Dipper walked slowly down the trail the led back to the Mystery Shack with his eyes locked on the strange equine that followed him. She (Or, what Dipper hoped was a she) kept a rather far distance from him by about a couple of feet and stared back at him. She looked as if she was rather unsure about everything that was happening. It was pretty pitiful, to be quite honest. Her head hung rather low and ears were flopped back and Dipper couldn't help but feel remorseful. She looks like some kind of stray cat...or something.

"DIPPER!" A high pitched yelp echoed through the trees. Dipper turned his head back forward to see that he was already back to the shack. Up ahead, he saw Mabel charging forward with a enormous and goofy grin across her face. The brother raised his eyebrows at the sight and held his hands up. "It's okay, Mabel. I'm fine no-"

Mabel zoomed right passed him and didn't even give him a single glance, leaving him dumbfounded. His sister had her arm tucked into her sleeves and they were spread wide open. Immediately she wrapped them around the purple mare and hugged her tight to the point were she was practically squeezing her. "You found a pony!" She squealed. "A magical, bright coloured, adorable...and flying pony! The best kind of pony there is!"

The pony was completely snared by her and began wheezing from a lack of air, almost to the point where she was starting to look blue. Dipper walked up to his sister and tapped her a few times on back. "Mabel, your kinda suffocating her."

She squeezed even tighter. "I'll suffocate you with love." She whispered.

Soon she let go and the pony flopped down on the ground almost like a rag doll and gasped for air. "Alright, you've been loved."

Dipper belt down and looked at her worrisomely. "Jeez, Mabel. You nearly killed her."

"Ah well, you know what they say. Love hurts!"

"If you keep that up, she might not even last a day with us."

Mabel's eyes darted forward and her face went completely blank. "What?"

"Well, i was kinda thinking of...keeping her? I mean, for a little while, y'know?"

Her eyes widened and her mouth opened a tiny but. She said completely nothing and her eyes were sparkling as if they had been decorated with glitter. Dipper snapped his fingers a few times in front of her face. "Mabel? You okay?"

"Never give up on your dreams..."



"No. I said no."

"But Grunkle Stan-"

"No buts except that horse's out the door!"

The mare that was standing behind the two twins looked rather offended. Her ears were drawn back and gave the stingy old conman an angry pout. In fact, she was probably making the same face as Dipper at that moment.

"But Grunkle Stan, look at her! She has cuts and bruises and she's completely filthy!" He exclaimed.

"That may be true, but you promised me. Remember?"

Dipper scratched himself behind his head. "Promise? I don't remember ever making any promises to you."

Stanford sneered at his nephew and gave him a tough glare. "You promised me you wouldn't get involved with all this paranormal stuff again after the zombie incident. Besides, just look at her. Gross, freaky...and surprisingly marketable towards little girls."

Now she was just plain annoyed at this point. Her eyes began to squint angrily. Clearly, she didn't seem to be an animal that took insults lightly.

"I can assure you, she's nowhere near as dangerous as anything else in this town if you just pleas-"

Dipper was cut off by Mabel again when she place her arm in front of him. "Dipper stop. I can handle this..."

She walked forward to Grunkle Stan and began leaning on him. "Oh my dear beloved old grunkle." She said in a slick and challenging tone. "I don't think you realize what you have here standing before you. Think of it this way, me and Dips can be pre-occupied by her..."

Stan raised one of his eyebrows and placed his hand upon his chin. "Hmm..."

"Aaaand you could use her for marketing purposes. Wouldn't customers completely eat up a horned and winged magical pony?"

A smile slowly began to form on his face. "Hmmm..."

"Like you said, she's marketaaaaaable."

"Hehe, yeah. That does sound pretty...NO! Nope! I said this once and i'll say it again! No!"

Mabel stepped back and looked at him slyly. "Grunkle Stan, i didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice."

Her eyes began sparkling again and she pushed her bottom lip forward, trying to make a cute face. "Pweaaaaaaase?"



"Mabel, the word "please" gives me a burning sensation. You of all people should know that. It's only gonna make it worse."

"Pwetty pweaaaaaase?"

The old man broke down and slammed his hand on the counter. "Okay! Okay! Okay! You can keep her for as long as you want! Just PLEASE don't ever do that again!"

Mabel turned to the two others behind her, who both had their jaws dropped. She flipped her hair and winked. "Mabel Pines; Master of the Grunkle."