The clock read 7.30am.

Alfie woke up from his deep sleep and lay on his back, admiring the peace and quiet in the house. He turned on his side to see Kat, sleeping peacefully, facing the other side of the room. He thought it was a shame to wake her up, so instead he turned to face her and put his arm around her.

But Kat sensed him immediately and smiled as soon as she felt him close to her.

"What time is it?" she whispered, still with her eyes closed, as she interlocked her hand with his on her waist.

"7.30..." Alfie whispered back, as he tilted up a bit to kiss her cheek. Kat opened her eyes slowly, smiling as she turned over to face him.

"oh how I love seeing your face first thing in the mornin'" Kat smiled, as she leaned in for a kiss.

"Kat, you hear that?" Alfie said as their lips moved away from each other.

"What? I can't hear anything..." Kat whispered, confused, as she heard nothing more than silence.

"Exactly...Tommy and the twins are still asleep..." Alfie whispered with a grin on his face.

"Oh it's a miracle they slept for almost two hours straight..." Kat whispered.

"Are you thinking what i'm thinking?" Alfie said grinning.

"Alfie Moon you naughty boy, come here!" she whispered back as she pulled him in for a kiss, but their moment of passion was soon interrupted with loud baby cries coming from the next room.

"Ohh not again..." Alfie moaned as they broke off the kisses. Kat frowned as she got up and put her gown over her nightie.

"Kat! Alfie!" they heard Mo shouting from downstairs.

"Yes we're coming!" Alfie yelled back.


Carrying one each, Kat and Alfie made it down stairs and into the kitchen, to see Mo sat at the table drinking a cup of tea.

"oh now you hear the crying?" Mo said as she took a sip of tea.

"Oh good morning to you too Mo," Alfie added sarcastically as he sat down at the table holding Bert.

"we over-slept alright?" Kat said as she handed Ernie over to Mo, so she could prepare their bottles, "as much as I love them, they're both doin' my head in, I jump at the chance of some sleep when they're finally settled down,"

"Yeah me 'n all," Mo said, "oh and by the way, we're out of milk, there was barely enough to fill my cup of tea," she added, as she gave Ernie back to Kat so she could feed him.

"Cheers nan, now what am I supposed to give Tommy for breakfast? What, some of the twins' formula?" Kat asked as she looked up at Mo. Alfie was busy feeding Bert.

"Don't be daft, I'll nip out and get some from the store.. but it's about time you do something, we're broke as it is..." Mo said before she stormed out from the kitchen.

"She's right you know..." Kat told Alfie across the table, as they fed both babies, "what are we going to do without your stall? How are we gonna pay the rent?" Kat worried.

"Kat don't worry alright? I'm Alfie Moon, I can do anything... in fact I got an appointment at a job centre later today, I will sort something out I promise..." Alfie reassured her.

"You better, I don't want to end up with no roof over our heads, all I want is to look out for these two and Tommy, yeah?" Kat replied.

"Kat I promise everything is going to be fine..." Alfie said as he stood up and kissed her forehead, "I'll go wake up Tommy for nursery," he said as he left the kitchen and took Bert with him.


"Kat!" Alfie called out, as soon as he walked into their home. He saw she wasn't in the kitchen, he climbed upstairs and called her name again.

"Shhh!" Kat whispered as she opened their bedroom door and poked her head out, "you're gonna wake the twins!"

"Aw sorry," Alfie whispered back, as he followed her in.

"Oi you! I'm still changing!" Kat told him smiling, as Alfie saw her half dressed.

"oh come on Kat, nothing I've never seen before," Alfie grinned as he walked up from behind and hugged her.

"Seriously Alfie, the twins aren't letting me do anything when they're awake, I haven't even put my face on!" Kat told him.

"exactly, now they're asleep, Tommy's at nursery and Mo is spending the day with Pam..." Alfie told her as he started unzipping her leopard-print dress instead of zipping it up.

"Alfie, aren't you supposed to be at the job centre?" Kat brushed him off.

"Yeah but not for another two hours... come on Kat, we're struggling to have some time alone lately," Alfie told her as he pulled her closer, this time facing him.

"I know, it's not like old times ain't it? When everything was so fun and sexy..." Kat said with a smile.

"What? You think this ain't sexy any more?" Alfie said as he started unbuttoning his floral shirt.

"Shut up, you muppet," Kat smiled as she kissed him and the both fell onto the bed.

But they were interrupted again with banging on the door. Kat broke it off.

"Kat leave it, maybe they'll go away," Alfie said as he kissed her again.

Kat broke it off again, "what if it's Nan, maybe she forgot her keys or something..." she said as she stood up and quickly zipped up her dress, and ran downstairs.

Alfie frustrated, sat up and buttoned his shirt.


Kat ran downstairs, headed for the door.

"My kids are trying to sleep in..." but Kat soon broke off her speech when the young lady in front of her turned around and revealed herself.

"Zoe!" Kat exclaimed, as she froze in the doorway.

"Hello mum!" grown-up Zoe replied with a smile.

To be continued...