Chapter Four: Conditions

The place in which he sat was, extravagant, to say the least. Slowly sipping away at the offered tea, Dumbledore couldn't help but chuckle, slightly, at the awed and curious faces of a few of the staff member's whom passed. Obviously perplexed by his clothes and his beard, whom none within the general area appeared to fully appreciate. Unsanitary, he had heard a few mutter. While others simply wondered at how he managed to live so long. The Duchess, he had found, had been tied up with another meeting. One that went on far longer than expected, as he was eventually offered up all sorts of deserts for the inconvenience. Laughing, gently, he shook his head and inquired if lemon drops where available, for he had forgotten his. Ah, old age could be so troublesome at times.

The gentleman before him appeared perplexed before he glanced up and to the side and smiled with relief as another butler, young of age and with stunning red hair, far more ruby then even a certain family, appeared behind him and offered a bowl of the desired treat. Setting it down carefully on the table before them, the young man smiled kindly at his senior and informed him that he'd take over Dumbledore's care.

Smiling at the child, the Headmaster inquired if he'd like a seat, watching from the corner of his eye as the other man left the area. With a bow, the boy plopped down beside him, smiling mischievously, curiosity evident in his eyes.

"So," the boy started, "how do you know the Duchess?"

"Well," he began, stroking his beard in mock contemplation, unable to keep the twinkle from his eyes as the boy leaned in, eager, "we are past acquaintances."

"And?" the boy urged.

"Is it so wrong for old friends to talk with each other now and again?"

At those words the boy's eyes lit up, quit resembling a cat, gleeful as it cornered its prey.

"An acquaintance and a friend are not the same thing."

"Oh? Yes, I suppose your right," he laughed, quit enjoying the boy's company, playful in his inquiries. But before the conversation could go on a dog, small, with a dot upon his eye, came running down the hall.

"Are they ready, Fondue?" the boy spoke as if the dog could understand him, and the responding bark proved him right. Strangely, none of the other staff members found this odd, as they continued on their way. Most Muggle's would have found the boys behavior worthy of comment, but, apparently, compared to Dumbledore's attire and beard, his actions were quite common.

Standing, the boy offered him a hand, which he kindly declined, before getting up and straightening his robe. Together, with the dog in the lead, they walked past beautiful portraits, under glimmering lights, and past several smaller halls and stairs, making the Duchess' home almost—but not quite—as complicated as Hogwarts. Perhaps as complicated as a single floor, the Headmaster smiled, amused at the thought.

Soon enough, they stood before double doors, in which the boy opened, bowing, as he motioned for the Headmaster to enter.

Nodding, he past the boy and entered the Duchess' office. Behind a wooden desk of great beauty sat a women with grey hair in a tight bun and strong blue eyes. Beside her was a girl whose blue eyes held the same quality of strength. The Duchess' daughter, he presumed. Beyond the two, there was no one else in the room, thus signifying the deal to keep their discussion within closed doors. Still, surprisingly, the young butler did not leave. Closing the door behind himself and his dog, he carefully placed himself behind the Duchess daughter, quit like a shadow, or a guardian, of sorts.

Smiling, believing himself to know, now, the true identity of the boy, Dumbledore gratefully took the offered seat before him.

"As I already mentioned in the letter," Dumbledore began, smiling, "I am the headmaster of Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, your daughter, though late in awakening to her magic, has a great potential in which we can help her nourish."

The Duchess simply nodded, her silence both welcome and intriguing. Many before her have requested some form of proof, or acted within the range of denial, but she sat, calm, poised, relaxed; her daughter holding the same air.

"I am already well aware of Hogwarts and it's…happenings." She said, after a time, referring to some of the more recent incidents within the school, "however, I have been assured that the school is still the safest place to be. Thus, I ask you this, should I allow my daughter to attend this school, will you comply with not only my second request, but another as well?"

"Well," Dumbledore began, eyes twinkling once more, "that second request of yours will be quite hard to fulfill, but, so long as you agree to a few set conditions, all will be well, alas, until I hear your third request, I can make no guarantee."

Glancing back at the boy the Duchess motioned for him to speak, "we have determined that Marie cannot use magic under normal conditions—as of yet."

Raising an eyebrow, quite intrigued with the underage use of magic that was, obviously, not detected, and the calm exploration of it, he nodded his head, signaling the boy to continue.

"However, she can channel it through her music, more specifically, her violin."

"And you wish to have her attend the school, while using this method?"

They nodded.

"How did you manage to acquire a wand?" he asked, at last.

Laughingly, the boy tilted his head to the side of the room, indicating the rather strange pile of cloth bundled upon the floor, which the Headmaster had not previously noticed. Was his age truly affecting his senses? Or was magic at play here? Either way, he waved his wand, muttering an incantation, and watched, amused, as a middle aged man came tumbling out of a pile of blankets, cursing with a heavy accent, wand at the ready.

"This is Marie's makeshift teacher, and one of the reasons behind the second request." The Duchess supplied, "the boy," she indicated with a tilt of her head, "is the main reason. I will not have my daughter sent off to some unknown land, to some random school, without allowing her to bring her only friend and some form of protection."

"I a'int no 'odyguard!" the man declared, glaring at them.

"Who said you were the bodyguard?" the boy asked, teasingly.

"a'int no 'iend either!"

"Aw," Marie spoke, at last, "but I really do appreciate all of your help, and you company is, surprisingly, not all that bad."

Chuckling, the Headmaster turned his attention back to the Duchess, "You're daughter may bring her violin, and I will grant her permission to use it during class, however, she will need to take lessons on being able to use a wand in the meantime. As for your other request, I will gladly accept both the boy and Marie's 'teacher' as quests, however, should they bring harm to my students, or break any of the school rules, they will be punished accordingly, is that acceptable?"

With a smile the Duchess extended her hand, "accepted."


A/N: Sorry for the delay! But with life, and a lack of reviews for motivation, it was kind of hard to get back into. I don't expect much, all you followers and everyone whose favorited this story, I am very grateful for all of you. However, at least respond when I ask a question in regards to the stories future. For now I'm going to do my best to keep that teacher nameless. So, unless someone offers up some ideas, or say's it's annoying, that's what it's going to be. Anyway, thank you for all of your support, till next time!