Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or anything else.

Previously, "Thanks for the help!" Percy said gratefully and energetically. Our eyes met for a second. This was my chance! I leaned in closer to him, staring at his lips. It only took a second until my lips were inches away from his. Now was my chance! I leaned closer, and closer, until...

Jamie's POV:

The bell rang, causing me and my class mates to rush out the door and into the hallway streaming with other teens. If it were any other class, it would have normally taken me a little while to pack up my stuff and wish my teacher a good weekend, but in this class I had packed up my stuff five minutes before the end of the period and didn't even bother saying anything to my teacher. As it's probably very obvious by now, I wanted to get out of the door as fast as possible and had been staring at the clock above the door for the duration of the 50 minute class period. Why the rush? Well, let me tell you a bit about me.

My name is Jamie, I like school and while I'm not the best student, I'm also not the worse, I like reading and skateboarding, and I've had a crush on my best friend for about a year. I've thought about asking her out before, and all my other friends think we'd make a great couple, but there was one little problem. She was one hundred percent straight, and I am not. I'm actually bisexual. So, sadly, our nonexistent relationship is doomed.

But, I still loved hanging out her and I was currently rushing to my locker where we would usually walk to our next class together: Science.

Slowing my run down to a walk as I turned the corner to get to my locker, I saw a small crowd gathering by the outside of the photocopying room watching something. Getting closer to the crowd, I started to hear a heated argument.

Mildly interested, as any sane person would be, I moved closer to the crowd of chattering teenagers. Worming my way towards the front of the crowd, as I had trouble seeing over the unnaturally tall kids, I slowly was able to see the scene unfolding around my locker.

A very good looking man in his mid twenties seemed to be awkwardly trying to apologize to a woman I had seen around the school while he simultaneously tried to slowly back out of the crowd.

"I'm really sorry, but I kind of have a fiancé and I really like her, so I'm just going to go now..." The man said profusely, lowering his hand away from where it had been in front of his face.

"Alright, your loss!" The woman sneered, storming off in the direction of what was probably her next class.

The group of teens excitedly chattered among themselves, not having this much entertainment since the old French teacher was fired for swearing at an unruly freshman. I myself was shocked at the drama, only having seen such scenes in bad movies, and stood there dumbfounded.

Slowly, the crowd dispersed after the vice principal came over and told everyone to 'Move along' to their classes, and only my friend and I were left, her right next to my locker and me a little while away. I'm guessing everybody had already gotten their stuff before the big fight and getting shooed away, so it wasn't too weird that it was only my friend and I. Oh, and the supremely good looking dude. Who my best friend was flirting with.

Yes, I know, she's not exactly the brightest bulb in the shed, flirting with a guy that just, very loudly, announced he had a fiancé, but when she saw a good looking guy, all sense flew out the window.

I felt a flare of jealousy hit me, making me scowl at myself internally. Yes, I know my friend is straight, yes I know there is no chance with her, but yes, I do feel jealously every time she flirts with a guy. Just because it makes sense that I shouldn't be jealous it doesn't mean I don't feel anything, thank you very much.

So, back to the badly planned and badly done flirting on my friend's part. So far, she's leaning up against the locker and asking what the very clueless young man's name is in her very non-seductive voice. I'm pretty sure he has no idea he's being badly flirted with by my over rambunctious friend, seeing how adamant he was moments earlier about having a fiancé.

"My name's Percy, I'm actually subbing for Mr. Blofis, and," He continues, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck with one hand while the other hand is in the pocket of his jeans. " I was hoping maybe you could point me in the direction of his classroom?"

" We're actually in that class, my friend and I," At this point she gestured to me as I slowly walked over. "so that won't be a problem! Oh and I'm Mazie, by the way, and my friend's name is Jamie!" She said in a rush, as if someone else would come along and steal the opportunity.

"Hi." I said as cheerfully as I could, my smile probably coming out looking like I just murdered someone. Or was about to murder someone... Nah, I'm just kidding. If I murdered everyone Mazie flirted with, I'd have a ton of bodies to hide.

"Shall we?" Mazie held her arm out to me, and we lead the way for all of about a minute, when she decided that she needed to speak to Mr. Tall with abs behind us.

Staring at his very tight green shirt as he explained how Mr. Blofis was his Step-father, Mazie nodded with her "serious" nod, transfixed by his six pack. To be honest, it was pretty great, and so was the rest of his appearance, but I wasn't really attracted to him. I really like people because of their personalities, so I wasn't exactly falling at his feet next to my crazy best friend.

Sorry, you must be dying to know what's happening in our supremely interesting conversation, so, even if you aren't, I'll tell you anyways!

"So, Percy, that's a cool name. My name's pretty lame so I'm always really jealous of cool people's names. Not that'd I'd want your name. I mean, just 'cause it's a boy's name. And, I mean, not that'd there'd be anything wrong with that, it's just that's not for me. I'm, like, good with my assigned gender. But, I've been thinking about changing my name to something cool when I'm older..." Her voice trailed off as she realized she had been rambling for the last couple minutes now (enough time for me to playfully roll my eyes over her head at Percy who was very much amused), and that she should probably stop talking now. "How old are you, Percy?" Mazie's eyes raked him up and down, as if that would tell her how old he was.

Percy quickly glanced around the very gross orange hallway and his eyes locked on the mural of the sea. It was one of the better paintings in my school and it's blue waves, speckled with white sea foam, looked like they were at war with the boat in the water; making it quite eye catching. For a second he looked like his mind was elsewhere, but he soon snapped out of it and looked over at us again.

" I'm 24. I've been told I'm not the most mature dude, though, so I've been getting weird looks from all the students today." He smiled, his lopsided grin not quite reaching his eyes; making me suspicious of the truth of his statement. I wasn't sure if he was lying or not, but while his goofy smile and messy hair indicated otherwise, his good humor and playful attitude seemed only skin deep. Something I knew a lot about, having had to fake a good mood when my parents made one of their swipes at anyone in the LGBT+ community.

I knew I really shouldn't pry though, as it wasn't my place, so I just kept on watching the hazard in front of me.

"That's cool, I can't wait 'till I'm in my twenties. The life of the party..." Mazie sighed, looking off into the distance like a fool. A very cute, silly fool. My thoughts were drawn away from the mystery that was Percy and I focused on the girl in front of me.

"Yeah," I laughed, smiling down at her smaller form. "'cause you go to so many parties now." As I joined the conversation for the first time, Mazie turned to me, drawing her glance away from Perfect Percy. Something I'll admit I took a little pleasure in.

"Hey, I never said I did," She replied to my comment, feinting annoyance. "I said that I could be the life of a party. It'd be crazy awesome!" She smiled giddily and, walking a little ahead of us so that we saw her back, then turning dramatically, she started to dance to a song in her head in front of us.; making a smile spread across my face too.

"Come on!" She giggled, grabbing Percy's hands and dancing a very goofy dance with him, that mostly included shaking her arms around and bouncing up and down while Percy gave an amused, slightly weirded out smile; standing in place.

Seeing her grab his hands, my heart faltered a little and my smile drooped, reminding me of her undeniable heterosexuality. But, when the human incarnation of sunshine turned to look at me, still dancing, my heart fluttered a little bit again; as if coming back from the grave that I'd dug myself into.

"You'll dance with me, won't you Jamie?" She asked hopefully and cheerfully, letting go of Percy's hands and, at my nod, grabbing mine. Grinning from ear to ear, she danced us down the hallway, Percy trailing behind us, laughing at the sight of us almost tripping on each other's feet.

A grin plastered on my face, all of the remaining thoughts about Percy flew out of my mind as I danced with my crush.

Now, I wasn't really one for dancing, but I was having an amazing time; hands locked with this bubbly, passionate girl; dancing without a care in the world. It was like time stopped for us and only us, and I'm sure I could've spent forever like this.

Mazie bounced down the hallway, and I think I even twirled her around at one point, whipping around her curly brown hair and causing her to almost slip on the, surprisingly, cleaned floor. I heard a small chuckle from Percy, but my eyes never left Mazie's bright blue ones.

But, sadly, all things come to an end, and as we turned the corner in the empty hallway, we saw the Science room and the English room; side by side. Waiting, almost treacherously, threateningly.

I smiled a sad smile, and Mazie, simultaneously panting in exhaustion and having a fit of giggles, leaned on my side. With Percy on my right and Mazie on my left, my arm slung around her shoulder and, while I looked over at Percy, I noticed a knowing smile stretching across his tanned face. I'm sure I was blushing as Mazie quickly cursed and pulled away, running into the Science room shouting about how we were "sooooo late!" behind her.

"Cool girlfriend you got there," Percy grinned again, this time with the smile reaching his eyes. "Reminds me of me and my Girlfriend when we were your age."

I was shell shocked. "She's not-Were not- I mean, we aren't dating." I stuttered, wanting to hide my face in my hands at the thought of how red my face probably was. Was it that obvious that I liked Mazie? And how could this guy figure that out when he couldn't even tell if someone was flirting with him? Please tell me I wasn't that pathetic!

"Oh, that's too bad. You'd be a super cute couple." I had to agree, mentally of course. My image can only be hurt so much. Also, shipping myself with someone is also kinda creepy..."I have to go now," Percy pointed toward the English room with his thumb. "but it was cool meeting you."

"Yeah, you too." Is all I can say, cursing, mentally, how obvious I was. Maybe Maize noticed! Ugh, the awkwardness.

I managed a little wave before Percy walked into the room next door, and, despite embarrassing me a ton, Percy wasn't too bad.

Turning into the Science room and being reprimanded, I ducked my head and walked to the back of the dark room; plopping down in the blue plastic and metal seat next to Mazie, who was doodling something on the back of her binder. Looking over, I saw what might of looked like hearts, if Mazie could actually draw.

Noticing where my attention was focused, she blushed, flipping over her binder and scowling at me playfully. I was sure those "hearts" were for Percy and my jealousy flared up again in an angry red fire. I clenched and unclenched my fists under the desk and gritted my teeth angrily. Just because I had just reevaluated my opinion of Percy and knew it wasn't his fault didn't mean that I wasn't feeling anything at all towards the over-sized and unfairly good-looking dude.

But, my anger faded when Mazie nudged me with her arm and whispered in my general direction, her head still facing the board where our science teacher had written a series of definitions of various words.

"Hey, dum-dum, we're taking notes. Your grades are already terrible, you don't want them to suffer anymore, do you?"

"My grades?" I asked, pretending to be flabbergasted but really quite amused. "I think you mean your grades," I unclenched my fists under the desk and reaching for my pencil, gripping it lightly with no malice, and began to copy down the information. "I think we both know you're not the brightest bulb in the shed." I finished with a smirk.

"Hey!" She whispered, faking anger and I snickered quietly, looking down at my notes as if to muffle the sound.

We continued to whisper playful banter to each other throughout the class, eyes never leaving our tasks but our minds fully on the secret conversation in the back of the dark Science room.

While me and Mazie's relationship wasn't perfect, it made my life a little better. And, when she asked me out the next year, telling me she wasn't sure if it would ruin our friendship and if it was right for her, I said yes anyway. After all, what's life without a little pain?

Love will have its sacrifices.

Author's note: Hello readers. I doubt any of you actually read this thing, but I'm gonna write one anyway because I feel like it. So, what did you all think? I hope you all liked it and hopefully you didn't think I did a little too much about my OCs. You know you've hit rock bottom when you start shipping your own OCs... Also, I hope it was clear that Percy and Veronica didn't kiss. Percy put his hand up in front of his face, stopping her; so sorry if that was unclear. But, yeah, despite my overall pathetic-ness, have a wonderful day and I shall try to update again soon! I would love to hear from you all so please leave a comment! Have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoyed my story. Goodbye!

P.S. On a side note for those who got the Carmilla reference earlier, if you haven't learned already, THERE'S A SEASON 3! It's coming in the summer of 2016! I just learned a couple minutes ago and I think I'm dying of happiness! If you want to talk about it, pm me and I would love to. We need Creampuff therapy.