A/N: This is my first story so please go easy on me. I have always wanted to read a story like this but could never find one so I decided to write my own. I don't have much of a story here but I'm not sure people will like this plot line and would want me to continue. Please review if you want me to continue.

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and now, on to the story.

Paul slowly put down the phone and looked over his class of teens. Some of them were reading the story of the Greek god Hermes, like he had instructed, but most were texting on their phones.

He was and English teacher at Goode High School and the year was 2015, right now it was flu season. Paul had forgotten to get his flu shot this year and when he did remember he was too busy to stop by his local health clinic. Now, he was paying for it, he had an earsplitting headache and could not stop coughing.

Paul needed to go home, but there were no more substitutes to replace him for the day, all the other teachers were sick. What was he going to do, it was only first period!

He looked over at his class, the ones that were reading were finished now and looking at him for their next instruction. They would make it for one day, he thought, before picking up the phone and dialing the number of his twenty two year old step-son, Percy.

"Hey Paul!" Percy said excitedly, "I'm so happy you called, Annabeth is off at an architecture meeting, and I'm so bored!"

"Well, Percy, I called to tell you that I'm sick and there are no substitutes to fill my place, would you mind coming in and teaching my class for the day?" Paul asked slowly, his throat aching. On a normal day he would of been silently chuckling at his step-son's antics, but today he didn't feel like laughing.

"Uh, Paul, you know you teach English and I can't read English. Also, I'm not a teacher, I don't know how to teach."

"I'm desperate here Perce, you can teach them about Greek gods or something, and you teach the kids at camp swordplay, right? Just please come in."

"Fine, I'm coming."

Paul put down the phone, relived that soon he would be able to go home and go to sleep. His class was growing restless and getting quite loud, he walked to the front of the room before quieting his class down.

"Who were you calling, Mr. Blofis?" A girl named Amy asked eagerly. "Was it your wife?"

Paul often told his students about his personal life, including telling them about his wife. Paul always wanted his students to think of him as a friend rather than a teacher, but because of this, they often treated him like a guidance counselor coming to him when a boyfriend or girlfriend dumped them, or some other trivial matter. In return, he often told them about his personal life. They often wanted to know about his wife.

"No, it was my step-son I called. I have caught the flu and will not be able to continue teaching today, but there are no substitutes to fill in for me. I have called my step-son to come and teach you for today."

All of his students started talking wildly, "Is he hot?" one asked, "How old is he?" asked another. Everyone in the room had questions about Percy and were all desperate to get theirs answered.

"Well, his name is Percy, he is 22 years old, and I'm not sure if you'd consider him hot. He will be here in a couple of minutes and I want you to listen to him and treat him with respect."

His students were not satisfied with the answers they got and continued to ask questions. Right then, someone came through the door and into the classroom.

All the heads in the room snapped in his direction so fast that it's a wonder they didn't get whiplash.

All the girls and boys alike stopped their talking and stared at the beautiful stranger that was now in the room. He was really tall, around six feet, he had ink black hair that looked like he had just gotten out of bed. He had a green T-shirt on that was tight enough that you could see his defined muscles and muscular arms were littered with scars. His sea green eyes were filled with mirth and were looking at Paul.

"Hey Paul!" The stranger said joyfully. "Is this your class?"

"Yes, everybody, this is Percy, he's the one that will be teaching you for the rest of today's class."

Percy turned and smiled at the class full of shocked teens, all with their mouths hanging open. This was Paul's step-son that was going to teach them?

"You didn't tell us he was gorgeous, Mr. Blofis!" Some girls in the back yelled. That effectively broke the others out of their shock and they started whispering to one another. Percy stood up front, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, "Umm, thanks?" He said nervously.

Paul quieted down his class once again before telling Percy good luck and heading out the door to his apartment.

The teens stared at Percy, who's eyes were wandering around the room.

Percy finally looked at them, "Umm, so hi." He started, awkward and nervous, obviously not knowing what to do. "I'm Percy, who knows anything about the Greek gods?"

A/N: Again, please review if you want me to continue and I hope you enjoyed reading my story.