Alexis' Pov...
I woke up with a loud knock on the door. "Girls?" I jumped in my blankets on the floor, turning my head to gaze up at the ceiling fan and sighed in relief. "Yes?" I replied sleepily and I watched as Cassie's stepmother opened the door. "Time to get up, you have school." She and looked at Cassie who was still asleep on the floor. I stood up and turned the radio off just seconds after it turned on and stared down at Cassie. "Cassie wake up." Her mother said, but, she didn't move.
I smirked evilly and waved lazily at her mother, who left and shut the door. "I'll get her up." I said and bent over to poke her in the face. Immediately she was wide awake and glared at me. "Don't do that, Lexi!" She yelled and I began to laugh. "Well nothing else was waking you up! I had no choice!" I replied before going to pull my clothes from my small pile of stuff in the corner of Cassie's room.
We both were dressed quickly. Cassie wore her classic thin grey hoodie, skinny jeans, and grey converses, while I wore a black button up shirt, camouflage shorts, and black boots. We then stared into the minor on her dresser, staring intently at our reflections. Our appearances were almost exact opposite. I had very dark brown hair with a bronze tint, nearly black eyes, and darkly tanned skin. Cassie on the other hand was a red head, light brown eyes, and fair skinned girl. Though, we looked different, we were nearly copies of each other.
"Hand me your brush." I said, well more like demanded as she passed me the comb. "As long as we don't spent ten minutes again doing our hair, I'll be fine." She said as I handed back the brush after a quick run through. "That was too long to spend on hair. Three minutes tops is my limit." I replied and pulled my hair into a very high ponytail. "No kidding." She said and pulled back her hair in a low ponytail. "Why do we always do ponytails?" I questioned and she shrugged, we both knew the answer, but, we always asked why anyways.
"Because we don't like looking attractive to anyone and you want your intimadation factors to grow." She said in a matter-of-factly tone and adjusted her glasses. "You better not being going Erudite again. I'm the Erudite-Dauntless here and only I can get smart on your ass!" I said firmly and pushed my glasses up from the bridge of my noses. "Whatever. And do you know you look like Claude when you do that?" I shivered. The thought of the Spider Demon Claude from Black Butler was always frightening, even though he was slightly attractive. "...Yes, yes I do. And you look like William when you do the same." I said and she gave me a cheeky grin.
We gathered up our school books and book bag from the floor and went to the kitchen to scarf down a piece of toast or something before we left. Luckily, Cassie's mother had prepared our toast and we literally inhaled the food before reaching the front door. We slipped on our bags and looked over at the living room. "BYE!" We yelled in unison before walking out the door to the bus stop.
"Today is Friday."
"Means last day before the weekend."
"And a week and a half before my parents get back, Cas."
Me and Cassie spoke in turn and she nodded. My parents had left on a business trip for both of their companies, leaving me alone. But, they didn't like the fact I had the house for two and a half weeks without someone around, seeing how I had a tendency to break, burn, or causing trouble on something. But, you couldn't really blame me. I was a rebelious, bold, and slightly mental person fifteen year old.
Though, lucky for my parents, and the house, Cassie went to the same school and only lived about seven minutes away. I was a tenth grader at our highschool and she was a ninth grader. Yes, Cassie was younger then me by a year, but, our friend Rachel was three years younger then me, but, she was still my other bestie.
I smiled at the thought of being able to seeing her at the high school in three months or so, seeing how summer was coming up in just a week or two. I really couldn't wait, because that would mean I wouldn't have to do homework and I could watch anime all day long and be a lazy bum, seeing how I no longer had my German Shepherd anymore. I felt my chest tighten at the thought of Kiba, she was a very smart and mischievous dog and hard to contain. That led to her death when she was going after an armodilo and her dog chain had gotten rapped around her neck as she pulled and leapt at the animal.
I sighed heavily, catching the attention of Cassie who looked at me concerned. "Are you-" "Fine!" I replied and plastered a fake smiled on my face. I knew it wouldn't work very well to fool her, I mean, it's impossible to fool another outcast. But, luckily she shrugged and went back to waiting for the bus. I was actually kinda relieved she didn't pry on.
I gave a sad smile as I watched a raven on the tree. She hated birds because they ate her food, but, she never bothered to even bark at ravens and crows, which I found odd. Though, because of one of my favorite animes, Black Butler, I'd always thought it was because I thought all crows and ravens to be a demon, or at least the same one. I had feelings sometimes when Kiba would escape her body harness, dog collar, AND our yard all on a matter of seconds if she was a demon hound. But, she never breathed fire or transformed into a monster dog sadly. I would have loved it she burned or sat on one of my neighbors houses.
I wasn't on good terms with any of them, especially the one who had guys about my age. We had kind of had a curse out war, but, it wasn't in a playful way. They attacked my dog and I attacked them, both physically and verbally. No one would touch MY baby and get away with it and if I could, they wouldn't live either.
"Lexi!" Cassie screamed in my face, whiel snapping her fingers at me. "Stop dreaming about Sebastian and Alois and get your ass on the bus!" She commanded and I chuckled lightly. "Why do you always think I'm day dreaming about them?" She stepped onto the bus after me and we sat down in the back. "Because you've only had crushes on fictional characters for the past two years and you don't really care for anyone of them but those two!" I nodded. "Well, one's sexy as hell and the others my age and mental like me." We bursted out laughing then and almost immediately shut up when we saw one of our guy friends step onto the bus.
I smiled slightly as he looked out way, Cassie and me still giggling like morons as he gave us a confused look. Today would be fun, every school day was, but, I wanted something to be different, something more exciting to change my life. Inwardly I sighed, I'd always wanted a life full of adventure, but, where would I get that? I only wished I was in Black Butler, with Cassie alongside me of course! But, this way, we'd both get an interesting life and maybe we'd get the characters to fall in love with us. Who knows?
"Lexi! Wake up!" Cassie yelled again and I blinked. "Hmm?" I asked, not fully aware of my surroundings yet. "Bus has stopped. Get off." She said befoer dragging me through the door and onto school grounds. If I didn't have inhuman balance and stamina, I would have fallen on my face when she literally pushed me out the bus doors.
I stared up at the school entrance, lightly scowling at it. Oh why can't you be Queen Victoria's castle?! I complained in my mind and walked up the steps. I would trade anything to be in the Victorian era with the Black Butler crew! Anything! But, I was being silly, there was no way that would ever happen, even if I died. It would always be a dream so close, but, to far.