Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha but I do own this plot, so please don't take or steal my idea.


I'm taking a break on "Seeing you again" to see clear up some things for the future. This is a brand new story, and it's SessInu! This story contains a human Sesshoumaru, human Inuyasha and a human everybody. But that's all I'm going to reveal to you, so just enjoy the ride. Warning this story will have Character death (s). Also sorry to everyone, who is waiting for the next of chapter "Seeing you again' and my KougInu story. I do not own this image use as the cover.

500 years ago, during the time of feudal Japan, Demons walked the earth. They varied differently in ranges; from big to small, extremely dangerous to least dangerous. Although no matter how small they were, Demons were never harmless. They were blood thirsty killers who lived by the thrill of terrifying humans.

Causing mayhem and terror everywhere they went. They were bent on slowly destroying and torturing all of man-kind, until towards the end of the Feudal era of Japan and the start of the Edo era, the humans began to fight back. With weapons made, due to the Western influences, man-kind were finally able to drive them back, until the Demons were no more.

Scoffing, Sessohmaru closed his textbook, and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. 'Only a fool would believe this nonsense.'

Yet he was reading this book. Not because he wanted to, of course, he would never in his right mind read such absurdity. Never, but for his folklore class, he had to. This folklore class was a required subject that his father made him take, for the reason that it'll be useful to him one day.

'I have yet to see the use for this class, and I doubt that I'll ever will.' Sesshomaru thought, getting up from his study desk, as he took a quick glance at his clock. '6:15am, huh? That still leaves me enough time to get ready for school.'

With that, he immediately made his way out of his bedroom and into the bathroom, to brush his teeth and take his three minute shower. It was never more than that, for Sesshomaru was a perfectionist. He preferred for things to be done, smoothly, quickly and efficiently; with no mistakes of course.

That was why he always woke up at exactly 5:30a.m. That way, he had plenty time to do everything that he needed to do, before he got ready for school. Like, finish reading his Japanese folklore textbook for instance. For a test that he had to take, later on today in the class.

'And a simple test it will be.' Sesshomaru thought, turning off his quick shower, as he wrapped a towel around his lower waist and took another to dry his raven hair. It didn't matter if the test was a short response test or a multiple choice, Sesshomaru knew that he would pass it, with a high grade. Like he always did in his other classes.

Drying his hair, Sesshomaru left the bathroom, and made his way back to his room. Along the way to bedroom, Sesshomaru could hear the light soft snores of his little brother.

'Foolish little brother.' Sesshomaru thought, narrowing his eyes, as he stopped near his brother's room. 'Only you would waste the morning sleeping, instead of getting ready for school. It's no wonder why you're always late.'

Sesshomaru didn't have to open his little brother's door, to know the state of his brother's room. Used worn clothes scattered and abandoned across the floor. Books and messy papers piled up on one desk and the other, with an over filled trashcan next to it; just waiting to be emptied out. A backpack casually dropped against unkempt and unmade bed, with his brother in the center of it. Hiding under its red covers, as his black hair scattered across the bed, pouring out of the covers that failed to hide it.

Rolling his eyes in annoyance, Sesshomaru didn't even spare his little brother's door another glance as he made his way back into his room. To say that he hated his brother was an understatement, he despised him. For his little brother, Inuyasha, was the completely opposite of what Sesshomaru was and what he stood for.

That ingrate of a brother was an irresponsible obnoxious little trouble maker, that caused his family nothing but grief with his behavior. How he got into Sesshomaru's school and even made it to the tenth grade, was beyond Sesshomaru. Especially considering how very simpleminded his little brother was.

'His mother probably had something to do with it.' Sesshomaru thought as he finally entered his room and headed straight towards to his closet. 'There's no other explanation.'

The brat's mother, Izayoi, was a woman that Sesshomaru's father married. Although, she was not as annoying and idiotic as Inuyasha, his little brother, she was still responsible for giving birth to such a creature. And Sesshomaru hated her for that.

'She must have begged the school or used father's name to get him accepted.' Sesshomaru concluded, taking out his uniform and set it neatly on his bed. 'Or perhaps father had something to do with it. Since he did always wanted for me to become closer with Inuyasha in the first place.'

His father, Toga Takahashi was a successful business man who owned a prosperous company in the corporate world. However, despite this, he never failed to make time for his family. And when he heard that Sesshomaru was accepted at the Shikon High, a private high school, he immediately began sending donations to the school.

For whatever reasons that he had, Sesshomaru would probably never know. However, because Toga did this, he quickly became one of the school's main donators. So it's possible that he could've made the school accept Inuyasha.

Sesshomaru sighed in irritation of his thoughts. 'Of course father would do that, how annoying.' Deciding that he had thought enough about the situation, Sesshomaru ended it and began getting ready for school.

No more than fifteen minutes, Sesshomaru finally left his room and went downstairs for breakfast. Where his father was, already waiting for him, while his step-mother prepared breakfast.

"Good morning, Sesshomaru." His step- mother Izayoi greeted him with a smile. "How are you doing this morning?"

Sesshomaru, knowing that his father was watching him, didn't spare the woman a glance as he sat himself down, but answered. "I'm fine mother." Choosing not get on his father's bad side this early in the morning.

"Oh that's good." Izayoi continued to smile at him, as she went back to her cooking. "I hope that the food is to your liking." Sesshomaru just ignored her and picked up his chopsticks, as he still felt his father's gaze on him.

"So Sesshomaru, how are you liking your Japanese folklore class?" His father Toga asked, putting down his newspaper to talk to his son. "Is it exciting?"

"It is the worse class that I've even taken, father. I absolutely hate it." Sesshomaru simply stated, already eating his breakfast. "And I have yet to see the use for it."

"Oh don't be like that." Toga said. "It's a great class, and it's a thrill to learn about the Japan's history of Folklore. You'll see, one day that it'll help you."

"Exactly in what father? How in the world is a bunch of made up stories useful to anyone?" Sesshomaru said. "Perhaps to children but not to me. I refuse to believe in such nonsense about demons existing five hundred years ago, or even at all."

"Probably so, but you would be surprised. "Toga said. "After all, it's amazing what the human mind finds interest in." Sesshomaru scoffed at that, as he continued eating.

"There we go." Izayoi said, setting down another set of breakfast, as she turned to look at Sesshomaru. "Do you know when Inuyasha is coming down for breakfast?"

"I do not know, mother. Sesshomaru coldly stated, at the mention of his brother. "Whether he comes down or not is none of my concern. For all I care, he can stay in bed and miss school."

"Sesshomaru!" Toga said sternly. "Don't be that way towards your brother. Aren't you two attending the same school together after all? "

"Not by choice, father and you know that." Sesshomaru replied. "I refuse to have anything to do with that brat. So what he does with his life is none of my business."

Not missing a beat, Sesshomaru said. "Besides, if you're so worried about him, then you should go and wake him up yourself. I, on the other hand, have no time to waste for some defiant little brat."

Setting his empty plate down on the table, Sesshomaru got up from the table, "Now if excuse me, I have to go to school now."

"But it's not even time yet." Izayoi began, hoping that her step son would reconsider. "Don't you want to stay a little bit longer?"

Feeling his father's heated gaze on him, Sesshomaru pursed his lips, as he glanced at his mother. "So I can wait for the brat to wake up and then go to school with him? I think not mother, I have better things to do than that." And with that, Sesshomaru headed out of the living room to put on his shoes.

"Sesshomaru…"Izayoi said, wanting to say more, but was trying to find the right words.

"Leave the boy alone, Izayoi." Toga said, watching his oldest son put on his shoes. "Once he refuses to do something, he won't do it. No matter how times you beg him."

"But why does he hate Inuyasha so much? He's his brother!" Izayoi asked, sadden by her step-son's cold behavior towards her son. "He's supposed to love him."

With narrowed eyes, Toga continued to observe his oldest son. "It's because they're very different from each other. Complete opposites. Sesshomaru knows this very well and doesn't like it." He finished, watching his son leave out the front door.

Loathing every minute of it, Sesshomaru calmly sat in his seat for his Japanese folklore class, waiting for it to start. The clock on the wall seem to understand his impatience, as it signaled for the Second bell of the first class to begin.

Averting his eyes to the outside the class door, Sesshomaru glanced with a bored expression, as if he was waiting for something to happen. Just then right on cue, a boy with long raven hair in a disheveled uniform, ran pass Sesshomaru's class, as if he was in a hurry.

'Typical.' Sesshomaru thought as he turned his gaze away from his little brother, to his teacher that finally entered the classroom and closed the door.

"Good morning class, now please take your seats as I take roll." The teacher began, setting his stuff down on his desk, as he began to take roll. "Akiyama Ginta, Akiyama Hakkaku…"

Hearing the teacher take attendance, made Sesshomaru briefly curse his father for forcing him to be one of the only few seniors in a class full of lower classmen. He probably was the only one that looked out of place here. Damn father.

"Kazehaya Kagura?" Sesshomaru heard his teacher call out. "Kazehaya Kagura, are you present?"

"Yes, here I am." The girl known as Kagura answered, as she raised her hand. "I'm present."

Sesshomaru unconsciously glanced at her, as he watched the girl put her hand down. And as if sensing his gaze on her, the girl turned and looked at him. Causing them to lock eyes for a brief moment, before he quickly averted his eyes elsewhere.

"Takahashi Sesshomaru?" He heard his teacher call out his name. "Takahashi Sesshomaru, are you present?"

Sesshomaru silently raised his hand, answering his teacher's question, before his teacher moved on to the next name.

"Alright if that's everyone, then take everything, except a pencil, off your desk. As I pass out the test." The teacher said, taking out a pack of paper from his bag.

Sesshomaru watched with a bored expression, as his teacher soon passed the test, when all was left on everyone's desk was a pencil.

As soon, as he was handed his test, Sesshomaru immediately with to work. And was finished with the test within seven minutes.

Getting up from his seat, he calmly made his way to his teacher's desk and handed him the test. "Well Sesshomaru, I'm not surprised that you're the first one to finish, as usual." His teacher whispered in a voice that only Sesshomaru could hear, as he took the test.

Sesshomaru just ignored the praise that his teacher gave him, and he made his way back to his desk. Taking a seat as quickly as he got up, Sesshomaru felt the stare of someone intensely looking at him. He quickly looked around the room for the person, until his eyes caught the heated gaze of the girl from earlier.

And as before, they both locked eyes for a brief moment, until Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes in annoyance and sent a cold glare her way. To which, the girl seemed unfazed by it and returned his harsh look, with a smirk of her ruby red lips.

Sesshomaru gave her a deadly glare, before he turned away.

'Great, just what I needed.' He thought, as he pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. "Another girl with a interest in me."

Reviews are appreciated :-)

Don't worry guys this is not a SessKagu... This is SessInu. Povs will switch between sometimes though. And also guys, I have bad grammar so please excuse it. I'm trying my best, but I'm learning at the same time.