*Disclaimer:Although I own the rights to this fanfiction, I do not own the characters (even though I truly wished I owned Christian Grey lol) and I do not own the books, etc.

*Synopsis: (AU) – Anastasia Steele (24) is swamped in student loans and college costs and is at the verge of being dropped out of her classes, nearly graduating. Her long time friend, and roommate, Jose Rodriguez (27) suggests his aunt Elena's exotic BDSM themed night club and helps Ana to get the job as a bartender. When one of the main show girls, Leila Williams (25) gets fired, Christian Grey (26) is left without a dance partner. Elena is then forced to approach Ana to take the slot. Will Ana take on Elena's offer? Or will she run for the hills? OOC/HEA.

(A/N: Hi guys! This is my first Fifty Shades Trilogy fanfic, so please be gentle lol. I hope that you all like this story! I'm not too sure how often I'll be able to update, but I will try for once a week to be safe. Some chapters will be long, others will be short, depending on how I feel and how much I want revealed in a chapter. This story will have a lot of different emotions and trials. In this story, Jose is gay. Ana doesn't take shit, but she is kind of desperate. Elena is... well, she's Elena and Christian is into BDSM and he CAN be touched. Anyways, if you like this story, reviews are MORE than welcome. Feel free to ask questions along the way, and I promise I will TRY to answer them the best I can, and when I can. Don't forget to fave/follow also hehe. Enjoy! )

-Chapter 1—The Deadline-

"What the fuck, Jose?" I snarl, slamming my car door shut after placing my back-pack inside of it. "You seriously expect me to serve beers and cocktails to a bunch of bondage control freaks while they fantasize spanking one of the waitresses?"

"Oh, Ana-Banana, seriously. It's not even fully like that..." he pauses and I raise a brow at him. "Well, Elena doesn't allow that shit on the main floor at least. She has private rooms in the back for that, and honestly, one of them would do you justice."

I roll my eyes. "And I take it that you have been justified, Jose?" I say in my bitchiest of tones. I'm beginning to get pissed that Jose has no respect for how I feel about this.

"Are you on your period? Cause your being really bitchy right now, Ana. Jeez!"

"Un-fucking-believable." I hiss, rolling my eyes as I push past my friend. Jose just doesn't get it! I'm not into the BDSM crowd. I don't do spankings, floggings, canes, or whips. And I sure as hell don't want to be in the position where I have to hear it or see the damn shit. Besides, I'm barely experienced in the sex department considering that I have only had one sexual partner... sole namely Jose, my gay roommate. Long story, short... we were drunk and horny. The end!

"Oh come on, Ana. Lighten up a bit. It's not like I'm telling you to go on stage and grind your ass into one of the guys at showtime."

"No, but I'd have to witness other women doing it? The answer is no, Jose. Fuck. That!" I say as I continue towards the dean's office. What the hell is wrong with him? Why does he want me to work their so fucking bad?

"Ana, just liste—"

I spin around, putting my hand up in his face to stop him from saying anything further. "Just. Stop! Please, Jose." I sigh. "Thank you for the offer, honestly, I truly do appreciate it. But it's just not the scene for me." I say softly.

His head drops, fully in defeat and he sighs. Damn, he's pouting! "Stop doing that." I whine.

"Doing what?" and he puckers his bottom lip.

I can't believe what I'm about to say... "Look... I'll think about it, okay? Just go home and make me dinner, open a bottle of wine, and run me a hot bath. I'll be home after this meeting." Pfft! Yeah right! Syke! There is no way in hell I'll ever work at Floggers.

He raises a brow. "You do realize that you pretty much gave me ways to persuade you, right?"

"Yes. Now go home before I change my mind!"

He grabs me into a bear hug, then pushes me back in arms length. "Laters, Ana." and he leaves. Phew! Glad that's finally over. I mean seriously... why the sudden obsession to have me working with him? I mean, sure, I could use the money since my job at the grill isn't paying much of anything, but agreeing to work at Floggers? I may as well perch my happy ass on a damn street corner.

But Jose means well, and he's my friend. On a positive note, I would be a bartender after-all. It's not like I would be doing anything major. And not only would I get a check, I would be getting tips as well. Ugh! Damn Jose!

I walk into the office and lean up against the counter.

"May I help you?" the secretary asks.

"Yes, I'm here to see Mr. Zilanski. Anastasia Steele." I murmur.

She stands and exits the room, entering in what I think is a conference room. She returns not too long after she left. "Miss Steele. Mr. Zilanski will be with you in a moment. If you'll just have a seat."

"Thank you."

I walk over to a set of blue, plastic chairs and cross my right leg over my left. As I wait, I think about what Jose has proposed. I mean when I get to thinking about it, he is the one paying most of the bills at our apartment. He supplies the gas for our vehicles and food. Come to think of it, he's even helped me a few times on my student loans.

Which brings me to question why I'm in the office, waiting to see the dean of the University. I fear this conversation isn't going to end well, considering that I'm past due on my payments. Ugh! Now that I think of it, taking tabs from sex frenzied patrons doesn't sound so bad at all. As long as I get to stay in school of course. My passion to be an excecutive writer has no limits. I've worked hard to get to where I'm at, and I plan to stop at nothing to get to the very top.

"Miss Steele." Mr. Zilanski says, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Mr. Zilanski." I say with a nod of greeting.

"Please, come on back, Anastasia." he mutters as he motions his hand for me to enter the conference room first.

He closes the door behind us and we both sit at the same time.


"Please, call me Ana." I smile nervously. "Mr. Zilanski, I—"

"Ana, do you know why you're here?" he asks, clasping his hands under his chin as he leans onto the table which separates us.

"No, not really. But I've a good idea." I murmur.

He sighs heavily as he opens a manilla folder. "Let's take a look at your misdemeanors, Ana..." he trails off, glancing at my file. "You're about 4 months behind on your loan payment, Miss Steele."

"I know, and I'm sorry. Things have slowed down at the grill, and I have the bills at home that I share with my roommate. Everything is just not going well for me right now, and I promise I will have the money soon."

He nods and he closes my file. He takes a deep intake of breath as he looks up at me. "Miss Steele."

"Ana." I interrupt.

"Ana. We've been more than pleased with your hard work and your passion to succeed here at WSU. I have no doubt in my mind that you will go far..." he pauses.

I sigh. "I can't help but get the bad feeling that there is a but." I whisper.

He nods. "Ana, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but if you don't have the money for the past 4 months by Spring break, we'll have no choice than to place you on academic probation for a year."

"But, that means I won't graduate at the end of the semester. Mr. Zilanski, with all due respect... I... I'll need more time. Spring break is in a matter of weeks. I won't have that kind of money by then. Let's say, 3 months?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Steele. We clearly value you as one of our best students, but you have to follow the same policies and rules as the rest of the students of WSU, which also means if you can't follow the rules, you will have to face the consequences just like every one else."

What the fucking hell?! "Mr. Zilanski, there is no way I'll even make half of that in a month, much less two weeks?! Please, there has to be another way."

He sighs heavily again. "I suggest you find a better paying job then, Miss Steele or a secondary job, and fast. I'm sorry, there is nothing else that I can do. I've done more than most dean's would have, else you wouldn't be 4 months past due now."

The very breath is completely knocked out of my lungs. How can they do this to me? "I guess I better get started, then. Thanks." I say, faking my smile. I stand and shake his hand briefly before turning on my heels and leaving.

I can't believe after all of this hard work and dedication that in a matter of 3 weeks, my whole life will be destroyed. All of my hard work will mean nothing to them until I pay up. Ugh! Why is this happening to me? Has luck suddenly changed?

And then it hits me. I come to a complete halt in the middle of the parking lot. Perhaps I'll have to take on Jose's offer after-all...

I arrive to the duplex apartment Jose and I share and am instantly hit with the wonderful smell of his cooking. Mmmm, it smells so good.

I sit my purse down onto the kitchen island and plop down onto one of the stools. "Mmm, what's for dinner?"

"Your favorite Mexican dish; Shrimp Fajitas with guacamole and spinach dip." he smiles.

"Jose, if you wasn't gay I would totally kiss you right now." I giggle.

He laughs. "Oh, you could kiss me all you want babe. Wouldn't change a thing. I'll still be more gay than Ellen."

I laugh. Oh, Jose. What would I do without you?

"So, how did your meeting go?" Jose asks.

Suddenly, my laughing dies out. I frown. Should I tell him? "Great!" I fake a smile as I sigh.

He turns off the burner and plops down beside me. Keep your head down. Keep your head down. KEEP YOUR FUCKING HEAD DOWN! Don't let him see that your lying.

"Great meaning bad?" he says. I look up and nearly burst into tears as I nod. He sighs.

"Oh, Jose. What am I going to do? I'm 4 months behind on my loans and expenses and the deadline to pay the past due amount is set for Spring break. I won't be able to meet that deadline."

He sighs again. "Hold on. I'll be right back."

Jose disappears into the hallway. I assume he's in his bedroom. I make my way to the fridge and grab a bottle of half-drunk wine and sit it on the counter. I reach up above me into the cabinet and grab two flutes and sit them down beside the bottle. I pull the cork with a loud pop and pour us both a glass before sitting back down onto the bar stool.

Jose returns with a small white envelope, patting it on the palm of his hand nervously. He lays it on the kitchen island and pushes it across to me. "Here. Take it."

I pick it up and open it and slam it down onto the island. "Jose, I can't take this. It's too much."

"Take it, Ana. Please. It's no biggy, really."

I open the envelope again. There has to be at least ten thousand dollars inside of it. "Jose, I can't accept this. Where did you get all of this money?" I say looking up into his eyes.

"Late nights at Floggers. That's at least two weeks pay right there." he says.

I freeze. Holy. Fucking. Shit! "This much? In two weeks? Impossible!" I scoff.

He shakes his head. "I'm serious, Ana. Don't believe me, then see for yourself. I can prove it with a trip to the bank."

Oh. My. God! "And what is it you do again at Floggers?" I ask.

"I dance on stage with men and women alike for entertainment purposes. Here recently, Elena has had me at the bar and on stage. So I've been paid double for the past week."

Oh, he makes it sound so tempting. "So I don't have to perform?"

"No. Not unless you want to."

"I don't want to." I snap.

Jose laughs. "Then you don't have to. Besides, the only opening Elena has is the bartender slot. And it isn't all that bad at all. All you have to do is serve drinks and flirt."

I raise a brow. "I'd rather not flirt."

"Then don't, Ana. It's your choice."

I can't believe I'm agreeing to this, but... "Can we go there tonight?"

Jose smiles as he claps his hands together in excitement. "Hell yes! Let's get you sanded and primed baby, because if your looking to enter this world, you have to look the part."

Oh, God... what am I getting myself into?

**Okay, so I'm wanting to take this slowly. Next chapter will be around Tuesday of next week, so check back then if you like it so far. I already have a list of songs for my playlist for this story but am open for more ideas if you wanna give them to me. More details about the club will be revealed in the next chapter and of course, we will be meeting Christian. Thanks so much and please let know what ya think. XOXO!**