This is it ladies and gentlemen, the last chapter in this first part of my Unbroken Saga. I shall be putting up the poll as to whether or not to put up the sequel sometime in the future along with this chapter. I hope everyone has enjoyed the story as much as I have enjoyed writing it and that you vote for the sequel to be posted. So-without further words, the conclusion of The Unbroken Saga Book One!

Chapter Twenty One~ Voldemort, Family, Home

Riley sneaked deeper into the hidden passageway of the Stone hearing two voices, one belonging to Harry and the other belonging to—Professor Quirrell? Confused, she hide behind a column watching the scene play out before her until the professor unwrapped his turban, and she wished he hadn't because there on the back of the man's head—was what was left of Voldemort. His gaze was solely fixed on Harry through a gilded mirror as he spoke to him, Harry down on the steps feet from her hiding spot. It was only when the possessed professor demanded Harry go down towards the strange mirror that Riley watched Harry feel for something in his pants pocket. The professor didn't notice as Harry lied about whatever he had seen, but somehow Riley whose back was against the stone of the column she was hiding behind, knew Harry had the Stone. Suddenly she heard Voldemort scream,

"Stop him!" and heard running feet of Harry coming towards her so jumped out, planning to get away with him but fire sprang up in front of the two of them, and all around them.

"Riley?! What are you doing here?" Harry asked stunned to see her so that she said,

"I had to come help you. I think I know why we both have a scar Harry." only they both heard laughter and a voice say,

"Riley Warring—you are supposed to be dead!"

"Sorry to burst your bubble buddy!" Riley snapped standing side by side with Harry to show support as Voldemort laughed again saying,

"Don't both be fools! Why suffer horrifying deaths when you can both join me—and live?"

"Never!" both shouted in defiance so that he again laughed and said,

"Bravery. Both your parents had it to. Tell me, Harry and Riley, would you like to have both your parent's back? All I ask is for something in return." and here Harry got out the Stone so that Voldemort continued saying,

"That's it, Harry. There is no good or evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it. Together, we three can do extraordinary things. Just give me the Stone!" as he spoke from inside the mirror Riley noticed her parents playing with her, a house and a dog—a family to call her own. But she knew even though it was heartbreakingly the thing she wanted more than anything else in the world—not true.

"You lair!" Harry cried so that Voldemort snapped,

"Kill them!" so that Quirrell went flying into the air at Harry only Riley jumped in front of him knocking Harry out of the way getting the attack. He started choking her around the neck and she hit the back of the stairs hard as she clawed at his wrist to get him off her. But as soon as her skin touched his they heard a burning sound and he pulled back screaming to see the parts where she had been clawing were peeling away.

"What is this magic?!" Quirrell cried as Voldemort snapped,

"Just get the stone!" so that he made for Harry this time as he kicked Riley out of the way and as she fell and smash into the column sideways she watched as Harry put both hands on Quirrell's face causing the same strange reaction! It wasn't until he was a pile of dust on the ground in what had been his clothing that Harry went over to Riley asking her,

"Are you ok?" she put a hand to her head and felt around before pulling back to find blood smeared on the palm but nodded and as the two stood to leave, neither notice the swirling smoke billowing from the ash pile. That was until it screamed at them and went right though them and up the staircase disappearing from the room. As both fell to the ground again, Riley faintly could hear voices—one belonging to Professor Dumbledore—and smiled before allowing darkness to swallow whatever sight she had left. It seemed like forever and a lifetime before she began to slowly regain consciousness and found herself lying in a hospital bed, instantly knowing she was in the Hospital Wing.

"Harry?" she asked looking around to see him sleeping and a voice said,

"Let him sleep." turning, she found Professor Dumbledore standing there at the foot of her bed along with endless amounts of sweets wrapped in bags, cards and flowers from people while he smiled down at her as she said,

"What happened Professor?" and he told her everything he had told Harry a few minutes ago when he had woken up.

"So, Professor, Voldemort said that I was supposed to be dead. And that my parent's where like Harry's. Also, Snape saved me at the orphanage from someone trying to kill me. And both Harry and I have scars that burn when Voldemort is around. Why?" Riley asked so that Professor Dumbledore said to her,

"That my child I'm afraid I cannot answer all those questions now. There are certain things I did not tell even young Potter. But what I can tell you—is that you share one thing that you did not know."

"What's that Professor?" she asked him sitting up a bit more so that he looked over to Harry then back to her saying fondly,

"Family. You are each other's family. Not by blood, but by something much stronger than that. The bonds of both friendship and love. Not the type you're thinking my dear, the type that keeps a family together no matter what. And in the end—can save a life." with that he smiled before saying,

"Madam Pomfrey tells me you two will be able to leave by tomorrow, so rest up my dear." then he was bowing his head and leaving the Hospital Wing with Riley lying in the bed wondering over everything he had said. And as promised the next day both Harry and Riley were excused from the Hospital Wing going right for the dorms to find Hermione and Ron. Once inside they found the two talking on the staircase landing and Harry called up to them.

"Alright there Ron?" Harry asked as Ron said,

"Alright. You two?" they shared looks before saying,

"We're fine. Hermione?"

"Never better." she beamed before they all returned to their dorms and went to bed. The next supper was the End of Term Feast and everyone knew that Gryffindor was in last place. The whole Great Hall was decorated in Slytherin colors, the crest on every banner and Gryffindor's sat slumped and feeling awful about it. Standing, Dumbledore cleared his throat and spoke,

"Another year gone. And now, as I understand it, the House Cup needs awarding. And the points stand as thus; in Fourth Place, Gryffindor with three hundred and twelve points. In Third Place, Hufflepuff with three hundred and fifty-two points. In Second Place, Ravenclaw with four hundred and twenty-six points. And in First Place, with four hundred and seventy-two points, Slytherin House." at this Slytherin table couldn't stop cheering and hooting until Dumbledore spoke again saying,

"Yes, yes, well done Slytherin. Well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last minute points to award." here everyone 'oohed' and whispered as he continued,

"To Miss Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect when others are in grave peril, fifty points." Riley clapped and smiled at her as Dumbledore continued,

"Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen for many years, fifty points."

"And third, to Mr. Harry Potter and Miss Riley Warring, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor House, sixty points." at that Riley cheered and said aloud,

"We're tied with Slytherin!"

"And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but an even greater amount to stand up to your friends. I award ten points, to Mr. Neville Longbottom. Assuming my calculations are correct, I believe a change of decorations are in order!" so the whole Hall was transformed into Gryffindor colors and everyone cheered—except for Slytherin that is—as everyone threw their hats into the air as Dumbledore said,

"Gryffindor wins the House Cup!" Riley and Harry couldn't have been happier, cheering along with their classmates and celebrating the last night at Hogwarts before they'd have to go back to their normal everyday lives. As they sat in the dorms packed and ready to go tomorrow morning, Harry and Riley waited until Ron and Hermione went to bed before Harry asked Riley,

"Did Dumbledore tell you about us being family?"

"Yeah, but not by blood." she replied so that he shook his head saying,

"It doesn't matter, if you were a part of my family somehow then you still are." Riley felt her eyes water at that and quickly went upstairs to bring down her hidden away photo of her parents and the handkerchief that Harry had given her at the London Zoo before bringing it down to show Harry.

"It's of my parents, before I was born." Riley said showing him the picture.

"You look like your mother." he said with a smile turning the back over and saying,

"A month before we we're both born." nodding, Riley handed him the handkerchief which made him smile as he said,

"I remember this! I gave it to you!" before suddenly Riley flung her arms around his neck saying,

"Don't forget about me during the summer Harry. Please?" surprised by the action, Harry hugged her back telling her,

"I don't intend to, ever." when morning came everyone had finished packing leaving the dorms feeling a bit empty as everyone was at the Hogsmeade Station to board the Hogwarts Express to London.

"Come on Harry!" Hermione called as he was handing over his owl, Riley following right on after him giving a train member Ebony. They watched Harry say goodbye to Hagrid before he came back over to the three of them, Hermione saying,

"Feels strange to be going home, doesn't it?"

"I'm not going home, not really." Harry said as he looked at the castle waiting for him next year and Riley added,

"And I don't have a home to go to anyway. Hogwarts is my home." at that she pulled out a duel photo frame, with a picture of her parents in one side and a picture of the four of them in the other. Smiling, she climbed aboard the train and they sat in a compartment talking and laughing and sharing stories all the way until they reached Kings Crossing Station. Upon coming to the platform and getting their things, they stepped onto the other side of the Hogwarts Express platform side to find Mrs. Weasley waiting for them.

"Oh Ron! I'm so thrilled to have another in Gryffindor!" she cried engulfing her son into a massive hug as Hermione went over to her parents who smiled and hugged her in turn, leaving Riley and Harry to stand alone and frowning. Then suddenly a woman came over to the group of them saying to Riley,

"Riley Warring?"

"Yeah?" Riley asked the woman who had strawberry blond hair in a bun behind her head along with hazel eyes smiling down at her. She wore a heather gray skirt and matching blazer with a navy top underneath as she said,

"My name is Miss Thea Gray, and I'm now working at Mrs. Dames. She sent me here to pick you up from private boarding school?" so that Ron laughed outright but covered it when his mother shot him a glare.

"Uh, sure?" she said before turning to say goodbye to her friends though Mrs. Weasley said,

"You're full name wouldn't happen to be Theodora would it?" so that Riley turned and watched the woman say,

"I no longer go by that name."

"I knew it was you Theo! Why, you've changed so much since Hogwarts years!" Mrs. Weasley said hugging the woman leaving Riley to feel her mouth drop open and say,

"You're a witch?!"

"Please, a former witch, I no longer do magic to hide my identity. It's safer for you that Mrs. Dames doesn't know that I'm also a witch like yourself. I was sent by the Ministry of Magic to keep an eye on you and to make sure that you're safe while not at school." she said before saying,

"Now we best be off, say goodbye to everyone Riley." so Riley waved goodbye to them before following her out to the parking lot where she helped the woman put the trunks into the back of a sky blue old Cadillac car. Ebony she placed in the back of her car before the two got in and the car started off towards the countryside—and Mrs. Dames.

"So you're a witch?" Riley pried but Thea told her gently,

"Former witch, I'm hiding my identity as one to protect you. If you blow my cover it's a busted case."

"Why is the Ministry so invested in me? Why not Harry too?" Riley asked so that Thea looked over at the confused girl saying,

"They're interested in both of you, only you don't have a family."

"No, Harry is my family. Just not in blood." Riley told her making Thea blink, before she smiled and they pulled up before the orphanage. Once inside she found Mrs. Dames waiting for her who said,

"How was your year of magic tricks Riley?"

"I can't tell you've I've been sworn to secrecy by the High Priest of the Temple that if I should tell whoever I tell their soul will be damned for all eternity!" Riley said smoothly as she helped Thea bring in the trunks while everyone watched from somewhere in the orphanage. As she turned to look at them all the girls ran from sight, afraid she might turn them all into some horrible form of something—horrible.

"Wonderful, well, you have your own room on the second floor very last room on the right. Congratulations." the woman told her before walking into her office and slamming the door shut—but not before locking it behind her. Thea helped Riley with her things upstairs to the second floor to a small, but actually normal size bedroom compared to what she was used to from her attic bedroom.

"Did you do that?" Riley asked actually happy to have a bedroom of her very own so that Thea said,

"No, well, maybe a bit of persuasion powder goes a long ways." before winking down at Riley and saying to her,

"Feel free to unpack dear." then she left her be and Riley took the time to unpack her clothes and set about decorating the room as she felt like it. Pictures she had gotten, cards from her fight with Voldemort she strung up on the wall along her bed, and the photos of her parents and friends on her nightstand. Smiling, she waved to the photos before going to sleep. Little did she know, that by the end of the summer—and the beginning of the Second Year—things would only get more confusing, more dangerous, and more deadly. What's more, she would find out something about herself that would land her in the middle of a troubling development—and something long forgotten from the past that should have been left sealed—would be opened again.