A/N: Spontaneous chapter, just going to see where it goes. Thank you for all of the reviews!

When Miss Cackle returned from her venture to Cosies, she was more than happy to welcome back her two colleagues.

The four staff members sat in the staff-room. Constance at her desk, prepping for the many potions lessons she had in store for the fourth years. Miss Drill was stretching over by the fireplace and Davina was happily littering the floor once again with the sweet wrappers of the sweets she had just stolen from Amelia's office.

Amelia marvelled the way Constance was able to crack on with her work, she never seemed to lack motivation. Imogen was always so chirpy and ready for an adventure, Amelia couldn't help but try to understand how and well Miss Bat, well Amelia often just tried to overlook her behaviour even though it was highly amusing.

'How was the extra chanting time Davina, I trust it benefited the girls' Amelia asked Davina taking a seat in her chair at the table. Amelia cut a large slice of lemon cheesecake, offering Miss Bat a slice. Davina quickly stuffed the sweets into her side pocket and joined Amelia, taking the offering.

'Their vocal chords certainly did, their tones are as harmonic as the chanting in outta Mongolia! We are preparing for a spectacular performance' She waffled shoving copious amounts of cake down as she did.

Constance scoffed at her desk.

Amelia turned to Imogen, 'And the camping trip? All refreshed!'

Imogen stopped stretching, her complexion turning a mild shade of ruby as she looked at Constance who's pen stopped marking the paper.

'Um..'Imogen began.

'I heard from the camping site that it was unfortunately double booked. I do hope this did not cause you too much trouble?' Amelia said looking back and forth between the non-witch and her unusually quiet colleague.

'Um..' Imogen began again only to be interrupted by Constance.

'No trouble at all Miss Cackle, all of the girls are highly rested and ready for the exams to start tomorrow.' Miss Hardbroom rose from her seat, gathering her books.

'Wonderful!' Amelia said, cutting yet another slice of cheesecake for herself.

Imogen continued stretching for a while after watching Constance leave the staff-room.

'What I want to know, is how you survived a week camping with Miss Hardbroom!' Davina chuckled!

'Miss Bat' Amelia winked before guzzling down her cheesecake.

'Go on, Imogen, tell us how you survived!' Davina chirped, stifling her giggles.

'Imogen, I do hope she did not prove to be too much to handle. After-all, Constance out in the open without the use of magic is something I did fear could turn out quite disastrous.' Amelia interjected.

'Well. Constance, was..' Imogen stammered, thinking back to her dark haired love.

'Was it really that bad!' Davina chuckled, perching on the edge of her seat ready to hear more.

'Well, on the bus she did threaten to turn this guy into a frog...' Imogen joined in with the laughter.

'Typical, I knew she couldn't do it Miss Cackle!' Davina laughed!

The door swung back open as Constance Hardbroom entered the room. 'And what gossip might this be Miss Bat?' She growled.

Davina rose from her seat and fled to the stationary cupboard in a hurry.

'Ah, Constance there you are. Davina was merely questioning your ability to go without magic all week. She meant no harm.' Amelia rose from her seat putting her cake to one side.

'I don't doubt that, but shouldn't we be supervising dinner and lights out instead of prying for gossip regarding other peoples affairs!' Constance said, straightening her back. 'I did as you asked, no magic was used, as much as it may have burned me not too!'

Constance strolled over to the stationary cupboard opening the doors. 'When will you learn that hiding in a stationary cupboard does not shield you from responsibility. You are not invisible Miss Bat!'

Davina looked towards Miss Cackle, the look in her eyes begging for defence.

'Miss Hardbroom, is quite right Davina, now off you go!' Miss Cackle ordered 'And please refrain from removing confiscated sweets from my office in the future.'

'We really do need to find an alternative hiding place for those, Miss Cackle. Miss Bat doesn't need any encouragement when it comes to hyperactivity, stuffing her face with sugar!' Constance turned to Amelia.

'I must agree with you there Constance.' Amelia replied back.

'Oh Come on you two! She really doesn't mean any harm!' Imogen defended.

'May I remind you, Miss Drill that we are staff in a school for young witches. We have standards to uphold and impart on our pupils!' Constance argued.

'Oh really, Constance, can you not let up on her just once!' Imogen argued back.

'No!' Constance said as she disappeared.

Imogen sighed turning to Amelia.

'She will never change Imogen!' Amelia said, placing her cake in the stationary cupboard and wiping the crumbs from the table.

Imogen slunk down into the armchair, like she had just run a marathon.

'Oh come on Miss Drill! What did you expect, the fresh air to turn her brain to cheesecake!' Amelia left the room following in her fellow witches footsteps.

Imogen sat and contemplated for a while as she thought about the moments her and Constance had shared. Was it real? Would it make a difference now all was back to normal? This time she really had hoped her and Constance would be able to spark up something magical.

Was it all too good to be true.

Imogen left the staff-room, closing the door as she did. She was nearly knocked over by hurrying third years racing to the library to study. Among the see of pupils, Constance could see the tall raven haired, burgundy lipped witch.

'Constance..' She said as she walked over to her, catching the ear and eye of a couple of fourth years who giggled.

Constance shot them a glance, and they fled like rats.

'Ah Miss Drill, your PE lessons will have to be on the minimal next week, I am suggesting maybe sticking with the first years? I am also apposing extra study time between Exams! Some need it more than others, Mildred Hubble for example. Do you agree?' Constance returned her attention to the non-witch.

'Yes Constance but, what about us?' Imogen whispered as some more third years fled through the corridor. The halls got noisy as lights out approached.

Constance looked at Imogen and let out a miniscule smile, 'I have to see to lights out Miss Drill, I suggest you get an early night.' she said. 'EXAMS TOMORROW, ALL WILL NEED TO BE WELL RESTED AND PREPARED' she bellowed down the hall before vanishing.

Leaving Imogen stood, wondering. Had things gone back to they were?

A/N: It is sad I know. But my next fan fic will be the next part of Those-Burgundy-lips. Things will get better.