Chapter Twenty-Four: Follow Me Down

We can run away, get away from it all and disappear from our problems.

This was me, once upon a time; troubled by nothing more than my own satisfaction.

But for all I am, hardened by life and pain, missing breasts I once treasured - now replaced with silicone packing and tattooed nipples in the shape of stars and feathers - I'm sweetened and softened by his constant presence in my life.

The way we make love is different, though equally beautiful to its former violent passion. Like me, like my body and cells, Edward and I have evolved at a molecular level. The ups and downs of life give and take from our constitution, but nevertheless continue in growth.

Edward is above me in our bed, following me down into the cotton fields-worth of blankets and running away with me into bliss. We set each other free as sparrows on the prairie, and I sing high and pure for him and him alone as his body fills me and holds me tight.

I was a writer once, I was a confused girl once; I was a mess once. Now? Now I am still writer, and now wife, lover, mother, grandmother to a two-month-old infant girl named Lark; ass-kicker of cancer.

"You're the love I've always known was waiting for me, Lass," Edward whispers - moans - before he comes undone between my thighs.

We're wrinkles and gray hair between ginger and chocolate; we're aged in wisdom and experience. And we hold each other tighter and tighter still, ruling our world as creatures of habitual love.

And my evolution has peaked.



Well, there you have it.

Thank you for those who've read and commented, and shared in mine and Bella's journey.

Thank you for the love.


Quinn. Madi.