Disclaimer: I don't own Austin and Ally.

So, here's chapter 16! I meant to get this out sooner, but I had other things to do. Whether it be from school or the funeral I had to attend, I've been felling wiped out lately. Anyway, it may not be the longest chapter, but it's setting up for bigger things in the future!

I hope you enjoy! Tell me what you think, I greatly appreciate it!


Never take family for granted. Love and cherish every moment with them before it's too late. I beg of you, never forget that.

David's POV

I damn near skipped my way out of the hospital. I hate being confined to one place for so long. So once I was finally released, I happily exited the building.

My injuries weren't serious. Thankfully, I didn't have a concussion or anything after being booted in the head with steel toed boots. I growled as I thought back to last night. I can't believe we actually lost to those damned bastards!

Many different thoughts entered my mind as I walked away from the hospital. Sooner or later, my vengeance will be fulfilled. Not just with Brandon, or Dez, but with all those damn lowlifes.

I smirked as I mumbled to myself, "Oh yes, they all got something coming to them."

Austin's POV

"Wake the fuck up already!"


"Come on man, we've got somewhere to be!"


"Oh my fuck, are you seriously falling back asleep?"


This is how my morning started. Me, Dez, and Darrel stayed out quite late last night. So, since Dez and I didn't meet with the girls yesterday, we decided to today. What I didn't know though, was that Dez wanted to do that so early in the morning.

"Whatever Blondie, you brought this on yourself."

"...The fuck did you just call-wah!?"

I jolted up from my bed and blinked twice. My gaze shot to the left when I realized Dez was laughing. I took notice of the cup in his hand and it dawned on me, "No you fucking didn't!"

Dez tossed the cup on my lap and whipped around, "Like I said, you brought that on yourself."

I scowled at Dez's back as he exited my room. I yanked my now wet covers off me and got out of bed. I stomped my way to the bathroom and took a shower.

After my shower, I got ready and met Dez in the living room. From there, I proceeded to punch Dez in the arm. This caused him to yelp out in pain while I scoffed, "You're an asshole, you know that?"

Rubbing his arm, Dez grinned and replied, "You know it brotha!"

I shook my head and walked towards the front door, "Lets just go."

I heard Dez hop off the couch and follow behind me. We exited our house and I quickly locked the door. After that, we started off towards Ally's house.

A While Later

I began to grow anxious as we neared Ally's house. We haven't talked since our argument and I wondered if she'd even listen to us. I swallowed my fear as we approached said girls house. We stood in front of her door, staring at it instead of actually knocking.

Dez glanced at me and asked, "So, you gunna knock or not?"

I took a deep breath and nodded, "Yeah, just give me a minute to prepare myself. I'm kinda-"

To my dismay, Dez knocked for me.

I glared at Dez and he just shrugged, "It's time Austin. We need to get this over with."

With that, I stared at the door, anxiously waiting for it to open. I'm an absolute nervous wreck and it only got worse when I heard a muffled voice say, "I'll be right there!" No doubt about it, that was Ally's voice.

I had a sudden urge to turn around and run. Before I could though, I heard a click and watched as the door opened, revealing the brunette. Our eyes locked and I suddenly lost the ability to speak.

Ally seemed just as shocked. After a moment, she steeled herself and said, "Austin, Dez, what are you doing here?"

My mouth opened and closed repeatedly, but nothing came out. Dez answered instead, "We came to talk."

Finally, I nervously spoke, "Aha, right, what he said!"

A frown etched its way onto Ally's face, "There's nothing to talk about."

"Yes, Ally, there is," I calmly spoke after I forced myself to calm down.

Ally was silent for a moment as she glanced between us. Finally, she spoke up, "Sorry, now's not a good time for this."

Sighing, I begged her, "Please Ally, just hear us out, we-"

I was cut off when Dez spoke up, "I don't like the way you're staring at me."

David's POV

I walked aimlessly down the street, heading no where in particular. I was pondering over where I should go when a certain house caught my eye.

I smirked as I walked up to it. I knocked on the door and shoved my hands in my pockets. A moment later, the door opened, revealing my ex-best friend.

"Hello Ally."

Ally quirked an eyebrow and asked, "You're already out of the hospital?"

I chuckled and responded, "Yup, my injuries weren't serious, so I was released first thing in the morning."

Ally leaned against her door frame and nodded, "That's good. You seemed pretty banged up last night, I'm glad you're not dead or anything."

I laughed at that, "Gee, thanks! It takes more than that to bring me down though. I'm completely fine."

She rolled her eyes and retorted, "Whatever you say tough guy."

For a moment, we stood there in silence. I had no idea what to say to her. I'm pretty sure she hates me. What am I suppose to say to someone who hates me?

"So, you wanna come inside?" Ally offered, catching me by surprise.

"Oh, uh, sure," I replied awkwardly. She stepped aside and granted me access into her house. I stepped inside and was greeted with Trish who was watching our conversation the whole time.

"Trish," I nodded.

"David," She nodded back.

I heard the door close behind me and I turned to face Ally again, "Oh, I forgot to thank you for taking me to the hospital last night. So uh, thanks!"

Ally waved her hand dismissively, "No problem, I couldn't let you die on my doorstep. That would look bad, yanno?"

I chuckled as Ally passed me. I quickly untied and kicked off my boots before following her into the living room. The three of us sat down and, just like old times, began to chat away.

I was curious as to why she was being so nice to me, so I randomly said, "So, get this, I thought you hated me!"

Without a second thought, Ally responded, "Oh, I definitely did," My face dropped, but she quickly added, "but I believe people deserve second chances."

I smiled and joked, "As kind as always, I see."

Before she could reply, there came another knock. Groaning, Ally stood back up and called out, "I'll be right there!"

I watched her walk to the door. She opened it, but I couldn't see who was there, considering she was in the way.

My heart beat sped up as I heard her say, "Austin, Dez, what are you doing here?"

I shot up from my seat and stared over Ally's shoulder. My eyes widened when I saw them. Austin, I could care less about, but when my eyes landed on Dez...

My heart began to beat wildly in my chest as I thought back to the rumble. The thought of Greg's absolutely terrified face as Dez nearly choked him to death, it sparked something within me. I clenched my teeth and fists as I glared at Dez.

I was visibly shaking and all I could see was red. Rage flooded my veins as various thoughts flew through my mind.

"I don't like the way you're staring at me."