Hey, so I'm trying something a little different...Bit nervous about this...Let me know what you think...I apologize for any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.

"Maia! Where's Clare?" Sebastian Verlac shouted over the pounding music. Maia Roberts blinked blurily at the tall blonde next to her and shook her head, shrugging. Sebastian narrowed his eyes and swept his eyes around the room for the umptenth time that night. There was no sign of the petite red head anywhere and he growled under his breath. "When did you last see her?" He turned his attention back to Isabelle, who was breathing in deeply from the bong that was being passed around the wooden table. "Oi, Maia—"

"Ohmygod, the last time I saw her she was sucking on your cock," Maia growled. "If you've lost her since then, that's your problem, not mine!"

"Fucking hell," he growled, scratching the back of his neck and walking away from the group who were getting stoned. He walked out of the lounge and into the kitchen, where a girl was on the bench with her legs wide open, a guy standing between them, his hand busy at her crotch. He went into the hallway, glancing in the bedrooms of the apartment as he went, but despite the fact there were over thirty people in the tiny place, none of them was Clarissa Fray. He leaned against the door frame leading back into the lounge when a tall, brunette stumbled into him. She smiled as she steadied herself against him.

"Hey," she murmured.

"Hi," Sebastian said shortly, turning his gaze back out over the room.

"You want a drink?" She asked.

"Yeah, a beer would be good," he told her, just wanting her to leave him alone. She teetered off on her high heels, and he let his eyes follow after her. She was wearing a short blue dress that showed her the bottom of her ass and was so low at the front her tits were nearly falling out. She wasn't half bad looking, and given he didn't have a clue where the girl he wanted to get on top of. "What's your name, doll?"

"Brianna," she replied as she handed him the beer she had got for him. He twisted off the cap of the beer and threw it on the ground. "What's yours?"

"Just call me Seb," he told her, taking a long drink from the beer. She stared up at him, clearly interested by the way she rubbed herself against him. He could see in her eyes that she was drunk, as if he hadn't already gathered it from the way she was walking, and he knew it wouldn't take much to get her down the hall to his own apartment. Hell, with the way she was acting, she would probably lead him down the hall.

"Are you here with anyone, Seb?" Brianna asked, scanning the room for any jealous females watching them. There were a couple, but only the kind that were watching because she was talking to one of the best looking guys in the room. None of them were actually making any moves to come over and mark their territory. He offered her a sip of her beer, which she accepted, although she had drunk so much already she didn't really taste the bitter liquid. Sebastian slung his arm around her neck, his hand resting just above her breast and she arched her back so that her chest stuck out a little more, his fingers brushing against the skin of her cleavage exposed by her low dress.

"Nah, I'm not here with anyone, doll," he said, taking the beer back from her and finishing it. "But I'm leaving with you."

"Oh yeah?" She raised an eyebrow at him, trying to act coy.

"Yeah," Sebastian jerked his head in a nod.

"What makes you think I'm that easy?" She teased him. Sebastian was smart enough not to give his honest answer, which was 'well, because you look like a hoe'.

"Come on, doll," he tightened his arm around her neck, pulling her in closer and dropping his face down to her level. "Come back with me." She stared up at him for a moment before nodding, a slow smirk spreading across her face as though she had accomplished something. It was a girl thing, he had seen it before. They thought they were so special when someone singled them out, like they were the ones with the upper hand.

But all he wanted was her mouth and her cunt and then she was out on her skinny ass.

They reached his apartment at the end of the hall, and he unlocked the door, throwing the keys onto the couch and grabbing Brianna. She squeaked as he hoisted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist. She laughed as he carried her into the hall leading down to his bedroom, pushing her up against the wall and latching onto her mouth. He ground his hips into the cradle of her legs, his cock already hard as she moaned and sighed against his lips. His fingers fumbled with the crotch of her underwear, pushing them aside and then sliding his fingers inside her roughly. She gasped and threw her head back against the wall, his fingers coated with her arousal as he pulled out of her and carried her into his bedroom.

And on his bed, sat the girl he had been looking for.

"Seriously, Seb?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "I'm gone for an hour and you have to go find some whore to wet your cock?" Sebastian dropped Brianna, who's knees buckled as she fell to the ground and she tried to steady herself on the ridiculous heels she was wearing.

"Hey!" She snapped at the degrading turn.

"Oh, fuck off," Clary sneered, pulling her cigarette out of her mouth and letting out a stream of smoke. Brianna looked from Clary to Sebastian, who was now smirking and only had eyes for the red head.

"Asshole," Brianna snapped as she teetered out of the room. Clary looked back at Sebastian, tilting her head to the side and holding out her cigarette. Sebastian took it, taking a long drag before stubbing it out on the ash tray next to his bed. Clary didn't look at all perturbed by the fact he had been ready to fuck another girl, but that was what he liked about her. He unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it the ground and sitting down on the bed next to her.

"Where'd you go?" He asked her as he trailed a finger up her smooth, inner thigh.

"Out," she replied with a shrug. "But I'm back. You gonna fuck me or you want to talk? Coz I wasn't aware that we had the kind of relationship that required conversation."

"Straight to the point, as always," Sebastian grinned and pulled her closer to him. She pulled off her dress and then wriggled out of her underwear, the only lingerie she was wearing. He easily lifted her off the bed and put her on his lap, her thighs on either side of him. She rubbed herself up and down and then tilted her head to the side, looking down at him from where she had raised herself up on her thighs, her red hair tumbling down her back and around her shoulders. He shifted it aside so that he could see her pink nipples, already pebbled, stretching out for him to touch.

"You hard for that whore?" Clary asked as she rubbed her hand over the front of his jeans, her fingers teasing that zipper.

"She was hot," he shrugged.

"Oh really?" Clary muttered. "You want me to call her back in here, then?" She clearly didn't plan to beacuse she was already pulling down his zipper.

"Sure," he smirked at her. "Call her back, and then this is a party."

"You're a jerk, you know that?" Clary shook her head as she finally freed his cock from the confines of his jeans and briefs and reached behind him for the bedside table where he kept his condoms. She rolled it on expertly and then sunk onto him, her heat surrounding him. Sebastian groaned at the sudden sensation, but she was already moving, using her thighs to lift her up and then sinking back down. Her eyes closed and she tilted back her head, sighs falling from her rosebud mouth as she rode him. Sebastian's hands went to her breasts, massaging them roughly and then pulling at her nipples hard. Rushes of electricity went to her centre each time he pulled, the pain he was creating translating to pleasure. "Fuck," she groaned, tipping her head forward and kissing him, their tongues dueling and their teeth biting. He caught her lower lip between his teeth and tugged on it, breaking the skin, the metallic taste of blood flooding her mouth.

"Faster, Clare," Sebastian grunted as he began to thrust up into her. "Come on, doll."

"Don't...Call me...Doll," Clary spat out snidely between thrusts, her hands bracing themselves on his shoulders as she quickened her pace. He couldn't help but grin as he could feel her start to tremble from the start of her orgasm and he dropped one hand to where they were connected, flicking over her clit.

"Come for me," Sebastian murmured as he felt his own orgasm impending. Her movements became jerky as she reached the edge of her cliff, falling over and letting out a high pitched moan. He took her over, ramming up into her harder, joining her in euphoria.

"Aunty Rissa!" Came a scream and little, brown haired whirlwind sped down the hallway and tackled Clary as she came in the front door. She laughed as she braced herself against Max Lightwood's embrace, shutting the door behind her and then reaching down to pick him up, putting him on her hip. "You're late," he stated, squinting at her.

I am not," Clary replied. "You're just awake early. And where are your glasses, my man?"

"They're in the lounge," Max told her as they walked down the hallway to the kitchen, where Isabelle Lightwood was standing behind the island in the middle of the kitchen, cutting up an apple into quarters. "Ma! Rissa's back!"

"So I see," Isabelle smiled as Clary put down Max on one of the barstools and then sat down on the one next to him. She reached across the bench top and snagged one of the quarters.

"Hey! That's my apple, Aunty Rissa!" Max protested as Isabelle put the remaining apple into a plastic bowl and pushed it over to her son.

"What, and you don't share now?" Clary asked through a mouthful of apple.

"Ew!" Max laughed as he shoved a quarter into his mouth. Isabelle started on another apple and then came around to sit the other side of the island to sit down, pausing next to Clary and leaning down to whisper in her ear.

"You smell like sex."

"Don't sound so jealous," Clary smirked.

"I know who you were doing—I'm not jealous," Isabelle rolled her eyes.

"Sure, sure, Iz," she smirked.

"What are you guys talking about?" Max asked, tilting his head to one side and looking up at his mother and her best friend.

"Boys," Clary shot back. "And kissing."

"Yuck," Max spat out, going back to his apple. "Uncle Alec is coming over today." Isabelle moved to sit down on the other side of Clary and they exchanged looks over his head. "I hope he brings presents, he told me that he would bring me an action figure of Michael-Angelo."

"Because you don't have enough toys," Isabelle teased lightly.

"Ma," Max shot a withering look at the dark haired woman. "No one can have too many toys."

"So Uncle Alec, aye?" Clary pursed her lips at Isabelle who just shrugged. "Think he's bringing any news from the almighty Robert and Maryse?"

"I don't know," Isbelle answered. "But do you think you could smell a little less like trailer trash when he gets here?"

"But that's my natural aroma. It's all part of my charm," Clary tilted her head to the side and plastered a sugary smile on her face.

"I like how you smell, Aunty Rissa," Max piped up.

"And that's why you're my favorite," Clary grinned and got off her bar stool, reaching over to kiss Max on the forehead. Clary walked up the stairs of their house to the second floor. She stopped in her bedroom to put her phone on the charger, and strip out of her clothes, crossing to the opposite door where the bathroom was. She shut the door, turned on the shower and then looked into the mirror. The make up from last night was almost all rubbed off, her eyeliner and eyeshadow smudged around her eyes and making her look a little bit like a zombie. She brushed her teeth quickly and then hopped into the shower. "Ow, shit," she growled as she stepped on one of Max's green bath toys. She kicked it to the corner of the shower and fumbled around behind her for her body wash.

"When is Uncle Alec getting here?" Max asked, spinning around on his bar stool as Isabelle walked over to the sink with his bowl and the knife that she had used to cut the apple.

"Soon—stop spinning on that, you're going to fall off one day and break something," Isabelle warned him.

"But not today," Max smiled cheekily as he stopped and then slid of his barstool.

"Go find your glasses and then go brush your teeth after Clary has finished her shower," Isabelle said as she washed the dishes.

"Rissa, not Clary," Max muttered. He tottered off into the lounge. There was a knock at the front door and Isabelle could hear her sons footsteps pick up as they ran toward the door. "Who's there?" He called from the other side of the front door and Isabelle grinned as she dried her hands on a tee-towel and walked toward the front door. She looked through the peep hole and then unlocked the door. "Uncle Alec!" Max cried, latching himself onto Alec's legs.

"Hey, Max," Alec Lightwood grinned and picked Max up, holding him over his head. Max grinned and then started wriggling, wanting to be put down, looking down at his uncles empty hands in disappointment. "What's wrong?" He asked with a grin. "You looking for something?" Max shrugged, trying not to let his expression bely how he was feeling. "Maybe a TMNT action figure?" The little boys head snapped up, his eyes glowing.

"Jace," Isabelle stated, looking over her brothers shoulder as a golden haired boy started walking up the stairs to their two-storied walk up. Jace Wayland nodded at her with a tight smile, and then held out a plastic bag toward Max. "What do you say?" Isabelle nodded at Max who smiled charmingly up at Alec and Jace.

"Thank you," he cooed out before turning on his heel and running back into the house.

"What are you doing here?" Isabelle asked, raising her eyebrow at Jace.

"Easy," Alec said warningly. "He just wanted to come and see how you were doing."

"I'm doing just peachy," Isabelle muttered, still blocking the doorway into her home. "You run out of girls on the Upper East side to screw, you thought that you would come and slum it down here?" Jace tilted his head to the side, looking completely unaffected by Isabelle's words. He stared at her for a long time before finally a small smile crossed her mouth and she shook her head.

"That's what I thought," Jace smirked. "Good to see you too, Iz."

"Yeah, yeah," Isabelle rolled her eyes. "Come on in." She stepped aside and the two men came into the house. She couldn't help but think how out of place they both looked. Not that her, Clary and Max's home wasn't nice, but it wasn't expensive. Her tastes had changed dramatically when Max had been born, but from her upbringing's experience, she knew that the shorts and shirts the boys were wearing were well over two hundred each, not to the mention the watch on her brothers wrist which she knew for a face was over a thousand. Not that either of them really noticed that.

"Hey, where's your toliet?" Jace asked as the door closed behind them.

"Upstairs, on the left," Isabelle replied. Jace nodded and walked up the stairs as the siblings walked toward the lounge where Max was now playing. He had only been to Isabelle's place twice, and both times were over two years ago. The bathroom was hot, the mirror steamed up, as though someone had just had a shower. He quickly took a piss and washed his hands, before coming out and running head first into a red head, wearing only a pair of panties.

"Oh, shit," Jace closed his eyes automatically and turned his head to the side.

"Fucking hell," the red head cursed, turning on her heel and going into the bedroom she had just come out of but not bothering to close the door.

"Sorry about that!" Jace called, still not opening his eyes, not sure if she was decent yet.

"You look like you're blushing," the girls voice sounded like she was bored, not at all surprised or embarassed like any other girl would be in this situation. "What? You never seen a pair of tits before?" His eyes flew open at that and he noted that she was almost dressed now, wearing a shirt and pulling on a mini skirt.

"Plenty, actually," he retorted. Her eyes widened and she gave him a smile that was clearly not genuine.

"Well good for you," she stated as she came out of the bedroom and then headed downstairs. Jace blinked after her, completely confused at the interaction. He followed after her a minute or so later, following the sound of voices and Max's laughing. Alec was sitting on an arm chair, while Isabelle and the red head were on the ground beside where Max was playing with his new toy. Alec looked up as he walked in and grinned.

"Oh, Clary, this is Jace, a family friend," Alec stated, nodding over to where Jace was standing. The red head looked up from where she had been instructed to hold two plastic figurines that Max had dug out of his toy box.

"Hey," she muttered, her eyes going back to Max. The Lightwood siblings didn't act like the behaviour was anything strange, and didn't show any sign of knowing about their run in upstairs, so Jace sat down on the couch next to the arm chair Alec was on and tried to relax.

Conversation was light for a while, until Max announced that he wanted to watch TV and the four adults made their way into the adjoining kitchen. Isabelle flicked on the coffee maker while Clary opened the doors to the tiny veranda and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her back pocket, propping one between her lips and lighting it up. Jace couldn't help but let his eyes follow her as she leaned forward with one arm bracing her against the metal railing, her ass sticking out slightly due to her position.

"Why are you here, Alec?" Isabelle asked quietly, her eyes flicking over to her son, who was completely obsorbed with his TV show.

"I wanted to see how you were doing, Iz," Alec replied, his voice low to match hers.

"And?" She pressed. Jace looked between the two, wondering if Clary had the right idea in leaving them alone. But then she came back into the lounge, walking around so that she was on the same side of the island as Isabelle, and stared defiantly at Alec. He sighed and rested his hands on the edge of the kitchen island, his fingers splayed out as he took in a deep breath.

"Mum and dad want to see you," Alec began. Isabelle's eyes narrowed instantly and he rushed on before she could say anything. "I know, I know, that's the last thing that you want to do. But they've started coming around; they want to get to know Max."

"Why?" Isabelle snapped. "Because now that he's old enough to be dressed up and put in front of the cameras they want to claim some kind of ownership over him? He's my son and he's not going through the same shit that we went through."

"I get that, I do—"

"No, you don't," Isabelle growled. "You're still in that life, it was never the way it was for you the way it was for me."

"Yeah, I know—"

"Is that the only reason you're here today?" Isabelle interuppted.

"Iz, I haven't seen you in ages. I just wanted to see my sister and nephew," he told her, trying to keep his voice even. Jace looked down a his friends and saw how white his knuckles were, and knew that he was trying to contain his temper.

"And now you've seen us," she snapped.

"Iz..." Clary said softly.

"Oh, come on, Clary," Isabelle huffed. "It would be ten seconds before they're telling me how to live my life again. And moving out of the place I'm sharing with my hooker room-mate would be in the top three demands." Jace's eyes flickered in recognition as he looked over at Clary, realizing that this was the 'dancer' friend that Alec had told him about. From Alec's description, it sounded as though he actually really liked and respected the girl, although that wasn't obvious from anything that was happening at the moment.

"Isabelle, maybe if you just listened to what they wanted instead of jumping to conclusions as usual then—"

"Then...What?" Isabelle squinted at him. "Fucking hell, Alec, I'm not getting sucked—"

"Mama?" Max's voice was soft. All four turned around to look down at the five year old who was staring up at them with wide, brown eyes. Clary took count of the situation and then plastered a smile on her face, coming around to where Max was standing and kneeling down to his level.

"How about we go up to Aunty Rissa's room and watch TV?" She suggested. "Let mama and Uncle Alec talk."

"What about him?" Max nodded over to Jace. Clary looked over her shoulder, studying him quickly before looking back at him and smiling again.

"He's going to come with us," she stated. Jace raised an eyebrow, but he had to admit that he was grateful for the out. He had known Isabelle and Alec practically since he was born, and their fights could get legendary. He slid off his barstool and followed the other two up the stairs. They went through the door opposite the bathroom and Jace blinked as he took in the room.

It was an absolute mess.

He had grown up with maid service and people tidying up after him every step of the way, but he couldn't imagine actually being able to go to sleep at night with a room that looked like this. One plus side was that it didn't look dirty; there were no plates or cups with remains of food, it was just a tip. There were piles of clothes, none which were folded, on almost every surface; the desk, the chair, the floor, the bedside table. His eyes rested on a lacy thong that was hooked over a lamp and he raised his eyes to Clary, who was watching him.

"No judging looks or you'll be back down with the Terrible Twosome," Clary warned him as she climbed on her double bed, which was un-surprisingly, not made. Max climbed up next to her, nestling between her legs as he took control of the remote and found the same channel that he had been watching downstairs. Jace sat down awkwardly on the edge of the bed, trying to figure out exactly where all his game had gone. He had known this girl all of twenty minutes, and he already felt more on edge that he had with anyone else. They were quiet for a while, finishing the show that was on and then starting on the next one. Max let out a sneeze, covering his mouth with his hands and then pulling them away.

"I need to blow my nose," he said, tipping his head back to look up at Clary. She turned to Jace and nodded at her bedside table.

"Can you get the box of tissues in the drawer?" She asked. Jace nodded, reaching for the top one and her eyes widened. "Second drawer!" She quickly tried to direct him, but he had already opened the top drawer and a grin shot across his face. An assortment of condoms, a plastic tube of flavored lube and a vibrator.

"You're not allowed in that drawer," Max said seriously, shaking his head. "That's Aunty Rissa's special drawer."

"Right," Jace drawled, looking over at Clary. She rolled her eyes and pointed at the second drawer.

"Tissues," she repeated. He got the box out and handed one over to Max. The little boy blew his nose and then settled back down. Clary put her arms loosely around his waist, the two of them clearly comfortable with each other. The peace only last another ten minutes, before Isabelle and Alec appeared at the door, neither of them looking particularly happy. They tried to plaster optimistic expressions on their faces for Max's sake but Jace and Clary saw through them easily.

"Uncle Alec is going now, Max," Isabelle announced. "Come say goodbye." Max clambered off the bed to give his uncle a hug and Jace got, looking down at Clary. She wasn't even looking at him, her eyes trained on Isabelle.

"It was nice meeting you," Jace said, his high society manners coming out. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

"I'm sure," she replied, effectively shutting him down as she got up to join Isabelle and Max in the door. "Alec."

"Clary," he nodded back at her, before turning on his heel and stalking away, Jace close on his heels.

"Thank you, Si!" Isabelle called as the two girls walked down the front steps of their house.

"It's no problem, Izzy, you know that," he smiled after them, looking down at Max who was tugging on his hand, trying to get his attention. Simon Lewis disappeared back into the house and Isabelle looked over at Clary, who was grinning at her.

"What?" She snapped as she shoved her hands into her pockets.

"You know what," Clary replied, nudging Isabelle with her hip as she pulled out a cigarette and stuck it in her mouth.

"I don't have a clue where your delusional brain has taken your train of though," Isabelle muttered as they walked down the street, Clary lighting her cigarette with slight difficulty as they picked up their pace.

"He has a thing for you, Iz. It's so obvious!"

"Whatever," Isabelle kept her eyes trained ahead. Clary shrugged, puffing on her cigarette. They walked in silence for a few minutes, stopping at the curb to wait for traffic before crossing to the other side and continuing.

"You going to tell me what that was all about this afternoon?" Clary asked eventually.

"Not yet," Isabelle sighed. "We'll talk after work, yeah?"

"Yeah," Clary replied, knowing when to leave a subject alone. Their work was only a fifteen minute walk, although if either girl ever had a night shift, it definitely felt like longer. They went to the side door, letting themselves in, and being engulfed immediately in the hustle bustle of the changing rooms. "I'll see you later, Iz!" Clary called as Isabelle continued straight through the room. The red head dropped her bag into one of the avaliable seats and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

Her face was completely void of makeup.

A clean slate.

Exactly how she needed to start every shift.

"Seb was looking for you the other night," Maia piped up, appearing behind her, wearing only a pink thong.

"Yeah, he clearly doesn't look very hard," Clary smirked as she started with her foundation. "He was with some bitch when he got back to his apartment."

"Can't blame a girl for trying. He is fine," Maia grinned and Clary shook her head.

"I doubt she tried very hard," she rolled her eyes as she finished with the apartment and lifted her powder brush. "That man must have been through half the city by now." She finished her base makeup and tied her hair up in a knot on top of her head.

"That's kind of disgusting, to be honest," Maia quirked an eyebrow and Clary laughed as she stood up, pulling off her shirt and reached behind her back to undo her bra strap. Maia didn't flinch as Clary's breasts were suddenly exposed, leaning against the make up table and watching as the girl started going through the clothing rack behind her.

"Disgusting, maybe. That's why he wears a condom," she shrugged. "But he's good, and that's all that matters, right?"

"You never want anything else?" Maia asked.

"I'm twenty two," Clary said, turning back around, pushing her skirt and g-string down as she found the outfit she was wearing that night. "All I need at the moment is good cock and my cigarettes and I'm good." She wiggled into the latex dress that left absolutely nothing to the imagination and then fumbled around in her personal drawer for underwear. "Besides, you've been single pretty much the whole time I've known you."

"Yeah, but I date guys!" Maia protested. "I want to find someone!"

"Eh," Clary shrugged. "Guys are assholes." She was back in front of her mirror, painting her eyes and lips. The girls were quiet as Clary got herself ready, finishing her face and then letting down her hair, clipping it back behind her ears and flicking at the ends. "Wish me luck," she pursed her lips playfully.

"Make 'em hard, baby girl," Maia joked, slapping her on the ass as she pushed open the curtain and walked onto the stage.

Sooooo, if you want me to continue...Review. Because I'm super unsure about this...