Notes: DnA LoK AU.

Disclaimer: Diamond no Ace belongs to Terajima Yuuji

"My parents died a long time ago," Yuuki says quietly, not looking at him. "'Freak fire,' they said. But everyone knew it wasn't true. They were just covering up the messier story, to impress the people that mattered."

Isashiki gaped at him. "I-That. There must have been a reason."

"I already told you the reason." Yuuki meets his gaze then, his yellow eyes fierce even in the dark of night. "You don't believe me."

He flinches, and finds that he can't stop himself from taking a step back. "Maybe there was more to it. Maybe there's a part of the story you don't know."

Yuuki hisses, crossing the room in a heartbeat. He fists a hand into Isashiki's shirt, shoves him roughly into the wall, and when he speaks, his breath burns. "Don't you tell me what I don't know. Don't you dare."


"What do you know?" he demands viciously. "What do you care?"

Isashiki grips his arm, digs his nails into skin, desperate. "Tetsu, you're my friend. Of course I care."

That only makes Yuuki grin, pained and bitter. "Do friends walk out on you? Do friends leave without so much as a goodbye?"

"I told you, I had no choice! We had to-"

"Did you ever think of me after?" he whispers, "In your big, cozy house up town?"

"Did you?"

"Yes," he replies instantly, a harsh, punctuated syllable. "All the time."