Labels don't define me

A/N: Hey guys! I am so sorry that it literally took me half a year to publish but as I already mentioned I was at the hospital and to my displeasure there were a lot of complications (yayyy spine surgery) so I was in the hospital for a long, long time, than I had schoolwork to catch up, my pregnant sis gace birth to a baby boy named Leonardo, doctors appointments... All in all in all that time I was writing bit by bit and now I have a few chapters, not all yet, ready and I am hopefully gonna get at čeast till chapter 7 untill school starts on September 1st. So pleae do not be mad at me and I am really, really sorry! And thank you all for the wondrful reviews you guys are simply the best and I love you all!

In this chapter we're gonna find out that Newt might not be a social outcast or 'antisocial' as he portraits himself. And in this chapter I am bringing in my first and only OC who I hope you all will like because this OC is the pure representative of how close-minded todays society is and how we truly are the YOU-NIVERSE. And like all Maze Runner characters who are named after the worlds greatest minds aka Thomas Edison, Issac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Mother Theresa and so on... My OC is also named after a great inventor and futurist and the name will be revield in the chapter but I would appreciate if you guys stated the name of the inventor after whom my OC is named in a review (if you do that I will send you all virtual hugs and cupcakes).

So yeah. I really hope you guys liek this chapter, it's a bit shorter than the previous one and has more dialoug so yeah really hope you like it. Sorry in advance for anny grammar or mistakes in general, English is neither my first or my mother language so please have pity on me! And I am looking for a beta is anyone is interested so if yes than please either add that in a review or PM me cause you all rock! I am deeply sorry for the mistakes and timelines but I truly do hope you guys like it and I hope you guys are enjoying your summer break. Thank you for reading my A/N and hopefully my second chapter. Hope you like it.

Enjoy! :)

Chapter 2: Antisocial my ass

How the hell am I going to tell my parents?

That thought replayed in my mind like a broken record as Brenda and I made way to our homes. It was a bit past 11am, the 'First day of school' consisted of us getting to know our classmates, teacher, getting our class schedule and similar, so we were free in 11am.

Brenda and I decided that most of the day we would walk together to and from school, she lived only 15 minutes down my street. Even though we would walk together for only five, ten minutes max considering the convenient location of my building near the school.

''Newt are you listening to me?'' Her words finally paused the record of regret in my brain.

''Sorry, I was just thinking about the bloody thirteen subjects we have in our freshman year. 7 classes per day.'' Que eye roll. It wasn't a total lie. We had to learn at least two languages, all classes were mandatory, you couldn't pick. Well except one…

''Ugh I know. It's not fair! Thirteen subject and ALL are mandatory? Come on people? What are we? Slaves?!'' Brenda was always the dramatic one. ''I have no idea how I will be able to get into drama club with so many subjects and homework.''

Drama club – Brenda's one true love. She really loved acting and putting on shows, and she was excellent at it. She never got any weak or distasteful roles, mostly the main ones actually. I raise my shoulders and made my best 'I don't know' face, but a second after turned to look at her and flashed her a smile.

That was my way of telling her - I don't know how you're going to do it… but, I know you will.

Brenda was one of the rare people I could actually get along with. My mum even told me she would be proud if Brenda was my girlfriend but that just wasn't going to happen. I actually never felt any attraction toward her, not even in the summer when she would drag me to the pool. Most of the guys got nosebleeds when they saw her in a bikini. Not me. She was special and we were close, but she was my non-biological sister.

''That reminds me. What clubs are you going to join?'' She asked with a smug smile.

''I have no idea honestly. Might joining the computer club if they have one.'' That was the only club I was a member of in middle school, just a bunch of us playing games on our computers, socializing not being the prime goal of that club.

''No. You are not.'' She said as she stopped walking causing me to stop as well and look at her with a questioning facial expression.

''Listen Newt,'' she said in a serious, lecturing and caring tone, ''this isn't middle school anymore. This is your chance to make new friends. Joining some stupid club where you waste your precious time playing games and not actually socializing is just dumb. You need to join a club where you will meet people with similar interests. The people in drama club will probably be into drama, surprise there, and the theater which means I will meet new people whit who I will be able to go see and preform plays with. Do you understand me?''

I really did. I knew I needed to be more social, even though I actually was. Whenever someone new joined my school in London or even my last middle school I was always the first one to go up to the newbie and show them around. I knew how scary and stressful it was to be the so called greenie. I could make friend, I just couldn't keep them. With time they all figure out what a loser I truly am and find someone better. So I was never the antisocial type, but I was the people come and people go type. I could make friend, I just couldn't keep them.

''Yeah I'll think about it. Hopefully there will be a club I can join.'' I said with a smile. Brenda knew me really well, but not good enough to see the pain this smile hide away. If only she knew what emotions could a facial expression hide…

''Good!'' With those words we continued walking. Was it me or was the walk a bit long considering the length of our journey?

''Oh that reminds me. I heard the classes will be mixed for Religious Instruction. So there's a chance we might at least have one class together.'' With those words and her bright smile all my facial muscles lost strength and I frowned.

''Yeah… about that…''

''Newt…? You did take Religious Instruction Catholicism, right?''

I can already see my parents having a far worst reaction to my following words…I could see the disappointment in her eyes, whit a pinch of shock.

''I actually chose Religious Studies.'' And whit those words she stopped and looked at me like I just feel from Mars. I knew she wasn't going to move until I told her.

''I'm sorry okay? I honestly have no idea why I chose it!'' I said trying to defend myself. Defend myself? Dear God I'm not in a bloody battle. Come to think about it I shouldn't even be sorry, it's MY choice after all.

''Newt, Religious Studies is mostly for atheists and members of other religions. They made Religious Studies so they didn't have to add more Religious Instruction classes besides the ones for Orthodox and Catholics.''

''I know but to be honest I find it really stupid that students are treated differently based on their religion. I mean why should a Jew and Christian both not have the option to learn either only about their religion or about every religion. It isn't fair that a Jew, Muslim, Atheist or someone with different believes besides Christianity has to know about every religion, monotheistic and polytheistic while a Christian doesn't.''

Did I just say that? Where did that come from?

''Wow Newt…'' She looked surprised. "Didn't know you had that in you. I agree with you. But how are you going to tell your parents?''

There it was, the million dollar question. My parents were the so called 'shoving their believes down your throat' kind of believers sadly. Brenda knew that.

''It's simple, I won't.''


''Isaac what is this awful sound?'' My dads' first words as he entered the flat. I was reading The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown in my room, I bought it a few days ago actually.

The 'lawful sound' my dad was referring to was Another Life by Iron Maiden that was playing while I was lying on the bed and read. I got off the bed and went over to my laptop and stopped the song in the middle of the third music solo. God bless youtube. I was about to go greet my parents when I saw my mum standing at my open door. Smiling.

''Iron Maiden right? When did you start fancying hard rock? Are you becoming a punk young man?'' My mum said raising an eyebrow, the smile never left her face.

''Ah… I just wanted to see what the kids in my school are into. Not going punk I promise.'' I said laughing.

''You know I've attended a few of their concerts.''

''You? At a hard rock concert? Hard to believe.'' No really, it's really hard to believe the sweetest and most caring woman that always looked sophisticated would go to a rock concert, banging her sandy blond hair that is normally pulled up in a bun.

''I had my wild days. But let's get one thing straight,'' her voice went serious ''if you start drinking soon promise me you won't drive and please don't hide cigars from me, I'm going to find them eventually.''

Was she serious?! ''Sorry to disappoint you mum but I'm just not cut out for the rocker and punk life. But if I ever decide to ruin my life I will let you know, maybe you'll have some suggestions from your 'wild days'.'' I really tried to be serious but I couldn't help to burst out laughing and so did she.

''So what girl are you trying to impress?'' She asked with a smug.

''Where did you get that idea?'' I asked as I sat down on my bed and she followed.

''Well to be honest Another Life isn't the first song that pops up, not to mention your window is open so the whole street heard Murders In The Rue Morgue, which is one of my personal favorites by the way.''

''Wow, you were really a fan, weren't you?'' She node and added:

''Still am. Even after 34 years Killers is a masterpiece. But don't change the subject young man, who's the girl you're trying to impress?''

''There is no girl, really mum.'' Clearly not convincing, ''It's a recommendation by a guy who gave me him umbrella and he was- Oh shit! Brenda took the bloody umbrella!'' Oh God! I'm such an idiot! Finally someone was nice to me and what did I do? I bloody lost their umbrella! Well technically Brenda took it from me but it's as good as gone when it comes to Brenda. I love her and all, but she loses everything!

''Oh, I feel sorry for that boy, Brenda has probably lost it.'' See! Even my mum knows about Brenda's amazing talent for loosing things! ''Just apologies tomorrow and tell him I'll buy him a new umbrella.'' My mum always knew to fix things with a warm smile.

''Only one problem: I don't even know which class he's in.'' I told her. Was it me or did her smile just got bigger?

''I honestly didn't know Brenda was attending this school. Now you'll have someone to hang out with before you shine as the social butterfly I know you are.''

''Mum trust me, I'm anything but a social butterfly.'' I wanted to smile, but hearing those words just made me lose the straight to smile. The worst part was they were from my lips.

''I don't believe you one bit. You got yourself a friend even thought you were in school only a few hours. To be honest, a punk wouldn't be my first choice but you're the one creating yourself mister.''

''Mum! Bloody hell, he just borrowed me him umbrella.'' And we might have had a conversation about my 'hot' accent.

''Oh really? Then why are you suddenly into rock music?'' She grinned.

A strange feeling took over my body. I felt… Embarrassed... but not in the bad way… I felt ashamed… Why did I have to urge to find out what this guy was into? As soon as I got home I opened and started my laptop and googled Iron Maiden while the thought of taking off my shoes never even occurred until I found and picked a song on youtube. Why were my priorities disorganized? Was I that desperate to actually talk to this guy? Was I this desperate to have a friend besides Brenda?

''Is it wrong if I want to be noticed?''

''Don't put the real you in the closet Newt, having to live a lie is one of the most self-destructive things one can do.'' My mum said with care and understanding, she had a small, almost unnoticed smile.

If anyone got to know the real me… I'm pretty sure they'd regret getting to know me.

''Thanks mum, but expending my music taste to actually have a chance at a decent conversation isn't 'putting the real me in the closet', don't worry.'' I wanted to reassure her that I was okay and will stay true to myself. I wanted her to believe the lie.

''Whatever you say honey.'' God I hated when she called me that. ''What subjects did you get?''

After hearing the question I went to get the school schedule we were handed, the one I would use the whole school year. ''Ugh, there's 13 subjects for first year-''

''Thirteen subjects? Are they out of their bloody mind?'' My mum was clearly surprised. Other high schools had a different teaching plan and program with less subjects and classes.

''You sound like Brenda, minus the 'bloody'.''

''I cannot even imagine Brenda saying bloody with a British accent to be honest.'' My mom said and we both laughed.

I continues seriously: ''Well I have 7 classes per day and my subjects are English, Math, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, History, Geography, Visual Arts, P.E., Music and three by choice.''

''Surprised you don't have Science instead of Biology, Physics and Chemistry, guess the school does pay equal attention to all subjects and disciplines. So what are your subjects by choice?''

''Well for language B I chose German, Brenda said she'll help me not to mention my French sucks-''


''Sorry, so yeah, German was my only option. I chose Computer Technology and…'' Should I tell her the truth?

''What's the third subject Newt?'' My mum asked giving me a warm smile.

''Well we had to choose between Religious Instruction and Religious Studies.'' I stopped to see her reaction.

''Oh, it is going to be a surprise if anyone takes Religious Studies.'' Oh God… ''Try making friends at Religious Instruction Newt. And if possible, not the punks, I know from experience.''

''Sure will mum.'' I smiled at her. Can I really lie to her about this? She'll see my report card sooner or later…

''Okay hon, I'm going to start preparing lunch. I believe your dad is highly interested in how your first day of high school went.'' You mean highly interested if I made a good impression. ''I still can't believe my baby is in high school.'' I swear she's gonna burst into tears of joy or something like that.

''Okay, stop it mum. Go and make lunch, some of us are bloody starving over here.''

Why doesn't this school have a bloody map!? Is it really too much to ask!? Second day of school, first period Biology, and I have no idea where the classroom is. The only thing I know is that the first graders of the national program were on the third floor, while the IB MYP freshmen where on the first one. Being on the third floor meant something – lots of bloody stares to climb! Why the sucking hell couldn't this school have an elevator or some kunk!?

I barely got up to the third floor with my limp and all and guess what I see. Slintheads! Slintheads everywhere!

My eyes searched the floor for anyone from my class, or anyone familiar from yesterday. No such luck. Do they all already know where the sucking classrooms are?! I decided to check my classroom, the classroom that belonged to I-1 of the national program. Yesterday the teacher told us our classroom would be at the same position as the one we were in yesterday but only on the third floor. That meant getting to the 3rd floor, going left and last door on the right.

The door was opened and noise could be heard. Maybe they are all waiting for the teacher to guide them to the biology classroom…

Dead wrong I was.

As soon as I entered I saw sinltheads everywhere, but slightly older slintheads… They were sitting on the tables, playing some terrible sounding techno music, laughing like hyenas,… an overall mess. This is clearly not my class.

I was about to turn and round in hope that no one has seen me but guess what? Too late as usual.

''Hey Greenie!'' Shouted a young Afro-American. He go off his seat and made his way towards me. ''You need help with anything?''

As soon as he stepped in front of me he smiled. He seemed friendly and somehow one of those 'positive energy radiating' people. I smiled back.

''Yes actually. I was wondering where the biology classroom is. And why are you guys in my classroom?''

''Oh, you're a National Greenie. Well we're here since the C.T. classroom is locked and all the other classrooms on this floor are occupied, and to be honest, none of us really like stairs.'' I hear that. ''So we saw an empty classroom and decided to just wait for the professor here. To be quite honest besides C.T. we never spend time on this floor.'' The boy explained with a warm smile.

''Not even as freshmen?''

''Nah. We're the 2nd year of IB MYP.'' 2ND year?! This guy looked older. ''I'm Alby by the way. And you are?''

''Newt. I-1 National program. Or National Greenie you call us.'' I introduced myself to the guy, Alby. He had a questioning expression.

''Newt?! Wait… Are you the guy people were talking about? Mr. Isaac Newton?!'' And middle school all over again.

''Sadly I am. My parents' bad sense of humor had clearly scared me for life.'' I tried to act like it meant nothing, tried to make a joke on my own account like Brenda told me to do if anyone started teasing me.

''Welcome to the club then! There are not many of us but we're clearly growing!'' He said with a huge smile and in a seriously cheerful voice.

''I beg your pardon?''

''Alby, as in Albert Einstein. We also have Aris, as in Aristotle. Dante and Will aka William Shakespeare graduated last year so our squad kind of lost its mojo.''

''Are you serious?'' I couldn't believe what I was hearing. ''Guess we're the ''great minds'' generation.'' I said with a wide smile.

''Oh I like that! But we actually call ourselves the Gladers. And everyone else does as well.''

''The Gladers? Bloody Hell! Now that name surpasses my parents' bad sense of humor.'' I said while trying to hold back a laugh.

''Agreed. Strangely none other than principal Dasher gave the name. Well not to this current group, but to the first gladers. He told us he was a Glader himself. Never told us the origin of the name thought.'' So our principal is a former Glader? This day keeps getting interesting.

''This is not your average High School.'' I said smiling.

Alby raised his shoulders and gave a smile while saying: ''Guess so.''

We laughed a bit and then I remembered the chamber of secrets I have yet to find, in this case, the biology classroom. ''Hey Alby, do you know where the Biology classroom for the National Program is?'' I asked. I really hope he does.

''Yeah mate.'' Seriously? 'Mate'? Isn't that more Australian than British?! ''It's on the 4th floor,'' Stairway to heaven when you have a limp. ''Then you just turn right. Can't miss it, it says BIOLOGY in big blue litters on the door. Unless you can't read... Then I'm guessing you had connections to get into this school. '' Alby's smiles were clearly contagious.

''Thank man, I really need to go or I'll be late.'' It takes me forever to get up these fucking stairs!

''Thank your lucky starts you're not in Elviras' class. Never be late for her class on the first day of the school year, semester or anything. I learned that the hard way.'' I just figured out I have no idea what my biology professors name is… Bloody great Newt! With that Alby winked and turned around to head back to MY classroom.

''Oh and one more thing.'' But before he even entered he stopped and turned around. ''Say hi to Winston for me, I believe you're in the same class.''

Winston, Winston, Winston,… Bloody hell who's Winston?! OH! The boy that entered with me yesterday! ''Sure will. How do you know Winston?''

''Oh, he's Wills first cousin so we told Will we'll keep an eye on the greenie. Yesterday after school we went to Kimono with him and Ben. The new additions to the club.'' He explained.

''So we're all greenies?'' I raised an eyebrow.

''Nope, just you know. Ben and Winston had to share the title. It's the newest member's nick-name. You're the greenie, for now.'' He said with a huge grin. ''Now get to class! If you're at Mrs. Broady's class she will ask for your whole morning history hence the reason you're late to class. '' He gave me pat on the shoulder and went back to class.

Newt's antisocial my but! Oh biology! Better hurry! Bloody stairs! And with those thoughts I made my way to the staircase.

When I got to the third floor I headed right and I saw a hallway that contained the Principals office, school guidance counselor, and on the right end of the hallway was the classroom with big red(?) letters saying Biology. Maybe Alby made a mistake.

I went to the door and opened it to reveal a massive classroom with a huge laboratory, posters, chemicals, a smart-board, human skeletons and anthropology dummies… This was seriously well equipped!

''Hey! I didn't see you yesterday.'' I heard someone say. I turned my head slightly left and found a short guy wearing a beanie hanging his jacket to the hangers near the door at where I was standing.

''Ugh…'' I looked around the classroom and figured out that sadly this was not my class. Or at least didn't contain any of my classmates.

''Sorry. I could have sworn I had Biology.'' I said and took the schedule out of my right pocket.

''Well as far as I see it clearly says biology there.'' The guy had an unusual accent… Maybe a mixture of Russian and American? I don't know.

''Then I have no idea where I went wrong.'' I said honestly.

''OH! Are you in the national program?'' Okay so this guy had a high pitch voice. Not as deep as you would expect…

''Yes I am. Why?'' I asked curiously.

''Oh sorry. This is the IB MYP biology classroom. The one for national program students is at the right end of the hallway.'' You have gotta be kidding me!

''Why don't they give out maps or something like that?!'' I asked. I was seriously annoyed now.

''Beats me. Do you want me to walk you to your class so you don't get lost?''

''I believe the term 'get more lost'is more appropriate.'' I coldly said.

''Sorry to hear that. I'm Nikola by the way.'' The guy was smiling widely and he raised his hand in a greeting kind of way. I honestly couldn't help but smile.

''Newt. And by your accent and name pronunciation I'm guessing you're not from around here. Am I right?'' I asked kindly. There was a thing with this guy. He just seemed unusually… genteel and warm hearted. Something you don't seem every often.

''Nice to meet you Newt.'' We shacked hands. Wow! He had seriously soft hands. ''And you are correct. I'm actually from Bosnia and Herzegovina.''

I kind of get the vibe of ''Thank God I'm British so I actually know where the country is and at least some basic stuff about it''. To be honest, I doubt most people actually know about Bosnia…

''As well Nikola. Now would you mind showing me my classroom?''

''Sure thing buddy.'' The guy just smiled and we were on our way down the hallway.

I noticed we passed 7 doors, most of them being either supply rooms or teacher and school staff offices or meeting launches. Then we got to the door at the end of the hallway. Blue! Blue letters! Biology I have finally found you.

*Bel rings*

''Suck!'' I said a bit too loudly.

''Suck? Seriously?! What the hell?!'' I didn't have time to explain to him the kind of slang I picked up as a kid. I just looked at him. ''Get in! I need to head to class or the teacher will kill me. Good luck Newt!'' He said and ran across the hallway.

I entered the classroom and finally found my class!

I looked around and saw that the front seat was once again empty so I took a seat there. I heard a few comment but didn't really pay much attention.

''You're lucky the teacher isn't here yet you know?'' I turned around and saw the blond girl from yesterday. Sonya.

''Yeah. Couldn't find the classroom. This place is like a bloody maze!'' I said to her. She laughed.

''Well then our classroom is the center and home.' She said. ''Most of us made a deal to 'recruit' there before we go wondering and search for classes of this ''maze'' of a school as you put it. Every time we have a subject in a specific classroom we meet 20mins before the bell in our classroom. Deal?'' She said with a warm smile and handed her hand for a hand shake.

''Good that.'' I said and we shacked hands on it.

''Now you better turn around. Teacher's here.''

And with that I turned to see a blond woman in her early thirty's. She was wearing a high waist pencil skirt, blue shirt, black high heels and her hair was in a messy bun. She went to the board and wrote on it Mrs. Nicole Broady. She then looked at us with a warm smile.

''Welcome students to essential biology.'' And with that the introduction and even learning begun.

After two classes of biology in a row. Yes, you heard me, in a row! We all headed down to our floor and better yet our classroom where we would have next period Geography. We found out that all our classes will be in a row except for English, which will mostly be the 7th class each day, except on Wednesdays, than we have English in a row as well, but only once a week do we have Religion Instruction or Studies. I noticed that only the left hallway in school had lockers, and sadly they were reserved for the IB students, so no one from the national program had a locker. And on their website it said that they promoted equality and tolerance. Ha-ha-ha! Real funny! I'm not bragging but I speak fluent sarcasm.

As we were passing thru the hallway, trying to reach our classroom I heard a familiar honey and milk or even better John Lennon like voice…

''No way is Nirvana mainstream! Just because some asshole hipsters call themselves fans doesn't make the band mainstream!''

There he was. Sitting on the middle column, second rows desk. He had a confident smile. 'He who cannot be named' –since I don't know his name- was wearing the same pants, but this time with worn out black converse and a large black t-shirt with a drugged smiley and the name Nirvana in yellow letters on it. He had messy, bed hair and moles spread on this face that you could draw constellations. He was in the classroom which belonged to I-2. The second national program freshmen class. So that means

''I'm just saying they aren't even that good! This songs aren't that good in quality.'' Said a ginger boy who was what appeared to be 195cm tall with longish hair.

''Oh you did not!'' He who cannot be named opened his mouth yet kept a smile. Then he replaced it with a devilish grin and raised an eyebrow. ''Sounds like that's the only song you know.'' And with those words a loud 'BURN!' and ''please apply could water to the burn'' could be heard. He closed his eyes and a huge grin formed on his lips. Some guys even gave him bro hugs and high fives.

I couldn't help but let out a smile. You clearly can't argue about music with him.

Then he turned his head to the side to be facing the door. He slowly opened his eyes, just like a child does on an early autumn morning. His eyes were only dark brown but in them I saw color I didn't even know existed. Then our eyes met.

He seemed surprised to see me standing there in the hallway, he smiled none the less. Chapped lips, imperfect teeth all added up to a polarizing smile.

''Still not my point. You cannot compare Nirvana with great bands such as… The Rolling Stones!'' The didn't-know-when-to-give-up ginger continued.

He just rolled his eyes and flashed yet another smile, than he turned his head to the stubborn ginger and put his hand under his chin.

''I never said you could compare them. Art does not exist to outshine the other, but to awake hidden emotions and awake the soul that fell asleep in the cage of our body. To give power and life to a manipulative object. '' He spoke with such confidence, rebellion yet love and honesty. ''A writer gives life to paper and ink, a musician to notes and instruments, a painter to color and canvas… Now tastes are something not worth discussing. But you have a right to your option. I respect yours and every opinion as long as it's not disrespectful to someone or just plain rude. That is why it's called an option, not a fact.''

Wow! Did he really say that?

''Dude, that's kind of gay.'' How the bloody hell can you insult something such as what he has spoken?

''How can it be kind of attracted to the same gender? Do words also have gender? Did we start gendering words besides clothes as well?'' The guy just asked with one eyebrow raised and a strong and confident smile on his face.

That is all I heard of the conversation. Brenda than appeared and gave me a lung crushing hug and dragged me to her classroom to actually socialize with people. And to be honest I wasn't really impressed with her choice of friends in the classroom…

''I still can't believe you don't like my classmates. What's wrong with you?'' Brenda bugged me on our way home. I should have kept that opinion to myself.

''Hey! You all speak German fluently, aka there is clearly something wrong with you all!'' I said. We both laughed.

''You seriously didn't even like Amy? I'd hit that!'' Did she really just say that?!

''Oh come on!''

''I'm serious Newt! I can't believe you didn't want to make friends with anyone! And you're the one always saying you should never judge a book by its cover!'' Oh, so now she's using that one against me.

''I just didn't feel the friendly energy when you started introducing me. You kind of forced it.'' I told her with a –ass much as I could pull it off- innocent look.

''Don't try playing all innocent with me! I saw your ''I'm surrounded by slintheads and shanks'' expression as soon as you scanned the room with your eyes mister!''

''You did bring me in the room only two minutes before my Geography class was about to start. What did you expect?'' I said holding my hands up in defense jokingly.

''True. That's why I expect you to be friendly and outgoing as possible tomorrow during the big lunch break.''

Ah yes, the big lunch break. We had a five minute break to get to class or go to the bathroom or both break between each class. And after 3rd period we had the famous twenty-five minute big lunch break, and when we're first period we had it also after 6th period. That was when we could leave he school and go get ourselves food. My mom packed my lunch today seeing as she believes it is better to bring my own lunch and not to spend money on buying junk food. While that may be true, it also meant not socializing, since like today, I was the only one in the classroom eating, everyone else was outside and enjoying their lunch break while I continued reading The Da Vinci Code. Brenda found out and she is clearly not letting me off the hook.

''I wonder where the Gladers hang out at lunch?'' I asked out loud.

''The what?!'' She asked surprised.

''Oh I forgot to mention. I joined a 'club'.'' I said with a satisfied smile.

''What!? Seriously?! Way to go Newt!'' She said with a proud smile, and it was just that. Even being an actress she couldn't hide when she was honestly glad about something. ''Antisocial my ass!'' She screamed with joy.

''Calm the kunk down you shank.'' I said but honestly I was as happy as she was, if not more.

''Okay I want all the details. How did you join a club and what is it about?'' She was seriously being nosy.

''Well to be honest I have no idea what it's about.'' Once again she stopped and gave me the famous 'Are you kidding me' look of hers. ''I joined it cause I met a few people today and they joined me. Principal Dasher used to be a Glader as well.''

''Oh so your plan is not to be the teachers, but the principals pet. Nice planning Newt.'' She was also fluent in sarcasm.

''Took you long enough!'' I joked and we both laughed. She wanted me to continue, and I did:

''So I couldn't find the Biology classroom today for first period,'' She gave me that look, again. I just continued, ignoring her facial expressions: ''So I went to my classroom and there I didn't see my classmates but the IB MYP 2nd year students. One of them noticed me and the fact that I was lost and he gave me directions and stuff and we talked. His name is Alby and he's really funny and I believe you'd like him. He noticed me as Mr. Isaac Newton but didn't joke about it but told me that he got his name in honor of Albert Einstein. He also told me about his group of friends which represent the 'great mind generation' and how two of them graduated and he invited me to be a so called Glader and hang out with him and the others. There is also this guy named Aris I believe…'' But I was interrupted by a squeak from Brenda.

''As in Aris Jones? The schools star soccer player? I am sooooo gonna drop by when you're hanging with them. LOOK AT YOU CHILLIN WITH THE COOL SQUAD!''

I just rolled my eyes and continued: ''As I was saying… So there is Aris, this guy named Ben, the guy from my class named Winston and some other guys I can't remember their names. I haven't met them yet. I have no idea what they do or if its' like an all guys club or anything more than what I just told you. Oh and I believe I made friends with the girl named Sonya from my class and a guy named Nikola who goes to IB MYP, I'm not sure which grade he's in, I only know he's from abroad.'' And with that I finished.

''Sounds like someone had a very productive day. I request the highest of the fives.'' She said and raised her hand the highest she can. I just rolled my eyes at her HIMYM reference and gave her 'the highest of the fives'.

We continued our way home with her telling me about how I'll actually enjoy the company of several of her classmates and how boring and stupid her teachers are…

Guess getting lost isn't so bad. As long as you are bound to be found…

So yeah that was chapter 2 and I realy hope you guys like it. Chapter 3 coming up really soon, need to do a spelcheck even thought I clearly still make basic grammar mistakes. I really hope you guys like it. It would mean the wolrd to me if you left a review, good or bad, it doesn't matter, or as me a question or become my penpal let's all be internet friends, the important thing is that I get some feedback so I cam imporve and make te story better for you guys to enjoy. So yeah that's that. Sorry again and love you all and you are the best.

Yours truly,

Miracle or Destruction