Hey babes! Here's the next installment for Skyeward Week. Prompt: Noted.

Hope you enjoy!

He leaves her the first post-it note on her computer screen on her first day of work at the ad agency.
Welcome to the company. Ever have any questions, come find me. –GW
It makes her smile.

She leaves him his first post-it note in his notebook after his presentation.
Great presentation today. By the way, you look great in a suit. ;)
It makes him blush.

He gives her another post-it note when she gets her first big project.
Good luck with your project. Though I'm sure you don't need any luck. :)
She looks over at his cubicle and smiles.

She gives him another note in reply to his.
Thanks. :)

He asks her out on a post-it note that he leaves on her iPad case.
Would you like to go out sometime?
She wants to shout with joy but she's still in the office.

She slaps a post-it note on the inside wall of his cubicle on her way out for the night.
I'd love to. Dinner, Friday, 6:30 at Paulo's.
He smiles at her as she walks out of the office door.

Luckily they don't need to use post-its to communicate with each other during dinner.

After a couple of dates he leaves a post-it on her keyboard.
Are you my girlfriend now? Just curious. Don't think we ever talked about it.

She delivers a post-it to him almost immediately.
Yes I am, boyfriend. ;)
He smiles brighter than he ever has.

They date for a few months.

They leave the occasional note for each other in the office.

She leaves one on his lunch in the break room fridge.
You look very handsome today. :)

He leaves one in the bowl of Skittles she keeps hidden in her desk drawer.
You should wear that dress more often. ;)

They say their first 'I love you' with post-its too.

He passes her a post-it while they're having their weekly movie night at her apartment.
Hey. I love you.

She picks up a pen and a post-it from her end table. She scribbles something and then hands it to him with a smile.
Hey. I love you too.

The rest of the movie proceeds to be background noise.

His least favorite post-it shows up a few weeks later while he's in the middle of working on a big project. It's delivered by her best friend.
There's been an accident.

She's in a coma for almost two months. Which means he gets no new post-its from her.

He stops into the hospital every morning before work, leaving her a new post-it, just in case.

Hey. I love you.

You still look beautiful.

I miss your kisses…and your post-its.

She finally wakes up to a vast array of post-it notes hung all over her hospital room. She smiles as she tries to read each and every one from her bed.

She calls her best friend to deliver a special post-it for her.
Hey. I love you too. And I'm awake now.

She doesn't come back to work for a few weeks. So she can fully recover.

That doesn't stop him from slipping post-its underneath her apartment door every other morning.

Hope you have a good day. :)

Text me when you get this.

Hey. I love you.

When she does come back to work, they keep giving each other post-its. More frequently too.

If anyone at the office notices the many post-its stuck around the office building, no one says anything.

Three months after her accident, she wakes up to find a post-it note sticking to her forehead.
Sorry about the forehead. Come onto the deck when you wake up.

When she gets out onto the deck just off of the kitchen, she sees him standing there. He has a giant board in his arms, post-it notes covering the front of it.
Hey. I love you. Will you marry me?
He has a smile on his face.

Smiling back at him, she reaches forward, pulling an empty post-it note off of the bottom right corner. She grabs the marker sitting on the table next to him, scribbles on the post-it and then holds it up.

She's half tempted to tell everyone they know through the use of post-it notes.

He manages to convince her that they should tell everyone in person.

But they each end up posting a picture of a post-it note online anyways.
We're getting married.

She avoids the use of post-its during all the planning, realizing that a notebook would be a much better tool than thousands of post-its scattered around her apartment.

Though she does eventually find one post-it note stuck to the headboard of her bed when she's getting ready to go to sleep the night before the wedding.
Don't stress out tomorrow. Everything's going to be perfect. :)
She falls asleep with a smile on her face.

Right before the wedding, he has his Best Man deliver a special post-it note.
Hey. I love you. I can't wait to marry you. :)

She has the Best Man deliver another post-it note.
Hey. I love you too. I can't wait to marry you either. :)

They both end up writing their vows on post-it notes. They both chuckle a little when they realize that. No one else really understands it. Except for the Best Man and the Maid of Honor.

The first morning of their honeymoon, she wakes up alone. She finds a post-it note sitting on the bedside table.
Good morning, Mrs. Ward. Went to get us breakfast.
She smiles and heads for the shower, leaving a post-it just in case.
Come join me if you're back before I'm done. ;)

Post-its immediately become a staple in the Ward household. They use post its for just about everything.

They use them to write memos for themselves.
Drop off Goodwill donations on way to work.
Pick up suit from dry cleaners.

They use them as reminders for each other.
Remember to call your parents for their anniversary.
Don't forget to pick up the present for your niece.

They use them as notes of encouragement for each other.
Don't stress about your meeting. It'll be fine.
Good luck with your presentation today. You'll do great. :)

They use the post-its for everything.

And when they eventually have kids, their kids grow accustomed to the use of post-it notes as well.

So? What did you think? Did you enjoy? Let me know your thoughts in a review down below! Thanks!

Until next time,
Jellybean96 out!