A/N: Am I really doing this? ...Yes. Yes I am. I am rewriting Glee seasons 3-6 and giving Blaine DID or Multiple Personality Disorder. I love torturing fictional characters, I know. Also, this will be absolutely nothing like United States of Tara, so just chillax. Rated T for abuse, mental disorders, self harm, swearing, violence, and pure angst. Also, ignore the sucky title, it'll probably change later. Enjoy.

I'm Not Who You Think I Am

Chapter 1

Dating Kurt Hummel was probably the best thing Blaine had ever decided to do. For once in his life, Blaine felt as if someone actually cared about him, and it was a great feeling. He loved the feeling of safety that he got whenever he was with Kurt, and hated when it ended. They had gotten together just a month or so before school ended, but summer vacation had made it difficult for them to see each other, mainly because Blaine's constantly drunk father was always taking the opportunity to hit and yell at him now that he was home for the break. Not that he told Kurt that, of course. He made up some dumb excuse about having gotten a summer job at Six Flags and that it kept him busy, and thankfully Kurt bought it. Besides, Blaine could handle himself. He had them, after all.

There were six of them, and they had been there with him for as long as he remembered. They had been there whenever his parents were arguing, they had been there when his mother overdosed on pills and ended up killing herself because she couldn't handle the amount of pain that her own husband caused her every day, heck, they'd even been there whenever Cooper had finally left the house, leaving him at the mercy of his father.

They were the others. Other people that lived within his mind, and kept him company when he was lonely or upset. He was pretty sure they took over sometimes, because sometimes he'd wake up in his room or somewhere else, check his watch and realize that hours had passed, sometimes days.

He hadn't told Kurt about them, not yet, mostly because he was almost positive his boyfriend would think he was crazy and leave him, just like everyone else had. Everyone except for them, of course.

Thankfully though, summer vacation was almost over, and Blaine had managed to escape his house for a few hours and was making the drive to Lima. He was meeting Kurt at the Lima Bean for a coffee date and felt relieved that he'd get to see his boyfriend after two long months of his own personal hell.

As soon as he stepped into the Lima Bean, so much cleaner and more pleasant than his own house, he made a beeline for the table that Kurt was already sitting at.

"Kurt," he said his boyfriend's name as if just the name itself was a lifesaver, and threw his arms around him, trying to keep the tears of relief from his eyes.

"Blaine," Kurt replied, sounding surprised, but hugging him back just as tightly. "I missed you so much. Phone calls and texts just aren't the same thing as seeing each other face to face."

Blaine nodded, agreeing completely. Seeing Kurt was like a breath of fresh air, and he clutched onto the other boy for just a few seconds longer than necessary before finally letting go and taking his seat. "You have no idea how much I missed you too," he replied with a small shake of his head.

"So tell me how the Six Flags job is going," Kurt asked, a smile of anticipation and excitement on his face.

Oh. Right. Blaine had almost forgotten his cover. "It's been great. Glad it's almost over though," he replied softly. He couldn't wait to go back to Dalton.

"Blaine? Honey, are you okay?" Kurt asked. "You just, you seem tense, that's all."

"Oh no, no I'm fine, Kurt. I'm just really glad to see you," Blaine replied, hitching on his best smile. If there was one thing he was good at, it was acting.

"Are you sure?" Kurt asked, a worried look in his eyes.

Blaine nodded, not trusting his voice to not crack if he spoke.

"Okay, well listen. I wanted to ask you something. How would you feel about transferring to McKinley?"

Blaine could only sit in shock for a few moments. Kurt actually wanted him to transfer? He actually wanted Blaine closer to him? This was definitely a first.

"Oh, I-I don't know-I mean-"

"You don't have to decide now," Kurt assured him. "But I just figured, with the new school year coming up you might want to make your decision pretty quickly."

"Oh yeah, um, I'll totally think about it," Blaine nodded, suddenly feeling exhausted. Keeping up the happy facade was becoming a lot more difficult than he'd thought it would be.


First day. New school. New people. New classes. New locker. New everything. And Blaine was slowly coming apart. He'd avoided being slushied twice, and this was just the first day.

As Blaine sat in his Physics class, not even bothering to pay attention, he wished for the hundredth time that day that he had just one class with Kurt. Just one. But since Kurt was a Senior and Blaine was a Junior, the most they'd gotten to see of each other was in the morning just before school started. They didn't even have lunch together.

Blaine was fighting to stay calm. The others had been talking all day to him and his anxiety had been off the charts since he'd walked into the building. He was fighting to not black out. He had to stay sane. Kurt couldn't see him like this, he'd freak.

But as much as he tried to fight it, he couldn't, and less than a minute later, Blaine Anderson was gone.


Kurt was having a wonderful first day back. He'd gotten caught up on the latest trends with the Glee girls, eaten lunch with all his friends, minus Blaine who unfortunately didn't have lunch the same time as he did, and was now walking to the choir room where he'd get to watch his boyfriend try out for Glee.

He strutted into the choir room, smiling as he saw Blaine already in a seat.

"So, how was the first day?" He asked with a smile, only to have it wiped off his face by the glare he got back from him.

"What? Did something happen?" Kurt asked, instantly worried. He knew the transition from private to public school must have been a bit overwhelming for Blaine. He had been going to Dalton for years after all. Kurt just hoped it hadn't been too bad a day.

"Look, I'm only here because Tyler said we should come and I didn't want the bastard nagging me about it all day long, okay? Plus, anywhere's better than being at home with that psycho," Blaine replied in an uncharacteristically low voice.

"What are you talking about? And who's Tyler?" Kurt asked, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Oh yeah. I forgot Blaine didn't tell you," the other boy sighed, rolling his eyes at Kurt before responding, "I'm Victor Bryans, one of Blaine's alternate personalities."

A/N: Have fun with the cliffhanger!