Out in the streets of Steel City The Titans East were preparing to fight some familiar companions wearing unfamiliar faces. The five heroes had been notified by Cyborg that Raven and Changeling were on their way to enact a fake fighting scene in the hopes of drawing the attention of the Brotherhood of Evil.

"Soooo...what? We just wait here until Raven and Changeling come and destroy some buildings in our city or?" Aqualad asked.

"What did I tell you? You shouldn't even be speaking about the mission right now! Cy was clear about that. Mouth shut until we know everything's worked," Bumblebee chastised.

"Isn't it already suspicious that we're at the scene before they've gotten here?" Speedy pointed out.

"Sí. Estoy de acuerdo. Es muy sospechoso," Mas commented.

"Pero podría ser solo una coincidencia," Menos countered.

"No such thing as coincidence," Speedy stated.

Bumblebee ended the argument saying, "Do I have to tell you idiots to be quiet again? I trust Cy's got this figured out. It's not our place to question his plan."

"Si, senora!" Mas y Menos said, saluting her.

"I told y'all if y'all call me ma'am one more time-" Bumblebee was cut off by the quaking ground.

Across the street a black spaceship with gold and platinum trimming landed. It was orbital and pod-like in shape and seemed small with the exception of a large engine tank on the rear end. The entrance opened and two tall silhouettes appeared.

Out stepped Kazmar, grinning maliciously and right away observing the world as if it were his for the taking. By his side stood Effayla, appearing utterly bored with the planet of choice.

The two wore matching armors of light gold leather and plates of metals, fitted respectively for each in an almost architectural way. Effayla wore a form fitting bodice and forearm cuffs made of engraved platinum with gold trimming. Over her shoulders sat a small golden cape ending just below her chest pinned together on her shoulders with a stone that matched her eyes. On her hips she wore a pannier-like gold metal structure. Her legs were encased in silver plating with rich golden patterns turning into her pointed shoes. She also wore bands of gold around her upper arms, her neck, and her forehead. Kazmar wore a similar looking armour set although with no hip adornments. He also sported a lot more rings than his counterpart. The whole effect was extremely beautiful, with the shining, winking metal against the rich color of the leather, as well as extremely deadly. It was obvious the armor was designed for aesthetics as much as for combat. All together, it almost appeared as if the couple could walk down an avant garde fashion runway.

"What is your conclusion, dove? Is this a fitting planet to call home for the time being?" Kazmar directed to Effayla.

"It seems it could be entertaining," she replied.

"Magnificent. Let's begin our preparations immediately," Kazmar exclaimed.

"Umm. Hold up," Bumblebee started flying toward the couple departing their ship, "Is this a friendly visit or are you gonna cause us some trouble?"

Kazmar seemed to contemplate this for a few moments. He smiled when he replied, "The latter."

"Okay, just know you asked for it. Titans, go!"

Speedy immediately shot a smoke arrow at his feet, concealing him. Mas y Menos connected hands and began running around the couple, trying to determine their weakest points. Aqualad went to collect some water from a nearby reservoir. Bumblebee took to the air to land some aerial attacks.

Effayla and Kazmar seemed completely unimpressed with the synchronized show. Effayla drew two curved, forearm length dual blades. Suddenly thick blades came out of the ends of the metal cuffs on Kazmar's forearms. He fisted his hands and the blades protruded from his knuckles. They both got into defensive positions.

Effayla used the blunt end of her sword to knock off Mas, ending the duo's speed ability. Kazmar fought hand to hand with Speedy through the smoke, relying on Gar's animal senses to detect where Speedy was and how he would attack. After some fighting, Kazmar eventually incapacitated Speedy. He then lunged up to Bumblebee to drag her down to the ground. Aqualad returned surfing atop a giant wave. Effayla ran to him on top of the water, the bottom of her feet glowing appearing as if some technology held her above the surface when in reality it was because Raven could just levitate. Both Effayla and Kazmar made quick work with the performance and "won" in record time.

They left the scene and began walking around the streets, getting a feel for this new world and taking in any new information that could be useful. Behind them a shadow followed…

Later that day, Raven and Garfield were still wandering the city and hadn't gotten the attention they needed from The Brotherhood.

What if that wasn't enough to send them to us? Raven mentally asked Garfield.

Augh! It's still so weird to hear you in my head! Garfield replied.

Well, get used to it. This is the only way we can communicate about our mission so we'll have to use my telepathy often.

Yeah, I know, Rae. We already went over this. But I'm confused, do you hear everything I think? Do I have to keep a song in my head so you don't hear my train of thought constantly. Just a small town girl. Living in a loooonely world. She took the midnight train going ahhhnyyywherrree! Garfield began singing to himself.

Raven attempted the calm herself by counting to ten and rubbing her temples.

Rae, did you hear me? Is this thing on? Testing one, two, thr-

Oh, Azar, Garfield! Stop! I hear you. Were you not paying attention for the weeks we prepared for this? I'll only hear you if you have an intention for me to. So stop! Singing!

Whoops. Yeah, maybe I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have been. Gar admitted.

What was distracting you? Raven asked.

Oh, umm… Garfield flustered slightly, Nothing. Just the nerves.

Raven touched his arm, I know. I'm a bit nervous, too. She gave him a small reassuring smile.

Gar put his hand over Raven's and held her gaze intensely. Raven pulled back quickly.

Ahah. I'm just wondering how you manage to sound tone deaf even in your head, Raven laughed breathily.

Raven, you gotta get used to my touch if we're ever going to convince The Brotherhood. Garfield thought.

I know. I'm sorry. I'm just not that accustomed to people...touching me often.

Garfield was about to reassure Raven when a woman came out of the shadows. She wore a tight, high necked, dark red mini dress, with long black boots and black gloves covering her arms up to the mid bicep. She had a severe black bob and red lipstick.

Madame Rouge. Garfield thought to Raven.

They immediately drew their weapons for a fight when Madame Rouge said in a thick French accent, "Oh, my. I think that I have come across a treat aujourd'hui."

"We've no interest in your affairs. Fight or leave us be," Effayla said.

"Mais non!" Rouge exclaimed in a taunting tone, "I think this will be beneficial for us both. Do you not wish to wreak havoc on this weak world?"

Effayla and Kazmar relaxed their stances slightly.

"Perhaps. You wish to stop us as the others before?" Kazmar asked.

"Au contraire mes amis. I think that we can create a lovely partnership. I have friends who share your interests. I can bring you to them if you wish."

"You think to trick us? We'll cut your lying tongue off," Kazmar said.

"Darling, she is merely mortal. You know how poorly they attempt trickery," Effayla pointed out, turning towards him.

Madame Rouge looked amused by their exchange. "I wonder, what is your relationship to each other?" she asked.

Oh Azar, here it comes Raven thought. Effayla narrowed her eyes, "You needn't know, so my answer is a gift. We are together in every aspect." Raven tensed as she tried hard to keep herself from blushing.

"C'est vrai? You do not act as lovers."

Raven now understood the true importance of Robin emphasizing to constantly act as their personas. Thanks to a lifetime of restraining her emotions and controlling her features, Effayla appeared bored and slightly irritated. Inside however, Raven was panicking. She knew being undercover would be difficult, but faced with suspicion already was terrifying.

Gar stepped in, feeling her internal tumult. "Tell us, what do you know of Egurlarth customs to presume this?"

"I know you thrive off the physical in both violence and sex."

Now Raven was trying really hard to stop her blush. "You speak truth." Putting on her most disinterested face she continued, "Although he is my longtime consort, we only truly meet in bed and battlefield." Azar! I cannot believe I just said that she horrored.

"Come now, Dove." Kazmar said pulling Effayla close, "You know you cannot resist any part of me I offer."

Hearing his words along with his face so close to hers, Raven could not hold back her blush this time. Still trying to look annoyed but now with more discomfort in her expression, Effayla turned to Madame Rouge. "We accept your offer to meet your partners. Be aware however, that should this be a trap we will not end as the ones in chains." She fluttered her cape allowing her weapons to gleam.

Madame Rouge chuckled. "That threat has been said many times and it still has not led to their success. But don't fear, you are worth more to us as an ally than an enemy."

Raven would bet that the consequence of recruiting a bunch of egotistical villains to work together is death threats flying around as common as pointless "hey, how are yous". Many villainous groups have been beaten not by brawn but the quick wit of playing into their narcissism and watching it collapse internally. Of course, after that comes the brawn.

"Fear and allies aren't common in Egurlar." Kazmar remarked.

"Monsieur they are not common with mine folk as well. Now, allons y." She turned and took a step into the alley without waiting to see if the two followed.

They walked around the backways of buildings, cutting across fences until they finally came to an old phone booth. They were in a part of the town that had been abandoned, riddled with condemned buildings and flickering street lamps. Madame Rouge opened the door to the non-operating phone booth and stepped in.

"Enter now," she commanded, stretching her arms and twisting them around Raven and Garfield to pull them in. Before they could comprehend what was happening, they zapped out of the phone booth in a flash of white light and found themselves in a large, dark, industrial room.

In the center, The Brain and Monsieur Mallah stood next to each other.

"Another recruitment, Rouge?" asked Monsieur Mallah.

"Oui. And I believe they are very capable."

"Bring them forward," The Brain said.

Madame Rouge, still gripping the two, stepped forward all together, walking until they were several feet from The Brain.

"State your identities and intentions," the Brain commanded.

"I am Effayla. This is Kazmar. We come from the planet Egurlar. We wish to wreak havoc on this tiny, weak planet before returning to conquer ours."

"Egurlar. Interesting. A chaotic planet filled with bloodthirsty creatures. Are you too mindless for The Brotherhood?"

"You test us poorly," Kazmar remarked. "Know that we do not accept insolence."

"Do not be offended. I am only stating facts. I quite enjoy the Egurlar and their unique brand of cruelty," the Brain replied.

"We share the same goal, then? Domination of this planet."

"It would appear so. Come. Monsieur Mallah will lead you to our central quarters."

That seemed too easy, Raven thought.

Speak for yourself. I'm trying not to sweat, Garfield complained.

Raven held back a smile. Okay, let's do this.