Okay, I know that I've put off updating for a long time and I'm sorry but the inspiration just isn't as forceful as before. I've been completely swamped with getting ready for college next year, but there's been an issue with me and One Piece lately. Not really the fandom itself, but one specific member of the fandom that I know in real life, so the show's left a bittersweet taste in my mouth.

But don't worry, its against my policy to abandon any of my stories, but I feel the need to work on as well, so Ill have two or more in-progress stories at a time now. Because I have several prewritten I'll let you guys decide which one is going to get uploaded. PM me or leave a review if you would want to see either an Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Zelda or Fairy Tail fic. Thank you all so much for the support and leave a review if you feel like it! They really motivate me more then you can imagine. Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own One Piece.

The manor rested on the top of a green hill, a high wall surrounding the impressive grounds. The building itself was beautiful and incredible, and I couldn't help but wonder how much booze they have stored in there.

It was certainly bigger then the dojo I spent so much of my life in.

Luffy refused to wait for an invitation and climbed over the pale colored walls and leaving me to help Nami and the three children following us get over the gate. We followed the rubber captains trail of dust that was still settling by the time everybody was over the wall.

By the time we found Luffy he had already reunited with Usopp outside and an unknown girl leaning out of an open window, leaning on pale, frail arms. Even though it was obvious that she was a sickly child it didn't stop her from smiling so brightly that I almost smiled myself.

The smile made her eyes twinkle and the face of familiar woman popped into my head. She was beaming as she tucked a long, silky lock of pale green hair behind her ear.

"Yeah! We need a ship!" Luffy's loud voice called me out of my mind. He was addressing the young lady while the liar's arm was wrapped around his shoulder, Nami and the three children standing to the side a bit. Nami rolled her eyes at the rubber teen's actions.

I continued to stay out of the main conversation, crossing my arms and gazing around the garden that we were occupying. It was bright and filled with flowers, their aroma filtering through the air and giving it a sweet scent.

The negotiations continued for a while until a booming voice rang through the garden as a large handed, spectacle wearing butler came into view. Even behind the glistening glasses I could see the sharp look of disdain.

It made me want to cut something.

Mainly that shitty butler.

"What are you doing here? This is private property, get out now before I have you all reported." He warned, a snide look on his face as he pushed his glasses up with the palm of his hand.

Things only went down from there as the butler, named Clahador, antagonized Usopp until he punched him in the face only to storm off the grounds. The Straw Hat crew and Usopp's pirates left after, leaving the young lady crying in her window and the large handed butler glared after us.

Back in town Luffy left to chase after Usopp, leaving Nami and I standing by the road back to town, neither of us surprised by our captain's actions. Instead of following him as he ran around blindly we opted to relax where we were, knowing that with Luffy around opportunities for rest and relaxation were few and far between.

But that peace was disturbed when the three Usopp pirates came rushing at us, raising hell about some freak walking backwards up the road.

I crossed my arms, leaning against the railing of the wooden fence as Nami tried to pacify the crying children. Again a flare of jealousy sparking deep in my stomach. I was never very good with kids, even though as a child I had often thought of starting a family of my own one day. With children of my own there would be someone to inherit Sensei's dojo after me.

After Kunai's death there was the issue of who the dojo would be bequeathed to and due to the fact that I was the school's top student and Sensei's adopted child it was decided that I would be the next master of the dojo. The news was bittersweet, taking Kunai's duty and position didn't quite sit right with me but I accepted it with pride because I knew that it would be what she would've wanted.

But, like Kunai's own struggles, there was the issue of me being female. Sensei's beliefs about female swordsmen still held strong, but I continued my training none the less. That changed when he showed up at our door and my Sensei invited him in with a warm smile as he asked me to go freshen up and change into something nice after my morning training so I could greet our guest properly.

"Look! Look!" Called out one of the children, pointing at a man walking up the road backwards while wearing heart-shaped sunglasses concealing his eyes from us as he walked backwards towards us.

"There's the freak!"

"Who ya callin' a freak!" He defended himself, one hand resting on his large, wide brimmed hat.

"Well you're definitely an odd looking one." Nami retorted and I let out a soft snort at her wit, resting my right hand comfortably on my swords, letting the feeling of security glide through me.

"Nah, I'm just a simple travelin hypnotist." He responded and the children pleaded for an example, eager to be impressed. The hypnotist smirked and pulled out a shiny circular disk attached to a string and tried to begin his act.

Only to accidently put himself to sleep.

"What the hell?" I questioned, the palm of my hand hitting my forehead in aggravation. "Damn is everybody in this town crazy?"