Author: Ggirl

Pairing: Lorelai/Craig, Lorelai/Luke, a little R/J

Spoilers: Well, sorta

Disclaimer: I don't own anything! (damnit)

A/N: Okay, to catch you up, this takes place 2 years from where the show is right now. So, Rory's at her 2nd year at Yale, Jess is at the University of Hartford, etc, etc. The time is around the middle of April. Those two will be home later.. but for now, it's Luke and Lorelai and blah blah.. neither are dating and everything's pretty much the same (for now!)


10:34 AM, Friday
Luke's Diner

"Good morning, sunshine!"

Luke looked up to see Lorelai waltz into the diner. He grunted his acknowledgement of her presence and went to go get the coffee pot.

She plopped down onto a stool at the counter and motioned for him to hurry over with the coffee.

"Okay, so I need like five cups this morning, so let's make the lecture fast, 'kay?" Lorelai quipped.

Luke rolled his eyes but poured her a cup.

"Thanks," She murmured as she brought the mug to her lips.

"Whoa, slow down there, Hoover," Luke said and gently brought the cup down.

"I have a wedding to deal with, Michel already called my house complaining about the geese, and Sookie says she burned the soufflé. By now, the inn's probably gone.. " Lorelai said rapidly. "I need another cup."

Luke sighed. "Okay, but just because you're stressed out."

Lorelai looked at him gratefully as he poured. "You're an angel."

Luke snorted.

Just then, the diner door opened and in stepped a tall, dark haired man.

"My God, look what the wind brought in," Lorelai whispered to Luke.

"Huh? What?" Luke looked up from arranging the menus. He saw Lorelai was practically drooling. "I just wiped the counter."

"I didn't know Brad and Jennifer finally broke up.. The gods have answered my prayers..," Lorelai whispered.

"Luke!" The man walked over to the counter. "Hey! What's up man?"

Luke looked up. "Craig?"


"Wow, Craig, what are you doing here?"

"A hospital in Hartford needed a specialist in neurology, so here I am," Craig said, smiling brightly. "I thought I'd drop by Stars Hollow while I was in the area."

"Well, it's good to see you," Luke said and smiled back.

Lorelai looked back and forth at the two men.

"Man, it's great to see you!" Craig smiled and punched Luke in the shoulder. "How's it going??"

Luke grinned. "Good, Craig."

Craig smiled. "That's Dr. Craig to you now, man."

"So they let you into medical school, huh," Luke said.

"Bribed them," Craig whispered loudly.

"I assumed," Luke said smirking.

"It was one of those med schools where the doctors greet you with a 'Hi Everyone!' in a weird accent," Craig joked.

Lorelai cleared her throat.

"Oh, sorry," Luke said, turning his attention to Lorelai. "This is my.. Uh... [A/N: woman he desperately loves!!] This is Lorelai."

Lorelai smiled and shook Craig's out-stretched hand. "Nice to meet you."

"This is Craig, my best friend from high school," Luke said watching as the two looked at each other.

"Uh.. Hi," Craig managed to say. "Have we.. met before?"

"No," Lorelai whispered. "I don't think so..." She felt incredibly attracted to him. He was definitely her 'type'. The brown corduroy jacket, the worn in jeans, concert t-shirt, and the disheveled hair. Craig looked like he walked off the cover of a J. Crew catalog.

Luke looked back and forth between the pair. He sensed a chemistry. A rush of jealousy passed through him as he watched the most important woman in his life drool over his best friend.

"Yeah, so uh.. Don't you have work to go to?" Luke interrupted the silence, looking pointedly at Lorelai.

"Oh! Right, gotta run, you'll probably see me at lunch," She said to Luke, rushing to pick up her bag and jacket. "I'll be the one having spasms in the corner."

"Same as always," Luke replied and waved her off. "See you later."

Lorelai smiled at Craig. "Nice meeting you, Craig."

Craig nodded and smiled. "Bye, Lorelai."


As the diner door jingled shut, Craig turned back to Luke. "Wow, she's... gorgeous."

Luke grunted and poured Craig a cup of coffee. "It's just Lorelai. We're friends." He shrugged. 'Good job trying to convince yourself.'

Craig said taking a gulp of his coffee. "She's gorgeous and wow, I just felt like... I don't know... we just looked at each other and.. I don't know, I just like felt something there."

Luke shrugged. He tried to feign indifference, but he felt rather sick in the pit of his stomach.

Craig was still rambling. "Anyways, it's great to be back. Little Star's Hollow," Craig said and smiled. Craig lowered his voice. "Taylor still around?"

"Yeah," Luke responded, relieved that Craig had dropped the topic of Lorelai. Why did he feel so jealous anyways?




"Better hide," Luke answered as he jerked his head towards one of the table.

"That's her?!" Craig looked nervous and wrapped his jacket around him tightly. "She hasn't changed at all."

"Yeah, she still eats men."

Patty looked inquisitively at the two of them. "Craig Diodorous?" She asked.

"Oh my God," Craig looked at Luke with pleading eyes. "Help me," he whimpered.

Patty walked over to the counter. "Craig! Honey buns!"

Craig forced a smile. "Hi, Patty."

"Where have you been, darling?" She said and wrapped him in a hug. "OOo, you're just as gorgeous as ever."

"Heh," Craig said nervously.

"Babette!" Patty called to the woman sitting at the table with her. "Look who it is!"

"Craig Diodorous!" Babette walked over to the counter and gave the startled man a hug.

"Hi?" Craig looked confused.

"Oops, sorry, honey," Patty said, realizing her mistake. "Babette moved here after you left."

Luke looked at Babette. "You just hugged him but you don't know him?"

Babette nodded and giggled. "But look how cute he is!"

Luke rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna go in the back."

'Don't leave me!' A panicked Craig mouthed to Luke.

Luke gave him a friendly wave and disappeared into the kitchen.


1:23 PM, Friday
Luke's Diner


Lorelai ran to the man standing at the counter. His back was to her and he was madly scribbling something down on a piece of paper.

"Okay," He said into the phone. "Thanks, Fran. Yeah, I'll probably be back in the office on Monday."

"I... need..... coffee... now...," Lorelai panted and sat down. "Lots.. of.. coffee."

The man continued to write.


He turned around and looked at her. "Uh.. Hi." Craig looked at her quizzically. "Sorry, Luke's not here right now."

Lorelai's eyes widened. "Oops, sorry. Hi, Craig.."

The two stood looking at each other.

Babette and Patty looked at the couple from across the room and smiled. "Look's like love is in the air."

Just then, Luke entered the diner. "Hey, Craig, I... Oh, Lorelai, hi."

"This could get interesting," Patty whispered to Babette.


2:35 PM, Friday
Luke's Diner

"Oh, oh! And did you ever see that episode where her mother is all like..," Lorelai started.

"Oh, yeah, that was an awesome episode!"

"And then Sydney all like..."

"Yeah! And then that Victor Garber dude's like.."

"AHh! I love that part!" Lorelai cried out and clapped her hands. "Wow, and to think, all this time, I thought I was the biggest Alias fan ever!"

Craig sat back and folded his arms. "We are the two biggest Alias fans ever."

"Uh.. We're probably the only Alias fans. That show is so confusing," Lorelai scrunched her nose. "Great show, if you want to get that dizzying feeling without actually getting drunk," Lorelai said pointedly.

Craig laughed. "But why would you want to do that?"

"Good point, my friend," Lorelai said nodding. "Getting drunk is the best part of the dizzying."

From the counter, Luke frowned as he watched his two best friends talking about.. Actually, he had no idea what they were talking about.

"Ahem," Luke cleared his throat as he approached the table.

"Huh, hey, Luke," Lorelai managed to say in between her fits of laughter. "You wanna hear a joke?" Craig smiled. "Craig just told it to me.. hehehe." Lorelai beamed up at Craig. "So, this guy goes out and gets really drunk.."

"Uh.. No thanks," Luke interrupted. "Do you want coffee?"

"Mean," Lorelai pouted. "Do I ever turn down coffee?" Luke rolled his eyes and poured her a cup.

"Thanks," Lorelai said distractedly as she turned back to Craig. "Do you like Sponge Bob Square Pants??"

"Sponge Bob? Oh my God, I'm wearing Sponge Bob boxers!"

"Wow, too much information, but I believe the boxers are proof of your devotion!" Lorelai giggled. Luke felt awkward standing there. Sighing, he went up to the counter. They didn't even notice.

"Oh my God, It's like 3 pm. I have to get back to the inn! I almost totally forgot," Lorelai said, fumbling with her bag. "I'll talk to you later, Craig." She smiled at Craig and breezed out the door.

Smiling, Craig walked up to the counter where Luke was standing.

"She's.. amazing. She likes everything I likes. Sponge Bob, XTC, Alias.. I mean, Wow," Craig said, shaking his head. "Who knew?"

Luke shrugged.

"Hey, you okay, man?" Craig asked, concerned. "You're pretty quiet."

Luke frowned. "I'm good."

"So..," Craig said, shuffling his feet. "I was.. I wanted to.."

"Spit it out, Craig."

"I wanted to ask her out to dinner. You two aren't..," Craig started.

"We're not going out," Luke replied and instantly regretted it. Craig and Lorelai were obviously hitting it off and.. he didn't want to see the two together. The scene that had just occurred before him had brought him thisclose to throwing up all over the counter. Lorelai touching Craig's arm.. Lorelai cracking up over some joke Craig had told her... Luke shook the thoughts out of his head. 'Craig's your best friend, what are you thinking?'

"Oh, whew, great," Craig smiled. "You think she likes donuts? 'Cause I found this Krispy Kreme shop in Hartford as I was driving down here."

Luke sighed. "Yeah, she likes donuts." 'They're like two peas in a pod.'

"I'll take her to Chinese first and then we could go there for dessert," Craig said, thoughtfully. He stood up and grabbed his jacket. "Anyways, I need to find a place to stay for two nights. Know a place?"

There was only one place in town: the Independence Inn.

"Uh.. Why don't you stay with me?" Luke said.

"Really? I thought you had a nephew or something?"

"Oh, Jess? He's at college now," Luke replied.

"Oooh, okay! Thanks, man," Craig smiled. "I'll go get my stuff from my car."

Luke nodded and Craig left the diner.

'This is going to be a long weekend.'


Hey! So this is my second fanfic hehe i am a hardcore javajunkie.. so more L/L or L/Craig action coming.. hope u like it so far!

Please review =) thanx for reading..

This is just the beginning so it's not that interesting yet.. but i've started on many of hte later chapters.. and it gets juicer hehehe
