The pieces here were written for the Stratified Agate Competition.

Prompts: Write a 100-200 word drabble about your pairing (Level One)

He had been real to Harry before, in the diary. The last dregs of life wasted from Ginevra Weasley. He wanted to know the other – was it camaraderie? Love at first sight? (Tom would have called him a fool for that.) Or did they know, then, about their connection?

There was a spark of something at least. Something that ignited the dark part of his mind of curiosity, dark glory and purpose. Harry was drawn in by Tom, inexplicably pulled. Things change from their original plans. Tom isn't Voldemort to Harry. Harry has promised to visit his new friend often. And yes, he will keep the diary close. He's too young to realise. (But Tom is so nice, and he does look nice as well.) Harry blushes.

Slytherin by nature. Gryffindor by choice. It wasn't that hard, really. Still the same. He just made a different choice. Another rabbit hole to fall in, really, where Tom could lead them to safety, or something else. An obsession, a possession, a – a friend? Something more?

But the spark of something that neither could name burned between them.

A/N: Thank you for reading! More bits and pieces to come from Harry/Tom :D