He spat blood out of his mouth, a snarl curling his lips as he glared hatefully up at them.

How could his life got to this point?

Why had he been so stupid?

The chains were forever binding.

Erwin Smith smiled coldly down at him, his eyes glinting in hunger and triumph.

"So" Erwin chuckled "The Hunting Hero returns"

Levi trembled, not used to the emotion grabbing hold of him...Fear.

"You lied to me, you lied to everyone!" Levi snarled, baring his teeth, almost like an animal.

Fear and rage pouring through him.

Erwin Smith leaned in close and said, his voice low "And you will to...Very soon"

Levi's eyes widened at his meaning "I'd rather die"

Ewin smirked icely "And you will but not the death you want"