I bought myself a word processor called Neo by AlphaSmart. I whipped it out and began typing and out came this. A little random story. I don't know what brought this on but I quite like it... almost as much as I like my Neo. It's amazing!

The Tree Girl and Her Sparrow

Chapter 1

Once Upon a Time there was a girl named Annalaya who lived in a tree.

She was a sour old girl who liked no one's company. She preferred to spend time with birds and the like. Her clothes were made from leaves and she wore no shoes.

Her best friend was a little sparrow named Galian.

He liked to fly around her head and pretend to be a hummingbird, much to Annalaya's annoyance. And against the tree girl's better judgment, she was still friends with the little sparrow.

She couldn't tell you why. But she knew she couldn't imagine life without Galian.

He was her only companion and friend in life. She had no one except that tree and the little sparrow for a friend.

One day something happened. Something that would change Annalaya and Galian forever…

The day Galian accidentally turned into a human. Annalaya would never forget it.

They were at a stream in the part of the woods where they had never been before.

Annalaya had only been staring at her reflection in the water and wished something silly. The next thing she knew Galian fell out of the sky making a giant splash into the stream. Making Annalaya scream in fright; the tree girl fell forward, right into the stream. She came up gasping for air but slipped back under when her eyes became to rest on a young man a little older than herself. He was wearing all brown and his light brown hair was fluffed up like he just got out of bed. What had startled Annalaya most about him were his familiar eyes. They were Galian's!

"Oh!" She plopped back onto the bank on her backside.

The young man looked bewildered. "What have you done to me?!"

Annalaya blinked, "What…?"

"What have you done to my wings and feathers? I'm like you!" The man shrieked in horror, running his hands down the front of his clothes as if he couldn't believe himself and what he had become.

"I don't know what you mean." Annalaya said lowly, almost in doubt. She knew what she had done. She couldn't believe her wish for Galian to be human like her would happen. Apparently it had happened, and he was here right now as a man in front of her.

Oh dear… what had she done…oh what had she done?

The man stared at her and squinted, "You're lying. I can tell because I know you well, Annalaya." He stepped closer to her.

The tree girl scrambled away from him in fright. "Don't come any closer!"

The man stopped and stood staring at her, cocking his head with interest. So much like a bird. "Why are you scared of your old friend Galian? It's only me, silly girl." The man chuckled.

"You don't look like Galian," Annalaya argued. She needed to tell him what she had done. She had to stop stalling. She rose up from the muddy bank, refusing the foreign hand raised to help her up.

Annalaya brushed herself off and then looked up into the eyes of her sparrow friend Galian.

She gulped, "I made a silly wish. I didn't mean it and I knew it wouldn't come true. I see that I was wrong and that it did. I'm so sorry!" Tears sprung into her eyes but she refused to let them fall. She would not cry in front of this creature..

Of course Galian the sparrow had seen her cry many times before and often comforted her. She cried many nights after her parents were killed and she made her tree her new home. There the sparrow had first found her as he landed on one of the branches beside her. He had never left her side after that and stayed her one constant ever companion.

Galian's eyes were wide as he took in her words. He walked closer to her and this time Annalaya didn't try to run. She stood stock still and stared back at him.

Galian held out his hand and extended it to her. He looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to take it.

Annalaya swallowed and stepped closer, meeting his eyes. She laced her fingers into the man's outstretched ones.

A heated surge went through Annalaya's hand and she gasped in surprised and yanked her hand away the same time Galian yelped and snatched his hand back too.

"What was that?!" Annalaya cried out.

"I don't know."

Review if you want an update.