Hey guys, I'm back. New Year, new me, brand new fanfiction. Even though lack of suggestions, my brain and body could not leave fanfiction alone. So I thought up this one. I really wanted a fiery, wilder Alicia. Not tied to too much, really free, but still attached to Peter(I kind of love to break his heart, He broke hers way too many times). So I thought of this, plus I needed some more Finn action, and you can't tell me that while the argument was going on you didn't wish that Will was alive to hear this and to maybe get second chance with his Alicia? Anyway, I talk too much. Enjoy!

Alicia walked into her new brickwalled office. She was exhausted from a day of court and dispositions. Unfortunately for her, she still had one more court date to keep in a little while. But that wasn't for another thirty minutes, she would take this time to rest and drink some much needed coffee. And luckily for Alicia, her office did not have a coffee machine and she will eventually have to walk a whole two blocks down the street to the vendor to get some.

"I'll just grab some on the way back to court,"Alicia thought as she began to rest her eyes for a bit. She had been up since three am going over files for the firm. Whether it was for her clients or how to get more clients and more money, it was still a lot of paper work. Just as she was about to pass out on her rolling computer chair, that felt just as comfortable as her king sized tempurpedic looked, Robin rushed in.

"Alicia! You're back! Great!"Robin said ecstatically, she was far too happy for someone who has been up since six. She will have to ask her later how much coffee she had and to slow down on it. Alicia jumped from the sudden burst of noise hitting her eardrum. Alicia grabbed her chest, fearful that her heart would very soon fall from its rightful place. Though she felt it had been gone for a very long time and would not be falling from her body anytime soon.

"Two things Robin."Alicia said after catching her breath. Robin stared at her intensly, wondering what in the world could be the thing that Alicia wanted to know. She hoped one of the things had to deal with food, pizza maybe, she hadn't eaten anything in hours.

"One, never come in my office yelling when I am sleep. And two, knock. I know that we don't actually have doors, but the wall will be good enough for me."Alicia started to straighten herself up, from the lack of sleep and the scare Robin just gave her, she looked very out of it and unlike herself. Robin frowned at Alicia's comment, not necessarily the context, just that she wasn't talking about food.

"Oh sorry Alicia. I had no idea that you were sleeping. I promise next time I will."Robin knocked on the only thing separating Alicia's "office" from the rest of the firm.

"Thank you Robin. Now what did you come in here for?"Alicia asked, too tired to even roll her eyes at Robin's playful knocking. Normally she would smile or giggle a bit, but with lack of sleep of coffee and wine, she just sees Robin as one of her kids annoying her while she is working.

"Oh yeah, I was just going to tell you about some dirt I got for court later. And that Diane called. She wants to meet with you tomorrow afternoon. Something about an intriguing business deal. Oh and that Lockhart Gardner has taken over as opposing counsel."Robin started to walk off as Alicia fell through the rabbit hole she calls her mind. She knew what Diane was calling about, something Carey and herself was talking about earlier. While they did what they hoped for, opening their own firm, it was not turning out the way they hoped for. They had no real office space and was really low on money. While they had their fair share of clients running to them, it wasn't enough to feel comfortable and not so underwater as they felt. But if they merged, with Diane's office space and money and their clients, both firms could be happy. They would also take over all of Chicago if they pleased. But Alicia still had some doubts about going back to the firm that fired her. To the man that…. And Carey definitely did not want to be "oppressed" as Carey liked to call it. Speaking of him.

"Robin!"Alicia got out of her chair and popped her head out of her office, in hopes that the younger blond had not gone far.

"Yes?"Robin turned around, removing her attention from one of the interns and lazy paperwork.

"Robin, you said Lockhart took over as opposing counsel?"

"Yes?"Robin said inquisitively. She wondered why Alicia had her recite what she had previously said to her. She was now sure that she was never even listening to her.

"Just Diane, or is…."Alicia still could not even say it. She knew it was childish of her to do that, but how could she help herself? His name meant so many things on her lips. Friend, confidante, companion, lover….

"No, it will be just Will. I hear it is his first case since coming back from the hospital."Robin gossiped, she knew of Alicia's relationship with him, but she did not completely understand what his name meant to her.

"I thought he was supposed to heal and be back in two more weeks. That was what the doctors said."Alicia regretted her remarks as soon as they left her lips. She had just told this gossiping young girl her secret.

No one else knew that Alicia went to see Will after he was shot. Hell, Will didn't even know that she had visited him while in the hospital. She made sure of it. She knew she shouldn't have seen him, she had a family for christ sakes. But Will Gardner will always be her best friend, even if he fires her from the only firm that would hire her at one point and tear her down to something she no longer recognize anymore. But whenever she needed him, really needed him, he was there. Which was way more than what her husband ever did for her. Now that she thinks of it, that is probably why the argument started.

Robin looked at Alicia as if she had two heads. How did she know what Will's treatment plan was? Robin thought for a second and then gave up.

"Well Will is at court…"Robin looked at her watch and then back at her older friend.

"Somewhere you should be as well by the looks of it."Robin responded.

"Oh crap!" Alicia stormed out of the office and out to her car. He always made her late.

Alicia arrived home late and even more tired than before. She had spent the last two hours arguing and fighting her urges. She was well past beat.

Alicia dropped her jacket and purse by the door, kicked off her hills and went straight to the wine. Without even grabbing a glass, Alicia went straight to drinking her favorite bottle of red wine. And with every sip brought a new memory of what had just happened.

For her client, everything went well. For her heart, it was a disaster. At first, she came in late, but since Carey was first chair, that didn't make a big difference. And then she saw him and all his beautiful glory. As she watched him talk and walk, with his arm brace, she couldn't help but be amazed. Just a month ago he was hanging by a thread. A gunshot to the chest and he survives, he should have died. And know he is walking in the same courtroom that a few weeks ago he was laying dieing in.

He was just so.. so Will. And so maybe she shot him googly eyes like a lovesick teen. Is it her fault that he was so, him? No, it wasn't. But she could not let her guard down, she had to fight. So fight she did. She argued her butt off and destroyed his witness. Ok so it wasn't fair to go so hard on him, especially so soon and where they were. But he had her heart, he would not have her courtroom.

She crushed him, but she was friendly and kind to him afterwards. She asked him to drinks, she was civil. But the face that he shot her after her proposition could have disintegrated her right there on the spot.

As Alicia remembered every little bit about court, another horrible memory invaded her mind. More or so a date.

It had been a whole month since she and Peter had "broken up". Well they pretty much have an open marriage, with the exception that they never see each other with the exception of matters concerning the kids. And when it comes to Governorship, he has to go through her secretary. So actually a faux marriage, only for show.

Now the only man that she could only image of taking advantage of this new found freedom with, utterly hates her.

"Aren't I just the best?"Alicia said before taking another swig of the wine. Then suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Alicia sighed at the thought of who it could be. Grace was at Peters and Zach was at college. She should not be receiving any type of visitors, unless it was her ever so annoying spontaneous brother Owen. But as she opened the door, she found the unwanted company refreshing, and then dreadful.

"Changed your mind on drinks."Alicia smiled as she waved a still clinched bottle in her hand. A very pissed off, possibly drunk Will stood at her door, not looking at all pleased with her presence.

So yeah, that's what I got so far. Why do you think Will looks pissed at Alicia? What do you think will happen next. I hope you liked it. Sidenote, I am looking for a BETA, will take anyone. Don't forget to review.