Author's Note: I have long accepted that Severus Snape was going to die. Ever since Book Four I knew it was inevitable. But that doesn't mean I have to like it. So if all things remain the same except for one the small fact that Snape somehow survives the snakebite, how might the world of Harry Potter change?

And (insert massive groan) I'm creating a Snape/Harry bonding fic. Oh well, how times change.

Also this story begs to be written in snippets rather than a continuous plot. It will follow a time line but transitions will be abrupt in places.

Disclaimer: Let J.K. Rowling be proud of her work and let us be forever grateful she lets us play with her toys.

The Spy Who Survived

Chapter One: The Time of Silence




They were titles. Titles that meant everything to the world out there. Harry pillowed his head in his arms as he sat in the private room of St. Mungo's Hospital. It had been difficult to even find a room that could be completely shut off from the rest of the hospital. But he had gotten his way. After all he was The-Boy-Who-Lived and the one who destroyed He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. And now he was sitting next to the bed of a man he had once hated. Life dealt odd turns.

The man on the bed moved slightly and Harry shot up to see if the wizard was awake. Under the white sheets and stained bandages, the man opened his deep black eyes and tried to focus on something solid.

"Don't move so much, professor," Harry warned softly. "Hermione got as much poison as she could out. And tried to stop the bleeding. But you're going to be in a rough way for a long time to come. I can get the staff to come see you, if you want." Harry stood but saw a hand snaked out from the sheets as if to grab him to stay. He was guessing and perhaps Snape just wanted his wand. "Or we can wait a bit longer. It's not like you're in danger." Harry returned to his chair and Snape seemed to relax again.

After several moments of silence Snape's mouth started to move. Harry didn't stop it in time and Snape's facial features screwed up in pain. "You shouldn't try to talk until the healers say you can. The snakebite really did almost rip out your throat. It's a wonder you survived. The antidote helped, but everyone is surprised that Hermione could keep you alive for as long as she did. Though, she's probably right in that you should have died. I mean, I can't have done you any favors by asking them to heal you. But I just didn't want another one to die because of me. Yeah, I know. I did hear what Voldemort told you before he tried killed you. But here we are." Harry sighed and poured them both some water. Snape just shook his head and returned to staring at the ceiling. Harry couldn't think of anything else to do and leaned back in his chair. "It's going on a week since Voldemort's death. I've told them that there are to be no visitors without me agreeing to them. So far they've been very good about it. And though I've told them what happened, no one has tried too hard to barge in. But then they're probably still with their families…. Mourning and all that."

Harry glanced over at his former professor. "Everyone was hurt by this war. Everyone has lost someone. But they also have people to lean on and mourn with. I've discovered everyone connected to my family is dead. Except you. Strange that. I know that the Weasley's would welcome me into their family, but it doesn't feel right. Not after all those deaths… And Hermione has her own worries. And Hagrid's busy tending to the creatures of the Forbidden Forest. So… When I realized everyone else had loved ones to find, I was left standing there alone. So, I came here with you. Not that you remember. I think this is the first time you've woken up for any length of time."

Harry had to stop his ramblings when the Medi-witch assigned to care for Snape entered. She was doing everything she could to heal the wound on Snape's neck, but it was slow going. But at least they had some prior practice from Arthur Weasley's encounter. When the bandages were changed and Snape was sitting upright to eat the food that had appeared on the table, she left. Snape was looking much better after the visit, but still as dower as expected.

"Think you can handle the meal? Looks like they don't think you'll be able to chew with all that mush. I'm going to get something myself. Anything you'd like me to bring back?" Harry's offer was met with stony silence and a deathly glare. "I'm glad you're feeling more like yourself. I'll see you later."

It had been several months now since Snape was admitted into St Mungo's Hospital. Harry had been there at least once every day. Of course with all the funerals to attend and explanations to give, Harry actually looked forward to seeing the snarky Potions Master. Once he plowed through the reporters and curiosity seekers and into the actual ward, the world was quite peaceful. He was trying to put a brave face on for the world, but he just wanted to be left alone for a while and sort things out. At least Snape hadn't demanded that Harry leave him alone. For an injured man who couldn't speak, Harry was certain Snape was capable of expressing himself if necessary. As he approached the room he heard the clatter of metal on stone.

He rushed to open the door with several staff members behind him. Snape was collapsed in a heap on the stone floor, wearing nothing but the white hospital gown. His lanky frame seemed skeletal without the heavy black robes surrounding him. Beside him was the table and food tray attesting to the fact that it had not supported the weight of the thin man. But there was no scrap of food remaining, so Harry was encouraged by that. "I'll help him to wherever he wanted to go." Harry told the staff and closed the door behind him. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say the Medi-witch didn't think you could walk by yourself." Again the deathly glare pierced through Harry's very soul. Accusing him. And betraying Snape's fears. "How about we compromise. I'll take you to the washroom and you can come out on your own." Harry spoke matter-of-factly and turned away from the figure of Snape on the floor. It brought back the memory of Snape dying in the Shrieking Shack. Something Harry desperately wanted to forget. Instead he focused on the suitcase that sat in the corner of the room. From it he removed Snape's typical suit and then placed the black batlike robe on the bed for when he emerged from the washroom. With the garments in one arm, Harry offered Snape the other. "While you're cleaning up, I'll have them sort out this room."

Snape scowled at the hand, but accepted it and Harry lifted the man up easily. Snape was very unsteady on his feet, but they made it. Harry placed the clothing on the counter and left Snape in the room. During the hour that Snape was in there, Harry heard quiet sounds of a man falling and pulling himself up again only to loose his balance once more. It was depressing, but at least it was in private without strangers to gawk at him. When Snape emerged, he wore his severe black suit, but the image was anything less than impressive. It looked like Snape was going to collapse at any moment. Thankfully he made it back to the bed uneventfully.

"So I was thinking." Harry began and had to snort at the sneer from Snape. "Yeah, odd pastime. Do you have a place to go after this? Somewhere easily kept secret? I had to get Hermione to help me out with that, but it seems the best course of action. If you have a place you can go, I'll place it under a Feilus Charm. That way you can continue to recover in private. I can't imagine the field day the reporters will have if you are seen in public so soon. I don't think St Mungo's is ready to let you go, but you have likely had enough. Let them check your wound one more time and I'll see about getting things ready for you to leave." Harry could have sworn he saw Snape nod ever so slightly. Harry nodded in return just in case and went to talk to the Head Healer.

"Done," Harry called walking into the room once again. He could see that Snape had fresh bandages on and was dressed in the robes. He was seated in the chair this time, which seemed much more suited to him than the bed ever was. "We're clear to leave. Now, did you have a place you can go? I suppose we could go back to Hogwarts if not…" Harry stopped suddenly with the charcoal black eyes pin him with revulsion. "Alright so not Hogwarts. You have a home, right?" Snape frowned but this time he gave a distinct nod. "Alright, this is another gift from Hermione. It's a portkey that just needs a location. I'm going to activate it and you just need to think of your home clearly and then it will glow red and I'll grab on to it as well." Harry removed the tea kettle from his bag to show Snape. But before he activated it, Harry made sure Snape's suitcase was in easy reach. With a tap of his wand the portkey was activated and handed to Snape. Harry waited with the suitcase in hand for the teakettle to glow. Not a moment afterwards he grabbed ahold and was pulled into the living room of a small dusty row house.

"Alright…" Harry wasn't sure what to think as he turned and viewed the overcrowded sitting room, filled with piles and shelves of books. When he turned back around, Snape had decided to rest in the chair with his eyes closed. The trip must have taken more out of him than he would have otherwise admitted. Harry didn't say anything yet. This was Snape's private home. And he was standing in it. It was not likely something Snape could ever have wanted. "I'll be outside for just a moment." Harry said hesitantly before opening the door.

He needed to be outside to preform the Fedilus charm. He didn't notice anyone in the street or any other easy to see location. Quickly he set up the charm and returned to the sitting room. He felt very uncomfortable standing in Snape's home, but he had taken this upon himself. "Alright then… Only you and I know the secret. So I guess that makes me the Secret Keeper… But here." Harry pulled out a wand from his bag and placed it on a table near Snape. "Hermione picked it up before it could be lost when the Medi-witches came to transport you to St. Mungo's. You should have it back. There is also about a week or two worth of food in here. I didn't check and I don't know how hungry you'll be. It's all prepared and only needs simple heating spells if anything. It's all got some preserving charms on them so it won't matter about storage or how long it takes to eat it. I'll go lay them out in the kitchen so you can just grab them when you want."

Harry couldn't tell if Snape was asleep or not as he spoke. He doubted it, but even a month after the injury, it was impossible to be sure of how tired a healing man could be. The kitchen wasn't much to look at. Small, dingy, cluttered. Harry cleared away a space on the counter and piled up the meals. The kitchen, well the whole house, needed a severe cleaning.

When Harry returned to the sitting room again, Snape was holding his wand reverently. "We took care of it. The Ministry wanted us to hand it over as evidence. In fact they wanted me to hand you over as well, despite what I was telling them. But then considering what the public thought they knew about you, you can't blame them. If it hadn't been for that night… those memories, I probably would still think the same." Harry pulled out the vial of silvery liquid. "Thank you… I know you thought it was your last act. But they helped. They helped me understand a lot. So… thank you… for everything I guess…" Harry stuttered to a halt when Snape focused his eyes on the vial then on Harry himself. The stare chilled Harry's bones, but he couldn't explain why. "I didn't show them to anyone else. It would have been a mess if I had. And I didn't think I could return them to you while you were unconscious. So… I've kept them safe with the wand… Just in case you survived. They're yours…. I … I was glad to see my mother…. But they are your memories. They're something I'll never have."

Snape placed the wand next to the vial and just stared at the objects in silence. Harry didn't dare interrupt. The thoughts he sensed boiling over in Snape's mind were too intense to decipher. Finally Snape picked up the vial and his wand. With a look of intense concentration, Snape eyed the room, searching for something. Harry found it first.

"I'll get it." Harry stood and pulled a stool from the corner of the room to assist in him in reaching the top of a bookshelf. Hidden behind the decorative ledge was a Pensieve. It was small and made of stone but it was clearly in working order. Harry had to wonder how Snape came to own one. He set the Pensieve on the table before Snape and returned to the sofa. He watched as the Professor poured the memories into the Pensieve before taking them one by one like silver threads of hair back into his mind. Then, Snape did something unthinkable. He removed a thread and placed it in the Pensieve and stared at Harry intently.

Harry hoped he understood and leaned down to view the memory. Suddenly he was in a cathedral full of smile people. He didn't understand and searched for Snape, wondering what the importance of this memory was. Snape was sitting in the back of the pews, as if he had come in late on purpose to avoid being seen. He was young. Probably as old as Harry was now. Turning to face in the same direction as Snape he saw a couple getting married. Beside them were Sirus and Remus and Peter. They were all smiling at James Potter and Lily Evans as they were pronounced man and wife. Harry saw them kiss then the image started to fade. Snape had left the church and thus ended the memory. When Harry returned to the real world he sat silently.

"Why did you show me that?" Harry asked pleadingly. "Of all the memories in your head, why did you show me that?"

Snape rolled his eyes and braced himself to stand. Harry didn't stop him and only sat there thinking about the memory. It had everyone he had ever lost. In the crowd he had even seen Dumbledore. Perhaps he had seen Moody, but he couldn't be sure because he was so focused on the couple at the altar. So many people that had died in the war was at that wedding. Harry knew many of them. Had heard of others. And now he knew that Snape had been to the wedding no matter how briefly. Was this … Couldn't be….

Harry glanced up when he saw movement. Snape had returned from the kitchen with one of the prepared food packages. "Is this… Are you showing me this because none of these people are alive today? Is this your idea of commiserating?" Snape frowned and shrugged. "They were all so happy… Hagrid never said you were at the wedding. But I guess they never saw you. Why did you go? Just to see her? That has to be the worst torture to put yourself through." Harry sighed and continued to watch the Pensieve deep in thought. He didn't enter the memory again, just thought about what he saw and how it was affecting him. His entire family was gone now. Dead. But there they were in one place. Something that he would always remember.

He had seen his parents in ghostly images from Voldemort's wand. He had watched Sirius fall into the Veil of death never to be seen again. He had seen Remus's body protecting his wife. His family. But the memory of their wedding was a happy time. Something Snape had carried with him for years. Snape and his love for Lily Evans.

"Thank you… It's still your memory of her. But you're right. It is nice to see them happy. Better to remember them that way. I know it is not a happy memory for you. Not really. But still, seeing my mom happy must be important to you."

There was no response from Snape as he sat there staring at the empty package. Harry was at least glad that Snape wasn't going to try and starve himself.

"Then, I'd best be off. I'll be back daily to see how you are doing. You remember what they told you at St. Mungo's. Keep the wound clean and change the dressing daily. Why am I telling you this? You're just going to ignore it. And it just seems wrong for me to be telling you anything. Oh… yeah, it's been about three months… Is there anyone you would like to see? Or know about? I think the Malfoys are doing as well as they can with the current press. Draco would at least like to visit. He's actually asked me about you several times. I was tempted, but I didn't think you would want visitors so soon after the attack. I'm sure he wouldn't mind staying with you to help out for awhile."

Again the small almost indictable shake of the head. "Alright. But you are going to have to meet with the outside world sooner than later."

"Professor Snape?" Harry called out as he entered the house. He wasn't entirely sure why he was being so polite and caring towards the obnoxious murderer. Even though he knew the full story, Harry had moments when he found his behavior wrong. When he should have let Snape die or surrendered him over to Azkaban for his crimes. But then he recalled that that Snape had done so many things that fell outside the law that had actually saved so many people's lives. Harry's first and foremost.

"Professor Snape?" he called again and heard movement from upstairs. It was a daily ritual now. Harry visited in the late afternoon for two hours then he left for his own developing family with Ginny and her clan of Weasleys. Still it was saddening to see Snape here alone with no one to share in his sorrows.

Today was slightly different. Harry was dressed in formal robes. The Malfoys had invited him to dinner. And Harry had the thought to bring along Snape. Only after Harry was assured only Lucius, Narcissa and Draco would be present. It would no doubt be an odd dinner in the first place. But there were things they had to say to each other.

Snape stood at the top of the stairs and glared down at Harry. Harry was used to this treatment by now. It had been four months since the Battle for Hogwarts and Snape had not said a word to him. Harry didn't think about it too much. The healers from St Mungo's had given Snape the clearance to speak two months ago. Harry just assumed that in his rage and humiliation at the circumstances, Snape just didn't want to. Harry was too afraid that Snape might not be able to.

"Yeah, I feel ridiculous in this thing too. But Ginny said it was appropriate for a formal dinner. So, I'm stuck in this dress robe. She says it's better to be overdressed than underdressed. Personally I'd rather skip formal wear altogether. But I'm not so lucky. I was invited to dinner with the Malfoys. Yeah, Lucius Malfoy himself gave me the invitation. He didn't seem thrilled, but said it would mean much to his wife and son. I figure it is as good a time as any to properly thank Mrs. Malfoy. She did save my life once."

Snape was slowly descending the stairs as if he did not believe what he was hearing. "No, they don't know you are coming. I decided after I got the invitation that it would be a good opportunity to reintroduce you to the world. It has been four months. And the Malfoys aren't… well okay they aren't as ostracized by the world anymore. I figured of all the people you are going to have to meet, it would be best to start off with friends."

Snape was staring down at him. Despite Harry's growth-spurt the Potions Master still towered over him. "Hey, they aren't going to care. They betrayed Voldemort in the end. For the sake of family anything can happen. So get changed. Dinner is at six." Harry moved into the sitting room to wait. It was five o'clock now so there was plenty of time for arguing.

It wasn't long before Harry heard Snape enter the room and sit in the chair. His eyes were closed as his head tilted back against the sofa. The silence here was such a nice reprieve. "I could have turned it down. But that's almost as good as me accusing them of murder. They have good intentions. And they did help me. I couldn't just deny Lucius Malfoy when he made the offer in a rather public forum. He could have sent an invitation by owl. But he asked in person. You can't simple refuse that kind of invitation. I don't really care if you would. I'm going because I said I would. I just want you to see that they're doing all right. Draco and Mrs. Malfoy have sent me owls rather frequently asking about you. Telling them that you're still healing can only last so long."

Harry was afraid to open his eyes. He didn't want to look at the accusatory glare coming from the Potions Master. He also didn't want to see how the all powerful and evil Professor had been reduced to a silent skeleton. He was actually wishing Snape would yell at him and shove him out the door. At least then things would be back to normal.

"If you are going to hide in here forever then I suppose I will just stop the Fedilius Charm and let you fend for yourself. I know you're good at that." The sound of robes rustling told Harry that Snape had stood in indignation. "Look… The situation is weird and complicated. I'd like to think I've gotten past any issues we had from Hogwarts. And no I still haven't forgiven you for killing Professor Dumbledore, but at least I understand why. Now I'm helping you hide from the world because I was the one who wanted you to live. No one else out there really cares if you live or die. In fact it would be easier if you did die. But I don't want that to happen. So I'm trying to help you. You don't have to be grateful. Just stop accusing me of ruining your life. Let the Malfoys take over if you hate me so much."

Harry had sat up in the couch and returned the glare back at Snape. It had been a rough few months. He shouldn't be yelling at Snape, but nothing made sense to him right now. No one ever spoke about how to act once the war was over. It was as if no one had really expected Harry to survive the war.

Snape however twisted on his heels and returned upstairs. Harry sighed. What was he doing anyway? He was taking care of a snarky Severus Snape and he was about to go to a dinner with the Malfoys. If he had known this was in his future after the first year at Hogwarts he would have gone and hid in the Cupboard of Privet Drive forever.

Not half an hour passed when he heard steps coming down the stairs. Had Snape actually gone to change? Indeed when Harry went to investigate he saw that Snape now wore a nicer suit and formal robe. Not nearly as elaborate as what Harry wore, but definitely nice enough for the Malfoys.

"Oh… I see you found that your entire wardrobe was in the suitcase. Professor McGonagall sent it to me while they were cleaning up. It should have everything that belongs to you. Thank you for coming… I don't know what I would do alone with the Malfoys. They still creep me out just a tad. So… are you able to Aparate?"

The dinner was quiet with polite conversation. It was awkward when Snape chose not to speak and Harry had to explain the nature of the wound. From there it went to the after dinner drinks. "I… I have to admit I am not entirely certain why you invited me here…"

"Nonsense," Narcissa immediately came to the rescue of the conversation. "It isn't easy for us to acknowledge when we need assistance outside our own family." Lucius chose that moment to turn stiffly to look out the window. Draco was closest to his mother and gripped her hand. "I know our family has not been the kindest to you. And still you aided us when there was no benefit for you. Surely you can understand that without you we would have been split up and sent to Azkaban. Lucius is trying to make his name still mean something in this world. But you can imagine how difficult it is. And Draco is alive because of you. I know it must seem trivial to you, but I could have lost both of them. That is why we must thank you. It is not a common thing for the Malfoy family to need the favor of anyone. And Severus… I am grateful to you for your help. For not refusing me out of hand. The Unbreakable Vow was a harsh method, but I'm a mother. I wanted more than anything for my son to be safe. We all bear the scars from that time. And we did not always make the best choices. It is because of you, Harry Potter, and you, Severus, that we are able to live as a family again. Can you forgive this proud family for this poor expression of gratitude?"

"Narcissa," Lucius turned from the window to watch his wife. For a moment it seemed he wanted to rebuke her for the speech but then he sighed and Harry saw something he never expected. Lucius Malfoy stood even with his wife's chair and turned his eyes towards Harry's. What Harry saw was a troubled man. A man who knew his place in the world was shattered but he was a proud man who would not bend his neck for anyone. The pain and horror in those gray blue eyes scared Harry. It was as though he could see Azkaban lurking behind the perfect blonde visage. The older man was terrified of Harry, of what Harry represented. Still he stood there beside his wife because she had been the stronger of the two. She knew what was important.

Lucius Malfoy swallowed thickly. "Mr. Potter. I am certain you are aware that I invited you here at my wife's behest. You are also fully aware that I have no liking for you nor your ideals. With that being said, you have also done a great service to this family. One which there is no possibility of repayment. That still does not lend me to like you any more. However, I understand why you did what you did and I will always be grateful." The words seemed forced from his mouth, but every syllable was true. For as long as Harry and Lucius kept eye contact, Harry knew exactly what Lucius was thinking. "Therefore, I have bowed to my wife's wishes and arranged this meeting. I do not know how to express our gratitude without it appearing false flattery to the world. I do not even know if it is possible. Not only have you saved our lives, you have also saved my family from the horrors of that prison. I have made the decision that if the Ministry refuses to accept your pardon of us, I will accept the crimes and reenter that prison in place of my wife and son. If you can ensure their freedom, I will bow to the Ministry's justice."

"Mr. Malfoy… I've already told the Ministry that they are not to prosecute you. I know you have changed from when you followed Voldemort." Harry still couldn't get over how the entire room flinched when he said that name. "They have no choice but to accept my word. Family is important. And what we do for family can be very strange indeed. I don't think a public apology will help maters either. Just… live. I guess. Mr. Malfoy, thank you for inviting me. Honestly I am glad I came. And Mrs Malfoy, I wanted to thank you as well. I know you saved me because you wanted to see your son again. But I still have to thank you. I'm glad Draco has a mother like you." Narcissa gripped Draco's hand tightly and Lucius placed his arm around his wife's shoulders. It was an oddly pleasant scene. A family, completely different from his own, but a family nonetheless. "I think, if we can maintain a polite relationship everything will work out. I know we won't ever be friends, Mr. Malfoy. But maybe we have just come to understand one another more. I don't want to break up any more families."

Lucius nodded. "Very well then. Is there anything else we can offer you this evening?"

"No. Thank you, but I must be going." Harry stood and looked towards Snape. The man had stood at the opposing wall ever since dinner had finished. Harry sighed. He had hoped Snape would speak and start to return to normal. "Professor Snape? Would you like to stay?" There was silence of course, but Harry met the black eyes and nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow then, Professor." Harry moved to exit and was immediately met by Draco.

"I'll show you out. Courtesy and all." Draco muttered. He glanced back at his professor before he escorted Harry towards the main entrance of the mansion. They had cleaned it up since the war. And it really was quite lovely. When they reached the doors, Draco stopped, though he didn't look at Harry. "Will the professor be all right? I mean he hasn't spoken all night."

"He hasn't spoken since the night the snake bit him."

Draco hung his head. "Because of me."


"One of the Death Eaters mentioned that the Elderwand was only gained by killing the previous owner and Professor Snape killed Dumbledore. If I had done what I was supposed to, Professor Snape would be fine."

"You don't know that. And actually you're wrong. Well not entirely about the Elderwand. But about who had control of it. Voldemort thought the way you do and that's why he had Snape killed. But you did defeat Professor Dumbledore so you had the Elderwand. Then I defeated you and I got it. So if you had killed Professor Dumbledore, Voldemort would have killed you. I'm not saying which one was better because I don't like either ending. But, this seems to be okay. Snape is alive and so are you, so maybe it will be all right later."

Draco nodded as if he understood. Then he asked something Harry was dreading. "So, everyone wants to know. Why are you taking care of Professor Snape?"

"Don't tell everyone… Please. I know no one will understand it yet. But Snape is the only link I have to my family. He's the only one who really knew them that's still alive. It's strange, isn't it… I should hate him, but after everything he did to protect me over the years…. I can't. Not now that I know. I still don't really like him, but he doesn't have any family left. Nor do I… At least I can try, right?"

"You are right about one thing. That doesn't make any sense at all. But he is alive. And he seems like himself. He just won't talk."

"That's the most frustrating part. I want him to talk. I want him to yell at me and curse me out of his house. I want him back to normal. But I don't know what normal is for him. Not any more. I don't know what normal is for anyone now. No one actually talked about what they would do once the war was over. Not once. I don't have a bloody clue about what I'm doing now."

"I think that's the same for everyone. The Ministry is imprisoning the Death Eaters because they don't know what else to do with them. Normal people don't know what to do after the year of terror. You're not alone in that feeling, Potter. None of us know."

"Actually… that makes me feel better," Harry managed a small smile. He stuck his hand out for Draco to shake. "Let's start again. I'm Harry Potter. Nice to meet you."

Draco let out a small relieved laugh. "I'm Draco Malfoy. It is a pleasure to meet you as well. Perhaps we'll meet frequently."

"I hope not too frequently. Otherwise Ginny might kill me." Harry started to laugh.

"You'll just have to remind her that the Weasleys and Malfoys are related."


"All pureblood families are related if you go back far enough."

"I suppose that means the Potters are related to them all somehow."

"Probably. But it no longer matters, does it, Potter. You'll get that Weasley girl figured out."

"You're not going to be able to call her that much longer, Malfoy. I think we're going to be able to think about marriage soon."

Draco pulled a mock horror face followed by a shake of his head. "Whatever works for you. See, you have already figured out what to do afterwards."

"I suppose I have. Thank you, Draco. Go see Professor Snape. That is why I brought him here."

"Thank you for coming, Harry. I hope future meetings won't be so awkward." Draco nodded and left Harry to Aparate away.

"Professor McGonagall wants to see you. No she didn't tell me why, but you can probably guess. Last time she saw you, you flew out the window. I've told her the same story I've told everyone else. She believes me but I don't think she is satisfied until she sees you herself. In fact, the entire world wants to know that I'm not making up the story that Snape lives and actually saved most of Hogwarts. You're coming."

They were in the sitting room again and Harry was yelling at Snape who just stood there glaring. It had been how most of their conversations had gone. Snape still didn't talk and Harry was getting sick of it.

"I can always bring her here. Hey, you know I can. I'm the bloody Secret Keeper. I knew I should have told Draco at the dinner. Then maybe you wouldn't hide away." Harry paused when he saw Snape smirk. "Damn… I do like the quiet here." He frowned. "I wish I could hide away. I know you don't believe me, but that whole publicity you thought I enjoyed back in school…. Well I hate it. None of what they say was ever true. It's like the whole world wants to pretend nothing bad happened. And so they make up stories about me that are completely false. They make up stories about you too, you know. Some of those are grossly exaggerated. And none of them are nice. You should be glad I never bring the Daily Prophet here. Now come on, Professor McGonagall is only opening the Floo for a short time. Now you're going first." Harry shoved Snape into the fireplace before he threw down the floo powder and clearly spoke the destination. Snape of course was not happy and tried to escape but failed causing Harry to grin. Harry knew making Snape go first was the only way to ensure he made it to Hogwarts, but he also knew that there was no telling what reaction Professor McGonagall was going to have upon seeing the former Headmaster of Hogwarts. Even though she asked to see him.

Harry arrived while the two professors were staring each other down. They were in the Headmaster's office. All of the nicknacks and ornaments were in place. All of the portraits on the wall with wide awake old faces. Snape looked affronted and indignant as he stood there. If Harry were to accurately describe the emotion it was guilt. Guilt and horror disguised as indignation and anger.

McGonagall was not much better. She had her jaw set in righteous anger. Then faster than Harry could react, McGonagall slapped Snape's cheek hard. A red hand print remained on his cheek as he slowly turned his head back to a neutral position. But Snape made no move to defend himself. He stood completely still and would have allowed McGonagall to abuse him if that was what she desired. Harry didn't understand. Nor did he understand when McGonagall pulled Snape into a hug and started crying. Snape lowered them both down to a sofa and let the woman cry. He seemed just as bewildered as Harry. Together they silently waited for Professor McGonagall to finish her outburst.

"Did you not trust us? Did you not think that any of us could be trusted?" There was no answer for her demands. "First you killed Headmaster Dumbledore and all we had to go on was what was said. You became the most powerful Death Eater out there. Then you show up as the new Headmaster of Hogwarts, appointed by You Know You himself. You did everything to make yourself as hated by us as possible. Why! Why didn't you tell someone?"

"Minerva…" the voice was from a portrait. That of Dumbledore himself. "He was following orders. My orders."

"Yours…?" McGonagall transferred her attention. "And you never thought to explain after we came to clean up?"

"I'm simply a portrait."

McGonagal frowned in frustration and turned to look at Snape fully. "I won't forgive you. I know you did all that because of orders. But I can't. I wanted to believe you were protecting them… Why did you have to become so close to Voldemort? Why couldn't you have stopped this destruction before it claimed so many lives? Why did it have to end this way?"

Snape could only shrug and look away. He was sad. So very sad.

"Can't you at least say something? Explain yourself somehow? Harry said you were cleared to speak months ago."

Harry cleared his throat. "I also said that he still hasn't said a word."

"Then what's the point? He might as well have died. Yes, Severus, you might as well have died back then. You have done nothing since to help us rebuild. We have nothing but lies and rumors to go on. We actually know nothing about you. Everything you have ever done is questionable."

"Professor… He's still sorting it out himself."

"Sorting it out? What is there to sort out? Whether he did the right thing? Whether he got the right result? What is there to sort out, Severus? Answer me. Please."

Snape simply stood and walked over to the Pensieve. He removed a memory to place in the great stone urn. Then he turned to McGonagall and waited. The Gryffindor Professor looked confused for a moment and glanced at Harry, who only shrugged. This was the way Snape wanted to communicate. Harry couldn't stop him.

Whatever Snape had showed the Professor seemed to placate her. Not to the point where she understood, but to the point where she wasn't demanding answers. Snape returned the memory to his mind and went to stand beside the window overlooking the grounds.

"Sorry, Harry. It was a rough year and I am still trying to cope. I had hoped to ask Severus what his plans were in regard to this school. But I suppose that is obvious. He no longer has a place here. He never officially gave his resignation so he could theoretically claim to be the Headmaster still. I don't think anyone would support him if he did. Just like no one will support him if he asked to become a professor again. It's a shame because he was really a good potions master. Harry, has he mentioned anything to you about his future?"

"Sorry, Professor. He doesn't talk to me. Not really. Sometimes I think I can see his thoughts. But I've never talked about what he's going to do. I don't think he expected to survive this war. I mean, what is someone in his position going to do now that he's betrayed the trust of everyone who thought they knew him? Even if he made his memories public, people would still blame him. I think he plans on hiding for the rest of his life. I'm surprised he has not tried to kill himself yet. He certainly knows enough methods. I won't let the Ministry do anything to him. So… I guess we'll just have to let him hide."

"You know, Harry, that hiding doesn't work very well. Eventually someone will find out. Or he will be caught without you present. You can't keep him ignorant of how the world sees him."

"I'm not. I'm just not letting the world tear him apart."

"Harry… take care of him."


"That is what you are doing. I'm sure he's not making it easy. But take care of him. He truly doesn't have anyone else in this world that would think kind thoughts about him." McGonagall sighed and glanced at Snape. It was obvious she didn't have many kind thoughts remaining for the man.

"The Malfoys." Harry tried to find someone that could support Snape.

"Are in a precarious position themselves and cannot handle the pressure of being the Spy who Survived's caretakers. You know as well as I, that spies are never accepted back into society. No matter how much good they accomplished. Severus barely survived the first downfall of Voldemort. And he had Dumbledore's name to hide behind. Now he has yours. He is a strong man, a proud man… but he will never be able to stand alone."

"I don't understand."

"I'm sure you do. Just think about what you know about Severus Snape. Everything you know. Everything he has shown you. Everything you have heard. You'll understand. I don't think he will ever return to Hogwarts now."

"You can't say that for certain. The war is still too fresh in people's minds. In a few years I'm sure things will be better."

"Sadly no one truly forgets a traitor," Dumbledore was the one who answered.

"That isn't much help, Professor," Harry commented to the painting. He turned to McGonagall. "Well? Is that all you wanted to say to him?"

"I think that's all that can be said. If he changes his mind and things work out, maybe he can come back. But honestly Harry, you didn't see what last year did to this school. I know you where there for the battle, but before that. Your friends would have told you, but living it… trying to survive it. Trying to protect the innocent children… It's more than most of us can bear. Reopening the school will be one of the most difficult things I will ever do. I thought that was when we buried Albus… but this is worse. Not only do we not have Albus, we do not have the staff we need. I can't think of anyone who really wants to return here to teach. I don't want to return here to teach."

"It will be alright, Professor. You'll have people. I'm sure of it."

"I'm glad you're optimistic about this. Perhaps you could join us?"

"Me? Teach? You're joking right? I never even studied my seventh year. Though perhaps you could ask Hermione. I'm sure she'd like to help."

"I suppose we should seek out prospective teachers with more studious reputations." McGonagall gave a small smile. "Harry… I'm glad you survived. I still remember the night Albus and I left you with your Aunt. We had such high hopes for you. I'm sorry we didn't provide a better environment for you. But I am glad you turned out to be such a strong young man."

"Uh… thank you?" Harry was stunned. He had no idea what to say to this. "So… does that mean you will be the Headmistress for this on coming year?"

"At the moment it looks like it. I haven't been able to find anyone else who wants the job."

"You'll make a great Headmistress. I'm sure of it."

"Thank you for the thought, Harry." McGonagall stood and glanced again at Snape with a frown. "I'll let you return when you're ready. I need to see to the repair work. Feel free to wander the grounds. The Floo will be open for another three hours. And the password is Lemondrops." She nodded to Harry then left the office.

There was silence in the office. Harry took the time to meander through the little odds and ends. Remember the times he had been there before. Just lost in thought. He was certain Snape was going through the same cycle of memories. Only his must be a much longer list and far more sinister. After what had to be an hour and not a flicker of movement from Snape, Harry came to stand beside him. Out the window they could see the grounds being restored to their former glory. All evidence of the battle was gone. The castle itself still bore scars. But the wizards were doing a great job of returning its charm.

"Well? Do you want to stay?" Nothing. "Considering a proper resignation notice perhaps?" That got him a twist of the head and a small scowl. "Hey you could always claim that your position as Headmaster was completely legal and you want to keep it. It was done in accordance to the Ministry's laws right? Doesn't that make you the youngest Headmaster ever?" Harry grinned for a moment. "I guess I need Hermione an her 'Hogwarts: A History' to be sure. You couldn't have been all that bad… I mean considering the circumstances, yeah you are going to be remembered as terrible. But the students I talked to were kind of glad you intervened, even if it wasn't as pleasant as they wished. Maybe you could try again… have a normal year. Show them that you do care."

Snape didn't answer of course. His eyes went back out the window for another long period of time. Then without warning he walked over to the Pensieve. Harry followed out of curiosity. Snape didn't always share his memories, but for him it seemed like compensating for the lack of speech. Harry wasn't disappointed. A thick strand of memories left Snape's head and entered the Pensieve. After a moment to steady himself Snape actually gripped Harry's arm and pulled them face first into the Pensive.

Together they were standing in the Headmaster's Office. It seemed void of life. Harry looked to Snape standing next to him and saw that his gaze was directed to that very window where he had been standing earlier. Harry redirected his gaze and saw, hidden in the curtain, was Headmaster Snape. The memory was staring out the window but it seemed he didn't want to be seen so he used the folds of the dark curtain to obscure the view. Harry wondered who would actually be able to look up and see anyone from the ground. Harry didn't take any more clues from Snape and went directly to the Headmaster. Harry gazed out the window and tried to find what was so intriguing about the scene.

"The children no longer play out on the grounds. In fact they no longer spend any time beyond the supposed safety of their Common Rooms than they must. If I was able to, I would get rid of the Carrows. But I'm not even allowed that privilege. I'm no Headmaster. Just a puppet. Two sets of strings and both pulling from beyond the grave. I didn't even want the position, but it is the only way to do any good. I am resigned in the fact no one will know. That is what I wanted after all. For no one to know." The voice of the Headmaster was quiet, but because Harry was so close he could hear every word. After a moment the scene changed just slightly. A different day, a different time, but the exact same scene. And the speech was much the same. Then again. And again. So many variations of the scene and the speech that Harry wondered if Snape had said this every day while Headmaster.

Harry watched the multitude of scenes play out quickly then they were thrust out of the Pensieve. He didn't know what to say. He couldn't be sure if this was the memory that Snape showed to McGonagall or not. Either way it was important to Snape. "You didn't want to forget… You were just as lost and confused as the rest of us. Even if you knew what was going on and trying to set up the events as they had to be. Somehow… that actually makes me feel better about it all. I still think you were the Headmaster that Hogwarts needed. How about we talk to the Ministry and see if they will allow a hiatus. Give you a few years to figure out what to make of your life."

Snape only rolled his eyes.

"You're probably right. They're not going to be interested. But maybe the fact that I used to hate you and I am now promoting you might make a difference. Let's go. I promised Ginny I'd take her shopping in Diagon Alley."