I woke to the next morning to my mother talking angrily to herself. I lifted the blankets from my face. I ran a hand over my face, slowly sitting up. I knew I probably looked like a wreck. I knew my hair was. I took my hair out of the pony tail that was now dishevled. i ran a hand through my hair shaking it out soon getting off the couch.

"Mornin' sweet face," My mother Tiffany said from the kitchen. I looked at her, watching as she smiled at me. She dolled herself up again. How can she afford this shit, when she can barely buy me school supplies? non the less I smiled at her tiredly and stretched my limbs.

"Good morning," I yawned, I pulled my tank top down yet again. I looked down to my bare feet and then to my mom who was glaring at the doll in the play pen.

"Now you don't talk," Tiffany hissed at the doll kicking the play pen. I flinched and watched her. I raised my eyebrows at her licking my lips before grabbing my black thin jacket off the floor and putting it on.

"...What?," I asked her after a moment as I watched her looking away from the doll with wide eyes. I shook my head.

For some reason I let myself get my hopes up thinking she'd gotten up early to make me a special breakfast. I thought she'd start the morning with a 'Happy Birthday sweet face," . It never came of course.

"Oh nothin' The doll was just...acting up is all." Tiffany laughed giving a little shrugg. I nodded starting to un button my pants and pushing them down.

"Thank you for...putting away the trash last night sweet face," My mom said as I picked up my black shorts off the other side of the room. Yes I was walking around the little living area in my yellow panties. Sorry I don't exactly have a room, thank you.

"It's no problem," I said as I pulled up the shorts, and stepped into my purple flip flops. "I was wondering when you'd kill him anyways," I gave a little laugh.

"Well what can I say? He wanted what I couldn't give him," She said in a whisper pouting her lips. "As my mother always said-" I cut her off, not wanting to hear another story of what Grandma Valantine had to say.

"Where are you going today? any special plans?," I asked quickly. I knew my mother liked to talk, so this was a good distraction from another story. My mother smiled at me.

"Well, I'm going out to dump this chest into the river, and then I'm going to go to the store and get a little present," I think my mind went into slow motion as she said that part, and then I shook my head at the last part. "For this thing in here, so he isn't lonely," I watched her finish.

"Oh, that's fun," I said walking into the kitchen moving my dirty blonde hair from my face looking down at the floor as I started putting the dishes into the sink. "Well see you later then, I'm baby sitting so don't bring anyone over tonight." I said shoving another glass into the sink.

It was quite for a moment. I leaned against the kitchen counter looking into the sink as I turned the water on.

"Is this about me not picking you up yesterday?," She asked "I was picking up something I thought was important," I heard her say.

"It's always something mom..." I said. "Since when is a doll more important then me? You always do this to me.." I whispered. I looked at her over my shoulder.

She opened her mouth to speak but stopped. I watched as she closed her mouth. She opened her mouth again. "He's your father," She pointed out pointing to the unmoving doll in the play pen.

My gaze followed to the damn good guy doll in the play pen. "Mom it's a doll," I shrugged, eyes starting to water. "Dad's dead..," I said "Give it up, you're going to believe the words of a six year old kid?," I asked a tear falling from my eye. I wiped my eye with the sleeve of my jacket.

"He is alive!," She yelled at me. I flinched at her and shook my head. "You asshole, talk!," She yelled at the doll.

"Hi I'm Chucky and I'm your friend till the end! Hi de ho hahaha," The child like voice came from the torn up doll. I looked at it, and then her. Tiffany kicked the play pen.

"Mom it's a doll, give it a rest.," I snapped turning the water in the sink off. "I'll see you tonight," I turned away and grabbed the wash cloth beginning to wash the dishes. "Love you," I said quietly.

I wasn't going to let her leave without me saying that last part.

I heard her sigh. "Blair, I love you too," She said "Now help mommy get this shit outside," She said I looked over at her seeing she was lifting the end of the trunk I walked over and lifted the other side.

After a few moments mom and I dropped it outside looking at each other and giving a laugh.

I watched my mom sit on the trunk taking a ciggerate out of her purse and light it putting the cancer stick in between her lips. I wrinkled my nose some.

I looked at Jessie working on his trailer and smiled some. I had a little crush on him. I mean look at him! He's 18, well built, and good God I bet he had abs. I blushed some as I looked at my mother looking at me with a smirk.

"What?, It's not sin to stare," I whispered and rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Mhmm." She hummed ammused. "He's adult territory." She said with a bat of her eye lashes. "And you're thriteen go inside," She said hitting my leg jokingly.

With that I laughed and went back inside into the trailer closing the door behind me.

After ten minutes of watching my mother out the window flirt with Jessie and Jessie like reject her, She finally left. I sighed.

"Well as of now, she offically forgot," I said out loud, and rolled my eyes walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge. I opened the little compartment that had my hidden cupcake with the single purple candle on it. I grabbed the matches off the table and sat on the floor by the play pen.

"Well it's just you and me doll.." I said Leaning agaisnt the counter. I looked at..'Chucky' and scoffed I lit my single candle. I blew out the match.

"Happy Birthday to me," I said slowly. I paused slowly looking at the candle. "Maybe I should wish my teachers dead..." I said and looked at the ground. "wish to be an adult..wish to be rich?" I bit my lip and looked at Chucky who still stared straight ahead un moving.

I scoffed and gave a harsh laugh. "I wish you would fucking move," I blew out my candle harshly.

The dolls head snapped to look at me. "Hey wanna play?," And oh boy did I scream rolling away from the play pen. I stopped leaning againt the wall, and laughed.

"Fuck, I just wasted my wish..." I laughed shaking my head looking at my cup cake I managed to save in my hand and took a bite of it. "Seriously, I could have wished for something much better..." I said getting up.

Once finishing my cupcake I tossed the wrapper into the trash, and went into my mother's room grabbing the radio and running into the kitchen setting the radio on the table and putting it on, smiling as 'Never Let you Go' By Third Eye Blind came on. I turned the radio up real loud and began dancing as I cleaned the dishes.

"I'll never let you go!," I sang to it. My dream was to be a singer, but my mother told me I could try but being a Ray meant I had to carry on the legacy of being a killer, which made me kind of wish that My mom and dad had one other child so I wouldn't have to.

I mean yes, I have killed. He was a dick, a bully, he tried to rape me. I tortured him right on the kitchen floor, cutting off his dick and shoving it in his mouth, and then slitting his throat. It bothered me slightly that I didn't regret it. I was a little disturbed though with the fact I touched a penis..

I kind of always wanted a sibling but gave up any hope of getting one when I turned 8.

Soon I finished cleaning. It only took 2 hours. But hey the place was spotless. I Was reeaved with the fact while I was cleaning Mrs. Baker came over and gave me my check for watching her kids three days ago. I got 75 bucks (She paid me for the last two times and gave me a birthday bonus, and a card.) I smiled as I walked into the kitchen.

"Well dolly dearest, Someone other than myself remembered my birthday," I said looking to the doll and laughing to myself.

Slowly I frowned and dropped the card and looked to the ground. "Does she not love me enough to remember? You're really more important then me...I'm just her daughter, and you're just the 'Love' of her life." I sniffled and slid down the counter and sat on the floor.

This sudden sadness hit me and it felt almost unbearable. I looked to the doll, and blinked away tears that threaten to fall. "Why? Why did that dumb kid make up that story..Maybe my mom would of been married, and had another kid, and I could have had a normal life where I don't struggle handling work, and school." I was thinking about possiblities in my head. I looked down letting out a sob

"I hate you.." I looked at the doll looking at me blankly.

I shook my head. I'm talking to a doll. a fucking in animate object. I got up and wiped my eyes, "I'm a Ray, I don't fucking cry." I said acting tough. I rolled my sleeves up and acted like I was punching stuff. "I'm tough, and a killer." I said and nodded and wiped my eyes.

"And I don't talk to dolls." I said looking at the doll. I was talking to it again. With an annoyed scream at myself I left the trailer deciding that I'd go just pick up the kids I needed to baby sit and bring them to the park. I couldn't be in there anymore, I was going crazy.