Emma, Henry and Killian have been happily living in what they consider "peace" at the new Swan apartment until Killian begins to experience repeating nightmares about his past. Their domestic bliss is interrupted by a visit from Killian's mother who comes to warn the couple about an incoming danger and give her son some shocking news about Emma. With the town whipped in a frenzy over the "paranormal" entities appearing around Storybrooke, and the threat of a mysterious new enemy – it's hard for Emma and Killian to focus on their new life together as a growing family.

Hey! So, I've written drabbles on Tumblr before but this will be my first chapter fic based on a prompt given to me by tumblr user kayla-ships-klaine-and-destiel a while ago that I couldn't get to finish until now.

I published a version of this first chapter on tumblr before but I've made it very different here. POVS (point of views) will switch around frequently in the story and are indicated by name at the top. This chapter is just Killian's POV, however, and filled with funny fluff but things are going to get crazy for our two babies later on. Stay tuned! -Dany


Killian awoke with a gasp and sat up immediately in the dark of the room. His hair was mated against his forehead with cold sweat and his clammy hands tried to clutch at any sense of reality. He felt the bed spread beneath his fingertips and the warmth radiating from Emma beside him. The room was dark, and despite the first light of dawn spilling through the curtains, he couldn't see her but he could hear her breathing. Not a moment later, Emma began waking up and stirring beside him and Killian knew she could sense he was awake.

"Mmm…" Emma 's eyes slowly opened to see Killian sitting and breathing heavily beside her.



When he didn't answer immediately she tried to blink the sleepiness from her eyes and adjust her vision in the dark to get a better look at him.

"Killian?" Emma asked again and moved the bed covers down to prop herself up on an elbow. "Are you okay?"

No. He kept picturing the woman from his dream, crying softly into her pillow. Her eyes were bloodshot and her skin was paler then death. Her breathing was raspy and her shaking hands kept stroking the small necklace around her neck. Mother. There was distant screaming too – or was it seagulls?

"Yeah, love," Killian said in shaky breaths, "Just a bad dream."

"Again? Killian, this is the third time in a row."

Killian composed himself and formed a reassuring smile before he looked down at Emma, "Go back to sleep," he whispered.

She rolled her eyes and slowly sat up beside him, "No. Tell me."

"It was nothing to worry about, love. I'm sorry I woke you."

Emma stared at him, unconvinced. Nonetheless, she sighed and pulled the covers from her, exposing a long black T-shirt that was covering her bare legs.

"It's okay. It's time for me to wake Henry up for school, anyway." She hopped out of the bed and put on the grey sweat pants tossed on the floor. "Can you make breakfast today?"

"Of course." Killian brushed a hand through his matted hair as Emma left the room and let out a long sigh. He groaned as he lazily reached over to the lamp and turned it on.

At least, for once, reality is better than my dreams.

By the time he showered, got dressed, applied his kohl and entered the kitchen of Emma's new apartment, Henry was already putting his books into his backpack. Emma appeared beside Killian and gave him a quick but loving kiss, which he returned enthusiastically. His anxieties tended to melt away each time they touched and he temporarily forgot about his distress.

"Good morning." she whispered as their lips parted.

"It certainly is, Swan," he murmured, and smiled while she slowly pulled away from him.

"Guys, seriously." Henry complained as he walked over to the refrigerator.

Emma grinned, "Okay, kid. Killian's making you breakfast. I'm going to shower and change."

"'Kay." Henry answered.

He got the milk out of the fridge and Emma left the room.

"Good morning, lad." Killian grinned as he headed over to the pantry and took out the waffle mix.

"'Morning Killian." Henry answered with a smile.

"Sailing today?"

"Ah, can't. I'm going to work at grandpa's today after school."

Killian filled a container with water, "At the station?" he asked.

"No, my other grandpa," Henry sighed while pouring his milk, "Remember?"

Killian begun mixing the waffle mix into a large bowl, "I still don't understand why you keep going there." he said bitterly.

"I told you," Henry sighed again, "I want to spend time with all of my family."

"Yes, but with that crocodile?" Killian grumbled.

After quite some practice, these new cooking habits Killian learned from Emma were easy to preform with only one hand to his dispense. As were other things.

"Rumplestilkskin." Henry corrected him. He took a poptart from the toaster.

"Uh, uh uh!" Emma teased, snatching the poptart from Henry's hand as she walked into the room.

"Mom, seriously?" Henry complained when Emma took a large bite from his snack.

"You herd a poptrt frr brrkfast ehsterday." She mumbled with her mouth full and munching.

Henry rolled his eyes and sat down at the kitchen table while Killian put a plate of two waffles in front of him.

Emma sat down with a half eaten poptart and frowned when Killian put the plate of breakfast down on the table in front of her.

"Something wrong?" Killian asked upon noticing Emma's disappointment.

"A waffle."

"Yeah, love… You've always eaten the ones I've made," Killian groaned, "Oh hell, please don't tell me I used the wrong mix again. I'm a bloody idiot."

"No, it's not that," Emma sighed, "You gave me one."

"You always eat one."

"What? Think I'm fat?" Emma spun her head around to glare at him viciously.

No! Dammit. Dammit.

Killian paled and started panicking before moving to take her plate. Henry started laughing.

"Hook!" Emma laughed, "I was kidding!"

"But I do want another waffle, please." she added with a playful smile.

"Dammit, Swan." Killian failed to hide his grin. He settled for an overdramatic sigh and left Emma and Henry laughing at the kitchen table while he fetched another waffle.

They all ate quickly and in comfortable silence, but Emma's eyes kept flickering to Killian as he took bites of his own breakfast. Killian could certainly tell she was still worried, but neither of them wanted to address it in front of Henry. Instead, their eyes met and they exchanged knowing looks.

"You guys are doing it again." Henry spoke up, putting his fork down.

"What?" Emma asked, turning her gaze away from Killian to look at Henry.

"The weird thing where you're both talking with 'eyes' and I don't know what's going on."

"Talking with eyes?" Killian raised a dark brow at the boy.

"Hey, kid. Isn't it time you got to school?" Emma put her fork down and tilted her head.

"Right…" Henry gave them both a smile and got up. "I'll see you guys after work?"

They all exchanged friendly goodbyes before Henry left the apartment with his backpack, a fist pump from Killian and a hug from Emma. It was basically part of their morning routine.

"Work." Emma shook her head, smiling as she took her plate to the sink. "How'd he get so old so quick?"

Killian silently stacked his plate on Henry's empty one.


"Yeah, sorry, love." He walked over to the sink with the plates balanced on his one hand.

"What's going on?" Emma gently took the plates from his hand and placed them in the sink, "You're having crazy dreams and you've barely eaten breakfast these past few days,"

"Well, you just gobbled up two of the biggest waffles I made like some starving shark."

Emma did not look amused. Killian sighed.

"Nothing you need to worry about, I promise." he smiled and leaned in to kiss her but she put a finger on his lips before he got too close.

"As long as you live here it's something I need to worry about and you're… not going to distract me, pirate. Tell me what's up."

Stubborn. As always.

He sighed and looked up in exasperation. "Strange dreams, Swan, that's all." Killian looked back down at her.

"'Bout what?"

"My mum."

He took out the plates Emma put in the sink and opened the garbage drawer. She had forgotten to throw out the leftovers from the plates (as usual) but it was a welcome distraction to do it himself. Especially right now that Emma's green eyes were giving Killian such an anxious gaze he couldn't bare to look at because he knew he was the one that put it there.

"Your mom?" Emma leaned on the counter.


Killian nodded as he put the now-empty plates back into the sink.

"My mother had a silver necklace my father gave her," Killian started to explain, "It had a small silver seagull that hung from it."

Emma listened intently and silently.

"It's been lost for years but I keep seeing the bloody thing in my dreams." Killian sighed.

"But you're having nightmares, Killian," Emma said, "Is there something I should know? Something that happened having to do with your mom's necklace or…"

"She caught a fever and couldn't shake it. She died with the it on, that's it."

"What happened to it?" Emma frowned.

Killian inhaled deeply, "Liam had to sell it for the money."

Emma pursed her lips to the side. She took a step closer to him and hugged him. Killian was taken by surprise but he returned her embrace nonetheless.

"I'm sorry."

Killian gently pulled away from the hug and held Emma's hand with his one.

"I'm fine, Swan. It's been hundreds of years."

Emma paused, and a tiny small formed at the corners of her lips.

"Someone once told me 'wounds that are made when we're a child tend to linger.'"

Killian chuckled softly and looked down. He remembered. He remembered when he'd told her that the day they rummaged through her old childhood things.

"Let's get to the station, okay? David will be wondering what is taking us so long." Emma murmured. Her gaze narrowed at him in the way they would when she tried to read his emotions. But the last thing Killian wanted to do was continue to worry her.

"As you wish." He gave her the best smile he could muster and gestured to the door with a small bow.