AN: Hey everyone, this the Spartan of Chaos here bringing you a crossover story that hasn't been done in a while. Naruto and Ultimate Marvel.

This story takes place in the new relaunched Ultimate universe, after the Death of Spiderman. While on the Naruto side of things, it takes place during Naruto's battle with Tobi, just when he's about to destroy his mask. Naruto and his allies' presence will change Ultimate Marvel Universe as we know it. So I hope you'll all enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Ultimate Marvel, both these franchises are owned by their respective creators.

That Uzumaki brat...he is really pushing me this far isn't he..." muttered Tobi as he finished exchanging blows with the quad consisting of Guy, Kakashi, Naruto, and Killer Bee.

"HAHA! Kakashi! You have really brought up quite the youthful one!" exclaimed Guy as he referred to Naruto.

Yes, from the very beginning Naruto was nobody but a demon in the villager's eyes back home, but despite that he continued on self-proclaiming that one day he would become the Hokage and earn everyone's acknowledge and respect. He has learned many things on his path in becoming a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village and made many friends he would ever hope to actually make. Naruto was indeed, a splendid ninja...

The only thing between him and the hope of peace to the shinobi world was now the masked man before them and victory was the only option Naruto had in mind.

"Alright! Let's go Kurama!" as Naruto flared his Bijuu mode once more and charged towards Tobi with the rest of his comrades not too far from behind.

"Kage Bushin no Jutsu!" Naruto yelled his favorite technique leaving the clone behind with Kakashi as they devised a plan earlier.

"With my Six Paths disabled, things won't look good for me," thought Tobi as he dodged and kicked away Naruto who generated a Kyuubi Arm planning to crush him. The onslaught of attacks didn't end there are Tobi now faced Guy who used his superb Taijutsu skills that even a Sharingan would have trouble keeping up to as Tobi simply let all the powerful kicks and punches slip through him as he used Kamui.

A fair distance away, Bee charged at the Gedo Mazo in his full Bijuu form while it was still prone giving it a powerful uppercut sending flying then falling with an earth-shaking crash.

"Tch..." Tobi frowned as he knew his trump card would be getting weaker if this assault continued. He quickly reached into his Kamui realm where he spat out giant chakra Rods in which he pinned down Killer Bee by shooting them through his tails suppressing his chakra.

He knew what had to be done.

'It's probably best if I began the ritual as soon as possible,' he thought while repelling Guy with his Battle Fan creating a wall of air that encircled him.

"What's this?" Tobi questioned as he felt a huge spike of chakra nearby as it belonged to Naruto who was almost completely charging a Bijuu-Dama.

"Take this you bastard!" Naruto shouted as he launched the huge mass of chakra at Tobi.

'Feh... No matter what you do, nothing will change' Tobi mocked inwardly as he simply slipped into his Kamui realm letting the Bijuu-Dama engulf him safely passing through as it exploded. His tone was about to change however as he saw Naruto in front of him, holding a mini Bijuu-Dama in his hands.

"What?! How?!" Tobi wondered in alarm as he knew he was completely defenseless now the secret of his technique has been revealed. ' sly sent his Kage Bushin into the Kamui realm didn't you?' Tobi contemplated as he prepared himself for the worst.

'No dodging this!' Naruto thought as he made his quick descent to Tobi who was in midair unable to defend himself. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Naruto yelled as he planned to slam the ball of chakra in his face but miscalculated his trajectory, so instead he hit his chest dead on.

The ball exploded.

Pain wracked Tobi everywhere.

Quickly as he came, he was sent flying back into the real world where he landed harshly on a boulder with his mask heavily damaged but still intact much to Naruto's displeasure as he could only get to see his forehead now.

Tobi however looked worse for wear as his entire mid-section sustained critical damage with his robe torn off revealing his scarred but well defined chest area. If it weren't for his durability and regeneration, he would've most certainly died on the spot.

"Damn you Kakashi..." Tobi cursed as he gasped for air for his breathing got more erratic.

"Good job Kakashi, Naruto!" Guy cheered.

"You guys did a good job," Gyuuki praised from within Bee's subconscious as they were still pinned down by the chakra rods.

'Ha! We sure showed himself right Kurama!?' Naruto said in his subconscious to his new partner.

Kurama smirked.

"No can't..end like this.." Tobi said as he teleported him prone body to the Gedo Mazo.

"What is he possibly planning now!?" thought Kakashi as he gave chase to the now weakened enemy.

' mustn't end here...' Tobi thought slowly rising to his feet. 'I swore I would create a new world... One with love and no hatred... Where peace reigned true... This world has no value,' he thought as he connected himself to the Gedo Mazo with a probe boosting his chakra levels and regeneration making a medium paced recovery.

'As long she is dead, this world isn't worth existing... Rin...' Tobi thought sadly.

His brows furrowed as he gazed at the heroes with pure hatred. They will not stand in his way for his dreams he thought as he forms a Half ram sign with left hand drawing in much chakra from the Gedo Mazo.

'Infinite Tsukuyomi must be achieved...', Tobi quickly thought to himself.

"KAMUI!" as Tobi stared at group quickly advancing towards him at an alarming rate.

'What's this!? Is he planning to send us into THAT dimension!? I can't stop this technique, it's pulling us in!' panicked Kakashi as he tried his best to hold onto the nearest surrounding but to no avail failed anyways.

'Bakayarô konoyarô, this fool be trippin and I be flippin!' Thought Killer Bee as he in his Bijuu form was slowly getting sucked into the Kamui despite being pinned down.

''Urghh.." Naruto grunted trying his best not to get sucked in.

"I WILL DROWN THIS WORLD INTO DESPAIR!" yelled Tobi as the group slowly started disappearing. "See you later Naruto Uzumaki, the child of prophecy..." Tobi mocked his as his final worlds were heard by Naruto who was slowly losing consciousness by every passing second until...everything went black.

They were all gone...

Tobi and the Gedo Mazo was all that was left as peace and quiet was all that was heard around along with the crumbling of rocks that littered the empty plain. With slight exhaustion, Tobi fell down onto one knee.

"It's over," said Tobi as he reached for his mask before taking it off. "I win.." Smiled the familiar face of Obito Uchiha as he sighed in victory thinking the heroes were trapped in his Kamui realm."

Victory was finally in his grasp...

...Or so he thought.

Naruto had crappier days but this by far topped it all off as he was abruptly awaken by loud explosions that shook the ground every so often. Naruto slowly opened his eyes quickly trying to adjust to the sunlight only to see Kakashi, Guy, and Bee nearby wide awake and alert staring off into the distance.

"Ugh...this floor is uncomfortable," Naruto squirmed as he quickly realized they were all in some city. However, Naruto, grateful to be alive, felt something was off. This didn't feel like home to him. The designs of the buildings looked foreign, but much more advanced than any of the ninja villages. Shaking his head awakening him from his dazed state, Naruto turns his attention to his superiors.

"Oi, Kakashi Sensei, where are we exactly?" asked Naruto but was quickly confused when all Kakashi did was was point out into the horizon.

Following where his fingers pointed, Naruto turned his attention out to the horizon as well only to let his mouth drop in pure bewilderment.

Giants. Simply gigantic mechanical humanoids that roamed the area. "NANIIIIIIIIIII!?" Naruto quickly exclaimed unable to hold in his surprise. 'Honestly. Out of all the things you have seen so far, whether it be giant animals or talking ninja ostriches, this topped the cake?' Kakashi slightly sweat dropping upon his reaction. Deciding to calm him down, Kakashi got up and walked over to Naruto and firmly gripped his shoulder.

"I see you're finally awake eh Naruto? We were beginning to worry how long you would've been out otherwise I'd let Guy carry you," Kakashi said jokingly.

"But my eternal rival! No challenge is ever too great for me when it comes to strength!", As Guy replied with his over enthusiastic attitude as kakashi cringed as he remembered that one trip back from Sunagakure after the Kazekage rescue mission. 'Ughhh', Kakashi shivered . Some things are best left forgotten as Kakashi snapped out of his delusion and turned his attention to the group.

"Aren't we supposed to be in his dimension? Are we under a Genjustu?" Questioned Naruto as he remembered what it actually looked like in there.

"I thought so too at first but as of now it seems very unlikely," replied Kakashi as he turned to the rest of the group.

"Now that Naruto is awake, we should probably get going and cover some ground in making sure that this place isn't deserted," Kakashi explained.

Before they could set off, Naruto's eyes widened as a large metallic object was thrown in his direction.

"Kuso!" Naruto shouted as he and the others evaded the strange object.

Rogue hadn't had time to alter her battle plan. She didn't mean to throw that at the blonde haired boy; in fact she wasn't really sure how he got there. He and his other comrades had just appeared in the center of the havoc she had caused. She had been ordered to do it though; he said that it was imperative that she got the Sentinels attention. The local Mutant Response Division couldn't touch her; their bullets couldn't even hurt her. Before the jeep had crushed him, Rogue had noticed that the boy had spoken something in Japanese. She knew the language because of the knowledge she had absorbed from Wolverine.

"Logan," Rogue thought.

She remembered all those that had been lost. Cain Marko and Kurt Wagner, her old Weapon X partners, the X-men were no more. Professor Xavier was dead along with half of his students. The argument of whether mutants could co-exist with humans was effectively over. There was no one left to carry on Xavier's dream. Scott Summers had been assassinated the day he effectively threw Xavier's dream to the wolves and Jean Grey considered herself dead, now going by the moniker Karen Grant. Kitty had disappeared, mainly because of the death of the boy she loved. Spider-man was dead and the whole world seemed to have descended deeper into madness because of it. His death only succeeded in making things worse.

In America it is now legal to shoot someone dead. Simply have evidence of them being a mutant and you can kill them without legal ramifications. For all America's talk of freedom, democracy and human rights it had essentially dehumanized a genetic group. Worst of all mutants across the world are now thought to be the property and responsibility of America, because American scientists essentially created the mutant gene. Mutants like Kitty Pryde once lived with the hope that the normal baseline humans only hated her because they were jealous, that she was the next step in human evolution. But now she discovers that mutants are not evolution, they are an experiment gone wrong and the humans are ashamed of that mistake. The argument Johnny and Bobby are having seemed like a blur to her now. She looks at the scene taking place with conflicted feelings. A part of her doesn't want to get involved; another part feels that she is insulting Peter Parker's memory with inaction.

'We mustn't get involved,' she thought.

"Hey, that kid just crawled out from underneath the jeep, and he doesn't have a scratch on him," Bobby said, pointing at his Ipad in shock.

Kitty refocused her attention on the screen. The four new arrivals both wore the same kind of shoes, and they all looked equally strange. Apart from the whisker marks the boy looks relatively normal, wearing orange and black clothes. Though Kitty found it strange for him to be wearing a headband. The second one was a man clad in blue with a dark green flak jacket and a mask that obscured his face from the rest of the world. Interestingly enough, this man had silver hair which was pretty common among most superheroes and he didn't appear to be old. What stuck out the most was his mismatched pair of eyes in which his left had a blood red color while his right were simply black. The third man looked a bit ridiculous.A shiny bowl haircut that reflected a lot of light, a green yet hideous jump suit not even the most sane person would wear, orange leg warmers, and a green flak jacket. The most noticeable yet unwanted feature was his huge fuzzy eyebrows. Kitty couldn't help but the shake the fact that the man looked a bit like Bruce Lee. The last looked African American in appearance, he wore a white flak jacket that had one strap that went over the shoulder, slicked back blonde hair, shades, and an oversized sword wrapped in bandages being hauled on his back.

"Things are getting bad, someone should…"

"Stop right there Johnny," Kitty said.

"What, I'm just saying someone should…"

"Do something? Yes they should, but not us, you and Bobby both know the arrangement, we stay in the tunnels and only go up once a day for supply runs, we keep our heads down, don't use our powers, don't pretend to be super heroes and stay out of trouble, but more importantly stay alive. And if you forget why we do that then we can visit Peter's grave tomorrow!" Kitty explained, turning her back to the two boys.

"Kitty wait, there's something you need to see," Bobby said, giving her the Ipad.

Kitty narrowed her eyes at the screen, her teeth gritting together with a mix of anger and hesitation. She sees Rogue, a girl she's never really trusted or liked. The brown haired, white streaked girl is fighting MRD forces and quickly getting overrun by sentinels. Kitty slaps her forehead, throwing the pad to the floor as she reaches for her Shroud cloak.

"We get in fast and get her out of there, enough of us have died!" she said, covering her face with the hood and mask.

Bobby and Johnny both smile as they power up. Crystallized ice replaced Bobby's skin while Johnny's body burst into flames. Kitty shook her head at their eagerness, the more things changed the more they seemed to stay the same, at least in some way.

The shinobis carefully observed the brown haired girl, noticing the white streak in her hair. But above all they noticed her remarkable strength. Kakashi's Sharingan eye saw no kind of Chakra reaction from her and she wasn't using Jutsus. The men chasing her used strange machinery that darted across the road. Their weapons were useless against the girl's enhanced skin. Kakashi had heard of firearms, but these rifles seemed to be much more advanced than any the samurai would use.

"Move in, secure the mutant!"

"Kakashi my eternal rival! We should aid that girl in need!" Guy youthfully exclaimed.

"So much for keeping a low profile...let's go!"

The shinobis disappeared in a blur and in a matter of seconds the soldiers were lying on the ground beaten and groaning in pain. Rogue couldn't believe what she was seeing. These four strangers managed to defeat these highly trained men so easily.

Who the hell are you people!?" Rogue demanded.

"Me? Oh, no one of interest hopefully," Kakashi replied.

"Answer me!"

Kakashi sighed and gave his trademark eye smile, "Kakashi Hatake. How may I be of assistance?"

"I am Konoha's beautiful Green Beast, Might Guy!" Guy grinned with his good guy pose.

"I'm Lord Eight Tails, Killer B! Ya fool!"

"Naruto Uzumaki! At your service!" Naruto declared with a toothy grin.

Before Rogue could question them any further, she stopped in her tracks, frozen in fear as she looked up into the sky. The shinobis looked up as well, seeing four figures floating in the air. They were people in strange white and pink armor. The shinobis had no idea what they were, but they were generating pink electricity and they had the brown haired girl shaking. The four armored people landed on the ground, surrounding the five of them.

"Mutant identified: Marian Carlyle, Mutant gene detected: identity unknown, surrender now or we will be forced to engage physically."

Naruto had no idea what was going on, but these strange people were focused on the girl. He gripped his trench knife and headband, moving just as the armored men did. Suddenly the armored men stopped and everyone focused their attention on three more new arrivals.

"Trust me dude, as someone who's dated her that's really not a good idea!"

They were both equally as strange as the armored people. One was a girl wearing black fabric across her face and arms, her whole body covered by a red shroud. The other two were both, to put it simply men of fire and ice respectively.

"Stop bragging," the Human torch said.

"Told you she was hot," Iceman grinned.

"Rogue, are you all right?" The Shroud asked.

Naruto had no idea what they were saying. What he did know was this; he, Octopops, Kakashi Sensei, and Bushy brows Sensei had been dropped in a world of pure chaos, filled with strange concepts and even stranger technology. But more importantly, right now Naruto knew that someone was threatening someone that he just saved and he wouldn't let them get away with it. Crossing his fingers together into a familiar hand sign, Naruto prepared to fight.

"Taju Kage Bushin no Jutsu!"

The area was suddenly covered in smoke and the smoke quickly passed to reveal hundreds of clones of Naruto. Kitty widened her eyes at the sight while the two boys beside her whistled.

"Impressive show whiskers, but can you do this?" Bobby asked as he changed his hands into gigantic ice knives.

"Mutant targets confirmed Robert Drake, Katherine Pryde, surrender or…"


Naruto and four his clones suddenly slammed an improved version of the Rasengan into the back of the Nimrod. Rogue gasped as the Rasengan's Chakra pelted through the sentinel's barriers. The attack struck the Nimrod's armour, creating a dent and throwing the Sentinel forwards. Naruto and his clones ran at the other Nimrod, which quickly turned to face them.

"Mutant gene not detected, hostile behavior still shown, engaging defensive measures," the Sentinel said, the flaps on its chest opening.

The Sentinel raised its arms, firing a multitude of energy blasts. Naruto ran as fast as he could, jumping to avoid the blasts that killed his clones. He got four more of his clones to gather and sent the others after the Nimrod. Holding his hand out, Naruto began gathering Chakra, while his clones swirled the Chakra around and poured the wind element into its center. The rest of the clones attacked the Nimrod, which was quickly joined by its damaged friend.

"Tailed beast transformation: version 2" "WHEEEE!"

The three superhumans were shocked as they witnessed a strange red energy envelope Bee that suddenly exploded outward. they just couldn't believe what they saw.

A blood red colored beast of some sort soared through the air. The very presence of this newfound energy felt very monstrous, Its most distinctive feature however were its eight tails that flailed wildly in the air as the demonic like creature ripped through one of the Sentinels attacking Naruto destroying through it's barrier and successfully decapitated it.

"Fifth gate of Joy: Release!" Guy yelled as a green mysterious Aura exploded outward from his body. The next thing you know, he simply just disappeared.

'Where did he go?' thought Kitty but was soon taken away from her thoughts when...

"Dynamic Entry!"

Quickly, Kitty turned her attention back to the Sentinels with one now sprawled on the floor motionless from what looks like the mysterious man just gave the Sentinel a devastating flying kick to the back of the neck efficiently destroying it.

We're not letting them have all the fun are we?" Bobby asked.

"Definitely not," Johnny grinned.

"Wait you two, leave the machines to me," Kitty said.

"Kitty wait," Rogue's warning came too late as one of the Sentinel's barriers knocked Kitty back.

Kitty got off the floor, wiping the dust off her shroud.

"That's weird, that's not usually the reaction machines get around me," Kitty said.

"Maybe they've learned from past mistakes."

Kitty looked to her side, seeing the white haired man standing beside her. She stepped back in shock as electricity surrounded his hand.


A loud electric chirping sound was heard as one of Sentinels collapsed in a heap with a large hole in it's chest. Standing on the downed Sentinel was none other than Kakashi who still had his hand lightly bright of blue cackling lighting.

"I don't know who you or your friends are but we don't have time for this, we need to retreat right now," Kitty said.

"Why is that? We seem to be handling ourselves very well here," Kakashi replied.

"Nice one dude, now it's time for me to cut these Sentinels up," Iceman grinned as he slid towards the Nimrods.

"Give me the sexy Tricia Helfer Cylons and I'll be happy," Johnny said.

Iceman slid down his ice slide, brandishing his transformed arms. He flew straight towards one of the Nimrods, intending to cut the machine apart. But suddenly and unceremoniously the sentinel clotheslined Bobby, taking off his right hand. The hit knocked Bobby off his slide and straight into Johnny's arms.

"This must be a really embarrassing moment for you," Johnny grinned.

"Get him out of here Johnny, meet up with us at the rendezvous point in twenty," Kitty said.

"Sorry, the what?" Johnny asked.

"Its on Bobby's phone," Kitty sighed as she turned to the remaining Sentinels.

Kakashi deflected several blasts with a kunai as he ran towards Rogue who was trying to defend herself. He grabbed her by the collar of her shirt, lifting her off the ground.

Damn it those idiots are going to get themselves killed," Kitty broke off into a run, intending to dive towards Kakashi and Rogue.

"Kitty wait," Johnny called to her, but his voice was a blur to Kitty.

She was inches from reaching Kakashi and Rogue when another Nimrod suddenly appeared over them.

"Lethal force authorized," the sentinel said as it opened a hatch on its chest.

"ROGUE GET OUT OF THERE!" Bobby yelled.


Kakashi grabbed both Kitty and Rogue, jumping as far as he could. Kitty caught a glimpse of the blonde haired boy in midair. He threw a spiralling shuriken at the sentinel, hitting it head on. Much to the collective shock of the former X-men, the exploding shuriken tore through the machine's armor. Hundreds of Chakra blades cut apart the sentinel as the resulting explosion of the Jutsu threw Naruto and the other sentinel back. Naruto landed in the arms of Kitty, who immediately phased into the ground. She phased straight into a subway car, hitting the wall with her passengers.

"Your all lucky I've got layers on," Kitty groaned.

Naruto's eyes swirled as he lied in a heap at the hooded girls feet.

A few moments later they exited the subway station and with Kitty's help managed to reach the rooftop where they were meeting the Human Torch, Iceman, Guy, and Bee. Bobby was pouring water onto his stump, using it to regenerate his lost arm. Johnny was still in his fiery form, floating centimeters away from the ground. Rogue leaned against the side of the building, while Kitty removed her mask and hood.

"Now that we're safe I've only got one thing to ask you Rogue, what the hell were you thinking?" Kitty asked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get anyone hurt," Rogue said.

"Wait, you mean you caused that riot?" Naruto asked, stepping in between the group.

The other shinobis stood to the side, as they watched the confrontation. Kitty told Naruto about everything the news had told them. Rogue had suddenly attacked the authorities and attracted the attention of the Sentinels, mutant-hunting robots.

"I had to get their attention," Rogue said.

"Get their…ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I don't know if you noticed this but when we get their attention they shoot as us!"

"That wasn't a very smart plan," Kakashi said, adding his own opinion to the matter.

"Shoot at you, you make it sound like you don't even need to attack them for them to shoot you," Naruto said, looking at Kitty.

"I did what I was told to do, I'm really sorry guys," Rogue kept her back to the group, unable to look at them.

"Who told you to do this? If I protected you I want to know why you started the fight in the first place?" Naruto asked.

"He told me to take the bus to New York…he told me they'd find me and that Kitty would rescue me," Rogue whispered.

"Who the hell told you to do this?" Kitty asked.

Rogue turned away from the building's edge and uttered one word that silenced the group.


The expressions on the group's faces were beyond shocked. Only Kakashi, Guy, and Bee remained composed.

"God told me that you'd save me Kitty, that you'd save all of us, this is all part of his plan," Rogue explained.

The group remained silent for a moment, but only a moment.

"Ha! Bobby dated a crazy chick," Johnny said.

Naruto turned to his sensei, giving him a look of uncertainty. Kakashi pondered for a moment and came up with one possible solution.

"It seems that his Kamui technique has sent us to another realm of existence altogether. A world brimmed with chaos."

Naruto rubbed his head slightly; the information he gained from Kitty and Rogue was nearly overwhelming. They weren't home anymore; they were in a world on a continent called America. It was a country that had recently taken responsibility for creating a race of supposedly evolved humans known as mutants. After a mutant tried to destroy the world, the American government passed a law that made it legal to shoot mutants on sight if they didn't conform to the demands of the authorities. Riots had been started and hundreds killed because of hate and fear.

"This place is a nightmare, but what's even worse is..." Naruto muttered as he turned to Kitty and her group. "The people that can do something about this don't, why?" Naruto moved forward, looking Kitty in the eyes. "Something's happening in front of you that's clearly wrong and you can do something about it, BUT WHY DON'T YOU!" Naruto yelled.

"BECAUSE WE'VE HAD TO BURY FRIENDS!" Kitty snapped, shocking Naruto slightly.

He overcame his shock and firmly gripped Kitty's arms.

"And instead of honoring those deaths you turn your back to those in need, you're a damn coward," Naruto said.

Kitty grit her teeth together before punching Naruto across the head. Johnny and Bobby backed away in fear, The other shinobis tensed up, ready to intervene if things got too out of hand. Kitty clicked her fists together, approaching Naruto's downed form.

I don't know how things work in your "world" but here its different, I'll give you a little taste of reality: people die and that's it, there's no distinction between good and evil here. People try to play hero and they get themselves killed, there's no version of these events were we get a happy ending, and don't you dare try to tell us otherwise, once you understand our loss then you'll know, the good and the heroic and brave, they are the first to die," Kitty explained, gripping the collar of Naruto's jacket.

"But, everything that's going on around here, its wrong, its just so wrong!" Naruto whispered.

Kitty lowered her head slightly, hearing the pain in Naruto's voice.

"It's the way our world has become and the only way we're going to survive is by keeping our heads down. The argument of whether we can coexist with others is over, both Xavier and Magneto failed," Kitty said.

"No one ever fails so long as there are people left to take on their dream," Naruto said.

"And how are we supposed to do that without getting ourselves killed?" Kitty asked, pushing Naruto to the ground.

"I don't know, but I'll figure something out," Naruto muttered.

Deciding it was time to go, Kakashi took control of the situation. "Hey, we should get moving. We're still not safe here," he said with Kitty nodding in approval.

"He's right, Lets just get out of here, wherever you guys are from your welcome to crash at our place, just until we've found a way to get all the crazy out of you five," Kitty sighed as she picked Naruto up off the floor.

"Crazy? We're not the ones dressed in a red cloak and mask," Naruto's quip was answered with another punch from Kitty.

Okay, I think I should stop here. I Hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter and before you guys ask, the Shinobis will encounter the Ultimates at some point. I assure you, it will be one hell of a fight.

So anyways, read and remember to read and review and PM me if you have any ideas to contribute.