A/N: I have never read a story where Kyoya breaks or looses his glasses. So I wrote one, and my friend said it's really good. I guess you guys will be the judges of that, though, won't you? ;)

Fears of a Shadow King

It wasn't very often that I, Kyoya Ootori, was without Tamaki Suoh. Nor was it very often that I stayed at the academy after hosting hours. It also wasn't very often that I tripped, given my usual coolness and grace. And lastly, it was highly unlikely for me to take my glasses off expect to clean them occasionally. So for each of those things to happen at once would be extremely unlikely.

It was after a long day at school, and I had only wanted to take a quick break from the pressures of my everyday life. Tamaki's crazy plans; my father's unfailing discouragement; and the like. I was walking behind a random building, far from any distinguishable landmarks, unfortunately. I was not lost...yet. It was only for a moment that I removed my glasses to pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh, when I tripped over a stone or a tree root or something. In surprise, my grip on my glasses loosened, and the precious frames were tossed away. I growled in frustration at my predicament.

"Why me? What did I ever do to anyone, huh? I try-dear lord, I try!-to help people! And what do I get? Misfortune," I muttered angrily. I dropped to my knees and began to search or a familiar glint of glass. And when I found what I had been looking for, my heart shattered not unlike the hundreds of tiny pieces in front of me.

"No," I whispered in disbelief, crawling closer. I'm almost blind with out my glasses! I depend on them for everything! "No!" I demanded. I wished with all of my might that this wasn't happening. I reached out a quivering hand to touch what remained. Somehow my glasses had been thrown across the grass and been completely demolished. "No," I realized. The devastation settled into my stomach almost painfully. I gingerly picked up the frames and gave them my steadiest death glare. One of the arms bent off at an awkward angle, and both of the lenses were broken beyond recognition.

The sudden realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I was blind, after-hours, in an unfamiliar place. And I was alone. And there was no possible way anyone else was still here other than a janitor, but he would most likely inside. I couldn't navigate my way back to any building! I can't even see the building! What am I going to do?!

In an effort to ease my increasing panic, I carefully removed my flip phone from my back pocket and opened it. I stared unhappily at the little screen, dissatisfied with the fact that I couldn't even see the picture it displayed. With a practiced ease, my fingers danced over the keys. And I entered the only number I knew by heart. The only number I cared to, that is.

"Kyoya?" His voice answered quickly. "Why are you calling?" I inhaled a shaky breath and tried to remind myself that this wasn't the end of the world.

"T-Tamaki," I stuttered, internally cursing myself.

"Kyoya! Are you alright? What's happening? Are you hurt? What's going on? Why did you call me? Are you being held hostage?! What do you need?! Where are you?!" He burst, growing increasingly panicked. Oddly enough, that made me more calm.

"I," I paused. How was I going to explain this? Was he going to laugh? Nothing like this had ever happened before. I don't think he even knows how bad my eyesight really is... "I broke my glasses."

"Oh." His reply was short and uncertain. He didn't know what to say. Of course not! What was I thinking? Calling Tamaki?! That was not a smart idea. I sighed.

"Never mind, I'll just called my sister," I grumbled. I was about to hang up too, but he interrupted me.

"Wait! No! I'm sorry! I was just trying to think this through," he insisted. Since when did Tamaki ever think things through? "I'm assuming you can't see."

"That's correct," I replied. I tried desperately to hide the irritation in my voice. Wouldn't it be obvious that I can't see without my glasses?

"Right! Sorry! Trying to gather my thoughts! Anyway, I can also assume that you're not at home. Otherwise, you could have just asked a maid or something," he observed. Okay, now we were getting somewhere.

"Yeah, I'm behind the school somewhere," I confirmed.

"Somewhere? So you're lost then?" He continued. He was handling this very well. I released my tense position. I was going to get through this. Good.

"Correct. I just can't see where I am," I insisted.

"Suuuuuure," he drawled, and I could practically hear him over-dramatically rolling his eyes. "I think I'm going to need backup."

"Backup?" I questioned. I knew that he meant the host club, but- "Why?" I voiced my thoughts.

"Kyoya, you sound like a wreck. I can't help you all that much, and we both know that. I won't bring the whole host club. Just wait there. You'll know I'm coming," he assured.

"Wait! Don't do anything-" the phone hung up before I could finish. "Rash." I sighed defeatedly and hung my head. I awkwardly put my phone in my back pocket before picking up my glasses to stare at them. Not like I could see them. I huffed.

"Why? Why me? Why did this have to happen to me? Now I'm sure that I've disturbed whatever ridiculous plans Tamaki was in the process of making, and he's going to disturb someone else. Why couldn't I just be a good little boy and wear my glasses carefully?" I rambled angrily to the broken frames. I growled at the lack of response. Then I sighed. Really, I was being the ridiculous one. It was an accident. These things happen. I just have to wait until I get my...spares.

I jolted when I remembered that these WERE my spares! Those accursed twins had broken my originals sometime back and I had forgotten to replace them! I didn't HAVE any extra glasses that I could just put on! I was going to be blind for at least another couple of days. These things take time. You can't just order a specific prescription and expect it within the hour. They need to have the right materials, and then they have to work carefully to even make the RIGHT prescription.

I finally pinched the bridge of my nose. Well, this was a problem. How was I supposed to do my homework for the next couple of days? And walk around without consistently bumping into things? How was I going to manage the host club's finances? How was I going to HOST?

My chest started to tighten with my rising panic. I took deeper breaths and calmed. Everything would be okay. I could make it for a couple of days. Then I could have glasses back on my face, laptop back in my hand, hosting away.

Suddenly, bright flashing red lights and obnoxious blaring brought me away from my musings. Oh, there was no doubt in my mind that that was Tamaki, being as subtle as a flying mallet. I squinted and barely made out a small blob of color rapidly approaching me.

"Kyoya! Is that you?" He called.

"Tamaki?" I yelled back. I steadied my breathing again and rose to my feet. "I'm over here!"

"We're coming! Don't worry!" He reassured loudly. "Everything's under control!"

"Senpai! You're going to wake the neighbors!" A female voice scolded. Haruhi? I couldn't tell. All I knew was that three colored blobs were approaching me.

"I will not be silenced! Mommy needs me!" Tamaki protested, hurrying the rest of the way to my side. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? No scratches? No bruises?"

"Just my ego. Really, why do you insist on calling me 'mommy?'" I declared.

"And you really shouldn't cause such a disturbance, Senpai," Haruhi reprimanded.

"Ah." And I believe that was Mori.

"And why couldn't you come yourself?" I inquired Tamaki.

"Haruhi is here for emotional support, and Mori is here for physical support. Sadly, two things which I find myself incapable of being there for you with," Tamaki explained.

"Physical support? Why on earth would I need that?" I wondered as we started walking. Suddenly, I stumbled as though the path were littered with small stones and twigs. Mori quickly caught me. "Um, right, then. Carry on."

I straightened and we continued walking. I continuously tripped over everything as though becoming near blind had also made me a clutz. I was practically clinging to Mori's shirt as we tried to walk, much to my embarrassment. And every time I thought that I might be able to let go, I went and tripped over my own feet.

Tamaki whistled. "I really didn't think it would be this bad," he stated nonchalantly.

"This bad?! This BAD?! This is HORRIBLE! I WILL NEVER GET OVER THIS!" I cried.

"Kyoya-senpai, there's no need to shout. It's perfectly understandable that you would have a bit of trouble seeing where you were going. Soon you'll be home and you can get some new glasses," Haruhi soothed. I took a deep breath. She was right-yet she was also wrong.

"That isn't entirely true. I can't get new glasses for a couple days minimum," I sighed bitterly.

"A couple days?" Tamaki whimpered.

"I don't see why your so upset. I'm the one that can't see," I protested.

"Yes, but I care about you! We're best friends, and it upsets me to see you like this," he argued. I tried to focus back on my walking.

"It's not a big deal. Soon I'll be-" I tried.

"It's a huge deal! You can't see! You need to have someone with you at all times now! What if you slip down a staircase? Or what if you get attacked? Or what if you get lost?" He questioned worriedly. I vaguely noticed that we were nearly a long black vehicle.

"I'm fine, Tamaki. I won't apologize. It was an accident. I'll get over it, and so should you," I declared. Tamaki was quickly in his mind theater, imagining all of the horrible things that could happen to me. "Tamaki! I'm FINE!" Suddenly, I tripped so violently that I fell on my face and almost broke my nose. Tamaki was at my side in an instant. He fussed like a little child! "I'm FINE!" I stood quickly and dusted off my uniform.

"Kyoya-senpai! You're nose is bleeding!" Haruhi noticed. I brushed my fingers up to the red fluid. This was not helping my case.

"Here! I'll get a napkin!" Tamaki exclaimed. He rushed ahead to what I only assumed could be a limo.

"He only means well," Haruhi stated.

"I know," I replied emotionlessly. I honestly wasn't sure how to respond to Tamaki's incessant fussing. I needed the help, and no one's ever treated me like this before-but at the same time, I was irritated and I felt like my reputation was at stake.

Tamaki returned quickly and shoved the cloth into my chest. I frowned. This was white. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Tamaki, are you sure you want me to use this? I feel fine, and blood stains are difficult to get out," I briefly debated. I could see Tamaki pale.

"How would you know that? Have you been hurting yourself? Have others been hurting you?! Are you hurting other people?!" He asked in rapid succession. I huffed.

"Senpai, Kyoya-senpai's family is in the medical practice," Haruhi answered.

"Ah," Mori confirmed.

"Can we just leave now?" I questioned. Tamaki quickly grabbed my arm and led me to the limo. "Thank you, Haruhi and Mori-senpai for coming with Tamaki to assist me."

"Ah," Mori replied. I read that as a 'you're welcome.'

"It wasn't a problem, Kyoya-senpai. We'll see you at school tomorrow, okay?" Haruhi questioned innocently, and I could sense a reassuring smile coming from her general direction.

"Well, I don't see why not," I declared. I assumed she nodded because the limo door closed soon, and we were off. I silently began to dab at my bleeding nose with the napkin.

"How did it happen?" Tamaki inquired quietly. I paused.

"What? How did what happen?" I asked.

"Your glasses. How did you break them?" He clarified. I huffed and pinched the bridge of my nose again.

"I took them off for a moment, but I tripped, and they went flying. When I found them, they had shattered into about a billion pieces," I answered.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I thought you were going to say something tragic, like you were attacked by a gang or a pack of wild dogs or something!" He beamed. How could I tell? He just has this tone of voice when he's smiling. It's hard to miss.

"Tamaki, don't be ridiculous," I rolled my eyes. "Do I even look like I was beat up by a gang?"

"It could have been the pack of wild dogs!" He retorted. I gave an airy chuckle and started to wipe away the blood again.

"Okay, Tamaki. Whatever you say."


A/N: This is not a TamakixKyoya story. They're just friends. Nor is it MorixKyoya (though that would be adorable) or KyoyaxHaruhi...

Also, I didn't realize it until after the fact, but the twins never make an actual appearance in this story... Sorry...