Princess Emma of the Enchanted Forest had been called many things since she'd come of age: a spitfire, stubborn, brash, and utterly impossible.

The golden haired woman was a true beauty, just like her mother before her, but she sent away any man that came to call at the castle. They all were the same. They wanted her for her title or her wealth. The showered her with gifts and praise, each of them more insincere and pompous than the last.

Princess Emma, though, had higher standards than the priggish twits she met on a weekly basis. She was the product of True Love, and she was determined to go on an adventure of her own, and find her own True Love, just like her parents had found each other. She wouldn't settle for anything less, which is why she sighed heavily when her parents announced that they would have yet another ball.

This time, though, it would be for her twenty fifth birthday.

"Mother, I don't want to have another ball," grumbled Emma, as she sifted through the many items in her wardrobe, looking for her riding clothes.

"Emma, it's tradition. We've thrown you a birthday gala ever since your first birthday, and you never know, you might meet the man of your dreams."

Emma harrumphed. "I highly doubt that, mother."

"Please, Emma? I so love these events, it is my favorite time of the year."

Emma looked up at her mother, only to be met with a pleading expression that rendered her powerless to refuse. She loved her parents more than anything in this world, and she hated to disappoint them. "I'll put on a smile."

"That's my girl," said Snow, pulling her into a hug. "I'll go tell Johanna, and we will get started on the design for your dress. Something red?"

"Sure," said Emma, "And not too many ruffles."

Snow hurried out of the room and Emma changed into her riding clothes. It was unusually warm for October, and she wanted to enjoy the weather before winter really started to set in. Within a few weeks her kingdom was likely to be covered in fresh powder, and she and Buttercup wouldn't be able to escape into the woods together.

The groom already had her horse prepared when she arrived at the stable, and she flashed him a grateful smile, as she mounted her golden mare.

The sun was warm on her face as Buttercup galloped off toward the main road. Emma threw back her head and laughed, a joyous care free sound that rang through the forest. Her afternoon rides were the very best part of her day.


Killian growled as he dressed. A trembling William had come to his bedchamber door and awakened him, saying that some wretched fool wished to see the Dark One. Killian had killed a servant for less, the boy should have known better than to awaken him, but his late father had served Killian since his early days as the Dark One, and for whatever reason, that gave the boy a single strike. If William disobeyed his orders once more, then he'd be dead in a heartbeat.

Killian made his way to the grand hall, only to find a ridiculous man draped in feathers from head to toe. He looked like a bloody ponce.

To his credit, he bowed deeply when he saw Killian. "Dark One, I am Prince Frederick of the Southern Isle. I have come to make a deal. I am prepared to give you anything you want for your services."

Killian was tempted to send the fool on his way, but since he was awake he might as well have some fun. "You are willing to allow me to rip your still beating heart from your chest for a simple favor?" Killian asked with a sneer.

The prince paled.

"It was a quip," Killian said with an evil smirk. "What is it that you want? I might humor you."

"I desire to marry Princess Emma of the Enchanted Forest. Queen Snow and King David are having a ball in her honor in three days time. I want a potion that will make her love me."

Killian laughed darkly. "You wretched fool, not even my magic is powerful enough to make someone love another. You have wasted my valuable time, and for that, you shall pay a hefty price."

"Please, Dark One, have mercy and spare my life, my kingdom can offer you anything you wish."

Killian shook his head. Material goods wouldn't give him what he wanted. "No," said Killian through clenched teeth, and with that, he waved his hand and the prince turned to ash. "William," he shouted, and the trembling boy hurried into the hall.

"Yes, Dark One?"

"Clean up this mess, then I want you to go to the village and confirm a rumor for me. You heard what our guest had to say, did you not?"

"Yes sir," William said.

"Good. You'll report back to me this evening, but until then you will leave me in peace and attend to your usual duties."

"Of course, sir." William began to turn away, but Killian stopped him.

"And William?"


"Never disobey me again, or you will not like the results."

"Yes, sir. My deepest apologies." Then he hurried away to get a broom.

Killian opened the doors with a wave of his hand and stalked off to his tower bedchamber. He'd heard rumors of Princess Emma. She was apparently the most beautiful woman in all the realms, even surpassing her mother, Queen Snow White.

Killian had never met the royals of the neighboring kingdom, nor had he encountered them in his days seeking revenge. He abhorred diplomatic functions, and fear of him typically kept kingdoms in line, for even though Rumplestiltskin was long dead, people still feared the new Dark One, and Killian used that fear to his advantage.

Killian flung open the door to his chamber and stood in front of a large ornate mirror. "Show me Princess Emma of the Enchanted Forest," Killian commanded.

An image of a golden haired goddess began to form in the mirror. Killian inhaled sharply. She was stunning, and had wide green eyes that seemed to glimmer, even in a mere reflection. Her pink lips were curved up, and she turned her head, and seemed to look straight at him.

Logically, Killian knew she was gazing adoringly at someone out of the mirror's purview, but at that moment, he could have sworn he felt a twinge of something in his blackened heart. He must have her, he decided. "Enough," Killian said, and the image faded away.

Killian spent the day in his library, and near sunset, there was a knock on the door. "Enter."

William came in, and bowed deeply. "Dark One, there is going to be a ball in honor of Princess Emma's birthday the night after next."

"Then tell Mr. Smith to prepare a trunk," Killian ordered. "It seems that a journey to the neighboring kingdom is in order."

"Right away, sir," said William, bowing once more before leaving Killian in peace.


"Hold still, Emma," Snow scolded.

It was the night of the ball, and Emma winced as the maid dragged a brush through her hair, only to met with a tangle at the end of it. The maid yanked the brush free and apologized, but at least now her hair was free of knots. The maid grabbed a handful of hairpins and began to dress her golden locks in an elegant and elaborate style.

Twenty minutes later her mother placed a tiara upon her had. The queen stood back to admire the maid's handiwork. "Thank you, Lucy, you may go."

Lucy dropped into a curtsey. "Thank you, your Highness," then she scurried away.

"Emma, my darling, you look breathtaking," Snow said, as Emma stood up. Emma's cheeks turned red, and she looked away.

"What is it, Emma?" Snow asked, sensing that her daughter had something on her mind.

"I really don't want to go down there, mother. It will just be another night of princes and other nobles trying to woo me. Elsa couldn't even make it. I won't have a friend to rely on."

Snow took Emma's hand in hers. "I promise that tonight will be wonderful, but I'll make you a deal. If you soldier on and try to have a good time tonight, your father and I will turn away any suitor who comes to call for the rest of the year."

Emma smiled, feeling a little bit better at the promise of a reprieve. "Deal."


"Now presenting, her Royal Highness Princess Emma."

The guests all turned their heads to the top of the stairs as Emma made her grand entrance.

Johanna had really outdone herself this time. Emma looked stunning in her ruby hued gown. The skirt was full and decorated with tiny rubies that glittered when the fabric moved. The neckline was plunging and displayed her décolletage beautifully. Emma walked down the sweeping staircase with a regal grace that she had inherited from her mother. Her father, King David, was waiting for her at the foot of the staircase. She took his extended hand, and they made their way to the center of the dance floor to open the ball.

"Emma, you look beautiful," said David. "I am so very proud of you, duckling."

Emma's cheeks colored. "I have done nothing. I'm not a hero like you or mother."

"Nonsense, Emma, I know that you want to have an adventure, and I promise that you will. But I will always be proud of the woman you have become. You are gracious and kind, and one day you will make a remarkable queen."

"Even though I have sent all my suitors running for the hills?" Emma teased.

"They didn't deserve you," David said, as he squeezed her hand when the dance ended. The corners of his eyes glistened with tears. He kissed her forehead and went of in search of Snow.

Emma ran from the floor to avoid any offers to dance. She made her way over to a man with a tray of full champagne glasses. She gladly took one and gulped it down quickly. There was nothing wrong with a little liquid fortification.


The evening passed in a whirl of excitement, extravagant food, and beautiful music. Emma shared several more dances with her father and expertly managed to avoid dancing with any would be suitors.

It was nearing midnight when the orchestra's penultimate song ended. There was a round of applause for the musicians, and Emma held her father's hand. "Thank you for honoring me with the last dance," he joked.

"The pleasure is all mine, my good sir," Emma said with a dazzling smile.

Snow grinned at their antics.

The orchestra was about to begin again, when the room started to shake. The doors of the hall flew open, and Snow held her breath. This was all too familiar, she thought as she remembered her wedding, but Regina had been dead for nearly three decades.

All the candles flickered out, and a dark figure suddenly appeared. David moved to stand protectively in front of Emma. "Who goes there?" David called.

The figure drew back their hood, and the room echoed with a collective gasp. David's hand flew to the hilt of his sword.

"Pardon my lateness," Killian drawled, "but I've always liked to make an entrance."

"What business do you have here, Dark One?" David moved closer to Emma, trying his best to obscure her from the Dark One's view.

"I've come to meet Princess Emma, rumors of her ethereal beauty have reached me, and I wish to confirm them."

Killian made his way towards Snow and David, easily parting the crowd.

"You mean you do not wish to harm us?" Snow said, moving to stand beside her husband and further shielding her daughter.

Killian laughed. "I have no quarrel with your kingdom," he said, "Now step aside. I assure you, your precious daughter will be quite safe."

Snow and David exchanged a quick look before separating. David's hand was still on the hilt of his sword.

Emma took a few steps forward and looked up to meet the Dark One's eyes, and for a moment she swore her heart nearly stopped beating. She squared her shoulders and said, "I am Princess Emma of the Enchanted Forest."

"The rumors did not do you justice, my lady," said Killian, stepping forward to close the distance between them

Emma raise her chin defiantly. She'd grown up hearing the tales of the new Dark One and she would not show an ounce of fear. "What is it that you want?"

"Quite brave, Princess," said Killian. "A dance with you is all I require. For now."

Emma took his proffered hand and allowed him to guide her to the middle of the floor. Snow and David signaled for the orchestra to resume playing.

Killian pulled Emma closer to him as the music began and they started to glide across the floor. Emma could feel the butterflies in her stomach, and she knew she shouldn't. He was the Dark One after all, but he had made no threat to her family or her kingdom so far, so she allowed herself to relax slightly.

The lofty notes of the music seemed to fade away as the Dark One swept her across the dance floor. She could feel the heat of his flesh through the fabric of her gown, and she felt as if she'd find a scorch make later. His eyes were boring into hers, and she did her best to not shy away. "Tell me, Princess," Killian said in a low voice, "What is it you want most in this world?"

"Nothing you could give me, I assure you," Emma declared.

Killian chuckled. "Are you quite sure about that, lass? My magic is capable of many things. The possibilities are nearly infinite."

"I want nothing from you, save for the safety of my kingdom and family," Emma said.

Killian looked at her thoughtfully. She didn't like the gleam in his eyes, it set her off balance, and before she knew it she missed a step, and fell into him. Her entire body was flush against his, and she felt as if she would burst into flame. Mercifully, the dance came to an end, and Emma quickly stepped away from him and went to her parents.

Killian scowled, and then gazed around the room. Fear was etched into the faces of every single person in the room, save for Princess Emma. The way she challenged him sparked him in away that nothing had for over three centuries. His heart was a dark and shriveled mess, but perhaps it would do well for him to have a companion of sorts. He wanted Princess Emma, and ever since he'd gained his new title, he always got what he wanted, whether it was willingly given or if he had to take it.

Killian cleared his throat and said loudly, "I have come to a decision," he said, directly addressing Queen Snow and King David. "Your kingdom will thrive, forever allied with mine."

David took a step forward. "What is your price? There is always a price."

"Too right, you can't get something for nothing. My price is simple. I will have Princess Emma as my bride. Refuse me, and your entire kingdom will burn."