Game on

Constance Hardbroom hates camping, but not as much as she hates Serge Dubious. A Scout who seems to have taken a liking for a non-witch with the same passion for outdoor activities. Winning over Imogen could start all manner of games. Game on.

A/N: Not entirely sure how this is going to turn out but here is the first/maybe only chapter of Game on, depending on how likeable it is. Hope you enjoy it.

-Chapter 1-

Constance Hardbroom hated the confinement of the public bus that Imogen had booked, she sat alone in the corner at the front watching as they trained along the ground. Imogen had requested no use of magic whilst on the camping trip and of course Miss Cackle has drummed this into Constance before their departure.

Miss Drill was chanting along at the other side of the bus, the girls relished in the excitement of camping. The measly Non-magic people seemed to enjoy the music too. Constance couldn't think of anything worse.

As the bus pulled up along the edge of the road, letting on some of the public an elderly gentleman brushed along Constance as he took a seat on the chair next to her.

'Excuse me, me old love!' He chortled.

'OLD LOVE?' Constance angered.

Shortly after the bus was pulled to a stop and the witch along with Miss Drill and pupils were asked to vacate the vehicle.

Imogen requested that the girls go and play on the field whilst the staff had a private word.

'Really Miss Hardbroom?' Imogen scowled. 'Are you determined to ruin this trip, he was just trying to be friendly.. Did you have to threaten to turn him into a blob of green slim had he not apologised. You promised no magic! You really are intolerable at times!' Imogen continued 'COME ON GIRLS! LETS HIKE!'

Constance trailed on behind. It seemed like they had been walking for miles.

Finally they all passed a sign which signalled that they were at the campsite.

'Afternoon ' said a man, approaching them, gathering Imogens bags and flinging them over his shoulder.

'Excuse me Sir, but we have booked the campsite. You have to book in advance, you can't just stay here!' Imogen argued.

'We have booked until the end of the week' The man replied back.

'So have we!' Imogen added.

The two disappeared into the cabin.

Constance scowled as she peeked through the window. Watching him as he smiled at the non-witch, taking her by the arm and leading her to two chairs. The two were in there for quite some time, Constance began to worry, as she peaked again she caught a glimpse of the two laughing.

Constance entered the cabin swiftly.

'Ah Constance, This is Mr Dubious! Serge this is Constance Hardbroom, Deputy Headmistress of Cackles Academy.'

'Pleased to meet you, Constance!' Serge extended an arm.

'You two are on first name terms already I see. And its Miss Hardbroom to you, Mr Dubious!' Constance interrupted 'and we have done enough waiting, we booked this campsite first, you will just have to leave!'

'Constance!' Imogen said disappointingly. 'Serge and I have agreed to split the camp so that the mountain rangers and our girls can enjoyed what the great outdoors has to offer.'

'Best I get all the campers settled in then!' Serge said, nodding to Constance with a smug smile as he left.

'Imogen we know nothing about this man!' Constance started.

''Don't start Constance, I didn't want you to come on this trip just as much as you didn't.' Imogen snapped. 'I have come on this camping trip to get fresh air, away from you. Constance, you are impossible, I don't know what's going on between us but I know that you believe its nothing. So don't go getting jealous just because another person is capable of making me laugh. Decide what you want! Its not a game!' She ranted.

Constance left the cabin immediately, not noticing Serge Dubious listening from the outer left side of the cabin.

Serge liked the sound of this game. But not as much as he liked the idea of a game against the rude women he had just encountered, and with Imogen Drill as the prize, he was definitely playing.

A/N: Might Continue this into a multi-chapter... not sure yet! Reviews are much appreciated, written for my very own lover and other HB/DRILL fans!