CH 1.

It was a nice and beautiful summer afternoon at the Uchiha Mansion, when Itachi, for once in his life was acting according to his age. Giving in to the laziness that the hot sun outside induced, the eleven-year-old was laying down flat on his stomach, his chin was resting on his folded arms on top of a pillow. He was enjoying reading an article about kunai in his favourite Ninja Magazine. Not far from him, just a few inches away, were a plate of three dango stick (originally six) and a half cup of tea.

It had been about ten minutes since he felt the piercing eyes at the back of his head. 'Ignore it and will go away.' He thought but who he was trying to lie to? He knew that 'it' wouldn't go away. Letting out an exasperating sigh, the raven haired boy spoke, "You can join me, if that's what you wish."

Before he even finished talking, he heard soft steps approaching him hurriedly. Another sigh escaped from the pre-teen's mouth. A moment later, Sasuke sat down in front of his elder brother and asked hesitantly, "Are you busy, Nii-san?"

"No, not really."

"What are you reading?"

"An article about kunai."

"Oh... is it something important?"

'There goes my peaceful afternoon.' Itachi thought grudgingly before closing the magazine. His Otouto was asking too much questions, although it wasn't an unusual thing for a six year old like him. However the Uchihas had never been normal kids. If an Uchiha child was asking irrelevant questions and his eyes were darting around as if hiding something, it meant that he didn't know how to say it.


The boy looked up to meet his elder brother's gaze at the mention of his name.

"You know that you can tell me anything, right?"

Sasuke looked away and asked, "What about questions? Can I ask you anything too?"

"Of course."

"And you will answer me?"

"Yes." Itachi answered his brother half-heartedly as he reached for his fourth serving of dango.

The younger brother was troubled. What will Nii-san think of me? Will he think that I'm just a little kid who knows nothing? He would feel embarrassed if Itachi did.

"You won't think bad about me, right?"

Itachi shook his head as he took a bite of his snack.

Sasuke took a few deep breaths before asking the question that he wanted to ask, "What is sex?"


Itachi's jaw almost dropped to the floor, his mouth was opening so wide that the round treat that he was eating went rolling off to the other side of the living room unnoticed. Itachi was a person of few words, but it was voluntary. But now he was simply speechless.


The future Uchiha leader managed to close his mouth at last. Where the hell did his innocent and sweet brother heard that word? Who was the one responsible corrupting his young mind with such grown up matter? For Sharingan sake, he himself was not comfortable with the subject, no matter how mature he was. This topic was, was... Itachi shivered at the thought of it. He wished he had never asked his older cousin, Shisui, 'where do babies come from' last year. He was not looking forward to have the talk with his father, as Shisue told him that there were much more details that he would rather not tell.

At least his question was more innocent than this. Just the term 'sex' gave him the creeps, why would a woman let a man... a chill ran down to his spine.



Itachi was brought back to reality by his younger brother's voice. He didn't have the guts to tell him the awful, awkward and absolutely nasty truth. "Oh... look at the time." he said as he rose to his feet.

"Wait, where're you going, Nii-san? You didn't answer my question." Sasuke trailed after his brother who was running away from him.

"I... I think I promised Shisui to help him with something." The older brother lied as he rushed towards the front door.

"You're lying! You said you'd be free today." Sasuke wouldn't buy the excuse at all. He was mad now.

"I just remember."

"But Nii-san, you told me you will answer my question." Sasuke almost cried when he watched Itachi putting on his shoes.

"Not this time, Otouto."

'Neither next time', Itachi added silently. Not even bothered to poke his younger brother's forehead as he usually did, Itachi was out of the door.

A soldier who flees would serve in another war.

"Nii-saaaan!" Sasuke cried out, but it fell to empty ears.


A/N: Hello, this was supost to be a one-shot I'm not happy with the end, and I am lacking of imagination for the closing scene, So i'm diviedint it in 3 chaps. I hope you like it and let me know what you think.

P.S: English is not my first language, so I apologies for grammar and spelling mistakes.

Edit 4/24/15 This chapter was beted by een nihc, thank you:)