rope. She appeared unharmed, so far, and had avoided collisions with the cars and the brick walls which was, of course, a plus, but from the frantic sprawling and what little he could see of her terrified expression behind the frizzy brown hair, Danny knew that he had to do something, and fast.

But what to do? Save the woman, who didn't seem to be in immediate danger despite the flying several feet off the ground with a glowing green bubble surrounding her, or find the ghost behind this before they did any more damage?

Ghost it was.

Turning away from the now quickly disappearing human, he turned to find the threat, zooming over cars and darting around corners to find the source of the problem. After a minute's heart pounding mission, nothing had happened. All of the people had long since run away, leaving the streets empty. The woman was long gone and was not being chased by an apparition of any kind. He also hadn't run into the ghost, which was odd because they were normally itching to make themselves known with a long winded speech about their plans to take over the world by this point.

"Oh come on," he complained. "This is ridiculous. Where are you?" Danny doubled back to check an alleyway that was completely empty. "I could have been at the pool by now! Stupid ghosts," he grumbled as he flew down the next street. "Won't even let me enjoy the end of my summer. Wish I didn't have to deal with this nonsense…"

And he stopped when his ghost sense finally went off. He spun around in midair to see the ghost that made him want to take back what he had just said. Because he realized that he had used the forbidden word as soon as he saw the trademark costume that so set apart the Arabian ghost from anyone else he had ever faced.

How could he have been so stupid?

"So you have wished it," Desiree smiled as her hands began to wave in front of her in a mystical pattern.

"No! I didn't mean…!" Danny threw his hands up and frantically tried to backpedal.

"So shall it be."

And with that, she released the glowing ball of energy amassing around her hands straight toward Danny. He didn't have time to even think about evading it before he was already enveloped in the green light.

"No!" he howled as he struggled fruitlessly against the energy that coursed through him.

"Danny! No! We're coming! Hold on!" he heard from a distance and he clung to the hope that help was on the way as the light invaded his mind and twisted his body into something that it shouldn't have been.

When the light faded and he opened his eyes, it took him a long moment to understand what he was seeing. Because, floating a few feet away from him now… was himself!

This other version of him also had a hand to its head and seemed to be a bit dizzy and disoriented. Then it looked at its hand and freaked out, flailing around so that it almost fell out of the air.

Danny huffed, a bit insulted. It wasn't like his hands were hideous. That was no reason for any double of his to feel ashamed. He was perfectly normal. He looked at his hand and it was…


And slender. And had pointy fingernails that were well kept and polished. And definitely not his.

Glancing up his arm, he saw golden bangles and sequined bands of fabric. When he turned his head to get a better look at himself, tiny pieces clinked and jangled around his head and long black hair fell into his field of vision. And with the final proof… an exposed midriff and body parts that clearly shouldn't have belonged to him since he was in fact, a boy, he finally realized what had happened. Somehow, he and Desiree had switched bodies.

"What did you do to me?" he shrieked.

Desiree in his body looked up at him with the same expression of dismay on her face.

"It was you who wished—!"

But they were both interrupted by the arrival of Sam and Tucker, breathing hard, but steadily holding their weapons.

"Oh thank goodness," Danny sighed when he saw that Tucker was holding the thermos on his belt. Just what they needed to get Desiree back to Fenton Works without causing further mischief so that they could figure this all out.

Before Danny could tell him to use it, however, he realized that Sam already had her weapon in motion. She'd pulled the trigger of the mini Fenton Bazooka and by the time he noticed that the blast was aimed directly at him, the temporary portal had already opened beside him and he was dragged backward into a sea of floating green doors shouting, "No, Sam, Tuck, you don't understand, it's me! That's not…!"

to be continued.