I'm actually committing to something, isn't that like crazy? Now, second prompt. Tape. That could go wrong in a lot of ways. THIS ISNT RATED M, OKAY? Yeah. High school AU. I'm having fun with another Hatsune Miku song, the snow white princess is :D. ENOUGH WITH MY RANTING!


{Third POV}

At Fairy Tail High, there were people you can mess around, and people you just back off of. It was just a silent rule. Everyone followed it, even the teachers gave in. Until a certain blond joined.

The group that you could talk to openly is Natsu, Lisanna, Erza, Gray, Juvia, Mira, Elfman, Cana, Wendy, Levy, Yukino, and that was basically it, or at least the people that are in this story. On the other hand, the people you didn't want to mess with consisted of Gajeel, Minerva, Sting, Rogue, Jellal, Bixlow, Freed, Evergreen, and Laxus. Like saying before, the people that are mentioned in this story.

Now, let's get on with the story.

{Lucy POV}

Yay. I'm supposed to be starting a new year at high school again. This time, I'm seventeen instead of sixteen. Fairy Tail is a school for rich people, and yes I am rich. But my father, well, he's the worst. He doesn't talk to me, and leaves me alone. He doesn't allow the maids to talk or make contact with me. If he does talk to me, it's hurtful. He basically abuses me. It's only a matter of time before it gets physical.

I was walking to school; well, most students get driven with their fancy cars and crap, but like I said, my father doesn't allow me having any contact with the maids or his staff.

Back to the topic. I don't have very good luck with schools. I try to stay quiet and don't do anything, but, that doesn't work too well. So, I'm going to try to blend in as much as possible. Walking to school, I realized it was just a usual rich school. Chances are everyone's going to act like a total ass.

"Hey, do you go to Fairy Tail High? You're heading the same way I'm going," I turned around and saw a blue haired girl sticking her head out of a limousine.

"Oh, no. I'm attending Fiore High," I said, making a quick cover-up.

"Oh, then never mind," she stuck her head back in the limousine, clearly embarrassed. Maybe she would be nice? People are too deceiving for me. First they act nice, then they stab you in the back.

Looking at my watch, I realized I was gonna be late if I didn't hurry up. I started jogging for a while, which was easy since when I was bored I would hang out in the big, empty gym in my mansion. Before I knew it, I was faced with yet another rich school. Kids were being dropped off in all sorts of things, which I didn't want to look at. I walked silently towards my first class, which took me barely any trouble to find my first class. My home room was taught by a teacher called Gildarts Clive. I wonder what he would be like. He was a tall man with orange hair. I saw that the same blue haired girl was in my class. She seemed to realize it too.

"So you do go to Fairy Tail High! You liar!" she pointed at me and shouted. I just shook my head and sat down towards the left side of the room, where people seemed less crazy, yet still seemed like they could do more damage. Several people from the right side of the room gasped, including that blue haired girl.

I saw that one of the people I was sitting by stood up and walked over to me.

"Oi, what are you doing here?" it was a tall blond haired guy, and his spiky hair seemed unusually perfect.

"Isn't it obvious, I'm at school. Do you really think I want to be here?" sure. That was a bold move. But why not make it dramatic and exciting?

"Since you're blind, I'll explain it to you. Here in Fairy Tail High, we have a fine line-" he pointed to the line of tape in the classroom separating some desks. "To who sits where. It's an unspoken rule that we all follow. I'll be nice and tell you to go on your side before you get hurt," he snarled.

"If anything, you're getting on my nerves. Move away from me, Sparky. I'm getting pissed off at seeing your over hair-sprayed hair," I retorted. Sparky looked dumbfounded, while his 'groupies' were laughing their asses off, and the other side of the room couldn't help but laugh a little bit. Sparky took his sit as Gildarts walked in.

"Hello class- oh great. Natsu's with me," Gildarts sighed.

"Hey! That's mean!" the pink haired boy named Natsu pouted. Wait, why was his hair pink?

"Hey, pinky. Why is your hair pink? Who in the right mind would let their kid dye their hair pink?" I asked him. I was interested in hearing this story.

"It's salmon, and I was born like this," I couldn't help it. I started laughing. How could he be born like that? That's just, hilarious! After I was done laughing though, I completely zoned out. My classes turned out to be fairly easy. After all, if I didn't keep my grades up…

Before I knew it, school was over. I smiled slightly and grabbed my bag, and started walking home. Luckily, that blue haired girl didn't try to talk to me at all when I walked home.

Sadly, I had to go home. In all honesty, I would rather stay at school than go home. I never know when he's gonna hit me. Turns out, with the first day of school, I had bad luck.

When I got home, my father was waiting for me, with a whip. This probably was expected. Long story short, my legs hurt worse than hell. The next morning, I wore leggings under my skirt. It worked, but my legs were super sore and stingy. And slightly bleeding.

I walked to school early, which worked out well, since I was right on time when I reached the huge building. I'm a person that loves drama, in a good way. So, I decided to stir something up. This time I saw that they redid the tape to separate the desk sides. The blue haired girl; who I learned her name is Levy, smiled and pointed to desk next to her, like she wanted me to sit next to her. I waved her off, while heading over to the other side of the desks, sitting right next to Sparky.

"Why the hell are you sitting next to me, blonde?" Sparky asked through clenched teeth.

"Well, because I find you irresistible," I smirked, winking at him. He blushed and turned away, while I stared at my leggings. It was so hot outside, and I really didn't want to wear the leggings, but I had no choice. Sparky seemed to notice too.

"Hey, blonde, why are you wearing those leggings? It's like a hundred degrees outside."

"Reasons. Mind your own business Sparky."

"You know, I have a name."

"Yet you still call me blonde?"

Our conversations went like that for a while. About halfway through home room, Minerva yelled at us, which I answered by giving her the finger. Sparky- which I learned his name is Laxus, and I laughed together.

"You know, you're not too bad Lucy," he said, giving me a slight smirk, but I saw a smile in there.

"You're not too bad yourself Laxus," I answered, being completely honest. I wonder if he's dating anyone…

"So, do you still think I'm irresistible?" he wiggled his eyebrows.

"As long as you keep wearing those muscle tight shirts, you're sexy in my eyes," I flirted, before grabbing my bag and walking to English class. I sat in the back with this kid named Gray, who apparently had a stripping habit.

"Hey, Lucy I need to tell you something. Laxus, he may seem nice, but there's a reason why he sits with all of those other people. Laxus has dated many people before, he's even dated Lisanna. He's known school-wide for all of his break-ups. He toys with people's hearts than breaks them. Just be careful who you're talking to, 'kay?" I did listen to his words, but I don't think Laxus is that kind of guy, even though I've just met him. I nodded anyways. Whatever.

(Guys, I'm just warning you now, I'm not in high school. If what I'm doing is completely wrong, I'm sorry XD)

My next class was lunch. That's not really a class, but they called it that anyways. The lunch room was basically split into two. I decided not to sit with Laxus, but I went and sat at Natsu's table, next to Levy. Levy seemed really happy, which I don't know why. All I'm doing is sitting by her.

"So, Lu-chan, what do you have in your lunch?" she chirped at me. I slightly cringed at her nickname she gave me. I didn't know we were friends. She seemed nice enough.

"Just like a sandwich, and, chips. Was I supposed to have something else?" I deadpanned. Her bright brown eyes stared me down, and she suddenly went totally serious.

"Nope!" she answered, back to her normal self. I sweat dropped.

"Bipolar," I muttered.

"So, Lucy, what school did you go to before you came here? Most of us have been here all of our high school years," Mira asked me.

"I went to Phantom Lord High. But then it got shut down. So then I was enrolled in here," I answered. To be honest, I didn't really like my old high school. Too many people having the 'tough person' act.

"Oh, Juvia has never seen you there. Juvia asks if you ever knew Gajeel?" I saw some annoyed faces on Natsu and Gray. I guess they didn't like Phantom Lord. Fairy Tail had been there worst enemies.

"That annoying pierced-faced bastard? I knew him, we didn't like each other. Now it's just so great he came to Fairy Tail," sarcasm showed in my voice. Juvia nodded in understanding. I guess she shared her feelings with Gajeel the same way.

"He isn't all that bad, is he?" Levy was blushing as she whispered.

"Oh my god! You like Gajeel! Don't you!" I shouted. This made Levy shrink down and blush even harder. Gajeel looked over from his table, and I waved to him.

"Um, lunch is basically over guys," Natsu put in, completely oblivious to what was going on. I guess he was the dense type. That could be fun.

After that, I zoned out, but I realized Laxus was in my chemistry class. Sadly, we're in assigned seats, so there was no point in trying to talk to him.

I walked home, and the sun became even more scorching during the day. It bugged me to see all the rich people ride home in their limousines and such. Though, I had no place to talk, I was rich too. Of course, they probably had parents who didn't hate them.

When I was home to my mansion, I found that all of the lights were off, and there were bottles of sake on the floor. My dear old father found himself a drinking habit a couple months ago.

One month after school started, I actually had found myself some friends. I also couldn't get my mind off of Laxus. There was so much more to him than his over hair sprayed hair. A little bit of me worried that he would be just like what Gray said, but that always stayed at the back of my mind.

My father, on the other hand, didn't get better. Not that he was sick or something like that, but he just kept getting more physical.

I was walking to school today, and I wore a hooded black sweatshirt and black leggings. But I didn't let him get me down, because I decided today was the day I confess to Laxus. My golden locks swayed in the wind, and my chocolate eyes were bright. I had really opened up to Laxus. He was such a great guy.

Realizing I forgot to bring a pencil, I ran over towards my locker, which I don't go to often, I just keep stuff that I may forget in there. Slowing down to turn the corner, I gasped when I looked.


Yes, Minerva.

Was kissing.

Yes, kissing.


I almost started crying. Gray was right. Laxus just manipulated you. Then he backstabbed you. It was just like anyone I've ever met. Including my mother. She always said how much she loved me, and would never leave me. She left me. I was left alone, in a world of hate. Instead of ruining Minerva's and Laxus's moment, I ran away to my home room. It was a dumb choice yes, but my feet just took me there.

"What's wrong, Lu-chan?" my bangs swayed in front of my eyes as I walked towards the back of the room. People whispered, staring at me. I let myself be tricked, again. When Laxus walked in with Minerva, she smirked at my depressed face. No…

When Laxus sat down, I stood up. Suddenly, I laughed. I don't know why. A crazed look appeared on my face. Walking over to him, Laxus was confused. No, he was acting confused.

"Um, what's wrong Lucy?"

I raised my hand, and slapped him across the face. He looked shocked, and I was too. I was mad.

"Ne, Sparky. Do you know why I wear these thick clothes in such hot weather?" I cocked my head at him. He shook his head, then I pulled up one of my sleeves. Minerva's smirk was wiped right off her face as she saw the marks on my arm. It was dried, crusty blood, some fresh marks too. When Gildarts walked in, I pulled my sleeve down and sat down by Levy.

"Lu-chan," she whispered. Her desperate look to me of trying anything to help. I didn't need help before, why would I need help now? They don't really get it, do they? The world was still going to on like usual.

"Okay, you guys can go to your next class," Gildarts dismissed us, and I walked silently to English. When I reached the door, I went to go sit down by Gray. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he kept his mouth shut. That was a good choice on his part.

At lunch, I sat next to Levy and Mira, like usual. The world went on. Until I felt someone tap on my shoulder, I turned around, and saw Laxus. I turned back around.

"Look, Lucy," he seemed lost.

"I have no words to give you, Laxus. It'd be best if you would just leave," my voice was cold and harsh, unlike anything I've heard before.

{Laxus POV}

I felt so bad. The only reason I kissed Minerva was because she said she wanted to break someone. I didn't realize it was Lucy. I had no idea what to say to her, she must be going through so much.

"Look, Lucy," I tried to think of something to say, just something, so she wouldn't hate me so much.

"I have no words to give you, Laxus. It'd be best if you would just leave," her voice and words were harsh. Gray and Natsu glared at me, which made me feel even more at a loss. So I grabbed Lucy and turned her to face me.

"Lucy, I am so sorry for what happened. I don't want to hurt you," I couldn't grasp the right words, they came out so bad.

"How will I know you won't backstab me again, like everyone else?" she stared straight into my eyes, I cringed seeing her so broken.

"Because of this," I brought my lips to hers. Her eyes widened, and right at that moment, I didn't care what anyone thought. I just wanted Lucy to love me. That could sound selfish, but I didn't want to see her broken ever again.

When our lips broke apart, and I saw her crying.

"But, how will I know? Just kissing me won't fix anything, Laxus!" she was fighting herself. I could tell as she ran away. And she was right. She was so right.

"Lucy!" I called as I ran after her. Why was I so stupid?

{Lucy POV}

Laxus is just lying, right? He'll just backstab me again. He's just toying with me. Why can't he just leave me alone? My feet ran me up the stairs to the roof. I heard my name being called, but I ignored it, and hid behind the small building that led to the stairs. I brought my knees up to my chest, and wrapped my arms around them. Then, I cried my eyes out. I was right. The world would go on. But why was mine crashing down on me?

{Laxus POV}

I was running around the school like a maniac, calling out to Lucy. After what seemed like hours of searching, I looked to the stairs to the roof. She wouldn't try, would she? I had to look up there. I raced up, and looked around, but didn't see her. I sighed.

"Lucy, wherever you are, I'm sorry. That kiss meant nothing. Minerva said she wanted to make someone jealous. I may be realizing this right now, but I love you. And I'll do anything for you to love me," turning the door handle to go back downstairs, I heard a small voice.

"Really? Y-You really mean that?" it was Lucy. I slammed the door shut and ran around to the back of the small building.

Her eyes were red and puffy. Her mascara had fallen off, showing black streaks on her face. She was absolutely beautiful.

"Of course I do," I pulled Lucy up and hugged her. She buried her head into my chest.

"Even though my father is a freak?" she pulled her head away and stared at me. I smiled.

{Lucy POV}

He cared. He really cared about me.

"Of course. I don't care if you murdered someone. I love you," his voice was honest. His smile was honest.

"Well, then I'll go home happy tonight then, Laxus," those words came out wrong. I sounded so stupid. I mentally face palmed.

"Lucy, I would never let you go back to that hell-hole of a home. I'm going to call the police," I panicked.

"No, Laxus! If you call the police, he'll find me. He'll hurt me," I whimpered, but Laxus took out his phone anyways.

"I won't let anyone touch you," he growled. It wasn't in a mean way, but more in a protective way. I believed him too. The rest of the story is more of a blur.

Laxus called, and the police showed up at our school, to pick us up or something. People stared, but we walked side by side in the car, and we were driven to the police station. We were both interviewed, which I didn't mind, but they were annoying. After that I was sent to the hospital, and it turns out most of the cuts were infected. So I had both my arms and legs wrapped in bandages. Laxus and I skipped a few days of school. My dear old father was sentenced to six years in prison.

That wasn't why I was happy though. I got to live with Laxus, because it turns out, his grandpa is the principal of the school. I was given the guest room next to Laxus. When I was unpacking, I found the keys my mom had given me. I smiled. My mom really did love me. It's not her fault she died. I clipped the keys on my belt. It was like they were meant to be there.

My mother used to tell me stories about how the keys were passed down for generations, and they contained magic. I didn't believe the magic part, but I still treasured them.

Long story short, Laxus and I started dating. It was kind of weird since he was still friends with Minerva, but if that's what he's into, then good for him.

You could say I got a happy ending, which I did. Just like any other fairy tale.

Yay! I thought the ending sucked, but I had fun! Onto the next one! But before that, I need to talk XD I have otaku problems. Seriously, my friend watches an anime intro, there was someone with a bikini on for like two seconds, and she just stared at me. It's like, I DARE you to watch an ecchi anime. They are friggin amazing, but she would just die. Anyone else have these problems XD? Anyways, thx for reading all of you guys! I appreciate it!
